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September 12, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-12

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See Editorial page,

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:4 Ii3

See Today for details


Vol. .IX, No. 5

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 12, 1978

Ten Cents

Fourteen Pages





University President Robben
Fleming, who has held the guiding
mandate of the University for more
than 10 years, plans to leave his high-
ranking seat by the end of 1979, he said
Fleming said he intends to step down
from the presidency by the end of the
current academic year, but added he
could conceivably stay on until
December 1979.
"I WILL RETIRE by the end of '79. It
may be sooner, but definitely by the end
of '79," he said.
Fldming plans to officially announce
his resignation at the university Board
of Regents' meeting later this week,
officials said.
The distinguished, silver-haired
Fleming, however, refused to confirm
or deny his intentions of making sugh
an announcement. He has delayed the
official statement until the first
Regents' meeting of the academic year
this Thursday and Friday, officials,
"I DON'T HAVE any comment,"
Fleming said. "One thing is clear, there
is a Regents' meeting. It would be an
opportune time to make such an
This story was written by Dennis
Sabo with files from Ken Parsigian,
Rene Becker and Dennis Sabo.

ISRAELI PRIME Minister Menachem Begin took a break Saturday from the
summit meeting at Camp David to play a game of chess with Presidential

AP Photo
assistant for national security affairs Zbigniew Brezezinski. today, however,
negotiations got back into full swing.

'Efforts intensified'

According to Regent David Laro (R-
Flint), Fleming may announce his
retirement at this week's Regents
meeting. "He (Fleming) will make an
announcement on this matter this
week, probably Thursday, and you can
read between the lines," Laro said.
All sources contacted said the
announcement is a very personal
matter to Fleming. These sources said
it is Fleming's intention to let the
Regents know of his plans first. But
See FLEMING, Page 8

CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP)-President Carter has
begun an "even more intense effort" to bridge dif-
ferences between Egypt and Israel but "neither op-
timism or pessimism is justified at this point,"
spokesman Jody Powell said yesterday.
The president is trying to refine areas of apparent
progress and trying to find compromise approaches-
in areas where Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin are apart,
Powell said.
THE PROCESS began Sunday at a 65-minute
meeting between Carter and Begin. It continued
yesterday when Carter met for two hours with Sadat.
Powell, briefing reporters for the first time in more
than 48 hours, said Carter had no immediate plans for
la three-way meeting with the Egyptian and Israel
leaders. Earlier, Israeli sources had said such a

session would be held by the end of the day.
Powell said it would be inappropriate "to draw the
conclusion of a stalemate" from the fact that there
has been no triangular summit session since last
"YOU ARE barking up the wrong tree," the
spokesman said.
He said the summit had grown "even more inten-
se" and the discussions were being conducted in a
more "detailed fashion."
"It is certainly a more intense effort by the
president," Powell said.
The Israeli sources, asking not to be identified, said
the talks had moved from the exploratory to the
operative stage. The president was understood to
have made open "suggestions" to Begin at their
meeting and presumably was doing the same with

it summit,
THERE WAS NO public word about what the
suggestions were.
Carter is seeking compromises from both sides to
break the Mideast impasse. Sadat is said to be
looking for far more than a framework for
negotiations at a lower level after the summit.
The Egyptian leader is known to want hard results
from the conference. But there was no way of
knowing whether Begin was yielding to his demand
for full withdrawal from lands taken by Israel in the
1967 Six-Day War and for recognition of Palestiniar
"We need another two or three days to crystallize
things," Ezer Weizman, the Israeli defense minister
See SUMMIT, Page 8
" Fierce hand-to-hand street
battles erupted in Masaya and
~ts oher Nicaraguan cities yester-
tts tS
day. Sources said as" many as 200'
-re used with persons may hve been killed as
noted that government troops fought rebel
A to identify forces seeking to topple the
deres to uty government of Anastasio
rerest to us, it Somoza. See story, Page 6.
sue personnel
ing the objects
ioned that he F'*'
hey (foreign
granted the y!For happenings, weather
with regard to and local briefs,
nt A see TODAY, page 3.

LSA faculty off
5% since 1973'

CIA chief Turner objects to
University recruiting restra
By LEONARD BERNSTEIN recommendations.' coercive" practic
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) The proposed guidelines went before foreign students
Director Admiral Stansfield Turner the faculty Senate Assembly for "beyond steps d
voiced objections ' to proposed discussion last June. Assembly individuals of possi
University guidelines governing CIA objections sent the document back to is not our practice1
recruitment of employees on campus in the board for revisions, which will be inquiries without in
a letter to University President Robben made beginning this month. of those inquiries of
Fleming this summer. THE GUIDELINES are a response to But Turner also
The guidelines were a draft of disclosures that the CIA has covertly failed "to see w
proposed regulations formulated by the recruited employees and conducted students) shouldn
University Civil Liberties Board last same freedom of ch
year. "It does seem to me both their own futur
TURNER'S primary concern cen- students enjoy."
tered around a clause in the guidelines inequitable and a poten- PRESIDENT Fl
requiring "intelligence agenciessuch tial disservice to the CO - dopte a nonc
as the CIA' to obtain ''the express prior
consent of an individual" before "his or try to apply to inquiries toward the guidelin
her name may be submitted by another 1g4 gI believe ther
member of the University community from this agency rules of guidelines," Flemij
to an intelligence agency as a potential rocedure that do not But he refused to su
proceure hat d notuntil "they (the Ser
employee, consultant, or agent."
In a letter dated July 17, Turner apply to other applicants something they agr
requested that the recruitment efforts r . The translation
of the CIA be treated like those of for personnelinformation Board proposals in
private employers and added: or recommendations." is expected to be a1
"Nevertheless, I want you to know that recommendationsn
this agency has no objection tonthe rule -CIA Director Admiral theSenate Adviso
on personnel inquiries that is proposed, Stansfield Turner University Affai
provided it is applied equally to all such f___Senate Assembly
inquiries. It does seem to me both experiments at the University and at Executive Officers
inequitable and a potential disservice to other institutions.' presidents) befo
the country to apply to inquiries from TUrner further endeavored to consider adopting tb
this agency rules of procedure that do reassure Fleming about CIA The , Civil Lib
not apply to other applicants for recruitment of foreign students. Turner comprised of fac
personnel information or guaranteed that no "intimidating or administrators.

