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November 22, 1978 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-22

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 22, 1978-Page 9.

. .:full court
_ - l


Windsor warmup.. .
.. .tryout camp
One wonders how much a slaughter like the one seen in Crisler Arena
Monday night helps the Wolverines prepare for the coming season. Johnny
Orr said after the game that his charges needed the break of playing
someone else for a change instead of beating up on each other in practice.
But Orr also said that Michigan wasn't able to do some of the things that it
wanted to do because of Windsor's helpless position. After all, running a
man-on-man press when you're ahead by forty would have been a bit on the
sadistic side.
Perhaps the reason for the contest was that Don Canham somehow felt
that an intra-squad scrimmage wouldn't draw the 10,012 that showed for the
massacre. I wonder why?
Seriously though, Orr has to be happy with the way that the Wolverines
ran away with the contest early, looking as if they were in mid-season form.
Certainly Mike McGee looked that way, scoring 51 points on anything from
lay-ins to twenty-foot jumpers. The sophomore from Omaha is going to be
the main beneficiary of Phil Hubbard's return, and appears to have become
quicker defensively.
Rookie favorite
From the "Don't you look like. . ." file: Yep, the name's Garner, Thad.
No relation to Thompson, Joel - but it was hard to distinguish that fact as
Garner became a crowd favorite after only ten minutes had been played.
Besides the physical resemblance, Garner can leap small buildings in a
single bound, as he showed with his double whammy-3601-reverse-over-the-
This is not to say that Garner has won a starting job away from senior
Alan Hardy. The 6-6 forward is also known for hurdling great heights and
finished the night outscoring Garner 14-11 in an equal amount of time. Orr is
likely to alternate both men until one totally outplays the other . . . some-
thing not particularly likely to happen.
Hubbard for the Heisman. Alright, a slight exaggeration, but the warm
standing ovation that Hubbard received when he was introduced and again
when he finished for the night, is indicative of how the Michigan basketball
fan feels about the 6-7 center forward. Everyone knows by now that for
Michigan to have a shot at the Big Ten and National titles Hubbard has to
rebound fully from the 13-month enforced vacation due to knee surgery.
Hub's return has affected the entire team, just as Orr had hoped.
Hubbard's experience coupled with that of Tommy Staton's gives needed
leadership to the Wolverines, something that will be needed when Windsor is
replaced with the likes of Alabama, Louisville, Ohio State and MSU. Though
he struggled in the first half with only four points and three fouls, Hubbard
came on in the second half and showed the quick inside moves that Michigan
wants out of its center. Orr would have preferred to have played Hubbard
more than the 20 minutes allotted, but you've got to play other guys in a
game like that.


Battle for obsM

1 .S

It was a bit of a surprise to see Marty Bodnar starting at guard instead of
Johnny Johnson, who Orr said would've started had the season begun three
weeks ago. Bodnar is thought to have the best jump shot on the team, and
with defensive specialist Staton at the other guard, the Wolverines need an
outside shooter.
But it was Johnson who put on the shooting demonstration, canning
seven of the eight shots he attempted. Bodnar made the only two shots he
tried, but didn't play much in the second half after being kicked in the thigh.
So Johnson has probably moved back into the shifting second guard spot.
Now the Wolverines head into Thanksgiving break with high hopes and a
eighth-place national ranking. Their first real test will be against Central
Michigan in the opener at Crisler November 30, the Chippewas coming into
town tabbed as Mid-American Conference favorites. It won't get any easier
either, as CMU is followed up with Alabama, Louisville and Dayton - the
last two on the road.
That will be when we find out if Windsor was really a laughing matter or
a money-grabbing waste of time.


Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
TOMMY STATON PUTS-the ball up over two Windsor players, Stan Korosec (50)
and Wayne Allison (54), as he scores two of his 10 points. The Wolverines ran the
Windsor team off the floor in a 128-77 exhibition rout Monday night.
YanKees to sign John
By The Associated Press
NEW BYThAs-aTePew York Evening Journal reported yesterday.
Yane e YshavR alled Nt thy te Yrk In a copyrighted column by Sports
Yanke pes calledenwhatorth teraEditor Hal Bodley, the newspaper
major press confreence for this mor- discounted any such effort by the Reds
ning andoare expecen to aher To my when Rose and the team return today
signing og from an exhibition baseball tour in
Joihn who played out his option with Japan.
the Los Angeles Dodgers last season, The 37-year-old third baseman, who
was the Yankees' No. 1 choice in the hit .302 for the year and tied a National
s t etynkhceinth League record by hitting in 44 con-
Nov. 3 re-entry draft and their top secutive games, entered the free-agent
target in the free agent market place. draft at the end of the season after his
The 35-year-old left-hander, 17-10 two-year contractexpied.
with Loss Angeles last season; was The paper said Phillies President
selected by the maximum 13 teams in Ruly Carpenter would not say how
the draft and his attorney, Robert much Rose is being offered, but admit-
Cohen of Los Angeles, said yesterday ted it is more than Mike Schmidt's
that he had narrowed the field to three yearly salary. Schmidt just completed
clubs, naming two of them, Cincinnati the second year of a six-year contract
and Kansas City. paying a reported $550,000 a year.
J'ohn would be the second free agent Katz added that there was "nothing
to sign with the Yankees in 10 days. in the works" with Cincinnati and said
New York picked up veteran pitcher Rose would make a decision within 10
Luis Tiant on Nov. 13. At that time, days."
Yankees president Al Rosen pledged
that the team, which previously had
signed free agents Catfish Hunter,
Reggie Jackson, Don Gullett, Rich
Gossage and Rawly Eastwick for
millions of dollars, would remain active
"You know me well enough," Rosen
told newsmen. "I don't stop."
John supplied one of baseball's most
dramatic comeback stories after un-
dergoing delicate tendon transplant
surgery on his pitching arm in 1974, He
sat out the entire 1975 season,
recovering from the operation which
saved his career. Then, hurling with
what baseball people called a bionic
arm, he posted 47 victories in the next
three seasons for the Dodgers, helping
them to two straight National League
pennants. * *'
Rose a Phillie
WILMINGTON - Free-agent Pete
Rose will sign a three-year contract
with the Philadelphia Phillies worth
nearly $2 million before the end of next
week, barring a last-ditch effort by the
Cincinnati Reds, the Wilmington
New York Knicks 96, Detroit 79
Golden State 115, Philadelphia 105
Milwaukee 123, Portland 93
Phoenix 110, Cleveland 108

This is it. Today is the last day to
hand in your Gridde picks, as these for-
ty games close out another successful
Gridde season. So get your picks to 420
Maynard by 5:00 p.m. tonight or you'll
miss out on the last chance to grapple a
tasty two-item pizza from Pizza Bob's.
One small note. Game twenty-five
has been deleted because it was a
repeat of game thirty, and that's kind of
What else is there to say? You've
been great and enthusiastic Gridde
selectors this year, as we always
received more than 95,000 selections
each week from all over the world.
Congratulations to all winners from this
year, and may the best crystal ball win
the last pizza. Sayonara.

24. Syracuse at Miami (Fla.)
26. Grambling at Southern U.
27. Brigham Young at Hawaii
28. S.W. Louisiana at McNeese State
29. Tulane at Louisiana State
30. Baylor at Texas
31. DAILY LIBELS at Ohio State
November 24
32. Pittsburgh at Penn State
December 2
33. Texas Tech at Arkansas
34. Auburn at Alabama
35. Long Beach State at San Jose State
36. Holy Cross at Boston College
37. Brigham Young vs. Nevada-Las
Vegas (at Tokyo).
38. Army vs. Navy (at Philadelphia)
39. Vanderbilt at Tennessee
40. Miami (Fla.) at Florida
41. Texas A&M at Texas

.. _ _

1. MICHIGAN at Ohio State
(pick score)
2, Iowa at Michigan State
3. Purdue at Indiana
4. Minnesota at Wisconsin
5. Arizona State at Arizona
6. Florida at Florida State
7. Arkansas at Southern Methodist
8. Clemson at South Carolina
9. Georgia Tech at Georgia
10. Houston at Texas Tech.
- ~6- - --- -lln ice


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