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:43 at1tl
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Vol. LIX, No. 4 Ann Arbor,'Michigan-Sunday, September 10, 1978 Free Issue Fourteen Pages
Indians challenge
'U, C
Fourth in a series
In the longest cross examination in
six years in Washtenaw Circuit Court,
Elmer White, representing a group of
Michigan Indians in a class action
lawsuit against the Regents, pounded
away at the University's only witness,
Helen Hornbeck Tanner, an historian.
White took almost two days in his at-
tempt to discredit the testimony of
Tanner-the testimony upon which the
University's general counsel, Roderick
Daane, has used to defend the claim
that the University does not owe the
children of the Chippewa, Ottawa and
curt witness
Potawatomi tribes education.
The tribes are charging in the lawsuit
that their forefathers conveyed land to
the University in article 16 of the 1817
Fort Meigs Treaty in exchange for the
promise of perpetual education for
their children.
THE TYPE OF nit-picking which
characterized White's cross
examination of Tanner was displayed
when he asked the witness if the
University received its name from the
Indians. Tanner said the University got
its name from the territory. White then
asked if it wasn't true that the Indian
name for "great lakes" was Michigania
Foes of drinking age
hike rally at colleges
and that the original name of the
present day "University of Michigan"
was the "University of Michigania."
Tanner grudgingly confirmed.
Under further interrogation Tanner
admitted that the 1817 treaty was
something of a dividing line for U.S.
treaties with the Native Americans.
She said that beginning with the 1817
treaty all treaties with the Native
Americans mention some form of
education for the Indians.
Tanner also testified that no other
treaty to her knowledge ever mentioned
a specific institution as the Fort Meigs
Treaty did. Article 16 refers directly to
the "College at Detroit"-the forerun-
ner of the University.
WHITE ALSOattacked Tanner's
previous testimony concerning the
desire of the Indians to be educated. In
the previous day's testimony, Tanner
stated the Indians, at the time the 1817
treaty was written, were not concerned
with education.
White went into detail about the sour-
ces Tanner used to reach that con-
clusion, and asked why she hadn't used
a number of what he called
"significant" sources about the
Catholic missionaries. Tanner testified
tpat all these sources were biased and
that she based her opinion on those
sources she considered most reliable.
Then Circuit Judge Edward Deake,
who will decide the case, listened to an
hour-long series of questions concer-
ning the location of a place called
Macon, which is mentioned in article
ON THE FIRST day of the trial, the
court had heard James Concannon, a
Native American of Ottawa lineage,
testify that he attended a Catholic
boarding school in the southern
Michigan town of Macon. In her report
to the University Tannerindicated tkat
the placed called Macon was not
See INDIANS, Page 9
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
Tiny, bubbles
Perhaps Layrence Welk could use a new recruit like this bubbling bear that stood outside of Middle Earth yesterday. He
is properly called a "Pustefix" bear.
- - -
Opponents of the November ballot
proposal to raise the drinking age to 21
are combing the state for support, and
are aiming their efforts directly at
college campuses, campaign leaders
said yesterday.
"The most important thing is trying
to get college students to vote. The
drive is on in the college community,"
said Eddy Shepherd, co-ordinator of
activities for the Michigan Licensed
Beverage Association.
OPPONENTS OF the proposal will
distribute 25,000 bumper stickers,
200,000 buttons and 500,000 pamphlets,
said John Carver, Second Chance
employee and co-ordinator of the Ann
Arbor campaign base. They also have
hired a Grand Rapids public relations'
firm to run the campaign, said Carver.
Several local bars are pitching in to
help finance the campaign. Second
Chance is planning to donate money
from three benefit nights in September,
is also serving as a voter registration
spot in order to encourage more
students to register. Dooley's is also
performing that service, and the
Village Bell has given funds to the
campaign, according to an employee.
THE BALLOT proposal calls for the
drinking age to be raised to 21, and
would go into effect ten days after certi-
fication of votes. Opponents have
criticized the proposal's lack of a
grandfather clause, which would
protect the rights of 18-20 year-olds who
are currently drinking legally. As the
proposal stands, there would be no
exception made for these people. They
would simply have to wait as much as
three years before regaining the right
to drink.
Three main groups are opposing the
proposal: the Michigan Licensed
Beverage Association; the Three
See FOES, Page 8
New troops enter
to relinforce martial law
TEHRAN, Iran (AP)-Thousands of
troops backed by tanks fanned out
yesterday to enforce a martial law
decree in this capital city where at least
86 persons died Friday as soldiers bat-
tled anti-government rioters.
The Shah of Iran postponed a trip to
Romania and East Germany to deal
with violence, among the bloodiest in
the wave of anti-government protests
that have claimed more than 1,000 lives
since January.
Carter makes summit progress
AN UNEASY CALM prevailed as
troops and tanks guarded most street
corners and the main squares.
Gatherings of three or more persons
were broken up. Most shops here and in
other major Iranian cities were closed.
The government said soldiers killed
one man who attacked a patrol yester-
day, and other scattered incidents were
reported in this city of 4.5 million. But it
was quiet last night as residents obser-
ved the 9 p.m. curfew.
