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September 17, 1978 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-17

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Pge 4-Sunday, September 17, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Who's who in

the CIA:

Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
X No.10 News Phone: 7
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Vol. LI)

a process of elimination


A farewell to Robben

When the first president of the
niversity left in 1821, after less than
ur years at the helm of a small,
ruggling frontier school, it was
ported that Rev. John Montieth
hook the dust of Detroit off his feet,"
d headed for civilization back east.
Last Thursday, Robben Fleming,
ly the ninth University president in
e school's 161-year history,
nounced he was shaking the dust of
n Arbor from his shoes and heading
r Washington D.C. Robben Fleming
ill still be referred to as president but
w' of the Corporation for Public
When he arrived in Ann Arbor in
ptember of 1967, college campuses
ound the country were strife with
udent unrest. On this campus,
udents were plagued by an
accessible president who showed
tle interest in the wave of moral
ncern which sprang from the civil
ghts and anti-Vietnam war
When President Harlan Hatcher
nounced his retirement the Regents
und themselves in a difficult
uation. The problem was to find' a
alified man willing to accept a
allenge. ,There were few takers.
though Robben Fleming's name
ose ,late in the search for a new
esident, he instantly became a
He had everything the Regents
nted to 'see in a University
esident. First, he was a mediator. He
d worked for the government as a
ediator in labor disputes. Second, he
ed conflict and felt it was an integral
rt of college life. But last, and most
portant, he had that special quality
he had charisma. He always
peared calm, and friendly, with a
arp wit and a good ear.
The first five years of his career as
iversity president were more
olent than anyone could have
agined in 1966. Thousands of
monstrators marching down main
eets protesting the war in Vietnam,
'dent strikes which closed down the
hool, and unfortunately, bombs and
dy riots.
President Fleming can easily be
'edited with preventing at this
iversity the kind of wholesale
olence which other colleges such as
rkeley, Columbia and Madison
perienced. However the situation
Sre was not always perfect. For
ample, we feel President Fleming
ould not have allowed Sheriff
uglas Harvey to evacuate the LSA
'lding the night of the bookstore
otest. Many students were
sedlessly injured and to what avail -
e question still remains unanswered.
In the Black Action Movement
3AM) strike, President Fleming
isically made the right moves. He
uld not realistically promise 10 per
nt enrollment, but he did guarantee
at 10 per cent would be the
niversity's goal and he did get the
nding for a recruitment program as
promised. We have been extremely
sappointed and disturbed by his
ilure to work harder to attain that
al, but this does not detract from his

indling of the crisis in 1970:
The most important issue in the past
ur years has been University

Y t
\, ,
relations with labor. On this point we
have consistently disagreed with
President Fleming's leadership. In the
past three years, President Fleming
has bargained for the University from
an intractable, stringent standpoint
resulting, at least, in a virtual moral
defeat for campus labor.
South Africa has been another point.
The University as a corporation should
not take a stand on a moral issue,
according to President Fleming. This
key factor to all of President Fleming's
decisions regarding the University has
always been a great bone of
But in general, although we have
maintained' an adversary relationship
with Robben Fleming, we have
respected his opinions and his reasons.
We have never doubted that he always
had the best interest of the University
at heart.
On a more personal level, as
president of the University, Robben
Fleming has been considerate and
friendly. He has almost always been
available for comment on any subject,
sometimes late at night, sometimes at
dinner, he never seemed to mind the
interruption. He didn't always tell us
what we wanted to know but at least he
would comment.
He has been an understanding man,
allowing everyone the opportunity to
speak their piece. Although we
sometimes thought that he acted as
though he didn't hear. Nonetheless, he
has garnered the respect of most, even
those who oppose him, don't question
his integrity.
In some respects, we are sorry to see
Robben Fleming leave the University.
But we empathize with his feeling that
ten years is enough for any one person.
The University, as he says, needs new
blood, and new ideas. It will be difficult
to find another man or possibly woman
who would fill the position as well as
Robben Fleming has. We would expect
that the new president would have
many of the same qualities.
We wish President Fleming and his
wife Sally the best of luck in their new
life in Washington D.C. We hope that
he will find his new job as rewarding
and challenging as he has the
presidency of the University.

By Jeff Stein
WASHINGTON - Photocopied
page proofs of a new book listing
names of hundreds of CIA
officers in Western Europe were
quietly, circulated over the Labor
Day weekend to a handful of
journalists here and abroad in
anticipation of a U.S. government
effort to block its publication.
The book, "Dirty Work, The
CIA in Western Europe" is by ex-
CIA officer Philip Agee and
journalist Louis Wolf. A 386-page
appendix to the 700-page book, a
photocopy of which was made
available to Pacific News Service
,lists the names, employment.
histories and, in many cases, the
current position of some 841 men
and women said to be CIA
officers under cover in U.S.
embassies throughout Western
Names of CIA officers are
cross referenced alphabetically
andi by nation in every West
European country although some
of those named have been
transferred from Europe to other
overseas posts.
The majority of the names
listed, according to the authors,
have previously appeared in
print, mostly in left-wing
European periodicals. But the
authors also attribute a
compilation of some names to
sources in various U.S.
A Justice Department
spokesman, Robert Stevenson,
said that "at this point we have
not" made a decsion on whether
to suppress publication.
Dale Peterson, a CIA

spokesman, said that as far as he
knew, no decision had been made
yet on whether to seek an
injunction against the book's
publisher, Lyle Stuart of
Secaucus, N.J.

