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Page 2-Sunday, December 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily
The Michigan Daily-Sunday, Decen
R AMBLINGS/dan oberdorfer
I'D LIKE TO be free to cry.
And cry.
Not just shed a tear or two when a
close relative dies, or when a girlfriend
bids an abrupt farewell, but I ask that I,
a male, be free to shed rivers of tears
when I seea sad movie or when I'm just
feeling melancholy.
Male Liberationaiswhat I'm talking
about. What I'm after, is to liberate
myself from the demands society
places on my masculinity. I'm op-'
pressed because I'm told to conform to
a standard of male image that prevents
me from being nurturing, tender,
vulnerable, and sensitive - andforces
me to be a responsible, competitive,
dominating, aggressive breadwinner.
people think of another born-again-
smoker riding on yet another trend, or
Pete Rose, masquerading as John
Wayne's bigger, meaner Uncle Macho,
ready to lasso cute GIRLS to fix dinner
and whatever it is that chicks do.
And, of course, there are those that
say male liberationists are out solely to
improve their chances for a job. The
reason the University has no men's
studies department, the same people
say, is because every course offered -
with the exception of Women's studies
classes - is centered on men's studies.
Men's liberation is an outgrowth from
the women's movement. The women's
dehumanizing work conditions; middle
aged bureaucrats who chuck their jobs
to raise organic cauliflower in the
Rockies; executives balanced on the
'But when I say MALE LIBERATION,
people think of another born-again-cos-
riding on yet another trend.'
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privacy when it makes him quiz me
about school as aggressively as he
would a colleague's recent in-
stitutionalization in a hospital for the
criminally insane.
The provider syndrome is another
common malady. Many college-aged
men, myself included, are over-
whelmed by pressures to succeed. Job
equals money equals material goods
equals security equals success, they
And statistics show that significantly
more men than women die from heart
attacks - because of the pressure to
SOCIETY WOULD like me to be like
Humphrey Bogart or John Wayne
- silent, unemotional, strong. But I
find the role of he-man restrictive.
TV advertisements for shaving
cream and for beer, which depict Pete
Rose or Dick Butkis as the ultimate in
masculinity are insulting.
I can picture John Wayne rounding
up Injuns, or brawling in a bar room
with bare fists, but I can't see him
pouring out his heart for three hours to
a woman.
So, next time you hear someone
threaten a crying boy with: "Men don't
cry," . . . well. . . bust his or her face.
movement gave men a chance to
question and to break free from restric-
tive stereotyped sex roles, as well as to
view women not as sex objects to be
dominated or to be put on a pedestal.
A ND, THOUGH the men's
movement is just an infant -
growing mostly in intellectual hamlets
and in consciousness-raising groups all
over the country - it is already attrac-
ting large numbers of men who have
never even heard the phrase: factory
workers discouraged by boring and
FOOD/ken parsigian & renei
Guess who0's coming to dint
top rungs of the success ladder who cut
back on work to return, to school; and
college grads who refuse to follow the
route of security.
Some men's groups are already
asking for father's rights (custodial
rights to children after divorce), rights
to paternity leave, and equal'oppor-
tunity for alimony.
But attitude is the key.
I'm afraid that when I leave college,
my friendships with other men will
rarely go beyond the stock subjects. I
abhor my father's respect for my
PLEASANT as it is to write and talk about
food, the true joy is in the partaking. We had
not prepared a major repast in several
weeks, and ourepalates were begging for some haute
Usually, we invite several close friends over when
we plan such a feast, so the first question was who to
"Let's do something different," Rene suggested.
"Why not invite President Fleming and his wife
Sally? Since they are leaving in December, this is
our last chance to have them over. b,
"But do you really think they'd come?" I asked.
"Why not?" Rene countered. "Roger Rapoport
(Daily editor in 1967) told me he had the Flemings
over to dinner, and I'm sure we're better chefs than
he. He used to cook hamburgers in lard. Besides, if
they're reluctant; we'll just send them a menu."
But the Flemings needed no persuasion. They
readily accepted our invitation for 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday - just 11 hours from now.
Eleven hours is not much time to shop for and
prepare a six-course dinner, but we had two
kitchens and four hands with which to work, so we
had hopes of success.
Our first concern was bread. Since there is no
place in Ann Arbor to buy good French bread, we
had to make our own. Julia Child's recipe in
Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume II
produces a bread that makes you think you are in
Paris. But since it requires three separate risings in
a cool place, and nearly 10 hours total preparation
time, we had to start early.
Rene began by mixing the only ingredients
necessary - and the only ones permitted by the
French government - flour, water, salt, and yeast.
The consistency of the dough at this point is
extremely soft and needs much muscle to make it
ready for the first rising.
