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November 21, 1978 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-21

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Page 2-Tuesday, November 21, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Fleming bids farewell
to faculty ,inannual
address to senate,

ElM- Diag. Mideast rally
t !t y

(Continued from Page 1),
women and minorities.
Fleming said that because we
traditionally "look to people who have
had experience" it is very difficult for
women and minorities to get started in
the "ladder apparatus" which enables
individualsato advance.
"The solution to that problem,"
Fleming said, was up to those who do
the selecting.
"WE HAVE to take some chances,"
he said. "We have to go out of our way
to make the opportunity for those
groups to get those chances."
While noting that repayment of
student loans was relatively good at
this University and others like it,
Fleming painted -a less optimistic pic-
ture of the system on a national scale.
Fleming said the high default rate
and the "emphasis on trying to help
everybody, rather than those with a
demonstrated kind of need" might lead
to "the downfall ofrthe financial aid
"I'm concerned that if the perfor-
mance isn't better, the project will
collapse on itself," he said.
WITH LESS THAN two months to go
in his own tenure at the University,
Fleming also called on his colleagues to
guard against shutting out young
scholars on the way up.
U' Hospital
official named
William Borton has been named
associate director for hospital services
at the University Hospital, the Univer-
sity announced.
The appointment was approved last
month by the Regents.
Borton will be responsible ' for an-
cillary, professional, facilities, and
materials management services which
support hospital operations, officials
Formerly director of financial
management and planning at the
University of Chicago Hospitals and
Clinics, Borton holds a master's degree
in hospital administration from the
University of Michigan and served his
administrative residency at University
Hospital during 1967 and 1968.

In the past, Fleming said, an
academic could expect to get a Ph.D
and find employment, but that is no
longer true. Now, he said, a "lost
generation" of young scholars is fin-
ding a bleak employment picture upon
completing their training. Fleming
stressed the need to develop a solution
to this problem.
"The burden is really on we in the
universities to come up'with proposals
for how that kind of support might be
given in a productive and constructive
way," he said.
of guarding University hegemony in his
concluding discussion of international
F leming said the future of such
programs looked bright, and that ex-
citement had been generated over the
possibility of opening up China to
academic study. But he urged a word of
As the University is approached with
the opportunity to participate in these
programs "we must not becme so
anxious to have these programs that we
will take them on any condition," he
said. "We must remain in control of our
projects and how we are going to run

Due to very cold temperatures, the
absence of a public address system,
and a downed advertising banner, a
rally for peace in the-Mideast yester-
'day turned into nothing more than a
small sing-along.
Some 30 chilled students showed up
for the rally, sponsored by the Union
of Students for Israel.
THE GATHERING was held in con-
junction with the first anniversary of
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's
visit to Jerusalem.
"We (the Students for Israel) are
rallying for peace in the Middle
East," said Rochelle Mark, rally
coordinator. "We just want to get
some positive response from the
from the students," she continued.
Referring to the possibility of any
counter movements showing up to
neutralize their effort, Mark said, "1
would doubt it, especially since it's so
SPEAKING TO A huddled group of
followers, Reverend Donald Postema
spoke of Sadat and Israeli Prime



by cold
Minister Menachem Begin winning
the Nobel Peace prize "justbecause
they tried (for peace)."
He also talked of the possible treaty
as being a "model for peace
everywhere." Postema remarked
that "peace is a divine desire and
people who make peace are doing
divine work."
Hillel Rabbi WilliamRudolph's plea
for peace was unexpecetedly ac-
comanied by a barking dog roaming
among the small but dedicated pro-
Israel crowd.
CONGRESSMAN Carl Pursell (R-
Ann Arbor) arrived in the middle of
the 20 minute rally and said that he
has supported and will continue to
support the group's case.
The-'recently re-elected lawmaker
praised President Carter for "trying
to fine a framework for peace,"
referring to the President's part in the
Camp David summit.
Pursell said he was optimistic that a
peace treaty will be signed. But he
added that we "don't want to interject
ourselves (into the treaty)."

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
UNDAUNTED BY the cold weather, some students did turn out at yesterday's
Diag rally for peace in the Middle East.


