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September 07, 1978 - Image 53

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-07

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 7, 1978-Page 53

A marriage of convenience

It is easy to divide Ann Arbor into a
niversity community and a city com-
iunity, but the two are not' distinct.
hey interact constantly, and while
leir relationship is basically solid, it is
iso sometimes strained.
The relationship revolves around two
ey points-the University reimbursing
ie city for use of its services such as
olice and fire protection, and the
ultural benefits the city reaps from the
ALBERT WHEELER, who enjoys a
nique dual role as a University
iicrobiology professor and a defeated
rmer Ann Arbor mayor, says the
ultural advantages the city derives

from the University outweigh the in-
creased financial burden.
"The University is the heartbeat of
the city of Ann Arbor," he says. "It
provides the economic, social and
cultural lifeblood of the city. Because of
the University's presence, residents
have access to plays, concerts, lectures
and films that would otherwise be
unavailable. The multiplicity of ac-
tivities generated by the University
makes Ann Arbor a most exciting and
desirable place to live."
But the economics of city/University
relations are not!so rosy. The Univer-
sity is the largest single property owner
in Ann Arbor, yet because it is a univer-
sity it pays no property tax, thus shif-

ting a big chunk of the tax load to local
residents. There is also the nagging
problem of payment for city services.
"WHEN IT COMES to paying bills,
they (city officials) think we're an
awful strain," says University Vice
President for State Relations Richard
Kennedy. "A few years ago they were
unsatisfied with the amount we were
paying for police and fire services, but
through a joint University/city effort
we have been able to set up a reimbur-
sement plan that is acceptable to both
The biggest stumbling block in
University/city relations is housing. As
Wheeler points out, "The University
provides housing for only one-third of

THE UNIVERSITY administration,
on the other hand, is concerned about
predictions of declining enrollment in
the near future.
"What do we do if we build a lot of
new housing, and don't have the people
to fill it?" asks University Vice
President for Financial Affairs James
The University also has a positive
economic effect on the city in several
ways. First, the city receives a total of
$3 million in federal monies annually,
which is based on population and the
number of low income residents in the
city. University students comprise a
third of the city's population, and in-
clude a large number .of low income

Students, townsfolk,
peacefully co-exist

I think the relations between the Ann Arbor com-
munity and the University are better than in most
any other college town. We work together on capital
projects, and benefit from each other's services--
culturally, economically and socially.'
--Richard Kennedy
University Vice President for State Relations

Although two-thirds of the Ann
Arbor community is sometimes
at odds with its other third-the
University students-there is a
definite symbiotic relationship
between the two.
It is practically impossible for
area businesspeople to ignore
students. Most locals accept the
fact that students are an integral
part of the community-the
scholars are praised by some,
denounced by others, but simply
tolerated by most.
EVEN THOUGH many studen-
ts protest a lack of funds, they
somehow manage to eat out
regularly, and local restauran-
teurs seem to appreciate the
"They're a very intricate part
of the business," says Pretzel
Bell owner Clint Castor. "We like
the students-it's not 100 percent
by any stretch of the imagination,
but we like their business."
Castor emphasizes that the
Pretzel Bell has no problems with
student thefts. "They just come
here for dinner," Castor adds.
HOWEVER, Sue Ballard,
manager of the Old Heidelberg,
says students do cause some dif-
ficulties for this Main Street
eaterie. "At the beginning of the
semester, we usually lose several
sets of silverware, salt shakers
and other things students need

for apartments," says Ballard.
But students are not written off
for bouncing checks in Ballard's
book. "I'd be willing to say there
are more notorious adults in this
town that are bad check writers
than students," she says.
According to Bimbo's manager
Tony Matteis, students do rip off
mugs and other utensils, but he
says that is to be expected. "We
run a pretty straight
place-people come in to have a
good time, and that's it," Matteis
COMMUNITY residents on the
whole don't seem to mind their
younger neighbors, even when a
wild bash disturbs sleep. In fact,
says Tower Plaza staff member
Chris Liebich, "a lot of the older
people who live here do live here
because students live here-it
makes them feel younger."
"Students? You get used to
them after awhile," says Dannon
Yogurt truck driver Bill Myslim-
ski with a grin. Myslimski deals
with the scholarly creatures
every day as he makes his
deliveries to dormitories and
local stores. "The only trouble
you have is students walking in
front of you when you're
Yet despite minor differences
between students and Ann Ar-
bor's year-round residents, those
on both sides of the fence seem to
observe a good neighbor policy.

its 35,000 students, which puts an enor-
mous burden on the city to provide
"The Ann Arbor rental market is
already out of the price range of
families making as much as $20,000 per
year, and it won't improve unless the
housing supply increases," Wheeler
continues. "This requires new con-
struction, which is the University's
responsibility since it has the land and
can obtain the funds to house a bigger
percentage of its students."

residents, which helps the city obtain
federal funding. Also, the University
stimulates Ann Arbor's tourist trade,
especially on football Saturdays.
"By and large," says Kennedy, "I
think the relations between the Ann Ar-
bor community and the University are
better than in most any other college
town. We work together on capital
projects, and benefit from each other's
services-culturally, economically,
and socially."

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Students and city officials often share an intimate relationship during the annual
Hash Bash.

You Ought To Be On Stage.
or behind if . .
or inside it .. .
... or in front of it, in the orchestra, or outside the front door
selling tickets.
Whatever your talent is, whether you sing, dance, sew, act, hammer
nails, focus lights, keep accurate accounts or throw fantastic parties. Ann
Arbor Civic Theatre needs you.
If you want to become a maker of magic-a purveyor of dreams, come
down and see us.
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Building
201 Mulhuiland Drive, Ann Arbor
Write for membership brochure: PO Box 1993, Ann
Arbor 48106 or phone 662-9282 or 662-9405 evenings.



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