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November 18, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-18

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See Today for details

VoL. LXXXIX, No. 63 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 18, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

Preliminary reports from various
ampus sources indicate that while the
tal number of minority students
nrolled in the University has remained
table this year, the number of black
tudents may have declined by as much
s five per cent.
Several black leaders on campus
ave said that their personal obser-
ations also point to a decline in the
lack enrollment this year.
Figures from a list of self-identifying
rinority students show the number of
sian Americans, Hispanics, and

ase rep
Native Americans on campus has in-
creased, but the enrollment of black
students has decreased. These figures
are taken from the voluntary racial
check-off on student registration forms.
THE PRELIMINARY figures from
September show that the number of
blacks enrolled as of September 21 was
2104; Asian Americans, 483; Hispanics,
408; and Native Americans, 143.
In the Fall of 1977 black enrollment
stood at 2215.
The apparent increase in total
minority enrollment indicated by these
figures may be misleading, however.

orted in black


According to Ken Latta, a research
associate at the University's Institute
of Social Research.and an Ann Arbor

FOR EXAMPLE, this year for the
first time Indians and Pakistanis have
been included in the category of Asian

"There used to be a very large number (of black
students) who would come into this office to see me,
but not very many are coming in here anymore. "
-Richard Garland, Minority Student Services

Another distortion of the figures oc-
curs when students are confused as to
which box to check on their registration
forms. Sometimes white students check
the "Native American" category on the
form, under the assumption that since
they were born in this country, they are
"Native Americans."
While these statistics indicate that
the black enrollment is down, they are
not conclusive. The self-identified
figures are not official University
statistics, and thus a comparison to the
official annual report could be ihac-

said that the source for both sets of
figures is the same. so the self-
identified student listing should closely
parallel the final report, which is due to
be released in either December or
Associate University Registrar
Harris Olson said the self-identified list
is the only one his office can go by, and
added he "would assume the number of
self-identifying students would closely
parallel the number on the official
See REPORT, Page 6

Democratic councilman, "the only way
the University can raise its percentage
of minority students is to add new

Americans, creating an increase in this
are when in fact there may have been a
decline in the number of traditionally-
defined Asian students on campus.

Regents reject
initial move on

Despite strong encouragement f
University President Robben Flem
the Regents yesterday turned dow
by virtue of a 3-3 tie vote - a m
which would have meant taking in
steps toward constructing a n
dining hall for the residents of four
area dormitories.
However, since two Regents wer(
sent, Thomas Roach (D-Grosse Poi
said it is likely he will re-introducc
motion in December so the que.
could be decided by the full e
member board.,
Yesterday's motion, introduces
Roach, would have resulted in
hiring of an architect "to go thr
with the design development s
before a final decision is made'
completing the project.
THE PLAN, which has met with
siderable organized student and pa
tal opposition, would save about
million over the next twenty years
cording to a Housing Office report.
The report showed the net saving
dormitory residents would range1
$26.27 in the first year of the serv
operation to $152.04 during the 2000
school year. An assumed five per
inflation rate was used in comps
most of the factors leading to
projected savings.
The net savings would be sp
among all student dormitory resid
regardless of whether orfnot they w
be affected by the plan.
have computed the projected saA
from the plan would amount to
proximately one per cent of the tot
state student estimated school yea

Surveys taken of students and paren-
from ts registered a generally negative
response to the plan. One survey in-
-ing, dicated a substantial percentage of
tion parents would be willing to forego the
itial savings in order to preserve the
nass existing dining systems.
Hill Voting against the motion were Paul
Brown (D-Petoskey), David Laro (R-
e ab- Flint), and James Water (D-
inte) Muskegon). Supporting the resolution
at were Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing), Robert

Nederlander (D-Birmingham), and
Roach. Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
and Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor) were
not present at the meeting.
PRIOR TO THE vote on the motion,
Fleming told the Regents that he en-
dorsed dining hall consolidation.
"In deciding this question, there isn't
any popular decision. .. it will be a
sore point with students," the Univer-
sity president said. "You will get
See REGENTS, Page 6

Re gents pass vague
motion on presidency

Brezhnev talks tough AP Photo
Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev confers with Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn.), after his meeting with 12 U.S. senators in
Moscow yesterday. Brezhnev told the senators that war between the two superpowers would mean "no more United States"
nd that the Soviet Union had once "tested but never started produciton" of a neutron bomb, a weapon the Russians have
requently denounced as inhumane. Brezhnev also lectured the senators on the Soviet's military strength amidst appeals
or improved Moscow-Washington relations and a willingness to meet President Carter any time and any place.

