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October 13, 1978 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-13

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FIFH VENfUE 761.9700
Held Over! Held.Over!
MON.-SAT.-7:15 and 9:30
SUN.-5:00, 7:15 and 9:30
The story of a kid
who believed in himself.
n -
-J A RICTEO s . .. .
[R P .. <I du c

Page 6-Friday, October 13,1978-The Michigan Daily

Tax slash proponent takes his ease here

(Continued from Page 1)
to go for our fair share and get it back. I
don't know where we're going to cut
and I really don't give a damn what
we're going to cut,"but we're going to
Tisch demonstrated considerable
skill handling questions from a largely
skeptical audience. He sometimes drif-
ted off into unrelated personal tales, in-
cluding a story about his gran-
One listener, Ann Arbor State
Representative Perry Bullard,
challenged Tisch, asserting that Ann
Arbor's school system would be left in a
shambles by a 50 per cent tax cut.
"I DON'T think the school districts
are as bad as they say they are," Tisch
replied. "They're going to be scrat-
ching for dough and they're going to

find it."
Bullard, a liberal Democrat, then of-
fered to debate Tisch on the tax
"I won't debate you unless you have a
proposition," Tisch said. "You don't
have enough guts to put a proposal on
the ballot."
swered that he had supported tax-
reducing measures in the past, but
would not support Tisch's or any other
tax measure on the November ballot.
By the time Tisch concluded his ap-
pearance, the crowd had dwindled to
less than 15 persons. Despite the hostile
response he received, Tisch said he was
still confident that Proposal J would
"If it doesn't, my lips will be zipped
and you'll never hear from me again."

Citizens group criticizes
tax cutting ballot proposals

t.; ' 1


DETROIT (UPI) - A citizen's com-
mittee yesterday criticized three ballot
proposals to limit or cut taxes as "false
promises that will only shift taxes and
put government in a strait jacket."
The group, calling itself Citizens Op-
posed to Slick Tax Schemes (COSTS),
said it will wage a publicity campaign
throughout Michigan to defeat ballot
proposals E, H and J - the so-called
Headlee, voucher and Tisch plans.
"PROPOSALS E, H, and J exploit the
genuine frustration of the taxpayers of
Michigan by making promises that will
not likely be delivered," Stanley
Winkelman, a Detroit businessman and
spokesman for the group, told repor-

"Individually and collectively, these
three proposals really are no More than
simplistic approaches to complex
problems that provide no net tax relief
for most taxpayers," he said.
"There are no simple answers,"
Winkelman said.
"These are false promises that will
only shift taxes and put the government
in a straitjacket."

Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE.,
TAX BUTTING ADVOCATE Robert Tisch paused to field a question during his.
visit to the Lawyers Club yesterday. .
Scalping tickets big
business, but illegal

Prof. Robinson dies
Prof. Dorothy Robinson of the
University School of Social Work died
Oct. 5 at her home. She was 59.
The School of Social Work will hold a
memorial service at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 13 at
the Rackham Assembly Hall.
Robinson, who received her
bachelor's degree in 1941 from Wayne
University and her master of social
work degree in 1950 from the University
of Michigan, had _ been a faculty
member since 1956. She was appointed
full professor in July of this year.

Dr. David Wiley
Director of the African Studies Center,
Michigan State University
A lecture on Friday, Oct. 13-8 PM
"Ethics and Foreign Policy:
The U.S. and Africa"
the second in the 1978
Ecumenical Campus Center
921 Church St.
The lecture will be held in the Center's lounge. All
interested persons are invited to attend.

ing traffic as examples.
Hawkins says his department has 06"
plainclothesmen regularly working the.r
stadium crowd. "If a problem arises,"
he stated, "we'll send uniformed troops
in first."
ON THE OTHER Hand, the Univer-
sity Athletic Ticket Office admits to:
circulating two plainclothes policemen-
in the crowd along the routes to the
The University officers, who are on
loan from the Ann Arbor Police, are,
there to "observe the resale of tickets
at over and above the face value," ac-
cording to Ticket Manager Al Renfrew.
"I think last year they arrested 20 or,.
30 persons (for scalping)," he added.
ACCORDING TO one South Quad.
scalper, advertising in the opposing
team's school newspaper can result in a
big profit on football tickets for major
games. Advertising rates are low, and
prospective buyers apparently care lit-
tle about the cost of long distance phone
The Ohio State game is one example.
"They've got no sense in Ohio,
anyway," said the scalper. "A couple of
years back, I had them bidding me up
to $60 apiece."
TIMING IS important in scalping, he
added. Awareness of the AP and UPI
rankings must be maintained in looking
ahead to future games.
"If Michigan takes the big dive," the
scalper pointed out, "so will ticket
"Don't get too greedy," he advised.
"Tickets for the MSU game are going .b
for $20-$25 apiece right now. If you hold .
out for more, you take the chance of
eating them (selling for less) come'-



One dlar won't even buy
y i
you a cheap bottle of wine,
a single rose or a small
box of candy
But now $1 will buy a message
straight from the heart vii~
printed in the MICHIGAN DAILY
Saturday, October 21.
Fill out the form and :mail it to:
420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
Or come in personally to the Daily, located next to the-Student
Activities Building and behind Betsy Barbour Hall (we're on the sec-
ond floor) by 3 p.m. Thursday, October 19. Make checks payable to
the Michigan Daily. The cost is $1 for 2 lines (14 words). Each addi-
tional line is 504.
Mail to:
420 Maynard St.I
l Ann Arbor, M1, 48109
I 1
SYorur nnrae


Teen volunteers
Some 70 young volunteers who worked
in the 1978 Summer Teen Volunteer pro-
gram at University Hospital units were
honored at a recent Recognition Nigti.
for the teens and their parents held af
Mott Children's Hospital.
The teens worked in the Mainr
Hospital, Ambulatory Care, and Mott
during the summer months. Others also
give of their time during the regular
school year.y

- r
-A Fantl syFilm $ n Un tedArni s
Teens who achieved 100, 200 and 300'
hours of contributed hours over this
JACK NICHOLSON past and previous summers wire
awarded pins. Those receiving awards
were: Martha Bennington, Cindy,,
Corpron, Teresa Donahue, Barb)
Kreinke, Sheila Morrison, Bert Greep,
MON.-TUES.-THURS.--FR. and Terry Upchurch, all from Ann
7:30-4:30 Arbor.
1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 Sue Dentel and Amy Owsley, who was
the top earner this summer at 115
hours, are from Dexter.


Friday, Oct. 20
Detroit Inst. of Art and
Science Center
Contact International
Center for details.
Departure ... 12 noon-764-9310
DINNER . . . (International) AT

Saturday, Oct. 14
PARTY.. . (International)
8:00 PM Alice Lloyd Hall;
Admission: Student/Staff ID and $1
c ..a... nom I I

Wednesday, Oct. 18
Speakers: Mauricio Font
A m.i rv, fP n

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