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October 25, 1978 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-25

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Page 2-Wednesday, October 25, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Black S. African unionist seeks support

Drake Koka, general secretary of the
Black Allied Workers Union of South
Africa, urged an audience of some 50
persons at the Union last night to sup-
port black South Africans who are
struggling to overthrow the country's
apartheid regime.
"I want your faith in the black
leadership that is never shaken even on
the edge of doom," said Koka.
Koka, who has been indicted by the
South African government as a co-
conspirator in the trial of eleven Soweto
students charged with sedition and
teirorism, said "the time has come to
take up arms against the seas of
HE ADDED the American and
british governments have no right to
dictate the future of black South
Africans. Dressed in his native apparel,

Koka said the two Western powers have
only contributed to the oppressive
measures practiced by the South
African government.
Koka is currently on a seven-week
tour of the U.S. that began Oct. 2. Last
night's speech was sponsored by the
Washtenaw County Coalition Against
Apartheid and the Michigan Student
Thetrade-union leader said the arms
struggle for liberation has already
begun and will continue until "blacks
break the chains of the apartheid
"WE HAVE tumbled down the
regime and South Africa will never be
the same," he said.
Koka said many people consistently
question his political philosophy to find
out why he is so opposed to the South

African government. But, he em-
phasized that his animosity toward the
South African regime stems from his
strong belief in the "one-ness" of
human beings. He claims blacks in
South Africa believe in sharing ex-
periences and acting in a unified
"Apartheid is an ideology that thrives
and flourishes in the process of
fragmentation which is diametrically
opposed to my inware feeling as a black
man. It destroys me as a human
being," said Koka.
HE POINTED to several legislative
doctrines, established by the South
African government, which severely
restrict the economic, social and
political rights of non-whites.
He said the Union Act of 1910 denies
blacks citizenship and allows the white
minority to exclude them from par-
ticipating in the political process.

He also said the blacks are limited in
job opportunities and have become
"non-employees in the country of his
The trade-union leader strongl
denounced the Sullivan Principles
the anti-discrimination guidelines for
mulated by Rev. Leon Sullivan o
General Motors - which are intende*d
to provide equality among all enrU
ployees of American corporationg
operating in South Africa.
He argued the guidelines are ju41
"token concessions" within the systerp
and don't affect the country's economic
He said the black trade unions are no
seeking recognition from the minorit"
regime but will wait until the strugg
against the exploitative system o labo.
is completed.

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG

Ann Arbor Film Coo erative presents
(Alexander Korda, 1932) 7:00 ONLY
Produced by the great French storyteller, Marcel Pagnol, MARIUS is the story
of a young man, torn between his love for a young girl and his longing to go to
sea. Raimu, the beloved French comedian, stars as the young man's father, a
Marseille barkeeper who protects hip..ender feelings by directing witty shafts
at thepeople of whom he is most fond. You may have seen FANNY, a Holly-,
wood version of this story, starring LESLIE CARON. But don't miss the original,
which better caputred the feeling of a southern French seaport and the people
who inhabit it.
(Max Ophuls, 1947) 9:04 ONLY
Although this film was made in Hollywood and is in English, Max Ophols is
primarily known as a French director. THE EXILE stars DOUGLAS FAIR8ANI(S,
JR., who also produced and wrote the film, as the leader of a band of English
cavaliers, during the time of Cromwell. Ophuls' touch can be seen in the intri-
cate camera movements, which capture every detail of the elaborate costumes
and settings of this period film.
HAPPY HOUR, 6-9 pm Mon-Fri
Frozen Yogurt Shakes 1/2 Price
SPECIAL $1.75 SPECIAL $1.50.
Saturday Morning's Delight SATURDAY'S DELIGHT AFTER 3 pm
Breakfast Crepes FREE YOGURT
Served with blueberryS
muffin and coffee. SUNDAE
All Specials Oct. only
"Ita odFe..Amt;

Israeli Cabinet adjourned; no decision
yet on Sadat-Begin Middle East treaty.

From Wire Service Reports
JERUSALEM - The Israeli Cabinet
adjourned after a seven-hour session
yesterday without making a decision on
the draft of a peace treaty with Egypt.
President Carter has urged the Israelis
to accept the document but some
ministers expressed reservations.
Speaking to reporters after the
lengthy -session, Prime Minister
Menachem Begin said yesterday, "I
hope the Cabinet will end its discussion
tomorrow, and that it will also take the
FOREIGN Minister Moshe Dayan
and Defense Minister Ezer Weizman,
Israel's chief negotiators at the talks,
briefed Parliament's most powerful
body, the Foreign Affairs and Security
Committee, after the Cabinet adjour-
Former Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin, also a member of the powerful
committee, said the draft left open
"certain questions which require con-
crete answers."
Sources said Begin is not happy with
all the details of the draft which ap-
parently makes more than one mention
of linking the treaty to the future of the
occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.
message asking Begin to endorse the
agreement drawn up at the Washington
peace talks, Israeli government sour-
ces said.
Egypt is urging the U.S. to make
"certain" amendments in the treaty.
"President Sadat asked the chief of the

Egyptian delegation to introduce basic
amendments to the draft treaty, par-
ticularly regarding the linkage between
it and the question of an overall set-
tlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict,"
the semi-official Al Ahram newspaper
said Monday.
It seems the major stumbling block in
the negotiations over the American
draft is a link between the separate
peace between Egypt and Israel and-
the future of the 1.1 million Palestinians
living in the occupied territories.
IN WASHINGTON, U.S. officials said
they expected the pact to be initialed
this week despite Sadat's request that
the treaty specifically call for progress

on solving the Palestinian problem.
Israeli officials in Washington were
putting together a request for
American aid that could reach $4 billion
to underwrite Israel's withdrawal from
the Sinai over a three-year period.
The Israeli negotiating team is ex-
pected to return to the United States
later this week. If the talks yield an
agreement, Dayan and Weizman could
initialit, and then both Cabinet and
Parliament would have to ratify it.
Tentative plans were being made for
Carter to travel to the Middle East as
soon as the pact is signed. The pact
would be the first ever between an Arab
state and Israel.

1 yn, F 'k

MSA boycotts selection process

Continued from Page 1)
MSA president Eric Arnson said: "I
think we should say we're not happy
and we won't participate until the
guidelines are altered. The second
motion for a new committee diverts the
emphasis from the original focus."
MSA member Richard Barr stressed
nothing would be lost if MSA waited one
week to decide what it is going to do as
long as a stand is taken on the boycott.
"I think the timing is crucial in this,"
saidMSA member Sean Foley. "If we
wait until next week to say what we're
going to do, it will show we tried as
much as possible, and played this out to
the end. It will legitimize us."
Barr also stressed the importance of
faculty support in boycotting the

"We have to lobby to get the faculty
to go against the Regents because then
they will have no bargaining power.
They can't get a president if the faculty
is not behind them," he said.
Richard Pace also stressed the im-
portance of the faculty. "They provide
a balancing power because we can't get
anything from the alumni," he said.

Shaw Livermore, chairman of the
faculty's Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affaris (SACUA),
criticized the Regents' guidelines which
denied personal interviews to all other
Because of Livermore's stand, Ar
nson said obtaining faculty suppor
isn't an impossible goal.

nson said obtaining faculty supporI
isn't an impossible goal.


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