2-Wednesday, September 27, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Jetliner crash probed
SAN DIEGO (AP)-A second small
)lane may have confused the pilot of a
'acific Southwest Airlines jetliner that
ollided with a single-engive Cessna
illing at least 150 persons, a federal
afety expert said yesterday.
P'hillip Rogue, overseeing the
lational Transportation Safety Board
nivestigation of the worst air crash in
J.S. history, said the jetliner and a
win-engine Cessna had been cleared
or landing on the same runway at Lin-
Isbergh Field.
ROGUE SAID the PSA pilot had
hkrvewledged an air traffic control
airning of another plane near the 727,
ut may not have noticed the single-
ngive Cessna 172 that collided with the
rowded jetliner.
"Listening to the tower tape recor-
ling, it's apparent that the twin-engine
large, was making its approach,"
ogue said. "They had made their ap-
roach before the single-engine one.
'he pilot Isaid, 'They said,' but we're
nsure what plane he was referring to.
'he PSA pilot probably was confused."
Rogue said cockpit and traffic control
owertape recordings may mean the
'SA pilot, a 17-year aviation veteran,
was aware of the twin-engine Cessna,
>ut did not see the single-engine plane.
. HE SAID investigators are trying to
Ind out who was the pilot of the twin-
ngine plane, which apparently landed
"It was just another aircraft in the
traffic pattern," Hogue said.
"How far ahead it was of the other
single-engine Cessna, I can't say.'
HOGUE SAID the cockpit and tower
tapes will be analyzed by NTSB in-
vestigators in Washington.
He added that investigators could not
determine if the pilot of the single-
engine Cessna that crashed had talked
with traffic controllers at Lindbergh
shortly before the collision.
"There was no transmission from the
single-engine Cessna tht I'm aware of,"
Hogue said. "But I could be wrong."
ALSO YESTERDAY, it was disclosed
that the PSA flight was being directed
by the Lindbergh tower, while the
Cessna 172 was under the control of the
tower at Miramar Naval Air Station.
Such procedures are commonn here,
with Federal Aviation Administration
controllers at Miramar handing over
planes to Lindbergh as the craft nears
the commercial field.
Investigators said they were still un-
sure where the Cessna 172, had struck
the jetliner. There had been some
reports from witnesses Monday that tie
planes struck head-on. But accounts
from other witnesses and photographs
appear to show that the smaller plane
struck the jetliner's right wing.
"We just don't know," NTSB
spokesperson Brad Dunbar said.
"ESTABLISHING THE exact course
of both aircraft and their exact angles
of approach is a central part of the in-
vestigation that will take weeks, not
The pilot of the Cessna 172, David
Boswell, had an advanced pilot's rating
but was practicing instrument ap-
praches with an instructor at the time
of the crash, authorities said.
In Washington, the chairman of a
House panel that coincidentally began
hearings yesterday into airline safety
said the disaster "perhaps could have
been avoided."
REP. JOHN Burton (D-Calif.) made
the statement in opening hearings by a
Government Operations subcommittee
into airline safety. He said the disaster
might have been prevented if the
government required a proposed
collision avoidance system for aircraft.
While federal investigators listened
to tapes from the cockpit of the downed
jetliner, rescue workers faced the grim
job of searching for scattered remains
of the victims.
The collision, rekindled a dormant
controversay over the field's location.
Critics complain the aircraft approach
path is too close to populous neigh-
borhoods and downtown buildings.
"I'm sure this will excite the debate
again," said a shocked Mayor Wilson.
"We will be compelled to look at other
sites. Obviously, there are other factors
involved here, too. A light plane should
not be in the same airspace as a com-
mercial airliner."
THE FIERY PACIFIC Southwest Airways Boeing 727 hurtles towards the ground, moments before impact in a populous
neighborhood in San Diego, Calif. Monday. The jetliner and a single-engine plane collided in a ball of fire killing at least
150 person in the worst U.S. aviation disaster ever.
Assault suspect
iromyko stricken at UN
'oreign Minister Andrei Gromyko
ecame ill and slumped against the
peaker's desk yesterday while ad-
ressing the U.N. General Assembly.
le was helped from the podium but
eturned 55 minutes later to complete
is speech.
The 69-year-old Gromyko, a regular
articipant in United Nations debate,
ad been talking for about an hour
vhen he broke off his speech. He was
'ressing at that point for a Soviet-
roposed treaty committing nuclear
owers not to attack non-nuclear
EARLIER IN the speech, generally
egarded as a mild one, he had
repeated Soviet disapproval of the
Camp David summit agreements on the
Middle East. He called them "a new an-
ti-Arab step making it difficult to
achieve a just solution of this pressing
He was particularly critical of Egyp-
tian President Anwar Sadat's role in
the summit meeting with President
Carter and Israeli Prime Minister
Menachem Begin.
