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See editorial page
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Low-low 20's
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 73
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 5, 1978
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
SACUA drafts 'U'
intelligence agency guidelines
The University's attempt to formulate
policy covering its relationship with
domestic and foreign intelligence agen-
cies faces crucial test at this month's
Faculty Senate Assembly meeting on
Dec. 18.
The Senate Advisory Committee for
University Affairs (SACUA) yesterday
placed the most recent draft of the con-
troversial guidelines, formulated last
week by the Civil Liberties Board
(CLB), on the agenda for the faculty
body's next monthly meeting.
THE LATEST CLB draft, which will
be brought before the Assembly for
discussion and a vote without appraisal
from SACUA, represents the
culmination of °a year's discussion on
the issue from faculty, administration,
and student sources.
The latest draft, dated Nov. 29, dif-
fers somewhat in principle and language
from the Sept. 27 draft the CLB had
presented to SACUA. According to
SACUA Chairman Shaw Livermore,
those differences represent responses
by the CLB to suggestions made by
University Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro.
The most significant changes in-
volved the attempts to apply specific
rules governing activities by intelligen-
ce agencies as opposed to other
member of the University community.
should assist any person or
organization, including intelligence
agepcies, in obtaining the involuntary
services of another member of the Un-
viersity community." The Sept. 27 draft
of this resolution applied only to in-
telligence agencies.
But the CLB retained language
singling out intelligence agencies in the
principle regarding recruitement at the
The guidelines still state: "No mem-
ber of the University community should
give the name of another member of the
University community to any in-
telligence agency for the purpose of
possible recruitment by the intelligence
agency without the express prior con-
sent of that individual..."
THE BOARD ADDED the phrase
"unless required to do so by law or sub-
poena" at the end of this clause.
The Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) has long objected to University
attempts to use specific rules with
recruitment by intelligence agencies.
In a July 17 of this year letter to Univer-
sity President Robben Fleming, CIA
Director Admiral Stansfield Turner
wrote: "It does seem to me both
inequitable and a potential disservice to
the country to apply to inquiries from
this Agency rules of procedure that do
not apply to other applicants for per-
sonnel information or recommen-
But SACUA member Margaret
Leary, who also sits on the Civil Liber-
ties Board, explained the decision to
retain the original wording of this
clause was due to "the superior secret
investigtive machinery that intelligen-
ce agencies have."
THE TWO OTHER resolves of the
current document state members of the
University should not:
" "lend their names and positions to
gain public acceptance for material
they know to be misleading or untrue,"
"use their academic role as a ruse
for obtaining information for in-
telligence agencies."
The guidelines also state that "ad-
judication of alleged violtions will be
the responsibility-of University bodies
and officials and governed by existing
See SACUA, Page 6
begin oil
From Wire Service Reports
TEHRAN, Iran - Thousands of oil
workers, again spearheading the anti-
shah movement, launched a new round
of job slowdowns yesterday hoping to
topple Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
by drying up Iran's all-important oil
revenues, reliable sources reported.
Western diplomats said the shah's
imperial troops had already begun
arresting the .strikers, many of whom
were reporting- to their job sites but
then refusing to work.
"BUT THEY are moving -very
cautiously," one diplomat said.
"The government doesn't want to
aggrevate an already deteriorating
situation by making wholesale
Diplomats said that two of Iran's five
important oil companies were "com-
pletely shut down" and a third was
"seriously affected by the strike."
MEANWHILE, in Tehran, three days
of large-scale and bloody anti-gover-
nment protests appeared to be winding
down yesterday. But in a new twist to
what has been a one-sided struggle by
unarmed dissidents against the
military's guns, an urban guerrilla
band attacked a police station, killing
one officer and wounding another.
Youthful protesters also set fire to a
bank in the heart of the city, causing
considerable damage. But otherwise
the armored military patrols stationed
at key points in the city seemed
generally in control.
