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November 22, 1978 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-22

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age 10-Wednesday, November 22, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Samoff support group
to visit Dean Frye

Holography: science as an art'


Fifteen members of a student group
$upporting Political Science Asst. Prof.
'4oel Samoff's request for tenure will
.visit LSA Dean Billy Frye today to find
out whether he has altered the appeal
process Samoff has undertaken to over-
turn the political science department's
decision in February to deny him
tenure, according to a committee
is preserved on
The Michigan Daily
Student Publications Bldq.
420 Maynard Street
Graduate Library-

Mervat Hatem, a graduate student
and member of the Samoff Student
Support Committee, said yesterday the
group wants to know if "Frye has
changed the rules" by having a role in
the LSA Executive Committee's rejec-
tion of three of the five nominees of-
fered by Samoff to serve on the appeal
board which will rule on his tenure
responding to Political Science Chair-
man Sam Barnes' disapproval of the
three nominees, rejected them last
week but decided to suspend its
decision until Samoff has a chance to
react to the protest. After he sent them
a memo objecting to the rejections, the
committee decided to reject one of the
nominees and let the other two
challenges remain intact.
Hatem said the group would
challenge Frye to explain the.
Executive Committee's decision if its
determined that a "significant change
in the rules" has occurred.
"We are going to visit him during his
office hours and find out what he thinks
his role is in the whole appeal process,
and to clear up the whole controversy
over the challenges made by Professor
Barnes," said Hatem.
The graduate student added that
Barnes initiated the challenges because
he "is interested in getting more
representation from his point of view
than Joel's."

A tranquil countryside scene of
rolling hills is displayed before the ob-
servers. As they move away from the
pastoral image, a train suddenly ap-
pears, roaring out of a tunnel toward
the crowd. A gasp, and then sighs of
The spectators have realized all at
once that the locomotive on the screen
can't reach them. It isn't a train, it's a
HOLOGRAMS-AS a quick trip to
Detroit's Renaissance Center for a
holography exhibition shows-are three
dimensional images produced with

lasers that can seem as real as trains
and hilly scenes.
Holograms can be "moving" pictures
that change in appearance as the
viewer walks around them, or as
stationary pictures that reflect the light
as the spectator moves toward, or away
from, the images.
Stemming from the Greek-"holos"
means "whole" and "gram" means
"message"-holography is a form of
lensless picture-taking which uses a
split laser beam to create a three-
dimensional picture, forming the entire
image of the subject and not just the
frontal view.

DR. EMMETT LEITH, University
professor of electrical engineering, has
worked with holograms since 1960 and
is one of the developers of holography.
He describes the hologram technique as
one which splits laser light into two por-
tions. One beam, the reference beam,
shines mirrored light onto photographic
The second, or object, beam is
focused onto the object to be
photographed. Both beams then meet
at the photographic film creating an in-
terference pattern which is recorded on
the film. this interference pattern is
what forms the three-dimensional
Holograms are expensive to make.
"As it is now," Leith said, "if you
desired a holographic portrait of your-
self, it would cost anywhere from 300 to
500 dollars. A conventional photograph
would cost about 20 dollars."
Gabor of England, holography has just
become popular in recentyears. When
Leith started his holography work 18
years ago, hologram experimentation
was in its embryonic stages elsewhere
in the world, as well. A basic technique

for holograms was developed in 192by
Leith and Dr. Juris Upatnieks, now
with the Environmental Research Iu-
stitute in the city. The first three-
dimensional hologram followed in 19W4.
The uses of holograms are numerous.
In the medical. field, holograms cap
"map" the inside and back of an eye to
determine where any foreign bodies lie,
as well as determining the removal
time of sutures from a transplantee
Successful holograms have alread
been developed of human beings. Ale.
the first white-light transmisisa
which allows viewing through auy
medium, such as a candle, has bees
The exhibit at the Renaissance Ce
ter, called "Through the Looking
Glass," will run through Nov. 29. Ad
mission prices are $1.50 for adults and
$1.00 for senior citizens and children
under 12. The display is open from 11
a.m.-8 p.m., Monday through Saturday
and 10 a.m. to 5p.m., Sundays:

Group, challenges

DETROIT (UPI)-A suit challenging
the constitutionality of the voter-
approved 21-year-old drinking age
proposal was filed Monday in federal
court by a group called Ad Hoc Com-
mittee for Equal Rights for Young
Taylor said the suit seeks an injunction
to prohibit the new drinking age from
going into effect Dec. 22 as scheduled
until the lawsuit is settled.
Taylor said the group's suit
challenges the higher drinking age on
constitutional grounds, specifically the
First and Fourteeneth amendments
guaranteeing due process and equal'

age hike
The group which fought Proposal D
before the election, Michigan Age of
Responsibility, is expected to intervene
.in the suit.
HOUSTON (AP) - When the New
Orleans Jazz drummed out a 103-101
victory over Houston in an NBAgame
here, the winners set a league record
for fewest free throws made in a game
- one.
The Jazz had five foul shots and made
only one. By contrast, the losers made
nine of ten free throws.
The previous NBA record for fewest
free throws was two, made by Chicago
against Seattle in 1973.

