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January 13, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-01-13

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., t r

idia, Pakistan
agreement on


'or Paceful.
Settlement To Hel p'
Create Atmosphere
For Kashmir Pact



Another step has been taken to
narrow the wide political gulf be-
tween India and Pakistan, war-
ring daughters of the British Raj.
The agreement between the two
s t a t e s, pronounced Monday,
settling the status of 1,500 miles
of common border, is seen as a
step in the right direction for
settlement of all the neighbors'
common disputes.
Prof. Richard L. Park of the
political science department la-
beled the move a "major step in
indicating the willingness of India
" and Pakistan to resolve disputes
that have been rather major in
the past."
May Settle Kashmir ,
He said settlement of this and
other similar disputes which have
been plaguing Indo-Pakistani re-
latins ever since the 194 parti-
ion, may create a climate in
which the two can settle the prob-
lem of Kashmir, which hs gone
as far as the United Nations.
Prof. Park added he was not
* optimistic for the near future,
since the Kashmir problem has
poitical and power implications
rit present in the mIore .technical
natters of small border disputes
/ and the like.
Among similar problems con-
-nected to such. border disputes, he
listed exchange of evacuee prop-
erty, trade arrangements, pass-
port disputes and the controversy
over allocation of Indus River
Explains Assumpton
He explained the assumption of
the Indian and Pakistani govern-
ments seems to be to work out all
difficult, but relatively minor
problems before attempting the
more difficult.Kashmir settle-
. ment.,
.The actual settlement covers the
.stretch of border between India
and West Pakistan. The Kashmir
border, of course, and a section
of "border between the Indian.
state of Bombay and the Pak-
stani state of Sind are still in
Talks on the latter are sched-
uled for later since the area is a
special case because of extensive
Frontier Settled
Added to an Oct. 1 settlement
of the border between India and
East Pakistan, the new agreement
means that fully 4,000 miles of
frontier is considered to be defi-
nitely settled.
Both sides gave up claims to
territory to accommodate settle-
ment; the boundary is set up on
the existing basis.
Armed personnel may not come
closer than 150 yards from the
new line.
" , Explains Problems
Prof. Park explained some of
the problems that still remain to'
be settled: ,
1) Because of rapid population
shifts just after the partition,
evacuees left behind great
amounts of property. The question
of exchange must be worked out.
(Prof. Park commented this may
make news in the near future.)
2) Because of mutual use of
Indus River water, the states have
. been wrangling over its distribu-
tion. Like the property rights, this
results directly from partition.
Prof. Park said he expected settle-
ment of water rights would prob-
ably be announced this spring,
with the World Bank playing a
big role.
To Consider Passports
3) Questions of trade arrange-
ments and passports for travelers
are still to be resolved.
The communique announcing
the agreement concluded the ne-
gotiations represent "yet another
step by the two governments for
bringing about better and amic-
able neighborly relations."
It asked the press of both na-

tions to exercise restraint and
"n"t publish exaggerated reports
or material likely to inflame feel-


And the Rains Came

VENICE IN MICHIGAN-The rains came to Sawyer, Michigan,
flooding the streets. Some rowed to town just like in Venice where
the streets are canals. Ann Arbor is having a "monsoon season"
too with 1.15 inches of rain from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. yesterday.
Author of Best Se lers
Dies for Heart Attack

Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex:),
bowed out yesterday from his tra-
ditional role as chairman of the
Democratic National Convention.
The Speaker's action, in the
form of a "do not choose" an-
nouncement, appeared to have
put in high gear a drive to land
the party's presidential nomina-
tion for Senate Democratic Leader
Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas.
Rayburn told his news confer-
ence he has "a great desire to see
one convention from the floor."
He said he will not adcept the post
of convention chairman he filled
in 1948, 1952 and 1956.
Wants To See Other Side
"When you are tied 'to that
chairmanship up there," Rayburn
said, "you see the convention from
the front. I'd like to see it from
both sides."
Rayburn added significantly
that as a floor delegate he would
have a better chance "to work for.'
the candidate of my choice." He
has announced his support of
Johnson as a Texas favorite son
candidate who, he said, would
have-wide appeal in other areas.
Johnson has said he is not 'a
candidate for the presidential
nomination but would take a look
at the situation if the convention
at Los Angeles next July seemed
to want him.
Confirms Indications
Rayburn's action was interpret-
ed, however, as confirming the
growing indications that Johnson
considers himself a serious con-
tender and not just a holding can-
didate who might be influential in
the naming of another as a nom-
With Texas' 61 convention votes
as a nucleus, Johnson's friends are
busy trying to build a formidable
bloc of support in southern and
western states.

