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November 21, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-21

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 65

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 21, 1978

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




in mass


antics no
When the goalposts are torn down by
happy home-town fans at the conclusion
of a victorious football game, the
mischievous act is usually looked upon
as just a rowdy, long-standing college
tradition. But following last Saturday's
Michigan-Purdue contest, students who
rushed onto the field were shocked to
find armed policemen swinging night-
sticks and shoving students who attem-
pted to pull the posts down.-
Many students who witnessed the
"postgame" activities said students
who were near or on the goalposts were
struck, by policemen or dragged from
the crossbars.
"'The situation was too overwhelming
to believe," said Bruce Carol, a
sophomore in the Literary College
(LSA). "I was on the field to see what
wasgoing on, and everyone of the cops
was swinging his nightstick. Some were
really swinging and others were just
puhing and tapping."
SY BERMAN, an LSA sophomore,
said he saw several students hit by the
Ann Arbor policemen who were
stationed on the field after the game.
He said the actions were unnecessary.
"One kid was trying to climb up the
post and a policeman smacked him
right in the chest with his club,
knocking him down," he explained.
"The police knew the posts were
coming down, I don't know why they
took the actions they did."
Captain Kenneth Klinge, the officer
in charge of the Ann Arbor Police
Department's football game detail,
said he knew of no such violent inciden-
ts taking place and said no complaints
were filed with the department.
"I BELIEVE the accusations are
false. I don't know of any arrests that
were made, and I saw no use of ex-
cessive force," he said. Klinge said,
however, that two officers did receive
minor injuries after Saturday's game.
Klinge said the key concern of the
policemen and the University's athletic
department was to ensure that no one
would be severely injured by the con-
siderable weight of the goalposts when
they collapsed.
"If the goalposts came down, they
could kill somebody," said Klinge. "In
any event, the people were trying to
commit an act of malicious destruction
to property, and in a different situation
could have been arrested for this act."
ATHLETIC Director Donald Canham
said ensuring the safety of the students
is the prime consideration of security
personnel at the football games. He
said injuries have been sustained in the
past (one student had his leg broken af-
ter last year's Ohio State game) when
the goalposts were torn down, and
policemen have been instructed to keep
the playing field clear.
"The policy is to stop people from
coming onto the field," explained
Canham. "I have no control over the
police department and neither do you.
The policeman is just doing his duty. If
for some reason, someone gets hit on
the head, it's part of his job."
"Anybody who goes onto the field af-
ter a game is pretty dumb," he added.
"His ticket obviously doesn't permit
See POST-GAME, Page 7

409 reported dead;
hundreds missing

(AP) - Guyanese soldiers
searched through a steaming
jungle yesterday for hundreds
of American religious zealots
who fled their remote com-
pound after the suicide-murder
deaths of at least 409 fellow
Some were shot, but most ap-
parently lined up and took
doses of cyanide poison mixed
in a tub with flavored water,
government officials said. A
witness said poison was spoon-
fed to babies
All were believed to be Americans,
with most of them from California.
THEY PERISHED at about the same
time Saturday that enraged members
of the sect attacked an investigative
group led by Rep. Leo Ryan (D-Calif.),
killing Ryan and four others at a dirt
By* midafternoon, soldiers reported
counting the bodies of 163 women, 138
men and 82 children. A police
spokesman said later the toll was 409 as
the terrible task continued at the set-
tlement in this small South American
country tucked below Venezuela. He
said bodies still were being found.,
Also found in the fields, huts and
communal dormitories were 17
shotguns, 14 rifles, seven pistols, a flare*
gun and large amounts of ammunition,
government officials said.
BY DARK, police and soldiers had
found only 12 survivors from among the

estimated 500-900'who had fled into the
Among the dead were Jim Jones,
founder of the People's Temple set-
tlement called Jonestown, his wife and
one of their sons. Jones, the offspring of
an inter-racial marriage, and his
followers, both blacks and whites,
established the inland settlement last
year. It was carved from the jungle in
an isolated region 150 miles northeast of
Georgetown and 50 miles south of the
Venezuelan border.
The 46-year-old Jones, who had seven
children, founded the sect in the 1950s in
Indianapolis with the avowed purpose
of breaking down class distinctions.
His "children," as "Dad" Jones called
his followers, were both black and
AFTER MOVING to California,
Jones became a political figure,
crusading for liberal causes, and even-
tually was appointed chairman of the
San Francisco Housing Authority. But
reports of his unorthodox, authoritarian
control over the sect - with allegations
of brutal treatment of wayward mem-
bers - led to his resignation from that
He called the charges "outrageous
lies," and in August 1977 came with
some 1,200 followers to Guyana. The
goal of their farming commune was to
become self-sufficient.
Charles Kraus, a reporter for the
Washington Post who was with the
Ryan party but escaped death, reported
that scores of bodies were packed in the
hall, a round pavilion about 120 feet in
diameter with a roof but no walls. Other
bodies were in clusters outside the hall.

