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October 08, 1978 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-08
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Page 2-Sunday, October 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily

RAMBLINGS/gregg krupa.

M ORNINGS AND S(nday afternoons
are not what they used to be.
I am not a person who wakes up
easily. After the alarm clock rings, I
need quick stimuli to keep my nervous
system working.
Coffee and an English muffin have
always proved helpful. But the effects
of hot caffeine soon fade. I need
something more to occupy a mind all too
accustomed to functioning in neutral.
And if the strike against the New
York Times does not end soon, I am
going to continue falling asleep face
down in my English muffin, missing
early morning classes and appointmen-
I am amazed at how long I have sur-
vived without the Times.
Relying on the Detroit Free Press
and day-old Washington Posts for early
morning information and stimulation is
like relying on dorm food for nourish-
ment -- you barely get what you need
and it is so lacking it is hardly worth the
I have never liked the- Free Press
very much. It seems to have more ad-
vertising than any daily paper in the
country - at least from what I have
Besides, its penchant for publishing
freak-show stories really bothers me.

Stories with headlines like: "Injured
mute crawls three days for help" make
me sick to my stomach. I guess the only
people who read those stories are the
same people who like movies of the
"Avalanche" and "Damien :Omen II"
EVERY TIME I go to the Michigan
State Fair I think the Free Press
should set up a trailer on the midway,

The feeling of insignificance is
exaggerated when events of historical
significance occur.
Of course, I realize the disadvantages
of relying on one newspaper for all the
news. All news is biased and confining
oneself to one source is simply a
But the Times is the best at what it
does: cataloguing the day-to-day events

And if the strike against the New York Times doesn't
end soon, I am going to continue falling asleep face down
in my English muffin, missing early morning classes and

Times. I was left feeling as if I had not
received the full story. I could not even
save the front page to add to my collec-
Sunday is the day I really miss the
Times. I usualTy save my school work
for one massive effort on Sunday. Other
than that the day is pretty boring.
Without the Sunday Times, I have
had trouble coming up with
rationalizations to avoid doing school
work on that day too. An alternative is
to read the local Sunday papers. But the
Free Press, the Ann Arbor News, and
the Detroit News can all be consumed
in about the same time it takes to
peruse the Times - if you omit the gib-
berish in the local editions.
I EVEN ENJOY the advertisements
I in the Sunday Times. I like to know
where people are eating in New York,
what they are wearing, and what plays
they are seeing. Even though I have
only been in New York City a few times,
it is nice to dream about being there.
Alas, the strike wanes on. I sym-
pathize with the pressmen as I sym-
pathize with anyone struggling to keep
their job in a world where employment
is hard to come by.
I guess Paul Simon had a point when
he wrote: "There's no times at all, just
the New York Times."

I am standing in a long line for a CCRB
I locker. It's a beautiful-cool morning.
Looking down on the campus from the
Hill, one thought among many is that I
have been lucky. I had an excellent
education; I enjoy the fruits of a
vigorous economy.
I have brought Heilbroner's new book,
Beyond Boom and Crash, to read while
in line. In it he argues: "All these new
realities .f. . indicate the need for an
unprecedented degree of monitoring,
control, supervision and precaution
over the economic .process." I agree
with him that the nation has to find new
means to achieve a healthy economy
and to extend opportunities to all people
- not just the lucky ones. I disagree
with the means he advocates. Let me
try to explain.
.Our government is involved in a new
venture: pervasive control of the
processes of production. The need
arises in part from the growing cost of
natural resources and also in part from
risks caused by high levels of
technological activity. In addition, the
esoteric nature of certain new
technologies, risks such as extreme
dependence on Middle-Eastern oil,
nuclear weapons proliferation
associated with nuclear power, and
global climate change which could
result from carbon dioxide released by
combustion. The need for control arises
Marc Ross is a professor of physics.


The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October
WORDS/mare ro,

in part because most people have
achieved some level of affluence and
are now demanding basic amenities,
such as safety at work, safe consumer
products, a healthy environment ...
UR SOCIETY is trying to achieve
this control by detailed regulation.
One example of the nature of this
regulation is the energy price and.
allocation activity of the Department of
Energy: prices are set for individual
wells. Supplies are then allocated to in-
dividual gasoline distributors. Under
proposed natural gas "deregulation,"
price will be also set for the sale of gas
to individual industrial forms. Such at-
tempts at control are at an embryonic
stage, but it appears to me that a mon-
ster is in the making.
I am just completing a book on
energy policy along with Robert
Williams of Princeton University (I will
present a mini-course on this material
beginning October 24). We attempt to
combine in our book technofogical in-
sight with political-economic analysis.
We argue that - although social control
of the processes of production is needed
- pervasive regulation will prove
much less effective than hoped, and
much more costly. The general ap-
proach we recommend is a move
toward processes of production which
are more amenable to social control,
instead of creating undesirable forms
of control for increasingly un-
manageable kinds of technologies.