That first rising takes three to five hours, so we
used the time fortshopping. For our main course we
decided on roast saddle of lamb. We didn't want
beef, which is basically an uninteresting meat, and
we'd made fowl and pork for our last two major
meals. We decided on lamb because the taste of the
saddle requires little adornment and thus little
preparation. But saddle - which consists of the loin
and tenderloin - is rarely eaten, in this country, so
we had to special order it from a Detroit butcher.
choice. Often considere
sometimes the superior -
miniscule bubbles which er
the fluted champagne glass
is reprehensible-dance eN
The dry, nutty flavor of tli
the soup is one of those toi
one of our favorite dishes.
only course wherein a fortifi
The saddle of lamb is suc
deserves a special wine. W
Fleurie. In Beaujolais - a
that matter - 1976 was a stt
We have relished a prc
Beaujolais wines. Our favo
Henri Bourguinon Fleu
Beaujolais - and we thoug
enjoy it.
The greatest red wine
accompany the cheese pl
discussion, Rene perused
wine. It was a tough decisio
one of his favorites - one w
as the most interesting wine
1970 David Bruce Petit Syra
15.5 per cent by natural fe
made to last; it will probab
the turn of the century.
Perhaps we were a bit hasi
who can wait twenty years?
that long.
Although both of us are a
we disdained the idea of
throughout the meal. But si
this meal with champagne,
nice to go full circle and end
wine. To accompany the Tc
on a bottle of Moet e
champagne. Demi-sec, the
save the doux, is rarely
because the French drink rn
is a perfect compliment to r
just six and a half 1
had to get movir
soup and I on the torte.
Sunday md dazine ilCrsT ICPUZZLE
o iz 2
'R 23 P_ 2k
7r 7Glc
v ai
-p-I-I-I-I. . I-I-p-I-
12 1
36 Q
J 29
8 55
31 0 37 33 if
35 L
381F 391M 40j
IU 141Q 151P 16'
59 6 61 v62Z I63R M 65 s6!
m 100 Q 101
0 123 J 124
Q 146 F 147
Y 170 D 171 F 172
t X95 F 19
R77jL 78 U 791S 80
F 103 14 B 105
B 126 v127 Q128
DT 81
5 G i6
S 82
H 107
S 130
851B 861G 871Q 881c 891P 90;
L 91
0 10
S 11 F 111
W 133
D 157
F 134
J 17 L 18&A 191 20 215J 22 6
1 J 42 C 43 T 44k Ai5 J 46
56kA 67 ' 68 L 691' 70W 71
92 Q 936 L49N 95 L 97
F 117 G 118 W 119 P 120 121
3 U 140S141F142G143M 144
t F16 N164N165 C16 16
B 112
G 135
0 158
v 113
V 136 0 13 3H138
S 159 I 1 161
T 183 4 [X18
1 20 C 2
1871 188 C 18913 190) D7
A 192
Copyright 1978
Guess the words defined at the
left and write them in over
their numbered dashes. Then,
transfer each letter to the cor-
responding numbered square
in the grid above. The letters
printed in the upper-right-hand
corners of the squares indi-
cate from what clue-word a
particular square's letter
comes from. The grid,, when
filled in, should read as a
quotation from a published
work. The darkened squares
are the spaces between words.
Some words may carry over
to the next line. Meanwhile,
the first letter of each guessed
word at the left, reading down,
forms an acrostic, 'giving' the
author's name and the title of
the work fromwhich the quote
is extracted. As words and
phrases begin to form in the
grid, you can work back and
forth from clues to grid until
the puzzle is complete.
The remainder of our menu was easier to shop
for. We planned to start with scallops - something'
light and fresh for an appetizer - and move on to
cream of cauliflower soup. Then we would serve the
'lamb, with Pommes Anna and steamed broccoli
spears. Korean salad would come next followed by
bread and cheese, and Torta Lesnika - a chocolate
filbert torte - coffee and Martell Cordon Bleu
cognac would be the finishing touch.
After purchasing the ingredients, we were still
short our most important item - wine. We planned
a different wine for each course, save the salad
(wine clashes with the vinegar in the dressing), and
each bottle had to be selected to compliment the
dish it would accompany.
The delicate scallop demands a comparable wide
- a Louis Roderer Cristal Champagne was our
H r43 i94'
---i--° 1- T i -1
B 211 A 21210 2131B
IF 21
mm mm I Ij
A. Sullen obstinacy: pertinacity
B. Asking about the health of; seeking
information about his welfare
(2 words)
