Page 2-Wednesday, November 22, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Fleming defends 'U' investmenti
(Continued from Page 1)
His trip was funded by the United
States- South Africa Leadership Ex-
change Program, a non-profit
organization founded to promote the ex-
tension of racial justice in both nations.
Based on the experiences of his trip,
during which he claims he was exposed
to "a wide spectrum of public opinion,"
Fleming concluded there are two
possible scenarios for South Africa's
HE CONTENDS the government
must move within the next two or three
years to propose major concessions to
enhance the blacks' economic, political
and social rights, or else a confron-
tation between the two sides will
probably emerge.
However, Fleming added, "I don't
see any evidence that the government
is prepared to make the type of con-
cessions to make a genuine effort to
bring this situation together. They are
blinded by the fears that the white
population can't survive with these kind
of concessions.'"
He said a prevalent view among
white South Africans is that the blacks
are part of a widespread conspiracy to
subvert the current regime and start a
communist state.
"It's reminiscent of the McCarthy
period, with the kind of discussions one
hears," noted Fleming.
REFERRING TO the possibility of a
mass black uprising, Fleming argued
that many people, especially in this
country, have miscalculated the results
of such a confrontation.
Student receives award
Catherine Sullivan, a University doc-
toral student in educational technology
within the School of Education received
an "Action Award" from the Michigan
Association for Media in Education
(MAME) for her contributions to that
organization's activities this year, the
University said.
"In any showdown, there will be a
terrible massacre in which blacks
would lose, because the arms,
technology and organization are in the
hands of the white army," he said.
Fleming added the continuation of
guerilla warfare at its present rate will
probably not force the removal of the
white minority regime.
THROUGHOUT the lecture Fleming,
who has served the University for 11
years and will leave in five weeks, put
forth the argument that many influen-
tial black leaders in South Africa op-
pose divestiture.
"It is not a universal view that the
U.S. should take away its investments.
It was a mixed picture there as mem-
bers of the Black Chamber of Commer-
ce and the former editor of the Black
World, Percy Qoboza, told us the U.S.
should not leave them," said Fleming.
He divided the black population into
two sectors - the under-35 age group
and the older generation - and said
they have conflicting attitudes toward
divestiture. Flemingi claimed the
younger blacks are so disillusioned with
the white minority government that
"they have given tip and don't believe
there is any hope'the government will
make a compromise."
"The over-35 group believes the only
solution is not revolution, but is some
kind of compromise, although the
government hasn't given them any kin1
of hope," said Fleming.
He added many whites tend to cotX
clude that Americans supporting the
one-man, one-vote concept have
nothing to fear because the ratio of
whites to blacks in the United States is
4-1, while it is the reverse in South
"When you begin to discuss this corr
cept with them, they just begin to close
their ranks. They can't face up to this
question," Fleming said.
Cle ricals explain union rejection
(Continued from Paget1)
sity did not take as active a role in
promoting anti-union feeling as it has in
the past, although she said the Univer-
sity sent a letter to every clerical which
purported to outline the bad qualities of
a union, such as high dues.
"The University could count on sub-
jective factors and perceived anti-union
feeling," Jensen said. Added Braun:
"The University gambled and banked
on union, status quo - what most unions
look like. But it's also always easier for
people to go with the way things are
than look at change."
Jensen and Braun also noted the
survivor speaks
Gerda Weissman Klein, who sur-
vived the Nazi slaughter of European
Jews during World War II, will speak at
a forum sponsored by the Washtenaw
County United Jewish Appeal at 2 p.m.,
Dec. 3. All are welcome.
The talk will take place at Beth Israel
Synagogue, 2000 Washtenaw. Klein
iwrote All But My life, a book which
describes her experiences in Nazi con-
centration camps.
OCC's difficulty in reaching all
clericals, because of their isolated job
CLERICAL CHRIS Maki, who sup-
ported the OCC, agreed that the UAW's
previous representation was poor and
left a lasting impression. "Many
clericals are still disturbed over (UAW)
local) 2001 - it was definitely the
5 alums
honored here
Five University alumni were honored
by their alma mater Nov. 18.
The University presented its Out-
standing Achievement Award to
Ronald Kotulak, science editor of the.
Chicago Tribune; James Martin,
manager of NASA Viking Project; John
Pickering, partner in the law firm of
Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering of
Washington, D.C.; Louis Roberts,
director, Office of Energy and En-
vironment, Transportation Systems
Center, Department of Transportation;
and Russell Stearns, corporation_
The award presentation took place.
during a joint concert of the Men's Glee
Club and the Purdue Men's Glee Club in
Hill Auditorium.
biggest factor," Maki said.
"Too many clericals were here whei
the other union existed and were affec
ted," said Jean Keller, who voted
against the OCC. "I just didn't support
them because I didn't think they could
come through with what they
Another clerical who opposed the
OCC said it set its demands too high. "I
also feel that I'd be paying a lot more
than what I'd be getting in return from
the union," added Lori Proctor.
Proctor said a letter put out by n
caucus within OCC - Clericals for a
Democratic Union - which said none of
the candidates on the state election
ballot were acceptable, also hurt the
The election was a disappointment,
but it also reaffirms the OCC's main-
tenance of union support since the UAW
rejection."Yes, we lost the election -
but we know we have a base of support
for a union," Jensen pointed out.
When the United States celebrated i
Centennial in 1876 with a $10-millio
World Exhibition in Philadelphia, Pa.,
10 million people visited the 236-acr
fairgrounds. Among the exhibits on
display were the 'self-binding reaper,
the web printing press, the typewriter,
and Alexander Graham Bell's first
telephone, patented that year.
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