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October 07, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-07

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i Ia1


Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 7, 1978

Ten Cents

Ten Pages



extension for

WASHINGTON (AP) - Jubilant
backers of the Equal Rights Amen-
dment (ERA) were given three more
years to win ratification of the ERA
yesterday and immediately predicted a
new momentum that could carry them
to victory.
The vote marked the first time
Congress has extended the deadline for
ratification of a constitutional amen-
dment since it began setting seven-year
time limits in 1917.
the amendment said the extension will
be challenged in the courts, adding that
they are confident the states that have
refused to ratify the proposal will stand
firm until the ERA dies.
Phyllis Schlafly, national chairman
of Stop ERA, an organization formed to


Campaigning Carl Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Competing with an evangelist for attention on the Diag during yesterday afternoon's drizzle, four Democrats railed away
t their opponents for about half-an-hour. Perry Bullard trying to keep his State House seat, Ed Pierce seeking one in the State
enate, Earl Greene running for the U.S. House, and Carl Levin seeking to unseat U.S. Senator Robert Griffin, all spoke
efore 200 spectators. Here, Levin answers a question put to him by a student after his five minute oration.


fight the amendment, said the exten-
sion "is a fraud and will have no legal
effect when tested in the courts."
At a news conference shortly before
- the vote, Schlafly said: "Regardless of
what the Senate purposts to do today,
ERA will expire on March 22, 1979, if it
does not receive the ratifications of'38
THE EXTENSION resolution-sets a
deadline of June 30, 1982.
Thirty-five state legislatures have
ratified the ERA, but four of these have
voted to rescind their action. The
validity of the votes to rescind has not
been determined.
Schlafly predicted that more states
will vote to rescind and "the 15 states
that have rejected it will continue to do
She said federal court lawsuits
challenging the extension would be filed
by states which have ratified, states
which have not and states which have
rescinded their action.
ERA OPPONENTS argue that the ex-
tension is illegal, partly because it was
not approved by the two-thirds
majority required for congressional
passage of constitutional amendments.
Supporters argued that only a simple
majority was needed becaused the time
period was not part of the constitutional
amendment itself.
As parliamentary questions
remained over whether the extension
requires President Carter's signature.
But since Carter lobbied personally for
the measure, the question is merely
Carter said yesterday he was
delighted by the extension, adding, "I
hope states which have not yet ratified
the amendment will now take speedy
advantage of this additional oppor-

tunity to do so."
THE SENATE margin was larger
than expected, only four votes short of
the two-thirds majority that opponents
of the extension had argued was
necessary for its passage.
Democrats voted for the extension by
nearly a 3-1 margin, 44 favoring it and
15 voting against it. Republicans were
more evenly divided, 16 voting for and
21 voting against. The House approved
the extension 233-189 in August.
In a closing statement on the Senate
floor just before the vote, Senator Birch
Bayh (D-Ind.), chief Senate sponsor of
the extension,,said: "It has been clear
in every court decision and in every ac-
tion of the U.S. Congress that Congress
has the authority to determine what is a
reasonable time for ratification of a
constitutional amendment."
"WE ARE ASKING the Senate to join
the House in declaring that 10years is a
reasonable time for the ERA," Bayh
said. "This is no ordinary constitutional
amendment. We are dealing with the
rights of over half the people in this
The ERA, outlawing discrimination
on grounds of sex, has already been
ratified by 35 state legislatures. It must
be ratified by 38 to become part of the
States that have not ratified the ERA
are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas,
Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North
Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina,
Utah and Virginia.
Idaho, Kentucky, Tennessee and
West Virginia have voted to rescind
their ratifications, although the vote in
Kentucky was vetoed. The Justice
Department has said the validity of
such votes is a question for Congress to