W E FEEL the most desirable form
of social control would be detailed
decisions by individuals and firms in a
marketplace operating in a suitably
regulated economic climate. For
energy, this means elimination of
present subsidies for the energy-supply
industry (and much of the regulatory
apparatus surrounding it), and the im-
position of' substantial fuel taxes - at
well and mine. Then, the price of
energy would reflect both the costs of
new energy production and some
measure of the damaging side-effects
of energy production and use. This tax
would yield very substantial public
revenues allowing a reduction in some
of the more onerous and arbitrary
Of course, quite a lot of regulation
will continue to be needed, but it should
be minimized by design. For example,
many advocate expansion of tax-
supported programs to provide cheap
energy to the poor, but we answer that
equity would be better served by a tax-
supported effort to help provide the
poor with efficient housing, appliances,
and transportation. The former
program creates a permanent depen-
dency of the poor on a bureaucracy.
The latter program would be a one-time
effort to break with equipment of out-
moded design.
THERE IS a powerful reason for op-
timism about our general ap-

proach. Natural res
has been encouraged
climate and polic
established in the n:
In this climate pow
technologies and im
using energy have be
servation technology
just small cars and i:
though they are part
range of technolog
panying support sy:
been stunted by the
and policy climat
research relevant to
low gear. The soci
fundamental, as w
study of subjects
charge transfer at i
transfer. Conservat
fluid. The opportun
and -so diverse tha
everyone's percepti
By taking advanta
tunities society would
of economic effort in
services. In so doi
resources for other
more CCRBs. M
perhaps, in so doing
sharply curtail its re
obtaining most of the
trol through the mt
decisions of firms and

right between the smallest pony in the
world and the hairiest man, with all of
their bizarre stories thumb-tacked to
the wall.
Without the Times, there are momen-
ts when I feel out of touch with
civilization. The most important, in-
formed, complete account of day-to-day
world events is not available any more.
I am no longer in touch with what They
are doing. The insignificant me feels
even more insignificant now that I am
cut off from Them.

of the world. It has always attempted to
be the paper of record in New York
City. And its emphasis has always.been
on the national and the international.
The morning after Anwar Sadat,
Menachem Begin, and Jimmy Carter
reached the Camp David agreements, I
came in early to The Daily and combed
the Associated Press and United Press
International wires for the most minute
tid-bits of information.
I read the Free Press diligently.
But, damn it, there was no NewYork

sunddy maQazine


A. Pioneer English canal-builder
B. Resembling an automaton
C. Possible site, near Lake Rudolph
in Ethiopia, for the down of man
(2 words)
D. Danish physicist (1885-1952)credited
with synthesizing quantum and
atomic theory (Full name)

95 99 108 150 178 185 45 59
5 164 139 173 26 13 62 77 91 101
4 189 138 17 28 37 58 63 129
40 89 120 162 54 60 152 167 174

E. Thin and brittle brad made from the _ _ - - -
cereal oveno sativa 16 56 97 147 182 165 186

L. Austrian physicist (1838-1916) who
gave his name to the ratio of
the speed of a body to the speed
of sound in the surrounding
atmosphere (Full name)
M. Ancient Roman conduit for
flowing water
N. Athenian philosopher (470.399 B.C.)
famous for his "method"
0. Founder of modern astronomy
P. Turn inside out or cause to
protrude by eversion
Q. Untrue; without basis in fact
(3 words)
R. Discuss; deal with; handle
S. Gorge in Tanzania where Leakey
made his discoveries
T. Printer (1460-1527) famous for his
editions of the classics
U. Russian chemist (1834-1907) who
created the periodic table

F. Eng. naturalist (1823.1913) who.
independent of Darwin,
proposed theory of evolution by
natural selection
G. German physicist (18871961) who
developed the fundamental
equation of quantum theory
H. Brit. moth. and physicist for whom
the absolute scale of
temperature is named
1. Inspire or possess with a foolish
J. Wizard of Menlo Park (1847-1931)
(Full name)
K. German physicist (1901-1977) best
known for his Uncertainty

CopYright 1978
Guess the words defined at the
left and write them in over
their numbered dashes. Then,
transfer each letter to the cor-
responding numbered square
in the grid above. The letters
pr'inted in the upper-right-hand
corners of the squares indi-
cate from what clue-word a
particular ~square's letter
comes from. The grid, when
filled in, should read as a
quotation from a published
work. The darkened squares
are the spaces between words.
Some words may carry over.
to the next line. Meanwhile,
the first letter of each guessed
word at the left, reading down,
forms an acrostic, giving the
author's name and the title of
the work from which the quote
is extracted. As, words and
phrases begin to form in the
grid, you can work back and
forth from clues to grid until
the puzzle is complete.
Answer to Last Week's Puzzle
"Human intelligence is
bound to the presence of
animals. They are the means by
which cognition takes its first
shape and they are the
instruments for imagining
abstract ideas and qualities,
therefore giving us con-
sciousness. "
Paul Shepard
Thinking Animals

f OOD/~ ken parsiglan and

3 88 125 49 102 191 146 70 157
10 43 53 75 86 135 104 181
22 177 47 114 161 169 190 76
9 111 99 21 31. 69 79 38 55 180
6 29 51 90 103 133 158 166 179
46 134 23 67123 128 110 142 187 197
7 144 48 93 136
39 106 33 96 159 66 115
141 19 196 95 116 121 81 131 188
172 "30 82 12 42 57 64 71 112