The book also includes a guide
for readers to learn how they can
use public material to identify
CIA officers from ordinary State
Department personnel.
Agee and his associates have

'Of course this book will again raise the cry
that we are trying to get someone killed. But
as it happens, violence is not really needed.'
-Philip Agee

also associated. CIA spokesmen,
blamed that publication for
causing the 1975 assassination of
Richard Welsh, the CIA station
chief in Athens, by identifying
him in an issue.
In his new book, Agee
anticipates similar problems.
"Of course, this book will again
raise the cry that we are trying t
get someone killea,- Agee writes.
"But as it*happens, violence is
not really needed. By removing
the mask of anonymity from CIA
officers, we make it difficult for
them to remain in overseas posts.
We hope the CIA will have the
good sense to shift these people to
the increasingly smaller number
of safe posts, preferably to a desk
inside the CIA headquarters at
Langely, Va."
CIA spokesman" Peterson said
that any decision to remove CIA
operatives named in the new
book was in "an operational
area" and that transferrals of:
personnel would be done on a
"case-by-case basis."
"Dirty Work" is Agee's second
book. In the early 1970s he wrote
"Inside the Company: CIA
Diary," a description of his years
as a CIA agent in Latin America
which also included lists of
intelligence personnel. Since
quitting the agency he has lived
in Europe and has been deported
from England, France and the
Jeff Stein is a frequent
Pacific News Service
contributor and Washington
correspondent of the Boston


"To best of my knowledge, the
decision remains at the Justice
Department at this point,"
Peterson said. He added that,
"Obviously, we would look
favorably upon any action" to
stop publication of the book.
"Dirty Work" includes 18
articles on the CIA and its
operations in specific countries,
among them Italy, West
Germany, France and Sweden.
Justice Department and CIA
officials have expressedalarm in
the past about the
impending Agee book, and
Peterson said that "obviously it
would be harmful" to the agency.

also begun publication of a
periodical in Washington
specializing in aNTI-CIA
articles and the naming of CIA
officers around the world. Called
"Covert Action Information
Bulletin," its first issue, released
last month, named Dean Almy
Jr. as the new CIA Chief of
Station in Jamaica. The editors
announced that they "write and
expose CIA personnel and
operations whenever and
wherever we find them."
The new bulletin follows by 18
months the demise of
"CounterSpy", a similar
publication with which Agee was


41 4
4 ,
*i F
"The pen is mightier than the sword - but no
match for a gun."

An undemocratic election

I)E Et6rbt3an :31tou



To the Daily:
Earl Green filed 1074
signatures for his
candidacy for the 2nd
congressional Democratic
nomination. 930 were
required. Early difficulties
with the form
(distinguishing city from
township in Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti) were overcome.
Ann Arbor Attorney
Robert Henry, a former
Republican City
Councilman, challenged
Greene's petitions on
behalf of Gary Hentz of
Ann Arbor. The challenge
alleged some several
hundred signatures were

not the prime factor. "You
show us the validated
signatures and we'll get
you on the ballot."
Greene could have gone
to court at that time but
Attorney General Frank
Kelley's opinion indicated
that whoever received a
majority of signatures in
the Democratic pririiary in
the 2nd or in the Republican
primary in the 17th, would
be a legitimate contender
for those seats.
Greene received a large
number of write-in votes -
a clear majority. The State
Board refused to certify
him and in the process

technicality of the law
(Ann Arbor News,
I think the facts are
clear. Republicans are
trying to keep Earl Greene
off of the ballot. They don't
want the public to have a
choice. They won the seat
most recently by some 300
odd votes, with former.
President Gerald Ford
heading the ticket and

personally appearing in
both Ann Arbor and
Livonia. Now they are
afraid they may lose.
There won't be an
incumbent's presidential
coat-tails for them to hold
on to.
I know most Republicans
would not behave this way.
The win-at-any-cost
philosophy does not
supercede all other public
ethics for most

Republicans or Democrats.
Unfortunately, we in the
2nd Congressional Distrit
may not have a choice cn
the ballot because a few
people sought to win in the
courts for fdear they would
lose in the polls. An election
without a choice is not a
democratic election, it Is
manipulation. The taint of
such ambition s repugnant.
-Gerald Frv

Managing Editors
Editorial page director
Rene Becker
...+: "m mz. 1d.iote 4 .R e ni

AndyFeeb g.......................................Photo Editor
Brad Bejanin...................... ...Staff gahe
Alan Biinky ............................. Staff Photographw
Wayne Cable....... ...................Staff Photographe
John Knox..............Staff Photographa-
MaureenO'Malley............................Staff Photographer
NANCY GRAU .......................... Business Manager.

Contact your repsh jgo
Sen. Donald Riegle (Dem.), 1205 Dirksen Bldg.. Washington,I

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