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September 27, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-27

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Nationwide rail
strike hits' hard

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Business scholarship
The University's Business Administration graduate school has
received a $100,000 grant from the Ford Motor Company to support the
anjual Henry Ford II Scholar award. The scholarship will be awarded
to the Business student with the best academic performance during
the first year of graduate work.'
Insearchof... the president
MSA is taking applications for students who want a hand in selecting
the University's next president. Pick up an application at 3909
Michigan Union between 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Yearbook photos
Graduate portraits for the 1979 Michiganensian are now being taken.
Call 764-0561 or stop by the Michiganensian office at 420 Maynard for
more information.
Take ten
On September 27,.1968, Black Panther leader Huey Newton was
rushed to prison under guard after he was sentenced to a two-to-15
year jail term on a conviction of voluntary manslaughter in the gun-
fight death of a white policeman. After a nine-week trial, highlighted
by allegations of white racism, Newton was convicted for the death of
policeman John Frey.
... will drinking hurt your baby? Find out at an 8 a.m. discussion on
the topic at the Towsley. Center ... from 10 to 6 the Union Gallery
presents an exhibition of Oriental Art ... between classes, grab a
handful of popcorn in the fishbowl, compliments of the Union
Programming Committee ... you'll be faced with a tough decision at
lunchtime, because there's lots going on, for example, you can learn
about "Travel and Trekking in Nepal" at the International Center
... or you can attend a meeting of the Commission on Women at 2549
LSA ... the Center for Western European Studies presents a noon
time talk by the University of Geneva's Alfred Tovias on "Contem-
porary EEC Policy toward Mediteranean Countries," in 5208
Angell ... the office of Ethics and Religion presents the film "When
the People Awake" at noon, in room G-513, Michigan Union ... at
12:10, Fred Currier, president of Market Opinion Researchers and
Editors," in 2040 LSA ... and again at 12:10, there's a round table
discussion on "The Theme of Migration in Modern Yougoslav
Cinema" in Lane Hall's Common's room ... attend a reception for
poet Jane Kenyon in 1008 Angell from 2:30 to 3 ... at 3:30, Daniel
O'Keefe talks about "Communication and Theater," in 2549
LSA.... . .before dinner you may want to catch Mario Torelli, "The Ara
Pacisi: Problems of Interpretation": at 4:10 at the Kelsey Museum,
"Roots: The Slave: Aud. 3. MLB at 4:15 or stop by the School of
Education Schorling Auditorium at 4:00 where "Racism in
Education" will be discussed ... at 7:30 the Wesley Foundation will
hold a bible study in their lounge, 602 E. Huron ... The Revolutionary
Communist Youth Brigade will sponsor a film and lecture, "Mao's
Great Battle" at 7:30 in the Union Kuenzel Room ... and as long as
you are in the Union you may want to truck up to the fourth floor at 8
when the Science Fiction Club presents the Styagi Air Corp.
Bicentennial fire hydrants
It took a while, but the Fire department in Albany, N.Y. has at last
tired of the bicentennial, and called for the abolishment of bicenten-
nial fire hydrants. The problem is fire fighters can't tell if they're
pulling up to a hydrant or a cutesy minute man statue. To eliviate con-
fusion, the department wants the hydrants re-ainted according to a
color code based on water availability: red for less than 500 gallons
per minute, orange for 500 to 1000, and green for 1000 plus. Looks like
the last traces of the spirit of '76 have been extinguished.
On the outside .. .
... it will be another fine fall day. Temperature will hit the upper
60s tomorrow, with partly cloudy skies (or partly sunny skies for all
you optimists). The low will be in the 40s.

Daily Official Bulletin

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, September 27, 1978-Page
MON. thru SAT. 10 A.M. til I:3b P.M. SUN. & HOLS.12 Noon til 1:30 P.M.
Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, Admission $2.50 Adult and Students
Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to Close, $3.50 Adults, $2.50 Students
Sunday-Thursday Evenings Student & Senior Citizen Discounts
Children 12 And Under, Admissions $1.25
1. Tickets sold no sooner than 30 minutes
prior to showtilne.
2. No tickets sold later than 15 minutes
after showtime. "