es we
ible in
to pur
f our in
why tl
not be
hoice N

Five consecutive years of reduced
state financing of the University have
forced the Literary College (LSA) to
reduce its teaching force by five per
cent since 1973, LSA Dean Billy Frye
announced at a faculty meeting
Speaking before 100 newly-appointed
LSA professors, Frye said there are
now 24 fewer assistant professors,
associate professors and full professors
than five years ago.
"WE ARE DOWN to 685 professors
from the 709 we had in 1973," Frye said.
"That's a reduction of 3.6 per cent, and
not- including lecturers, instructors,
part-time appointments and student
"There is no relief in sight. . . The
last four or five years have been made
difficult because of budget cuts from
Lansing," he said.
Frye added that the University's
Affirmative Action program to attract

women and minority faculty members
has had "totally inadequate results" in
professors has not changed since 1973,
he said. Women comprised five per cent
of the LSA staff then, and still do today.
"It is not surprising if a student
complains that they can't find a women
from the senior faculty to be their
concentration adivsor. I am very
disappointed at this rate of change," he
The results of black faculty member
recruiting, he added, have been "even
more inexcusable". The number of
black LSA professors now totals 27, an
increase of just three since 1976.
"PERCENTAGES do not do an
adequate job when dealing with such
small numbers," Frye said. "That's
how poorly the system has been
"It seems every time we hire a black
See FACULTY, Page 8

es ac American
eming, who did not
Turner letter, has
ommittal attitude
e should be some
ping said yesterday.
uggest any specifics
nate Assembly) get
ee upon."
of Civil Liberties
to University policy
long process. Board
must be reviewed by
ory Committee for
rs (SACUA), the
and the University
(president and vice-
ore the Regents
them as policy.
berties Board is
ulty, students and

. . F


Sludge s
The toxtic chemical Polychlorinated
biphenal (PCB), which has been detec-
ted in sludge that Ann Arbor is shipping
to northeastern Ohio farmers for use as
fertilizer, is not a danger to consumers,
according to an Ohio official.
Allen Franks, a spokesman for the
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
(OEPA), said the PCB cannot enter the
food chain because crops do not absorb
the chemical.
SLUDGE IS THE solid residue of the
sewage treatment process.

iipment termed safe
The estimated 40,000 cubic feet of PCB is 50 ppm. The sludge is diluted ith
sludge, which had to be moved off the 25-50 percent water before it is spread
existing waste water treatment plant in the fields, according to Franks. The
facility before an expanded plant could level of PCB is between 10 and 30 ppm
be constructed, is being exported. to when the sludge is applied, depending
Ohio lby the Ny-Trex Co. on the thickness of the layer, Frank
SHIPPING OF sludge has been un- said.
derway for nearly a month and is ex- The sludge has been sitting on the
pected to continue for another week or existing plant site for up to fifteen
two, according to Plant Superintendent years. It also contains heavy metals
Richard Sayers. such as lead, cadmium, and zinc, as
The PCB level of the sludge in the well as PCB. Department of Natural
storage lagoons was 38 parts per milion Resources (DNR) soil chemist Dick
(ppm). Franks said the federal See ERA Page 8
guidelines for permissible content of

Eleven proposals

promise heated Nov. election

The Michigan Supreme Court yesterday
denied a request for an emergency order to
keen two Pronosition 13-inspired tax plans for

Headlee tax plans later, but for all practical
purposes, both hotly contested tax plans will be
decided by Michigan votets.
Observers believe both tax plans-and a
third nrnnn1 that wnuld dratia11 1ater the

provisions of the constitution that will be
altered or abrogated," Ferency said. "We have
picked out some of the more glaring examples"
where Headlee and Tisch fail to do this, he said.
Ferency said one such provision of the con-

For the time being, however, all legal road-
blocks were removed to the tax reform
proposals appearing on the Michigan ballot this
November. And with an unprecedented eleven
proposals on the ballot, the fall campaigns

sonal income, and would not cut back taxes.
For this reason, some state officials consider it
more acceptable to the Tisch plan. It is endor-
sed by Gov. William Milliken and his
Democratic opponent, State Sen. William Fit-

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