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November 12, 1978 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-12

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Special to The Daily
EVANSTON - Call it what you will a
teak from the competitive rigors of big-time
ollege football, a working vacation for the
ichigan players, or a bad practical joke on the
orthwestern alumni returning for
It certainly wasn't a football game, as the
olverines methodically destroyed the Wildcats
9-14 yesterday before 27,013 chilled and
eerless patrons.
rWhatever it was, the lopsided win only set the stage for
ichigan's dramatic season climax, coming up the next two

Saturdaysagainst Purdue and Ohio State. Those two games
still mean everything to the Wolverines' chances for a Big
Ten title and a third consecutive Rose Bowl bid.
"It still is in our hands," said Bo Schembechler after the
game. "A game like this doesn't show us much, because we
ran right through them. We're still going to have to work
damn hard to get ready for next week."
Schembechler had said all-week that he planned to use
the Northwestern game to get his offense moving. The
Wildcat defense, playing like patched-up tissue paper, did
little to hamper that goal.
Michigan scored the first five times it got the ball on
drives of 80, 79, 75, 71, and 59 yards, rolling to a 35-14 halftime
lead. By the end of the game, the Wolverines had turned nine
of their twelve possessions into scores - eight touchdowns
and Gregg Willner's fourth field goal of the year.

THE OFFENSIVE totals were Michigan's highest of the
year - 626 total yards, 470 yards on the ground, and a
whopping 37 first downs.
"We didn't even run the option that much," noted
Schembechler. "Basically, all we did was hand off the ball
and block."
Quarterback Rick Leach, who played a part in his team's
first four scoring plays, led the assault once again by hitting
all six passes he tried. On the way, he left school, conference,
and NCAA records in his wake.
TWO MINUTES into the second quarter, Leach zipped a
pass to Ralph Clayton and the junior wingback sped
untouched for a 41-yard score. It made the score 21-7, and it
made Leach the all-time Big Ten leader in total offense.
Five minutes later, Leach upped the Wolverines' lead to
28-7, breaking two tackles on his way to a 12-yard touchdown.

It was the 74th regular season touchdown he accounted for at
Michigan, moving him past Arizona State's Danny White as
the most prolific six-point man in NCAA history.
Leach gave the stat freaks one final thrill on Michigan's
first possession of the second half, waltzing in from five
yards for Michigan's sixth score. It was the 34th time Leach
had found the end zone on the running play. That's one more
than the previous leader - all-time Michigan wonder back
Tom Harmon.
LEACH HAD MADE his only mistake of the game three
plays before the touchdown that broke Harmon's record.
Only five yards from the end zone, Leach rolled right, turned
upfield and fumbled the ball into the hands of Northwestern's
Chuck Rogers.
"Besides the fumble, I played a flawless game," Leach
commented. Schembechler agreed that his prized pupil, who
See ENOUGH, Page 10

See editorial page I t::3i High-.4os
See Today for details
o LXXXIX, No. 58 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 12, 1978 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement

etroit is
ushed as
ite in '80
As a boost for Detroit's renaissance,
te political leaders from both parties
ant to see the Motor City host their
80 national conventions.
Meanwhile, University officials and
nn Arbor hotel managers are making
eparations for the expected deluge of
isitors, should one or both of the
tional party conventions come to this
And in Washington, Republican and
emocratic convention organizers
gree with local party chiefs that
)etroit has advantages over other
ties seeking to host the masses of
oney-spending, attention-getting par-
DETROIT PASSES the first test for
hoosing a convention because of
lichigan's approval of the Equal
'ights Amendment (ERA).
Since the Democrats are supporting
e National Organization for Women's
oycott of states that haven't ratified
,RA, the party has automatically ruled
ut potential convention-hosting cities
116 states.
Despite the fact they back ERA, GOP
aders haven't yet taken a stand on the
ycott. None-the-less, the prospects of
Republican convention in an
nratified state are limited, as it would
arry political risks.
MICHIGAN Republicans also see the
tate's political composition as a selling
int for convincing their party to come
"We will not win the presidency nor
ontrol of Congress without the support
f the ticket-splitter. Detroit, Michigan
nd its surrounding neighbors is the
ome of the ticket-splitter," state GOP
hairman William McLaughlin told his
arty's site selection committee at a
eeting last month in Washington.
"They are the voters that we can
nake an impact on by being in Detroit.
3y our presence, we show that we are
nterested in them in their problems,
nd in the type of community that they
:all home," McLaughlin added.
WHAT McLAUGHLIN didn't know as
e spoke was that Republican Governor
illiam Milliken would later win his
ost decisive victory for a third full
erm in office, making him a strong
See DETROIT, Page 7