T WAS TO BE a quiet evening at
home: a bottle of cognac, a couple of
Havana cigars, and the Sunday issue of
Le Monde. The soothing strains of a
Beethoven sonata were brashly in-
terrupted by the ringing of the
"Get over here as fast as you can,''
the familiar French voice urged. "I
need to talk to both of you."
It was Inspector Pradie, of the Paris
police. He had often called us in on his
more difficult cases - the Pommes
Anna murder, the boullibaise
poisoning, and the infamous butcher of
Cap d' Ail, a case so bizarre it is best
left for another time.
It was these little adventures that
helped to relieve the ennui of life on
Wall Street, 'so we made reservations
on the next Air France flight with
Upon our arrival at the Charles De
Gaulle Aeroport we were met by the in-
trepid Inspector Pradie.
"Bonjour mes amis," he said as he
embraced us and hurried us off to a
waiting limousine on the field.
In his obscure seventh floor.office, a
more relaxed Pradie revealed the
details of what could turn out to be the
most interesting case we've yet encoun-
"In recent weeks, no less than 11 key
government officials have been mur-
dered," Pradie explained, "including-
the secretaries of our three major
political parties." He leaned back in his
oversized swivel chair, and puffed pen-
sively on his pipe while assessing our
interest in the case. Our calm, almost
aloof, demeanor belied our keen
curiosity, but Pradie knew us too well to
be fooled; .he leaned forward and con-
Managing editor Ken Parsigian is
a waiter at Elias Brothers Big Boy..
Editorial director Rene Becker
speaks French.

122 168 11 94 194 15 175
14 35 27 78 87 107 170 183 151 155 193
80 140 196 119 20 156
8 85 153 36 72 44 105 130 145
- - - - - - - -
1 24 68 176 84 109 118 184 149 171 73 92
2 18 34 41 61 65 74 113 132 83


WE CONSIDERED terrorists, but
they aren't .usually so subtle.
They broadcast their 'triumph,' rather
than conceal it. We also suspected a
left-wing revolutionist phalange, but
the death of the Communist leader last
night dispelled that theory. We've
exhausted all our leads, save one: the
men who have been murdered were all
members of the same exclusive men's
club. It is because of your familiarity
with that lifestyle that I solicited your
"It had nothing to do, I take it, with
the fact that you are stumped, eh?"
Rene quipped.
"That was another consideration,"
Pradie admitted with a smile. "The
deaths have all been violent," he con-
tinued, "with a knife, at close range. I
have preserved the room and the body
in exactly the same fashion as when we
arrived at the scene last night. It is
awaiting your inspection, but we must
hurry. I have kept most of the deaths
from the papers so far, butit is only a



matter of time before the story breaks,
and then France will be hurled into
political turmoil."
"Much to the murderer's delight, I
suspect," I said. Pradie looked con-
fused, but Rene nodded in agreement
immediately, and with that we were off.
We rode the lift to the penthouse
apartment on La Place des Vosge in
total silence, each-lost in his own con-
cern, fears, and speculations. The room
was lavishly, but tastefully, furnished.
He was lying face down on the plush,
pile carpet, a trickle of blood seeping
out from underneath him. While Rene
scoured the room for clues, I began my
examination of the body. The jagged
wound was inflicted, oddly enough, with
a French cooking knife. My keen sense
of smell detected a faint aroma of d'An-
jou pears around the cut. This could
only have come from the knife, which
must have been used to cut pears within
an hour or so of the murder. The angle
of the blow, and the shape of the cut
were telling, too. A knife wound is like a

fingerprint to the tra
murderers will perf
exactly the same way
a strong resemblanc
removing raspberrie
that I learned from a
in Nepal. Hmmmm,
pleted his inspec
and had reached some
"He was murdere
knew very well - a fi
ced. "There is no sig
so the victim let the
apartment. There a
glasses of Chateau d'S
unmistakably - whi
that victim and -murd
ficiently amiable tenr
together privately."
with a confident smi:
knew his analysis w
and he was right.
"Just one more th
added as he pulled a s
pocket, and handed i
this box of raisins on
door. The murderer m
them when he ran out.
I told of my obse
clusions on the way ba
fice, but our detectiv
"Raisins and raspb
he said..shaking his h
all mean? Are you tel
derer is a gourmet,
has an oral fixation?
is, how does that help
prehend him?"
"We already know
"In a manner of spe
ded quickly.

V. Diplomatic official serving an - -
embassy in a technical capacity 25 126 137

32 50 '48 160

W. Formerly known as the German
Ocean (2 words)

52 192 143 154 127 117 124 100



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