'U' fans plan travels to
see Blue feast on OSU

BILLIARDS at Reduced Rates

yogurt &ri
yogurt &c

Deliciously Different Frozen Yogurt Shakes

raspberry ji
orange jui

juice yogurt & apple juice yogurt & papaya juice
ce yogurt & pina colada juice yogurt shake with wheat
germ & fresh egg added!

(Continued from Page 0.
along the Oletannry River for a buck or
the Fawcett Center which is free. Both
are a long walk to the west of the
stadium, but bound to be open.
Newt Loken, a cheerleader and a
senior at Beta Theta Pi, said last night
that the seven or eight house members
heading down for the game, plan to
drive back up right after the game
regardless of the score because "the
crowd is going to be pretty rowdy" and
OSU fans of the most violent tendencies
might be "ready to beat up some
But if you're not put off by that war-
ning, you might want to stop by Papa
Joe's Bar on North High in Columbus,
which a visiting staff member from
the OSU campus newspaper called
"probably the rowdiest place on cam-
According to a Papa Joe's employee,
"We'll be packing them in just as long
as the aisles are clear" starting at 6
a.m. the morning of the game.
Another bar, the'Travel Agency, has
been visited by ABC news in the past
and has had lines circling the block
waiting to get in, according to an em-
The Library, apparently a calmer
watering hole, is also expected to be
filled at least to capacity on The Day.

Cheerleader Rob Aldrich, a
sophomore in the literary college, said
the fact that the game would be
nationally televised made it aN the
more exciting to him.
To Bill Burlingame from Chi Pal
fraternity,"ItIs wild and exciting" tg
root for the Wolverines in Columw
"You feel like waiting to see whaE
they're going to be like after Michiga
Mrs. Russell Reister, stber E
University junior Kut Reister, said
she'll be watching the game from tle
better seats in the stadium, em
reserved for OSU. She'sdone that twise
before with friends from the area amd
the one time she sat in the Mic*Apg
area, she found the TV cameras'ate
goal post getting in the way ofc heer
game viewing. Of the spirit in the two
camps, she said, "Enormous en-
phatics are equally distributed between
the two areas."
Be emphatic and have a safe trip. G
Berger publishes paper
Prof. Carl Berger ofth Avesy'
School of Education is the t
article on "Teaching Sde ," which
appeared in the first issue of "Practical
Applications of Research" thisfall, the
University said.

Thursday's Delight Friday's Delight
50C off 1/2 Price
Specials Nov. only
Its 8.mL FvuYeie..Antowa"

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University said.



How Government's spending can price you out of work
Inflation's danger is very real to you because it threatens
your chances of landing a job. We say our government, by
trying to give us everything we want right now, actually
causes inflation. Here's why.
If government collects enough taxes to pay its extra bills
as it goes, those taxes raise everybody's costs. You pay more
yourself in taxes on your income. And companies pay more
income tax and taxes on the materials and services they
have to buy. So everybody's tax bill goes up.
But as we all know, government is spending money even
faster than it can collect, taxes. Everybody still pays, be-
cause government handles the deficit either by borrowing
money or printing it. Borrowed money costs extra to pay
the interest-and our national debt is now more than
$550,000,000,000. Extra printed money simply dilutes the
value of all the money in circulation. Either way, costs go
up for everybody-and that's inflation. You'll pay
$2.25 today to buy what a dollar bought only
20 years ago.
It now costs business $45,300 to
create the average American job.
(Armco's cost is $57,520.),Every
time the cost of a job goes up,
fewer jobs can be created with
the same amount of money. Some
companies can't earn enough
extra money these days to
create so many new jobs.
This threatens your chance of
finding the job you want.
93,000,000 Americans now hold
jobs. But you're among 17,000,000
more men and women who'll be

tomorrow's money today, the more prices rise to cover
the cost. Most of all, the more causes and tasks we insist
our government take on, the more money government must
spend to carry out our will. Our federal deficit is running
at least $60,000,000,000 a year, now. That's a million and
a third jobs we're missing, right there.
What can we do? We all have favorite programs we'd
like our government to spend money on. But maybe spend-
ing only what we've paid in taxes is the most important
service our government can provide us. If we could get
government to set priorities-with every worthwhile goal
in relation to all others-then maybe We could stop spend-
ing money so fast we create inflation.
Next time somebody says government ought to do some-
thing, think about the job you want when you finish school.
Then ask that person why you should give up your job
or buying power for somebody else's pet idea.

Let us hear YOUR plain talk about jobs!
We'll send you a free booklet if you de
Does our message make sense to you? We'd
like to know what you'think. Your
personal experiences. Facts to prove
or disprove our point. Drop us a line.
We'd like your plain talk.
For telling us your thoughts, we'll
send you more information on
issues affecting jobs. Plus Armco's
famous handbook, How to Get a
Job. It answers 50 key questions
you'll. need to, know. Use it to set
yourself apart, above the crowd.
Write Armco, Educational Relations
Dept. U-5, General Offices, iMiddle-
- a m shn4w oc ot

lm lw'


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