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November 04, 1978 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-04

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, November 4, 1978-Page 7

Midwifery growing

practice in
The Michigan Public Health Code al-
lows specialty certification in nurse
midwifery only to' registered nurses.
However, there are many "lay mid--
wives"-women who practice mid-
wifery without formal training-in
Michigan. -
Marta Hoetter, 27, is a lay midwife.
She trained as an apprentice with
another midwife and is currently af-
fNiated with the. Birth Center for Pre-
Natal Care, a part of Detroit's Feminist
Women's Health Center.
HOETTER said the Public Health
Code and the Medical Practice Act are
too broad. The interpretation of these
two laws has sparked a controversy
over midwifery.
Although the Medical Practice Act
says child delivery must be made with'
the help of a doctor, nurse, or midwife,
some have accused midwifes of "prac-
ticing medicine without a license,"
Hoetter said.
HOETTER assists women who are
undecided about birth and child
delivery. She refuses to take women

whose only reason for choosing a mid-
wife is that they are cheaper than doc-
"It is the doctors who create business
for me," said Hoetter. "I lie low. The
mothers who want the responsibility for
the birth. They have, a hard time
relating to doctors and hospitals. I
demand that the mother take charge of
the delivery. I just assist." f
Hoetter said her practice is different
from' that of a nurse midwife. "Nurse
midwifes are under the jurisdiction of
the Nurse Practice Board," she said.
"They set the guidelines and criteria
for nurse midwifes to follow."
In the future, lay midwifes may
becomelicensed in Michigan, she said.
This has already happened in some
southern states. Even so, some mid-
wives don't feel this is the best thing
that could happen.
"Who would determine the
requirements, where to practice and
the delivery environment?" said Hoet-
ter. "Lay midwives fear that the
process would be too structured.. .It is
better if it is self-directed."

bBy JAMES KOBIELUS plants and books. It also sto
"I bet you can't guess what this is," and women's clothing of el
said the white-haired woman as she ceivable style, size, and co
picked up a rust-covered cast-iron ob- unusual items as gladiator h
ject. The article resembled an upside- dicate there is always someth
down bowl, but was topped with a bent adventurous shopper, as well.
spike and loose chain-mesh. In the chill of advancii
"It's a helmet," she said before an weather, shelves are nowI
answer could be given, and placed the with coats, sweaters, boots,
roman headgear on a styrffoam dum- weather-resisitant apparel.7
my head. which has been in business fo
"WE JUST RECEIVED a few of also has a ready supply of 1
them this morning. They were on our formal wear including even
doorstep and we're going to try to and tuxedos. r
sell them," she continued. "I have no Because it does not activ
idea what kind of person would have . material donatins and giN
owned such a thing. Maybe somebody items it cannot sell, the store
will find a use for it." merchandise is continually
The Thrift Shop, a second-hand store The store's policy is to keep n
at 120 N. Fourth Ave., reopened its goods moving at all times, c
doors recently after a spell of services to people whoneed ti
renovating and restocking. The shop is "We are a total socia
a non-profit charity which sells donated organization," said a stori
household items at bargain prices. "We serve the community in
Proceeds from the sales are distributed First, we keep our prices v
to needy persons in the Ann Arbor area, the merchandise is affordal
as recommended by local social agen- many people as possible. S
cies. give away our revenues, be3
- The store's merchandise consists goes into fixed costs, such a:
mostly of the usual household goods, insurance, to deserving1
from kitchenware and paintings to need."

)cks men's MANY OF THE
very con- workers were quic
olor. Such their involvement
elmets in- stems from a cc
ing for the privileged people a
for personal, rewar
ng colder their names not bei
piled high ticle, saying they pl
and other ce on community
The store, dividual recognition
r 45 years, The store also pla
low-priced first-aid station-
ing gowns people can obtain
emergencies when
ely solicit organizations cane
ves away year the Thrift Shol
's stock of
money and LINA WERTMUL
channeling TH
i service A fresh and
e worker. directors. Ro
two ways. ANNINI and
ery low so him from his
ble for as a double lifei
econd, we
yond what
s rent and
people in CINEM

or chart ty

s tore's volunteer
ck to point out that
in these activities
oncern for under-
nd not from a desire
rd. They asked that
mentioned in this ar-
lace more importan-
y, rather than in-
ays a unique role as a
-of sorts-where
immediate help in
other social service
not aid them. Last
p contributed $19,000

to various charitable causes. Onc 0,
store paid a pregnant woman's ca1J
to the hospital, and for several
has paid the medical expenses of
with an artificial respirator. In ad l
to gifts to individuals, the storenm
regular contributions to nurreif
schools, health care centers, and a "hilk
care center.
The Thrift shop, always needs
donations of household goods and asks
that they be brought to the shop dam;g
open hours: from 10-12 a.m. and'I2
p.m. on weekdays, and from 10 am.
noon on Saturdays. To have merchan
dise picked up, call 662-6771.