No uni
The Organizing Committee for
lericals (OCC) lost last night in its bid
0 form a union for University clerical
orkers by a little more than 200 votes.
A total of 2503 clericals voted, but
nly 2489 ballots were admitted as there
were 51 challenge votes and 14
"spoiled." There were 1335 no votes and
1103 yes votes.
University spokesman Arlie Braman
aid the University, which had opposed
unionization, had thought the election
would be in its favor based on the voter
"We thought people would voice their
opinions a'nd we determined that given
the voter turnout, there was a fair
chance for no unions," Braman ex-
OCC Chairwoman Marianne Jensen
said that despite the defeat, there still is
a need for a union to gain control over
working conditions. She added that
during the course of the drive the OCC
was subjected to harrassment from the
"It was during the last couple of
" Local economists are predic-
ting a slump in 1979. See the story
on Page 6.
e-University Iranian students
- say that the escalating In-
volvement of the United States in
ran may lead to another Viet-.
nam. See the story on Page 5.
* The University Hockey team
played Denver at the Yost Ice
Arena last night. See the story on
Page 11.
" There is not much opera

on for clericals

weeks that we experienced the most
harrassment from the University. The
University sent out a letter to every
clerical - which is just one form of
their anti-union organizing - and in the
letter, they tried to suggest that
clericals would be paying $20 a month
in dues," Jensen said.
"We don't even know what our dues-
would be. But the need is there any'
won'pt block
ar-m sales
WASHINGTON (AP)-Despite pleas
from the Nicaraguan opposition, the
Carter administration has decided
against trying to prevent Israel from
supplying light arms to the regime of
Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio
Somoza, administration sources said
The administration believes that
without new weapons and ammunition,
Somoza and his national guard might
be quickly routed by guerrillas of the
Sandinist Liberation Front, said one
source, who asked not to be named.
"IF SOMOZA GOES, we would prefer
to see him go peacefully. We would not
like to see him toppled in an armed
revolt," the official said.

clericals will reorganize in the future,"
Jensen declared.
.In order to petition for this election,
the OCC first had to collect "show of in-
terest" cards signed by University
clericals. The OCC had collected 1423
signatures, close to 50 per cent of ap-
proximately 300 possible signatures,
'while only a 30 per cent show of interest
was needed.

Five University Regents unanimously
approved a vaguely worded resolution
yesterday which calls for more par-
ticipation in presidential selection by
three advisory committees than was
allowed in the Guidelines which they
passed last October.
The resolution, introduced by Robert
Nederlander (D-Birmingham), reads:
"BE IT RESOLVED that it is the in-
tention of the Regents' guidelines that
there be close faculty, alumni, and
student involvement somewhere down
the line in the presidential selection
The resolution was the result of much
discussion between Regents, Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) members,
and faculty members of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA). Both the students and the
professors had asked for increased in-
volvement in the latter stages of the
search for University President Rob-
ben Fleming's replacement.
According to the original Regents'
guidelines, only they themselves were
given the right to interview presidential

THE REGENTS originaly showed
great opposition to adopting any motion
which would guarantee more par-
ticipation on the part of the three ad-
visory committees. The vague wording
of the resolution was justified by
several regents as being necessary due
to the uncertainty of the latter stages of
the search process.
David Laro (R-Flint) said he suppor-
ted the resolution, but added the Regen-
ts "must resist attempts to try to
precondition the process."
Paul Brown (D-Petoskey) said he ad-
vocated "having a representative or
representatives from each of these
committees being involved in all .of
these processes, including the inter-
viewing process."
HE ADDED the groups must be
represented during the interviewing
period, and he said he would introduce
more specific resolutions at that time.
Not present for the vote were Regents
Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), Sarah
Power (D-Ann Arbor), and James
Waters (D-Muskegon).
MSA President Eric Arnson said he
wasn't surprised by the motion. "It was
what we expected-a statement of in-
tent," he said.

LSA-SG off ice



With the upcoming LSA Student
Government elections a mere two days
away, a field of more than 40 can-
didates for the offices of president and
vice-president and 15 executive council
seats have mapped out their proposed
strategies for solving the problems of
the University's largest college.
And while many have different
special projects and tactics planned for
a number of serious issues, all
unanimously agree that any concerted
effort at improvement has to be
preceded by vastly increased student
involvement in both the college and the
dAL A eTF~ lE nftpr na4jndi pha

power" because there is a "possibility
now we may lose the gains of the six-
People's Action Coalition (PAC)
council candidate Bruce Kozarsky
placed the blame for student weakness
on the administration. "The fundamen-
tal problem with the college is the
bureaucracy. The bent is toward
benefitting the University as a cor-
poration and not meeting student
needs," Kozarsky said.
KOZARSKY suggested a monthly
newsletter as a first step towards in-
forming LSA students about the issues
"that affect them and the options open to
them. Independent Garry Frank endor-
sed that suggestion as one that has met


- m.

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