Bein, a-k ..prpsl
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JERUSALEM (AP)-Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin wants to
turn back the clock in negotiations with
Egypt and/is ready to accept a U.S.-
sponsored draft of the peace treaty that
his government rejected four weeks
ago, sources familiar with the talks
said yesterday.
Begin is prepared to accept a
vaguely-worded clause linking the
treaty to the development of
Palestinian self-rule on the Israeli-
occupied West Bank of the Jordan
River and the Gaza Strip, the sources
THE POINT OF linkage in the treaty
has been the obstacle that has
threatened the progress of the talks- in
recent weeks.
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
said in a interview aired on French
television last night that he was willing
to meet again in a summit with Begin
'anywhere but' Jerusalem to try to
resolve the remaining "10 per cent" of
problems over a peace treaty.
In the interview, filmed Saturday at

Sadat's residence outside Cairo, Sadat
said he would "insist" that the final
treaty be signed with Begin "on the top
of Mt. Sinai, on my land" and that he
would refuse to go to Jerusalem again.
"I HAVE ALREADY gone there once
and I'm not going to start again. But I
am ready to meet Mr. Begin anywhere
else," the Egyptian leader said.
Sadat also insisted that no peace
treaty would be signed that failed to
deal with the Palestinian problem.
"If Gaza and the West Bank are not
treated in an overall settlement, no one
should count on us to conclude peace,"
he said.
"IT IS SERIOUS,-because it is a point
of fundamental principle."
Sadat revealed he received a per-
sonal message from President Carter
dealing with the status of Jerusalem,
which he said was "quite satisfactory."
"Although the issue of Jerusalem will
be a point of controversy and difficulty,
I believe we (Egyptians) have demon-
strated good will and we declared that
the city will not be divided again and
that Jewish holy spots-the Wailing
Wall-can be under their control,"
Sadat told his interviewers.
REPLYING TO Sadat's television in-
terview, Begin said in Jerusalem that
he was "happy" Sadat wants to con-
clude the peace treaty soon.
But he appeared to ignore Sadat's
wish not to travel to Jerusalem, by
repeating his offer: "Let us sign the
peace treaty in both Jerusalem and
Cairo-that is just."
The prime minister did not comment
on Sadat's statement that he would not

'Let us sign the peace
in both Jerusalem and
-that is just'


-Menachim Begin

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sign a treaty that was separate from
agreements on the West Bank and Gaza
SOURCES CLOSE to Begin, who
asked not to be identified, said the
prime minister was seeking the help of
U.S. negoitators in persuading Egypt to
reverse the tougher position it adopted
earlier this month, particularly the
demand for a timetable establishing.
Palestinian self-rule in the occupied
Begin is scheduled to convene his
-cabinet today to resume a debate on the
negotiations. The debate was adjourned
Several members of the 17-man
cabinet oppose the draft treaty, but
Begin's influence was expected to
swing the cabinet behind his decision.
The Israeli sources said the points
now acceptable to Begin include:
" A clause in the preamble stating
that the treaty would be the basis of



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future treaties with Israel's other Ara
* A reference tdEgypt's "special in
terest" in the Gaza Strip, which it ad.
ministered before Israel captured th
area in the 1967 Mideast war.
In return for adopting the two points
Begin wants the Egyptians to dro
demands for a timetable for autonom
and for an Egyptian police presenc
and liaison office in the Gaza Strip
S. African
(Continued from Page 1)
national action were not YSA or SW
"IT'S NOT TRUE that we stacked the
meeting. They just don't like us, we
didn't stack the meeting," said Rohima
Miah, a YSA member from Detroit.
Jeff Holman, an unaffiliated confered
from Harvard, said, "The YSA an
SWP don't have much grassroots sup
port, so they try to dominate meetings
At a previous conference, busloads o
people were brought in and I've been
told there is no hope when YSA packs
Several anti-YSA and SWP speakers
called for the ousting of the groups from
further meetings. All the resolutions
that were not voted on will be decided
by the steering committee.
It was announced by the steering
committee at the meeting that
someone's life had been threatened in
connection with the disruption of the
meeting. No further details were of-
fered by the steering committee and
none were available from other souru
Although the conference did break u
before the final resolutions wer
passed, the NECLSA will continue to
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Saturday, December 9,


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