fragrant sexual farce by one of Europe's leading
Alicking fun and fighting between GIANCARLO G1-
MARIANGELA MELA TO. The pride of Mimi leads
Communist beliefs into conformity as he pursues,
with his wife and mistress. In colorful Italian.,


7:0&90 $1.50

OSU paper sues CIA for release of files
ontinued from Page 1)Circuit Court of Appea
the CIA's Informatinn Review Commit- York the suit is the fourth to contest the

als for the District

nocuous" material, according to the
Lantern report.
Along with the files, Kapsa and
Wilson were sent a letter stating that
the CIA "will not grant access to any
additional records that may exist which
might be responsive to your request."
"By this answer, we are neither
denying nor confirming that any such
additional records exist," the letter
THAT DECISION was appealed to

tee who responded that "arrangements
will be made for consideration of (the)
appeal" and that the Lantern reporters
woUld be notified when the agency
reached a decision.
According to Wilson, the CIA was
required by law to respond within twen-
ty working days of the appeal, but "we
.never heard again from them."
The Lantern then decided to file suit.
According to Jack Novik, an attorney
for the ACLU national office in New

CIA's responses to FOIA requests. The
other suits originate from the Univer-
sity of California system, Columbia
University, and Rutgers University.
NOVIK SAID there are two basic
issues which the CIA and the plaintiffs
are disputing. The most important of
these is "whether or not the gover-
nment is required to confirm or deny
whether or not documents exist," he
said. The University of California suit
will soon bring this question before the

of Columbia, Novik added.
The other issue is the agency's right
to delete information, usually names,
from files it does release. According to
Levy, the CIA edits the material
because releasing the names would be a
"violation of the privacy of any people
that they (the CIA) have contact with."
But, he said, the Lantern suit conten-
ds that the "real person whose privacy
right is violated are people whose
names might be forwarded to the CIA
without their knowledge.

MP"O t 4 i T L fil I li i ,
MON. thru SAT. 10 A.M. til I:3b P.M. SUN. & -HOLS. 12 Noon til I:30 P.M.
Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, Admission $2.50 Adult and Students
Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to Close, $3.50 Adults, $2.50 Student
Sunday-Thursday Evenings Student & Senior Citizen Discounts
Children 12 And Under, Admissions $1.25
1. Tickets sold no sooner than 30 minutes
prior to showtijne.
2. No tickets sold later than 15 minutes
after showtime.

Larsen chases incumbent Austin

(Continued from Page 1)
those of other age groups in terms of
alcohol-related accidents.
HE ADDED the legislature's decision
to raise the drinking age for a three-
year trial period should be given an op-
portunity to see whether it will lower
alcohol related accidents.
Larsen also claimed Austin was'run-
ning an inefficient department because
of his failure to account for the actions
of the Election's Division.
The division had to draw a second
testing sample in its check on petition
drives to cut taxes, change the school
funding system, and give collective
bargaining rights to state troopers.
THE DISCOVERY last week that the
secretary of state's office was un-
dergoing investigation by the United
States attorney's office and the FBI
came at a significant point in the cam-
The investigation was triggered by an
anonymous letter sent to State
Representative Ernest Nash (R-
Dimondale) that alleged a non-union
shop was denied a state contract for the
production of envelopes used to mail
driver licenses. It claimed the contract
requirements were changed at "the last
minute" so the non-union shop could not
meet them.
"Attorney General (Frank) Kelly
and IJ.S. Attorney (James) Brady have
made it clear the secretary of state is

not the target of the investigation," said
Austin. "We have these investigations
often, and, we always offer full
cooperation with the law enforcement
agencies. So far, there has been no
evidence of wrongdoing," he said.
Larsen said he had information about
alleged improprieties but chose not to
go public with those claims sooner
because the allegations were "very
serious matters and should not be used
for political purposes."
Dennis Neuner said the investigation
would have no effect on the election.
Neuner added, "The people in the
Republican party saw this as an
opportunity to hurt Austin because he is
a strong drawing force for the
Democratic ticket. Last election he had
the most votes of anybody in the state."
Austin said his campaign centers
around his achievements, He said his
most outstanding achievement was the
voter registration program because
Michigan now has the third highest
percentage of registered voters of any
He added his program to accept
personal checks for licenses saved the
public a great deal of time, and the
program to mail notifications 90 days

before licenses expire, saved the beat Austin, but
department.money and time. said a defeat isa
Larsen has said it will be tough to political career.

the young lawmaker
not likely to end his

Arabs beef up defenses

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Arab
leaders have agreed to spend $11 billion
to bolster their defenses against Israel
because of the expected loss of Egypt in
the confrontation with the Jewish state,
summit sources reported yesterday.

The money will be allocated over a
period of five years, the sources said.
At $2.2 billion per year, the approved
sum is much smaller than the $9 billion
annual fund pfoposed by Iraq, which is
hosting the ninth Arab League summit
conference here.

50% off



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