The government reported that its
troops killed 17 persons and wounded 50
in Tehran and the southern city of
Isfahan since the latest violence ex-
ploded Friday night. But diplomatic
sources put the death toll at more than
30 here and in provincial cities, and
some of the shah's opponents contend
that as many as 3,000 persons have been
killed, a figure most observers believe
to be wildly exaggerated.
"WE'RE FIGHTING to the death
now. We have shed too much blood to
stop," one militant, who identified him-
self only as Hassan, told a reporter at.
the burial of a half-dozen slain
protesters in a Tehran cemetery.
See ANTI-SHAH, Page 5
for drink
Daily Photo by BRAD B:NJAMIN
ALAN WHITING, a University political science professor, says the current situation in China is not a power struggle.
Whiting recently traveled to Washington to talk with officials in the State Department about the current situation.
does not see
power s truggle'
In anticipation of widespread
infractions of Proposal D when it takes
effect on Dec. 22, City Council last night
unanimously passed at first reading an
ordinance which would set penalties at
five dollars for breaking the 18 to 21
year-old prohibition law.
The ordinance passed last night ap-
plies the five dollar fine tothe sale by
an unlicensed purveyor and possession
of alcohol for personal consumption.
Bar owners, retail store owners, and all
other commercial liquor sellers will not
be affected by the mayor's ordinance.
City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw said
yesterday afternoon that the ordinance
will not change the status of admittance
of new minors to bars.
prefaced discussion of the ordinance by
pointing out that "the state legislature
undoub~tedly will not enact penalties for
Proposal D before the amendment goes
into effect." He added that there is one
proposal presently in the stage
legislature which gives the local
municipal government responsibility to
decide its own penalties.
Mayor Pro-Tem Gerald Bell (R-Fifth
Ward) said he was concerned that the
state legislature will pass penalty
legislation in the interim which will
provide the same penalties for those
younger than 18 as does for the 18 to 21
age bracket.
"My feeling is that these adults have
been set aside from the rest of society
with different laws," Bell said. "These
people are not minors, they are adults,"
Bell added.
COUNCILMAN Earl Greene (D-
Second Ward) sponsored a similar or-
dinance that was discussed and tabled
at the Nov. 20 Council meeting.
Greene's proposal did not include the
sale of all alcohol, only its possession.
At that time, Republicans Bell and
Belcher said they would rather see
what action was taken in the state
Councilman David Fisher (R-Fourth
Ward) indicated that he will sponsor an
amendment at the Dec. 18 meeting that
would exempt "people using alcohol to
endanger other people, people selling
alcohol to youngsters, those making
noise and being rowdy while drinking,
and those using alcohol in the interior of
a car."
Laidlaw said "we cannot forbid
prosecution ,under state law; there
would always be the option on the part
See $5, Page 2
The recent wave of spontaneous wall poster debates and
street rallies in Peking was not a power struggle among
China's top echelon, but rather Deputy Prime Minister
Teng Hsiao-ping's attempt to "break the rigidity" that
has pervaded in China since the communist revolution.
This is the view of noted China specialist Alan Whiting,
a professor of political science here. In an interview
yesterday in his office at the Asian Studies Center,
Whiting said, "Last week represented Teng's
demonstration to the Chinese people that they will be freer
to express their minds as never before, and a
demonstration to his colleagues that this is not
LAST WEEK, China-watchers were startled by the rash
of wall osters - some scribbled on notebook paper, some
eloquently penned on official government scrolls -
attacking Chairman Mao as being wrong "30 per cent of
the time" and calling for more civil liberties in China.
Diplomats and journalists there interpreted this as a
power struggle between Teng and Mao's hand-picked
successor, Hua Kuo-feng.
Teng was purged by Mao in April 1976 at the same time
Mao annointed Hua as premiere. Speculation rose last
week that the wall posters attacking Mao - previously
unheard of in China - may have been Teng's attempt to
tell the citizenry that Mao made a mistake in appointing
Hua, and that a coup was in the making.