S. Africa group

me snooungs in Guyana thaL ie u Rep.
Leo Ryan and four others, said yester-
day that the assailants picked andb yd
chose their targets.
"They pushed some people aside ...
so they wouldn't be hit," Sung said after By STEVE SHAER
undergoing surgery in the hospital at Special to The Daily
Andrews Air Force Base in suburban NEW YORK - The plenary session of
Maryland. the Northeast Coalition for the
"IT WAS DEFINITELY their inten- Liberation of South Africa (NECLSA),
tion to shoot the congressman," he ad- held Sunday at New York University,
ded. failed to complete its agenda or pass
Sung said the shots were fired by four resblutions for future coordinated ac-
or five persons over a period of about 10 tions due to discord between activist
minutes. He said that after he was shot organizations present.
he stayed on the ground for at least 30 The final day of the three-day con-
minutes before moving. ference, intended to create a unified
The technician was asked why he national movement to break all U.S.
thought he and ether news personnel ties with the white minority regime in
were targeted. "I think they believed Southein Africa, had started on a good
we were there to destroy the camp," he note. A proposal for a national week of
replied. anti-apartheid action was passed by the

Fleming bids farewell to faculty

coalition with a minimal amount of
The snag in the session began during
debate on the second of 14 proposals to
be voted on. The resolution clarifying
the principles of unity for NECLSA was
debated ov r three hours and little
progress Was made. Participants
talked out of turn frequently and the
chair had difficulty maintaining order.
DUE TO THE problems, a member of
the chair said, "We recognize, openly,
that there is a split in this conference.
We therefore suspend the agenda and
open it up to political discussion."
. Activists from several political
groups spoke with the overwhelming
majority blaming the problem on the
,Young Socialist Alliance (YSA) and the
The YSA and SWP don't
have much grassroots sup-
port so they try to domi-
nate meetings.'
-Jeff Iolm an,
Harvard conferee
Socialist Workers' Party (SWP). Their
complaint was that these groups
stacked the conference with their sup-
porters in order to dominate the
YSA member .Brenda Franklin, of
Boston, said, "We want to build a
movement to support liberation. The
majority of the people who voted for the
See S. AFRICA, Page 2

Robben Fleming bade farewell to the
faculty yesterday and warned them of
more problems the University is likely
to face in the years to come.
The 61-year-old University president
expanded on the theme of last month's
State of the University address before a
Faculty Senate audience of about 100,
calling on them to recognize the
growing problems of University-State
relations, minorities and women,
student financial aid, emerging
scholars and international programs.

Fleming warned the Senate that
"there will be a resurgence of effort to
resurrect the power of the State Board
(of Education) in the days ahead."
AND HE ADDED that because the
declining number of eighteen-year-olds
will force University enrollments
down, "for the first time, some of our
sister universities will join" in that ef-
"I have thought in the past, and still
think, that is a mistake," Fleming said
in reference to attempts to increase
State Board of Education power to
Tuesday I

guide University affairs.
Fleming mentioned a State Board of
Education proposal currently being
considered which would establish
"spheres of influence" around the
state's 15 state-supported universities
as one example of this trend.
THE PRESIDENT'S speech at the
semi-annual meeting of the Univer-
sity's entire faculty also considered the
"very complex" problems of minority
enrollment and advancement oppor-
tunities for both minorities and women.
Fleming said decreasing minority
enrollment was "not so much related to
admissions as to retention," and that
the limited minority pool and
inadequate pre-college education many
minority students receive affects their

enrollment at the University.
But Fleming came to the defense of
the government in this area.
Noting that "we frequently complain
about government projects" as badly
administered and poorly thought out,
Fleming urged the audience to respect
the government's contribution to the
situation of minorities because "we
don't move unless somebody needles us
to do it.'
"WE CAN'T SPEND all our time
complaining. There are great social
gains to be made for this country if we
make these programs work."
The message was identical when he
turned to advancement possibilities for
See FLEMING, Page 2

Council tables motion
on alcoholpossession

Diggs sentenced; faces up
to three years in prison

City Council last night tabled a
motion to penalize alcohol consumers
between the ages of 18 and 21 with a five

legislature is working on penalty
provisions for Proposal D and the Ann
Arbor state representative Perry
Bullard is proposing a similar fine

~a s

By AP and UPI

DIGGS WAS found guilty Oct. 7 of in-

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