High c o
imes reporter Myron Farber may be
eturned to jail immediately if he does
ot surrender his confidential files in a
ew Jersey murder case, the Supreme
.ourt ruled yesterday.
The high court, by an apparent 7-1
ote, set aside an order that had ap-
ared to spare Farber from more time
a Hackensack, New Jersey jail cell
her'e he had already spent 27 days.
YESTERDAY'S action appeared to
ave it to the New Jersey courts to im-
ose a new deadfline for Farber's han-
'ng over his files or being jailed.
In a one-sentence order for the court,
hief Justice Warren Burger wrote:
The motion to vacate the stay is gran-
d and it is ordered that the order.of
WIr. Justice Potter Steward dated Sep-
emhber 26, 1978 is hereby vacated."
Justice Thurgood Marshall filed a
issenting opinion, and Justice William
rennan Jr. did not participate in the
natter for unannounced reasons.
"UNDER THE circumstances, I
lieve that both the criminal and civil
ontempt penalties should be stayed
eld in abeyance) until this court
isposes of the formal appeal submitted
y Farber and the Times," Marshall

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Times
publisher, issued the following
statement after learning of the court's
"The News that Myron Farber must
return to jail is sad indeed - not only
for him but for the freedom of the
American press. We regret this action
by the Supreme Court since we main-
tain that neither Mr. Farber nor the
Times have ever been- granted a
hearing. We hope that the Supreme
Court will grant us such a hearing with

Farber was not available for com-
FRIDAY'S ACTION did not involve
the formal appeal filed by Farber and
the Times contesting their contempt
convictions. That 53-page document is
still pending before the high court, but
might not be acted on for several weeks
or longer.
The court had been asked by Dr.
Mario Jascalevich to set aside
Stewart's order pending its con-
sideration of the appeal "so that a
seven-month-old trial can be completed

with fairness."
The trial was recessed last week to
await the high court's response.
Farber already has served 27 days of
an indeterminate jail sentence, and the
Times has paid $135,000 in daily $5,000
JUDGE WILLIAM Arnold, presiding
over Jascalevich's trial, ordered Far-
ber and the Times in July to hand over
all files compiled in Farber's in-
vestigation of a series of patient deaths
in the mid-1960s at an Oradell, New Jer-
sey hospital.

Fitz de'fends hi~s PBB ad

A battle of letters continued yester-
day between Governor William
Milliken and Democratic challenger
William Fitzgerald, who said the
governor's angry reaction to his recent
PBB-related radio advertisement is un-
justified and announced the commer-
cial will not be removed.
The candidates' exchange - one of
the sharpest to surface in the campaign
- was triggered Thursday by Milliken,

nited Nations moves for
ease-fire in Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon(AP) Syrian and have fled.
'hristian forces locked in a life-or- Lebanese President Elias Sarkis left
eath struggle in Beirut launched for Damascus for talks with Syrian
loody but futile attacks against each President Hafez Assad. Assad wound
ther's positions yesterday and mortar up a visit yesterday to Moscow, where
hells struck just yards from the U.S. he reportedly received a note from Car-
'mbassy, wounding as many as 13 per- ter on the Lebanese situation.
ons. Western diplomats in Moscow said a
Meanwhile at the United Nations in joint Syrian-Soviet communique's
'ew York, the 15-member security reference to "relevant decisions" on
ouncil unanimously called for a cease- strengthening Syria's "defense poten-
ire aimed at "internal peace and tial" indicated Moscow had granted at'
aational reconciliation." least part of Assad's substantial
CHRISTIAN East Beirut was militaryaidrequests.
lanketed with black smoke from A U.S. SPOKESMAN at the United
cores of fires. More than 400,000 of Nations said President Carter had con-
ast Beirut's estimated 600,000 tacted Soviet President Leonid
Christian residents were believed to See U.N., Page 7

who addressed and publicized a letter
to Fitzgerald, attacking his use of the
PBB advertisement. Milliken said the
advertisement, which lists the sym-
ptoms of PBB poisoning, brought the
state senator's campaign to "a new low
in Michigan politics."
IN A WRITTEN reply to Milliken's
" Doc Losh, a former
University Astronomy
professor who used to
make traditional ap-
pearances on the gridiron
before football games,
died yesterday. See the
story on Page 2.
" The Senate passed a
tuition tax credit proposal
and Senator Edward Ken-
nedy's tax cut proposal
* For happenings, weather
and local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.