The large, vaulted General Assembly
hall became hushed as*Gromyko broke
off this speech. He paused for a
moment, took a sip of water and then
appeared to lower his head. U.N.
security guards and members of the
Soviet delegation quickly helped him to
a room behind the podium. U.N.
spokesmen said he was treated there by
U.N. doctors and by Soviet doctors who
are. regularly in attendance when
Gromyko is here.
Gromyko when he returned to the
podium. He spoke in a firm voice and
referred to the hot television lights that
beat down on the podium without
saying specifically they were the cause
of his trouble. He picked up the speech
where he had left off.
He looked pale, but diplomats who
had lunch with him later said he
seemed to enjoy himself and joked
about the incident. He was the luncheon
guest of West German Foreign Minister
Hans-Dietrich Genscher at the West
German ambassador's residence.
There are rumors in Moscow he suf-
fers from mild heart trouble and
diplomats have said his health is not
His health was questioned during an
unexplained absence of six weeks in
early 1977, but there was no public con-
firmation that he was ill.
A 21-year-old Ann Arbor man has
been charged with fourth degree
criminal sexual conduct in connection
with an early Monday morning assault
in South Quad on a female staff mem-
Duane Eugene Polley, a diswasher at
the State Street Deli, was arraigned
Tuesday in 15th District Court and
bound over for preliminary hearing by
Judge Pieter Thomassen. He is also
charged with pulling a false fire alarm
in the incident. Polley is being held on
$10,500 bond. t
THE ASSAULT occurred at 7:30 a.m.
Monday. The staff member told police
she encountered a man in the hallway
when she was returning from the false
alarm, and he followed her into her
room. He then pushed her against the
wall and attempted to kiss her, accor-
ding to the police report. The woman
screamed and her assailant ran off.
Later that morning Polley, clad only
in gym shorts with a large crucifix and
medallion hanging from his neck, was
seen loitering on the sixth floor of South
According to hall residents, he made
his way from room to room, helping
himself to food and turning on stereos
and televisions. At 11:30 a.m. residents
became annoyed and notified campus
security, who held the suspect until
police arrived.
"HE WAS FIRST positively iden-
tified in South Quad last Friday," said
building director Mary Bewley. "He
was in and out of rooms all weekend. He
looked friendly, like a guy from down
the street. Apparently (the alleged at-
tack) was the only time that he tried to
force himself on anyone."
The preliminary -examination date
has been set for Oct. 4 in 15th District
Court, Judge S. J. Elden presiding.
Polley faces a maximum of two years
imprisonment and 1500 fine on the
criminal sexual conduct charge. He
could also receive up to one year in jail
and an additional $500 fine if convicted
of the false alarm of fire. Both crimes
are misdemeanors.
The English botanist John Martyn,
born in 1699, wrote several books on
systematic botany, the most important
being the "Historia Plantarum
Brother says Ruby acted alone
'U' plans no program
to prevent measles
with wire reports
Despite a request by State Health
Director Maurice Reizen that Michigan
colleges institute measles control
plans, the University probably will not
set up an immunization program, ac-
cording to University Health Service of-
Zeb RUniversity Health Service Direcor
Robert Anderson said there has not
been a significant increase in the num-
ber of measles cases among students
here recently., He also cited the "high
morbidity," or high rate of negative
side effects of the measles vaccine as
contributing factors in ruling out
establishing a full-scale immunization
- program.
SOME OTHER institutions were hit
hard last year by measles epidemics.
At Michigan State University, health
officials immunized large numbers of
students last winter after many studen-
ts were struck with the disease.
Anderson said there were "a fair
numberofcases (here lastyear), but
nothing in proportion of an epidemic."
"Although measles has been
primarily a childhood disease, we are
now finding it occuring more and more
in those in their late teens," Reizer
said. "Most of the students affected
were never immunized. Some parents
thought they were, but a check of the
records showed no measles im-
munization.Some had rubella (German
measles) vaccine and thought that
protected against measles," said the
health director.
Anderson said that students who were
vaccinated at an early age were
probably given a vaccine that has since
been proven not fully effective.
Although there will probably be no
special vaccination campaign, students
may still be vaccinated for measles at
YHealth Service for approximately five
dollars, Anderson said.
testified yesterday that his brother
Jack insisted until his death that he ac-
ted on an impulse and without help
when he barged through Dallas police
lines and murdered Lee Harvey
Ruby told the House assassina'tions
committee that he asked his brother
why he shot Oswald, the accused
assassin of President John Kennedy,
and that Jack Ruby told him:
"WHEN I saw him come through
there with that smirk on his face as
though he were happy he killed the
President, I just lost control of myself."
