The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 26, 1978-Page 5
Students from college campuses
throughout Michigan will converse on
the steps of the State Capitial today to
publicize their opposition to the
drinking age proposal and tell the
public the proposal's backers are;
"distorting statistics."
The 2 p.m. rally is co-sponsored by;
the Michigan State University (MSU)
Students to Oppose Proposal D (STOP
D) and the Michigan Committee for the
Age of Responsibility (MICAR).
Speakers will include MICAR chair-
person state Senat6r Jackie Vaughn (D-
Detroit), members of the governor's1
commission that recommended,
lowering the age of majority in 1971,
MSU professors, and students.
"I think having a rally at the State
Capitol is good... a common gathering,
of different students at so prestigious a
place," said STOP D chairperson
Karen Szafranski, adding she expects a
"big turn-out," possibly including some
high school students.
STOP D, organized during the third
week of September, has been tacking
up posters and mailing out newsletters
to publicize today's demonstration.
Buses will leave East Lansing today
to collect ralliers from all over the
state. Western Michigan University
students will fill five buses, but spon-
sors expect only enough University
students to occupy a portion of the
Eastern Michigan University bus,
Szafranski said.
Since its inception, STOP D has been
in contact with various colleges and
universities around the state, and
Szafranski said she believes the group
has influenced other students to form
their own anti-Proposal D
"We unified them," the 19-year-old
MSU student said. "They all wanted to
do something, but they didn't know how
to do it."
A recently-forged Western Michigan
University student organization,
worried not only about the possible
drinking age hike, but about the lack of
student participation in government, is
planning to attend the rally.
Like the MSU students, the Western
group has staged a voter registration
drive. "Students, period, are beginning
to take an interest," said student
spokesperson Alan Gerould. "They're
beginning to realize if they don't get
registered and don't vote, they're going
to get screwed.
"There's a lot of impact we could
have," Gerould continued. "The thing
with students is we're not very
wealthy-the only way we're strong is
in number."
Airlines fil
airlines ended a week-long vigil outside
the Civil Aeronautics Board yesterday
and filed claims for hundreds of routes
in the Great Air Rush of 1978.
The routes were up for grabs on a fir-
st-come, first-served basis under a
provision in the airline deregulation bill
signed Tuesday by President Carter.
THE MARKETS being sought are
those not served now by any airline or
those which airlines hold authority for
but are not using. Most of the nation's
major cities are involved.
The jet-age version of a frontier land
rush began last Thursday when a
United official started the line outside
the CAB to assure his carrier first
choice once Carter signed the bill. That
surprised the other carriers, but they
quickly rushed representatives to the
le for open
Throughout the long vigil, stand-ins
working in relays held the spots. There
were college students, hired
messengers and others who passed the
time reading, talking, listening to the
radio, watching portable television sets
or curling up in sleeping bags or
A BEARDED representative of one
airline showed up Monday with a
sleeping bag and a pistol. He didn't
branish the gun or threaten anyone, but
it made others in line nervous. At the
request of police, the carrier found a
air rote
Airline officials and attorneys,
wearing double-breasted suits and
carrying brief cases, replaced their
less-stylish stand-ins as zero hour
neared Wednesday morning. But there
was one final hitch.
Filing was delayed 25 minutes while
CAB officials. attempted to settle
position disputes. Air Florida and
Altair Airlines complained they should
be moved up in line because represen-
tatives of some other airlines had left
their posts for brief periods
LEVI Straights and Flares NOW $12.50
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continues the
with a lecture by
Professor of Genetics and Internal Medicine
Friday, October 27-8 P.M.
at the
Ecumenical Campus Center
921 Church St.
The public is invited
Israeli cabinet
(Continued from Page 1)
the applecart." He said he and Weiz-
man would negotiate according to the
Cabinet guidelines, but had not been
given precise wording for the treaty.
"WHATEVER WE achieve will be
brought back to Israel and only what
the Israeli government finally approves
will constitute the final agreement,"
Dayan said. "We are convinced that the
guidelines we received can serve as a
basis for reaching an agreement with'
the Egyptians."
Israel radio said Begin would draft
message to President Carter outliniig
Israel's proposed changes in the drat.
The radio also reported that Begin
cabled Israel's objections to a message
Carter sent to King Hussein of Jordi.
Hussein had asked for clarificalons
of U.S. policy on the future of the West
Bank, the Palestinians and Jerusilem.
Begin was briefed on the Anmrican
reply by Undersecretary of State
Harold Saunders, who aroused Israeli
anger by holding talks with PaIstinian
leaders and with Hussein on isues the
Israelis said were still ;pen to
who Iroposed "a string of suggestions"
that were adopted, refused to disclose
the rature of the amendments, but he
hinted to reporters that the proposals
would seriously alter the text.
He said the Cabinet would not have
invested so much discussion "had it not
been serious and had it not gone into
impprtant, meritorious issues. But
there was a lot in the agreement when it
was brought to us which got the ap-
proval of the whole government."
In Cairo, President Anwar Sadat told
members of his National Democratic
Party that he was confident a treaty
would be signed. "The peace treaty will
definitely be concluded sooner or later
because the walls of fear and suspicion
have been broken down," Sadat said,
according to a spokesman who briefed
"THERE ARE just a number of poin-
ts about which Egypt has asked for
alterations," he said.
tores plan changes
under iew bottle law
(Continued from Pag
Thrifty Acres on Carpentr Rd. in Yp-
silanti is ifistalling a °omputerized
machine where custonrs can just
drop-off the empty bttles. "The
machine is programmd to read the
dimensions of the bottlEkr can and then
give back a read-out othe amount the
bottles are worth," aplained Brian
Breslin, public informtion director for
"This slip is taken p to the cashier
and the customer ' refunded his
deposit. We are tryig to make it as
convenient as possile for people to
return bottles," he said.
The question remains whether it is
really worth ones while to bring back an
empty bottle for a 10 cent deposit.
"Everytime you don't take them
back it's going to cost you 10 cents a
bottle. If you have a 12-pack of beer that
means $1.20, that's alot of money on a
student budget," said University
student Bill Combs. "It's worth the few
minutes of your time it takes to return a
few bottles, at least for me. This law
hits you where it counts, in the pocket-
book. That's why it's going to be so ef-
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