Much of the recent rioting grew from
demonstrations called by religious ex-
tremists opposed to the Shah's attempt
to Westernize this oil-rich, anti-
communist nation and to loosen the
traditionally firm grip of the Moslem
clergy. But religious leaders denied
calling Friday's demonstrations and
the government blamed leftists for the
THE BLOODSHED started shortly
after martial law was declared here
and in 11 other cities. The government
acted after political efforts, including a
Cabinet shakeup and the sanctioning of
political parties, failed to pacify the
Crowds led by teen-agers hurled
stones at soldiers in Jalen Square in
eastern Tehran and the soldiers opened
fire. Official reports listed 86 killed and
205 wounded. Earlier, the government
had said 58 were dead. Unofficial
reports put the toll at about 100.
Tehran hospitals posted signs asking
for blood donations.
There were no reports of injuries to
the 120,000 foreigners, including 50,000
Americans, who live in Iran. Most of
the Americans are in the military or the
oil industry.
NUMEROUS anti-government
groups including a terror group the
government callgs"Islamist Marxists'
have joined, the religious leaders i
demanding a return to Islamic law. The
government blames the Islamic
Marxists for starting the theater fire i
Ahadan, in southwestern Iran, that
killed at least 377 people last month.
The mullas, or priests, of the Moslem
Shiite sect see the Shah's reforms, star-
ted in 1963 and recently accelerated, as
contrary to the teachings of the Moslem
holy book, the Koran.
The reforms removed huge tracts of
farmland from control of the clergy and
leased it to small farmers. They also
gave women the vote, permitted them
to attend universities and let them
discard their veils.
On Aug. 27 the Shah tried to appease
his religious and political opponents by
naming a devout Moslem, Jaafer
Sharif-Emani as premier. Sharif-
Emani closed all the casinos and an-
nounced that all legal parties could take
part in the government.
CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP) --'
President Carter's Mideast summit has
produced progress on some
fundamental issues but "substantial
differences remain" and the outcome is
unclear, U.S. spokesman Jody Powell
said yesterday.
Lifting the secrecy lid a bit as Carter,
Israel's Menachem Begin and Egypt's
Anwar Sadat paused in their
deliberations for stock-taking, Powell
said all three governments concurred
in his assessment.
"THE FOCUS in the main has been
substantive," Powell said. But he again
declined to discuss which of the key
topics on the summit agenda were
yielding to compromise and which were
stubbornly unresolved.
"We're not there yet," commented a
member of one delegation, who asked
not to be identified.
The visiting diplomat said despite
intensive exploration of the unresolved
issues, the divergences between Israel
and Egypt on these points were sharp.
If they persist throughout the
conference, Carter's summit may not
properly be termed a success, he.
PRESIDENT Sadat is pushing for
Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank
of the Jordan River as well as
concessions for the Palestinian Arabs.
Prime Minister Begin has offered civil
self-rule to the Palestinians and has
declined to commit Israel to a pullout.
"Progress does seem to have been
made in some areas," Powell told
reporters at the daily briefing in an
American Legion Hall at Thurmont,
Md., some six miles from Camp David.
"However, substantial differences
remain on other important issues and
there is simply no basis for any
informed speculation about the final
outcome," he said.
POWELL SAID all three
governments agreed that his report of
some progress on some fronts but
continuing differencps on others "was
an accurate assessment of the
Acting as spokesman for all three
leaders, as he has throughout the four-
day-old summit, Powell said Carter,
Begin, Sadat and their advisers were
engaged yesterday in a review of what
has transpired to date.
The spokesman said the assessments
were prompted in part by Begin's
observance of the Jewish Sabbath -
the Israeli leader customarily devotes
the day to prayer and rest - and also
because the three-way talks have
reached a point "at which a review
seemed appropriate."
American officials were privately
predicting that the summit would go on
at least until Tuesday.
Powell said "there still has been no
deadline set, either formally or
CARTER HAD an hour-long meeting
early Saturday with Secretary of State
See CARTER, Page 8
Kiwanis sale lures
Perhaps it was evidence of the
usually meager student budget, or as a
consequence of the dilapidated
condition of so many local abodes, but
whatever the reason, students
comprised a major faction of the group
that made the annual pilgrimage to the
Kiwanis Sale yesterday. Backpacks
and a few stray sleeping bags evinced
the bargain hunters' determination to
find the right buy at the right price.
"I'm the one who slept out here,"
Nakamura Coop resident Steve
Teplinsky announced proudly as he
pointed toward his rolled-up sleeping
bag. "I got kind of inebriated last night.
"THIS IS my first sale, and a person
at the coop*told me to get here early,"
he explained, adding he had arrived at
the corner of First and Washington at
6:00 a.m. even though the sale wasn't
scheduled to begin until 9:00. "We're
looking for desks and a rocking chair
for the coop," he said.
Others were not in the market for
shoppers poured into the warehousE
like children released from a classroorr
at recess. The piles of must3
mattresses, giant armchairs, lace
trimmed lampshades and pots and pans
were immediately obscured by th
scurrying bodies.
"THERE'S A preponderance o
students now because they're lookin
for things for their apartments, but
the winter there's a combination,"sai
Kiwanis club member Don Olsen, wh
explained that the club began holdin
the small September sale about si
years ago because it coincides with t
arrival of the University students in th
See KIWANIS, Page 6
Sun day
" Health, Education and Wel-
fare Department sends a
specialist from Atlanta's Center
for Disease Control to New York
City where the sixth case of
~~ m . M.....