Ruby also testified that his brother
maintained he had never known Oswald
before he shot him.
Jack Ruby was convicted by a Texas
state court of murdering Oswald. He
was sentenced to death. But the convic-
tion was overturned by the Texas
Supreme Court, and Ruby was awaiting
a new trial when he died of cancer on
Jan. 3, 1967.
RUBY SAID his brother insisted to
his death that he alone was responsible
for Oswald's murder - an event wit-
nessed on television by millions of
horror-stricken Americans two days af-
ter Kennedy's assassination.
The testimony came as the commit-
tee considered various theories that
critics of the Warren Commission have
espoused in efforts to discredit the
commission's conclusions that Oswald
acted alone in killing Kennedy and that
Ruby acted alone in killing Oswald.
One conspiracy buff has contended
that the Warren Commission ignored
evidence that Ruby, a Dallas nightclub
operator, agreed in 1959 to be an infor-
mant for the FBI.
AUTHOR MARK Lane, an attorney
who presently represents James Earl
Ray, the confessed killer of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., has said that the
commission learned of Ruby's possible
connection with the FBI in a June 1964
letter from the late FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover.
Lane said the commission failed to
mention that letter in either its report of
26 volumes of evidence. The letter said,
in part, that Ruby was contacted on
March 11, 1959, by an FBI agent in
Dallas "in view of his position as a
nightclub operator who might have
knowledge of the criminal element in
Although Earl Ruby testified that his
brother insisted he acted alone in
killing Oswald, Jack Ruby seemed to
have a penchant for writing notes from
his Texas jail cell indicating otherwise.
Less than a month after Ruby died, the.
Dallas Times-Herald reported that
Ruby had written a note smuggled out
of the Dallas jail saying he was "part of
a terrible political frameup."
The contents of the note were made
public by a jail repairman who said
Ruby slipped him the message as they
shook hands through the bars of Ruby's
The repairman said at the time that
he did not wish his name to be used
because one line of the short note
allegedly read: "Your life would be in
danger if they knew you knew all of
this." He did not identify the "they"
mentioned in the note.
Blumenthal reports
economy recovering
Michign Union All- ter
Se$ry, Sept. 30--8 pm-8S smO*
Special Appearance by KEN FEIST, Professional Fool and a
*Student I. D. required DANCE CONTEST, Courtesy of CBS Records.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Treasury
Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal said
yesterday the U.S. economy is close to
full recovery from the last recession
and the Carter administration is
determined to avoid a new economic
"We do not see any evidence there
will be a recession in the United
States,' Blumenthal said. "The Carter
administration is committed to take the
necessary action to prevent that from
happening." .
BLUMENTHAL TOLD delegates to
the 33rd joint annual meeting of the In-
ternational Monetary Fund and World
Bank, "the U.S. economy is now ap-
proaching optimum utilization of
productive capacity," meaning the
nation's industries are operating at
near full potential.
Production had slumped badly during
the 1974-1975 recession. But Blumenthal
said industrial production has in-
creased 12 per cent.
- "Our economy has performed
remarkably well and today is at a more
advanced stage of recovery than most
other industrial countries," he said.
THE CARTER administration now is
turning its attention to those areas
where the economy has not performed
well, in inflation and trade, Blumenthal
Rising'prices and huge trade and
payments deficits have caused the
dollar to lose considerable value on
world money markets in the past 18
The slide in the dollar appeared to be
continuing even as Blumenthal reaf-
firmed administration support for the
battered greenback during his address
to the 3,500 delegates from 135 nations.
HE TOLD reporters at a briefing
earlier the administration will "con-
tinue to take the appropriate actions to
protect the integrity of the dollar." Car-
ter told the same group on Monday he is
"determined to maintain a sound
Blumenthal also favorably appraised
the world economy, saying it has
passed the "crisis points," even though
problems of high inflation and unem-
ployment continue to plague many
Because the U.S. economy has per-
formed so well, and because inflation
now is the top priority problem for the
administration, economic growth will
be slowed next year, to around 3.5 per
cent, to help control inflation and cut
THE ECONOMY grew five per cent
last year and growth is expected to be
just under four per cent in 1978.
Blumenthal did express concern that
if interest rates continue to increase,
they could cause an unwanted ad-
ditional slowdown of the economy,
especially in the housing industry.
But he said interest rates aren't hur-
ting yet, and he said the anti-inflation
measures the administration expects to
unveil soon should take some of the
pressure off the need to use interest
rates as an inflation-fighting tool.
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