Iranian artmy
arrests chief
shah enemy

TEHRAN, Iran (AP)-The military
government, in a double blow against
anti-shah dissident forces, arrested a
key political opposition leader yester-
day and ordered troops in to work
Iran's strike-bound oil fields.
Violence between protesters and the
army flared anew in the southern oil-
producing region. Witnesses reported
soldiers in the oil city of Ahwaz shot and
killed two persons during a brief
demonstration. Further details about
the incident were not available.

Collapse traps five
Authorities fear as many as five workers were trapped when the front of this vacant nine-story hotel collapsed ye
The Joplin, Mo., landmark, once on the National Register of Historic Places, was to be dynamited today.
'Why'd Caven der qui

4 OTHER REPORTS said American oil
workers in the Ahwaz area were sen-
AP Photo ding their families to Tehran or out of
the country to escape harassment by
striking Iranian oil workers.
esterday. Quiet prevailed yesterday in the.
capital, where there was a strong
military presence. Tanks, armored,
personnel carriers and trucks filled
with troops stood guard at key points in
the city and sealed off all approaches to
Tehran University.
Police and soliders arrested Karim
Sanjaby, 71-year-old chief of Iran's
" major political opposition group, the
National Front, at his home as he
limit on prepared to hold a news conference.
Ai person SANJABY HAD returned Friday to
A person Tehran from Paris, where he had con-
program ferred with other Iranian opposition
can only politicians and Ayatullah Khomaini,
med. spiritual head of Iran's 32 million
ed in my Moslem Shiites and symbol of the cam-
lot of ac- paign against Shah Mohammad Reza
ken place Pahlavi's government. On his return,
Sanjaby rejected the idea of
orry, you negotiations with the shah to defuse the
rked hard political crisis, and an associate vowed
the National Front would foment new

stikes against the government. -
A National Front member said
yesterday's Sanjaby news conference
was scheduled to announce that op-
position politicians would call on the
shah to leave the country, paving the
way for a provisional government that
would hold a referendum on whether to
abolish the monarchy.
About 60 foreign correspondents were
invited to the briefing but none was able
to get in because police had ringed the
house. Police ordered the journalists to
leave the area, saying their presence
and the news conference were in
violation of martial law.
National Front's chief spokesman in
Iran, was arrested along with Sanjaby.
Religious dissidents, particulary
leaders of the Moslem Shiite sect, have
been spearlWading the anti-gover-
nment drive. They are opposed to the
shah's Westernizing reforms and have
been joined by the political opposition,
which wants a democratic
liberalization of the shah's autocratic
Alll universities have been shut down
indefinitely to prevent students from
using campuses as staging areas for
anti-shah protests. Newspaper editors
and journalists have refused to work
under the censorship ordered by the
military government and the country
has been without newspapers since
There were unconfirmed reports that
Ayatullah Khomaini had called a
general strike for today in an effort to
test the new military government's