WASHINGTON (AP) - Freight and
commuter rail service was halted at
least temporarily across most of the
country yesterday as clerks on strike
against a Virginia-based railroad ex-
panded their picketing to 43 other lines.
The striking Brotherhood of Railway
and Airline Clerks said that early mor-
ning picketing had shut down or cur-
tailed operations at two-thirds of the
nation's majorhrailroads, affecting
every part of the nation except the
heavily-traveled Northeast corridor.
Service thqre was reported normal.
According to union estimates, more
than 330,000 of the nation's half-million
railroad workers honored picket lines
and stayed off the job, leaving more
than 100,000 morning commuteks
stranded and idling millions of tons of
THE HARDEST hit area of the coun-
try appeared to be around Chicago,
where picketing of passenger lines for-
ced up to 100,000 commuters to find
other means of getting to work.
The union said the picketing was

aimed at companies that had been len-
ding equipment and personnel to the
strikebound Norfolk & Western
Railway, based in Roanoke, Va.
Union President Fred Kroll said in a
statement that the picketing was inten-
ded to "bring increasing pressure" on
the N&W to settle a contract dispute
with the union, which struck the
railroad on July 10.
Industry lawyers, contending the
picketing was illegal, went to federal
courts wherever there were pickets.
They obtained temporary injunctions in
several locations ordering the picketing
to stop.
refused yesterday to block picketing
over financial aid, clearing the way for
the union to escalate its strike to 73
Burger's decision, while not a final
ruling in the dispute, was a victory for
the union, which has sought to pressure
Sother railroads that have been con-
tributing a total of $800,000 a day to the
N&W under a mutual aid pact.

CLINT EASTWOOD as a stranger in town. The 3rd "Spaghetti
Western" is a bloody tale of fisticuffs, stolen loot, double-
crossing and gimlet-faced cowboys. Immensely popular and
good reason. Clean your guns for this one. With ELI WALLACH


7:00 & 9:44


Enalish Subtitles

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Wednesday, September 27,1978
Daily Calendar
Ctr. Western European Studies: Alfred Tovias,
U-Geneva, "Contemporary EEC Policy toward
Mediterranean Countries," 5208 Angell, noon.
Journalism: Fred Currier, pres., Market Opinion
Research, "Reducing the Gap Between Media
Researchers and Editors," 2040F LSA, 12:10 p.m..
Ctr. Russian/E. European Studies: "The Theme of
Migration in Modern Yugoslav Cinema," Commons
Rm., Lane Hall, 12:10 p.m.
Hopwood Room: English-reception for poet Jane
Kenyon, 1008 Angell, 2-3:30 p.m.
Mass Communication Research: Daniel O'Keefe,
"Communication and Theatre," 2549 LSA, 3:30-5
Computing Ctr.: E. Fronczak, "Fortran IV
Programming Language, part II," Nat. Sci. Aud.,
7:30 p.m.
Kelsey Museum: Jerome Lecture -Mario Torelli,
"The Ara Pacisi: Problems of Interpretation,"
Kelsey, 4:10 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: M. Goldhaber, Brookhaven
National Laboratory, "Is the Proton Stable?," 296

Dennison, 4 p.m.
General Notice
Computing Center Short Courses
The Computing Center announces the following
three short courses:
-"Introduction to and Intermediate Use of the
Editor," Computing Center Seminar Wednesday, 1
November, and Tuesday, 7 November, at 7:30 p.m.
Participants should have read section on the Editor
in forthcoming publication, "Introduction to MTS."
Questions call Andrew Goodrich, Computing Center,
-"Advanced Usage of Files," Computing Cen-
ter Seminar Monday, 6 November. Seminar beings
at 7:30 p.m. lasting one to two hours. Topics: shared
used of files, program keys, locking and unlocking
files, and attendee-suggested topics. Questions and
further subjects of discussion call George Helffrich,
Computing Center, 764-2121, afternoons.
-"Introduction to and Advanced Use of Integrated
Graphics," Computing Center Seminar Tuesday, 14
November, and Thursday, 16 November, 7:30 p.m.
Participants should have read CCMemos 299 and 356.
Questions call Andrew Goodrich, Computing Center,

The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative
presents at AUDITORIUM A
Wednesday, September 27
(Jean Renoir, 1933) 7 ONLY-AUD A
Emma Bovary, the bored wife of a rather simpl, doctor, enters into several adulterous liasons in an
effort to be happy. Originally made in a 3 -hour version (never shown), MADAME BOVARY belongs to
Renoirs finest period, beginning with BONDU SAVED FROM DROWNING and culminating in THE RULES
f OF THE GAME. An artistic rarity-'a classic film from a classic novel. Screenplay by Renoir. Music by
( Darius Milhaud and Donizettf. Stars VALENTINE TESSIER, PIERRE RENOIR. In French with subtitles.


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