letter, Fitzgerald said yesterday he
reviewed the radio spots and found
them legitimate.
"If you had dealt openly, honestly,
and decisively with the accidental
mixing of feed and PBB when it first
occurred, there would be no issue," he
"But instead, you've consistently
downplayed the magnitude of this
tragedy, even when your obligation to
inform the public should have dictated
otherwise. Now, you're doing it again,"
Fitzgerald stated in the public letter.
VOICES IN THE ad list the signs of
PBB-induced 'illness as "loss of hair,
memory loss, blindness, liver cancer,
birth defects, the brain developing out-
side the head, (and) genetic
mutations." Milliken said the adver-
tisement addressed the PBB problem in
a "reckless, irresponsible manner-."
But Charles Guggenheim, a
Washington, D.C. film producer who
made the radio spot, called it "fair and
accurate." He said the only complaint
he has received about the radio spot
was from the governor.
On Thursday, Milliken's 'office
released a statement from Dr. Louis
Heideman, president of the Michigan
State Medical Society, who said effects
of PBB contamination cited in the ad-
vertisement were observed in animals
"and never have been confirmed in
human beings in Michigan or

Daily Photo by CYRENA CHAN
Microbiology Prof. David Jackson, who worked with the researchers who
succeed in isolating a human gene and reproducing it in a bacterium, said
the technique could give valuable insights on how heredity works.
'U' profs succeed in


Booze vote ma
Should state voters decide to raise the drinking age
ext month, University students under 21 will join
eers in twelve other states - including California,
ennsylvnia, Missouri, and Washington - where
arge segments of university and college populations
re kept out of bars.
Not all students enjoy the same privileges those in
Ann Arbor do now. When Hoosiers drive up to the
University for a football game, for instance, they are
egally permitted to have a few drinks to celebrate or
ament the results of a game. But back in Indiana
;hey must abstain until they reach the magic age of
k OTHER BIG TEN teams might have to alter their
imbibing practices when they play the Wolverines, as

ryput others u,
from neighboring states with 19-year-old drinking
cut-offs would drive into Iowa to pick up their booze.
Raising the Iowa age to 21, however, would in turn
cause residents of that state to seek alcohol from
other states.
"I have heard no discussion in Iowa about raising
the drinking age to 21," Anderson added.

ider influence

"I feel if they are succeed-,
ing here they will in other
states... Students have these
rights and now they're going
to watch them go down the

raise the drinking age to 21,'indicated he would not
favor a "take-out restriction" law such as Illinois'
here. "Drinking in bars has not been safer than other
kinds of drinking," Rice said.
In Illinois, as in most states, the question of'
whether to raise the drinking age to a flat 21 has been
posed in the state legislature from time to time. "I
don't think they'll make it," said Dee Fagan of the
Illinois Liquor Commission. "I think there are
enough kids to vote against it."
Wisconsin's drinking age is 18, lowered from 21 in
1971, and a spokesman for Alcoholic Beverage
Licensing has predicted no change in the Badger law.
Minnesota's drinking age is 19, and in Ohio 18-year-
olds are allowed to purchase 3.2 beer, which is
considered "non-intoxicating."

gene reproduction
By DAVID GOODMAN worked with Schmickel and Wil,
University researchers reported said news accounts in recent day
Thursday at a conference in Van- their work are good examples ofl
couver, British Columbia, that they media frequently garble account
had succeeded-for the first time in scientific discoveries.
history-in isolating and "IT'S INCORRECT -tsay
reproducing a natural human gene. several papers reported)-that
Roy Schmickel and Golder Wilson, have cloned the gene
professors in the Pediatrics Depar- mongolism," he explained. "TI
tment of the Medical School, made is no gene for mongolism."
the breakthrough using new, and Actually, Schmickel's
still controversial, techniques of Wilson's work should provid
recombinant DNA research, useful tool for understanding-
DNA -or d eoxy r ib onu cleic hopefully preventing-mongo]
acid-is the material in plant and and other human genetic disea
animl cels hichcontinsJackson said.
animal cells which contains Mongolism, technically knows
hereditary information. DNA is Down's Syndrome, is a com
made up of segments called genetic disease, affecting one of
genes-individual units of 600 infants. It's victims suffer f
heredity-linked together to form mental retardation and asso
a,. n nn ci, . an lnall,. 1,a 92 ..n

ys of
e a
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at of

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