After 26 years with the University's
Marching Band, Conductor George
Cavender says "it's time to let
somebody else take the job."
But three factors in addition to the
need for, a change probably played
some part in his decision to leave the
band. Discontentment with a Big Ten
rule allowing only 196 band members at
the Rose Bowl, and, according to
students, differences with some of the
people with whom he works, 'both con-
tributed to his choice this past summer
to spend fall afternoons doing
something else.
disillusionment with the job, Cavender
told a reporter in September, was the
Athletic Department's decision to move
Band Day to a non-football Saturday.
However, in a conversation yesterday,
Cavender denied this played a role in

his .decision to retire. He said the new
Band Day should be a fine program in
the future, if "handled correctly."
The popular band leader is resigning
after working for over a quarter of a
century on half-time entertainment and
band musicianship. He will assume a
new post directing development and
public relations for the School of Music.
But, whatever the reason, some pand
members are not quite clear, why
Cavender is leaving. Sophomore band
member Sandy Shatz said, "The band
is uptight about the whole thing. No one
has quite been told why he's retiring."
SEVERAL MEMBERS of the band,
however, suggested strained relation-
ships with Don Canham, athletic direc-
tor, and H. Robert Reynolds, director of
University bands, were among con-
siderations in Cavender's decision to
step down.
Also, Cavender said he "violently

disagrees" with the Big Ten
band size at the Rose Bowl."
cannot build a successful
when you have 260 kids and
take 196 on the road," he expla
"Thngs like that have play
resignation. Basically, it's a'
cumulated things that have ta
over a long period of time.
"I CAN'T TELL 60 kids, S
can't go to the game. You wor
See BAND, Page 7

Rep. Diggs likely to

Arnson likely to stay MSA chief,

Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
President Eric Arnson will apparently
retain his office whatever the final
outcome of a suit by MSA member
Irving Freeman challenging the
constitutionality of Arnson's election.
The suit charged a student
government constitutional amendment
changing the selection process for
president from appointment by MSA to
election by the students was not yet in
effect at the time of Arnson's election
last April.
AS A SAFEGUARD, Arnson obtained
MSA support for a resolution
appointing him president under the old
procedures so that, regardless of the
disposition of Freeman's suit, he would
be able to stay in office.
The problem was that Arnson's term
as: an at-large representative to MSA
was set to expire later this month. Since

v "

lose comni
DETROIT (UPI)-Rep. Charles
Diggs (D-Mich.) may forfeit his con-
gressional chairmanships but probably
will not face ouster from the House,
even if he is jailed for his conviction on
28 felony counts of fraud.
Sources quoted by the Detroit News
yesterday said the senior black House
member who won a landslide re-
election in his eastside district Tuesday
probably won't remain chairman of the
House District Committee and Africa
subcommittee on the House Inter-
national Relations Committee.
DIGGS WAS convicted Oct. 7 of pad-
ding his staff payroll and then taking
kickbacks from employees. House rules
Su nday
e A mysterious illness has been
contracted by 49 of the 59
residents of the Alpha Delta Pi
sorority. See story, Page 2.
" About eight months ago,
health officials warned
marijuana smokers about lung
diseases caused by smoking
paraquat-sprayed grass from

ilttee posts
reinstate full voting rights to a member
who is re-elected after being convicted
of a felony. Even if Diggs goes to
prison, the only way he could lose his
seat would be with a two-thirds vote of
the House, a rule not used since the
Civil War.
Diggs had said he would seek his
chairmanship if re-elected. But chair-
persons of full committees are chosen
by the Democratic Caucus on recom-
mendation from the Democratic Policy
and Steering Committee. A committee
source told the News the caucus
probably would not hesitate to take
Diggs' chairmanship away.



Midwest reps to discuss
anti-apartheid moves here

allow a presidential election in April.
He charged that Arnson-and the other
presidential candidates, one of whom
was Freeman himself-ran for the
office under procedures that did not yet

means the Assembly will choose her
successor regardless of the outcome of
the Freeman suit.
Former CSJ chief justice Thomas
Potter, meanwhile, denied lbias played

Delegates from midwestern colleges,
universities, and community groups
will meet today in the Michigan Union
Ballroom to coordinate activities op-
posing University and corporate ties to
Rn,,lk Afrin.. r nnnvthnIA ,rpoimP_

clearing house of information between
different campus groups and
The representatives decided the
committee will also include represen-
tatives of local and national
organizations active against apartheid.

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