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December 08, 1978 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-12-08

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Page 12-Friday, December 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Telephone Co. an
is seeking $234 mi
the next two ye
freeze basic resi
next October to c

Ma Bell seeks rate increase of 7.2 per cent
PI) - Michigan Bell and late 1980. private line business hookups, residen- tober would result in increases ranging an effect on our request," Ferguson taking effect last Ja
nnounced yesterday it WILLIAM FERGUSON, executive ce extensions, and installation charges from 46 to 61 cents a month for the said. creases since 197 ha
illion in rate hikes over vice president of Michigan Bell, said by $90 million - or 7.18 per cent - once average customer. This means basic Michigan Bell's last rate increase only half as much as th
ars, but says it will rates for most of the firm's three the increase is approved by the PSC. monthly charges would be raised to an $86.3 million - also took effect in two sumer Price Index, Fe
idential charges until million residential customers have The company asked that $48 million average $6.82 in small, outstate com- stages, with the final $27.4 million
omply with federal an- bP~ n t l thisua "at d ~ nt f that nmit h wndar dna n t";ot Q ; . ,,n.-;

nuary. Total in-
ave amounted to
he rise in the Con-
rguson said.

ti-inflation guidelines.
The $234 million rate application was
the largest ever filed by the giant utility
with the state Public Service Com-
mission, but the increases would take
effect in stages between next spring

keen stam e s year,' ana unaer our
proposal there'd be no increase in rates
for basic service or most calls Ifor
almost all of next year."
Under the proposal, Michigan Bell
would raise rates for specialized ser-
vices such as PBX, key equipment,

u La U amuun Ue aware e on an in-
terim basis to cover higher labor costs.
Ferguson said the company actually
needs a rate hike of $142 million, but
decided to defer $52 million of that
amount until after next October to
adhere to the seven per cent price in-
crease guideline of the Carter ad-
ministration's anti-inflation policy.
HOWEVER, a Bell spokesman'
acknowledged that no action is expec-
ted to be taken by the PSC on the
request for permanent rate relief until
next September.
The spokesman said the rate hike for
residential service sought for next Oc-

mumties to $8.95 in the Detroit area.
"We've done everything we can to
minimize the need for rate increases,"
Ferguson said. "But costs have been
going up so rapidly that a telephone
price increase is essential to assure our
ability to continue providing top quality
THE APPLICATION anticipates the
need for a $92 million general rate hike
in the latter half of 1980 to cover in-
creased costs for labor and
"But, of course, there's no way for us
to know what anti-inflation guidelines
may exist at that time that could have

Ferris St. strike possible
as teachers reject report

BIG RAPIDS (UPI) - Ferris State
College teachers, who struck at the
beginning of the school year, con-
sidered new strike plans yesterday af-
ter rejecting a court-ordered fact-
finders report.
J. N. Musto, executive director of the
Ferris Faculty Association, said con-
tract talks between the teachers and
the school administrators are expected
to resume next week, probably Tuesday
or Wednesday.
ASKED WHETHER another strike
was looming, Musto replied, "We told
the membership last night that there
should be no action taken individually
or collectively prior to the first of the
The 43-page fact-finders report was
unanimously approved by the college's

Board of Control. It calls for a 6.5 per
cent pay hike for the teachers for the
first year, seven per cent the second,
and five to eight per cent the third,
based on changes in the Consumer
Price Index.
"In our review of the report, we find
it ta contain major deficiencies," Musto


scec nateato di n usc f h e.ontbegisbreaigfr themontin
(ie.,aqckjaunt1t yourfavrit-pakag empori
you '$ vrmjo).Hece.tisad. rSippingvs.,chugging
Bothavtheimerisocoure.Bugeral s
ing, except+for casestftrmetirst or a leaking. . j."j
Mountaineering, as all but the chronically misin-formed know, is the skillthe
science and the art of drinking Busch'" Beer It begins by heading for the mountans
(i.e., a Jquick jaunt to your favorite package emporium or
wateringhole) andends by downing the mountains (i.re.bs
slow staking swallows of the brew that is Busch).
9 However, between those two points lies a vast area
Of personal peccadilloes sometimes called technique
and sometimes called methodology (depending on
your major). Hence, this ad. Sipping vs. chuggingd
Both have their merits, of course. But generally speak-
in(g, except for cases of extreme thirst or a leaking
glass, sipping is the more prudent practice for serious,
sustained mountaineering. 9I Next, .the proper posi-
tion. t=Some s
swear by i- vs. c
- tofing; others by W
standing. Suffice it to say that the most successful
r-- :o mountaineers are flexible, so you'll find
" ° ; : , ~ " , 1 both sitters an d stan ders.
*(except on New Year's Eve, s
* t when it's almost impossible
to find a sitter.) 91 which r
° ~brings us to additives. Occa- =

A lion


Yigal Allon
to talk at 'U'
Former Israeli Foreign Minister
Yigal Allon will speak at Rackham'
Auditorium on Dec. 17 at 1 p.m.,
University officials announced yester-
Allon will speak on the latest
developments in the Mideast peace
talks. He will be here to visit the
University's Institute of Public Policy
Allon is a leader of Israel's Labor
Party and chairman of the World Labor
Zionist Movement. He has held various
political posts since he first became a
member of the Knesset in 1954: Allan
was Israel's, deputy prime minister and
minister of foreign affairs from 1974 to
(New clothes at
factory outlet prices)
Tennis Apparel
Makes Great
2 blocks off State St.
Interested in being creativelSpeci al-
ize in the field of rehabilitation nurs-
ing and become a part of our team at
Sacred Heart RehabilitationrHospital,
the only accredited physical medicine
rehabilitation hospital in Wisconsin.
Join the excitement and the challenge
of creating an atmosphere specific to
rehabilitation clients. Our new 96 bed
facility opens in December. 1978. Our
doors are open to people who care.
Practice family oriented primary nursing.
We take great pride In providing high qual-
ity client care.
Gloria Bock, R.N., Nursing Recruiter
through Nursing Service. Ext. 2453

uncomwommed compromised
Fig. 3

sionally a neophyte will
sprinkle salt in his Busch
others mix in tomato juice
and a few on the radical
fringe will even add egg.
While these manipulations


can't be prohibited (this is, after all, a free country), they are
frowned upon. Please be advised that purity is a virtue, and the
natural refreshment of Busch is best uncompromised.
T Finally, there's the issue of containers. Good taste dictates a
glass be used. But bad planning sometimes prevents that. If you
find yourself forced to drink from the can, you should minimize
this breach of etiquette. Be formal. Simply let your little finger
stick out stiffly (see Fig. 4). Happy Mountaineering!

VS. Slitting
Fib 4
o M




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