Whiting, however, said, "I never thought Teng was.
trying to remove Hua from his position. If Teng were to go
for Hua's position now, there would have to be a very
compelling reason. Hua is not obstructing (Teng's)
policies" of pursuing foreign technology and increasing
civil liberties.
WHITING SAID Teng "tried to get to be premier" in
March, and when that coup failed, Teng took himself out
of the running. Teng is quoted in the -Hong Kong press as'
saying then that he never wanted to be premier, that he is
too old for the job.
For Teng to attempt to purge Hua now, Whiting said,
"He would coalesce a very powerful opposition. One part
of that opposition would go against Teng because they
See WHITING, Page 6
_____________________________________________________________ I
Pioneer I begins
Venus probe
with wire reports
VENUS-Pioneer I swept into an
elliptical orbit yesterday around Venus
to being a 255-day probe of the cloud-
covered planet which may yield clues to
the origins of the Earth's climate and
The flagship of the unmanned
American space fleet called "Sounde"
and four other smaller probes will con-
duct "the most comprehensive ex-
oloration of the atmosphere of a planet
ther than Earth," according to
University Atmospheric and Oceanic
Department Prof. Andrew Nagy who
has been associated with the ambitious
phoject since 1970. Nagy and AOS
Department Chairman Prof. Thomas
Donahue are members of the data
analysis committee for the mission.
THE PROBE, which swept behind
the Earth's nearest neighbor at 10:56
volved in four smaller probes (20 inches
in diameter) which are slated to
simultaneously enter the Venutian at-
mosphere at four different spots on
Saturday. They will hit the surface,
transmitting valuable data before they
are destroyed.
SOME OF THE spacecraft equip-
ment, including the radiometer, which
will map the temperature, and a spec-
trometer, which will study radiation,
were built at the Space Research Lab.
Carignan, Donahue and Nagy will be
involved in the analysis of the data sent
back to Earth by the spacecraft.
Controllers at Ames yesterday or-
dered the 1,250-pound probe, which
resembles a coffee can, to fire its retro-
rockets and enter an orbital pattern
behind the planet whose atmosphere is
partially composed of sulfuric acid.
Constant radio contact is impossible in
that stage. This maneuver was repor-
The Soviet Union has sent 10 previous
craft in its direction.
Two additional Russian spacecraft
are due to reach Venus on Dec. 21 and
25 and both are expected to drop lan-
ders on the surface.
SCIENTISTS SAY the geological
structure of Venus is similar to that of
Earth but its atmosphere is believed to
be composed almost entirely of carbon
dioxide, the gas on which planets
Almost no water is present on Venus.
Donahue says this is one mystery the
Pioneer-Venus mission is intended to
clarify. NASA scientists believe water
was present on the surface at once time
because the Earth and Venus are "vir-
tual twins," explained Donahue. Scien-
tists want to find out where the water
went, if it was there to begin with.
"The differences between Venus and
the Earth can be explained by large
scale atmosiihere."
Pollack said the probe may also help
scientists better understand the effect a
gradual increase in carbon dioxide gas
will have on the Earth's climate. The
burning of hydrocarbons like oil, coal
and gas release carbon dioxide into the
According to the "greenhouse effect"
theory, scientists believe the added
carbon dioxide may be trapping more
sunlight above the Earth's surface
creating a warming trend that could
disrupt the climate.
Tue sday
* This year's winter com-
mencement address will be
delivered in a clipped British ac-
cent. See the story on Page 5.
+ The faculty discussed
methods tobring in more
Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
CONCENTRATION CAMP survivor and author, Gerda Weissman Klein, speaks
Sunday afternoon to a group at Beth Israel Synagogue about her experiences
during the war.
Concentration camp
experiences retold
By MARY FARANSKI history of this period should be taught
"We can weep over what we have
lost, but then let us rejoice in the oppor-
tunity to build again," said Gerda
by those who were personally involved
in it. "Numbers don't mean anything.
Of course, there is bitterness that six
-,.. 1:- T...,.