C. Scrooge's workplace (Comp.)
0. Santa's last name in The
Miracleof 34th Street
E. Scrooge's first name
F. "And he whistled and shputed, and
called them by name, ~ from
The Night Before Christmas
by Clement C. Moore
(4 words)
G. Popular Christmas Carol
(2 words)
It. Author of The Little Match Girl
and The Fir Tree
I. Scrooge's clerk
J. Person or thing out of the ordinary
run; something of surpassing
excellence or merit (2 words),
22 45 67 96 116 192 162 207 212
13 35 51 86 105 112 126 138 161 190 169 178
214 204
43 94 155 180 189 201 209 75 89 131 167 104
157 171 191 115 47 200 177
7 341 8261 55150 165
25 39 59 103 111 117 134 142 151 163 187 8
147 179 196 156 172 215
10 56 125 143 66 87 106 135 83 118 153
9 57 197 164 176 198 193 107
63 109 208 12 175 2 73 160
6 46 29 42202 99 17 124
K. Santa's landing fields
L. Territory historically or ethnically
related to one political unit but
presently subject to another
M. Forerunner of Santa Claus
(2 words)
N. - of Christmas" traditional
poem (2 words)
0. Scrooge's first night visitor
(2 words)
P. Airplane pilots or operators
Q. Dish of N.A. Indian origin, usually
consosting of green corn and
beans cooked together
R. N.Y. Sun editorwho replied "Yes.
Virginia, there is a
Santa Claus"
S. Set of materials or equipment
designed for a
particular use
T. Battle again
U. Author of "The Boy Who Laughed
At Santa Claus"
(Full name)
V. One of the gifts that "my true
love gave to mey
(2 words)
33 98 166 185 20 210 121 50
18 69 78 148 36 174 91 97 114
19 28 40 65 84 110 139 144 195 100
5 133 21 184 95 54 194 203 211 168
132 49
60 102 108 205 123 32 137 158 173 213
24 149 90 70 16 199 120 76
37 52 88 93 101 128 146 152 15
A STUDENT recently told me about holds no proof against paranoia. What of a "community of scholars" or an "in-
another graduate student, a bothered me was that my own eminen- tellectual community" we will-all findd o
returnee after a significant interrup- tly sensible student reported the in- our springs of "originality" becoming
tion, who had made the enspiriting cident without blanching, as though it parched and unproductive. But, for fascism and the
discovery that she could have ideas of were a commonplace idea which oc- most of us, I think it is safe to assume his profound dis
her own which people found interesting curred to students often. that we will have more "original" ideas ned in the hi
( "original" is the somewhat This unpleasant destructive orien-- in a lifetime than we ever have time to thoughtless or t
misleading term we use). She made the tation is based on the mistaken notions write up. So young intel
discovery only to have an accom- that each person is an island and that It has become fashionable to think of of models. You c
panying second thought that she had ideas spring pristinely from the gray scholarship and science as just another self-conscious, s
better keep her ideas to herself lest matter of an individual brain, un- field of competitive entrepreneurship. son as your guil
someone "steal" them. stimulated by and independent of social James Watson's diary of the DNA the captivated E
There are many sad things about this interaction. What nonsense! We all discovery and the particular style of marvels to be
story. How sad that the atmosphere in depend on the ideas of others - those jungle warfare and intellectual im- covered. If I cou
aduate scool hould be so lluted others who have gone before us and periasism that marked his scramble for would urge the
with paranoia, suspicion, and distrust. created the language and assumptions the Nobel Prize was greeted by some as tuals (and the
How sad that the world of ideas should which form the basic tools of thought. proof that all scholarship is merely chooses muter
be cast in the same vocabulary as the The other misleading assumption hustling in another guise. But Watson's "used") to go
world of business - the vocabulary of guiding this view follows from the ap- is not the only possible style of intellec- Motors or the Te
property, ownership, borrowing, len- plication of an economic model of scar- tualism and seeking for understanding. The stakes are b
ding, gains and losses, adding and sub- city. The apprehension about having Darwin wanted his share of recognition paranoia is
tracting, profit, riches, and theft, one's ideas stolen stems in part from for his legitimate and brilliant work, congenial and ri
The saddest thing to me is not that the belief that one's ideas are one's but he felt some conflict and self- settings. But k
one student should hold such an ap- property, that they have value, and that effacing concern about even this degree thought in the
prehensive, suspicious view. Perhaps in part their value derives from the fact of self-interest. And Einstein never must be free ar
she is simply a suspicious person. that there are only a limited number of concerned himself at all with the tellectual spirit
Heaven knows the academic world ideas to be had, political self-interest of his work. He to make the
Psychology Professor Elizabeth Is this true? Perhaps for people who was too absorbed in the realities of the discoveries, th
Douvan specializes in social psy- are so afraid of theft that they can't natural world he was exploring to at- generosity, and
engage in open exchange with others, tend to such small matters. When he Without trust at
apiteturned to politics, it was to the issues--as'a VWM('
77 23 4 154 186 64
27 72 W0122 130 206 141 159 182
44 183 129 81 68 30 38
1 14 181 31 62 74 79 140 145
85 11 26 34 4 71 113 119 127 136 170 188
Answer to Previous Puzzle
"Scientists are the most con-
fused and irresponsible human
beings now alive. They lay
eggs and the businessman sells
the eggs to the politicians and
the politicians scramble or
drop or easy over those eggs as
we hurdle toward oblivion."
(Buckminister) Fuller
Utopia or Oblivious
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