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September 08, 1978 - Image 102

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-08

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Page 148-Friday, September 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Dearden says pope has

DETROIT (UPI)-Cardinal John
Dearden predicted Wednesday that
Pope John Paul I will eagerly par-.
ticipate in the burgeoning worldwide
concern for human rights.
Dearden said the new pope told a
recent gathering of diplomats he has 'a
very profound concern for human
rights" and that the church has a role to
play in supporting them "by its em-
phasis on moral.and spiritual values.
"I HAVE THE STRONG conviction
that in this he will follow very clearly
the pattern that Pope Paul followed,
and Paul... was very strongly suppor-

or hum
tive of human rights," Dearden told a
news conference.
Dearden, spiritual leader of 1.6
million Roman Catholics, described the
new pontiff as deeply sympathetic to
"those who are manipulated by
others," and said he would be a cham-
pion of the world's poor people.
Dearden, who participated in the
conclave of cardinals that selected the
new pope, said he foresees no change in
church doctrine on birth control or the
marriage of priests under Pope Paul
VI's successor.
HE SAID JOHN Paul had embraced



7n rights
the contents of Humanae Vitas, the en-
cyclical by the late Pope Paul VI on
human life, which rejected artifical bir-
th control.
"I have no feeling at all that there
will be any change in that matter,"
Dearden said. "He accepted fully and
advocated fully the teachings of
Humanae Vitae, which are much richer
than just compressing it into a little
matter of contraception."
Dearden, 70, also said he did not an-
ticipate a change in the church ban on
the marriage of priests or the or-
dination of married men, although he
conceded the matter was not closed
THERE'S NOTHING in the discipline
of the church that makes that im-
possible," he said. "The question would
be whether or not the advantages that
would come from it would be offset by
the disadvantages that would be ex-
Dearden also told reporters Pope
John Paul's choice of a name was more
than a simple gesture but indicative of
the tenor of his papacy.
"My feeling is that first of all it's a
sign of continuation of the matter of the
Second Vatican Council in continuing
its orientation and development," he
said. "It indicates to me a great deal of
independence and innovation on his
own part."


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