f ~u 1
'House Bill
WASHINGTON ( ) - House
sources said yesterday the petition
to take civil rights legislation
away from the Rules Conimittee
appears virtually stalled.
,Fouradditional signatures were
reported yesterday, bringing the
total to 155 as against the 219
needed to bring the legislation to
the floor without committee ac-
tion. Two hundred and nineteen is
a bare House majority. k(
Rep. Charles A. Halleck (R-
Ind.), the House Republican Lead-
er described as "political bologna
just not true" the continuing
charges from civil, rights ~emo-
crats that Republicans are helping
keep the legislation in committee
as a political payoff to southern
Raise Payoff Charges
The payoff charges were raised
again yesterday by Reps. Emanuel
Celler (D-N.Y.) and James Roose-
velt (D-Calif.). They said Repub-
lican inaction was the price asked
by sQuthern Democrats for their
support of Presidential vetoes and
last year's labor control bill.
Celler and R o o s e v e l t com-
plained that few Republicans had
signed the petition to discharge
the rules committee from consid-
eration of civil rights legislation.
Unofficial reports were that fewer
than 10 Republicans had signed.
Halleck retorted that payoff or
conspiracy charges are absurd in
light of the size of the Democratic
majority in the House. There are
now 280 Democrats, 152 Republi-
cans and five vacant seats in the
Halleck Questions
"With the big majority they
have, can't they run Congress?"
Halleck asked reporters.
R o s e elt said there aren't
enough ' Democrats from outside
the South and "we just must have
some Republican votes."
Halleck said he had told fellow
Republicans that "if a n y o n e
wanted to sign the petition, to go
ahead and sign."
Refuses To Sign
He said he wouldn't sign it him-
self, however, in keeping with a
practice of 25 years not to bypass
regular House procedure. He re-
called that House Speaker Sam
Rayburn (D-Tex.), while calling
attention to the petition method,
mentioned that he had never
signed such a petition either.
Reporters asked Halleck wheth-
er he had urged the four Republi-
can members of the Rules Com-
mittee to vote against holding the
civil rights legislation off the floor
any longer.
Halleck replied the four Repub-
licans are on the committee "in
their individual capacity."

HAVANA (A') - Cuba's National
Agrarian Reform Institute still
lacks the land courts it promised
eight months ago to settle dis-
putes over the land seizure pro-
This came out yesterday in
Cuba's rejection of a United States
government note accusing Presi-
dent Fidel Castro's government of
violating Cuban as well as inter-
national law in the seizure of Cu-
ban properties of United States
A spokesman for the Institute,
known here now from its Cuban
initials as INRA, said creation. of
the land courts and drafting of
their organic law are "still under
Creates L4,pnd courts
The reform law itself, as pro-
mulgated last May 17, said land
courts "are hereby created for
cognizance and. decision of judi-
cial proceedings that may arise
from application of this law and
others in connection with agricul-
tural contracts and rural proper-
ty in general."
It added that the Institute shall

draft the organic law for the
courts within three months. This
presumably meant by Aug. 17. The
organic law is still awaited.
The Institute spokesman said,
however, any disputes may be tak-
en to either the Institute's legal
department or civilian tribunals,
including the Supreme Court.
Criticizes INRA.
"It's the same old run around
at INRA," said a land owner. "It's
wait, wait, wait all the time. It's
useless to try civilian courts with-
out the organic law since they
have nothing to go by, so we are
stuck with vague promises."
Cuban as well as United States
land owners have complained re-
peatedly that Institute , agents
have moved in and seized machin-
ery and other things without
properly written authorization. '
In some cases, property holders.
said, armed soldiers moved on
their land and, when asked about
the law they were operating un-
der, responded: "What law? We're
the law.",
.This was pointed up Sunday in

a Washington statement
nouncing delivery of the prc
note to Cuba. It said in one
stance a Marine dredge and
boat under United States regis
valued at. $500,000, were se
without any written author
tion, inventory or receipt.
The State Department estilm
ed 300 million dollars worth
United States property has I
seized or is subject to seizure
der the Agrarian Act.
Commenting on the lack
published regulations covering
plication of the Agrarian Ref
Law, a Havana lawyer said:
"In its haste to push this
program, the government app
to have put the cart before
horse. Now we have the prose
of seeing all this accelerated.'
This was promised in the
ban rejection of the Amer
note. It said Cuba will push
Agrarian Reform Program, exp
priating property from its a
citizens as well as foreigners,
leave the courts to decide

have created outstanding
career opportunities for
with or working on advanced degrees
Assignments include the following areas:

Cuba Rejects U.S. N



MELBOURNE, Australia (') --
British novelist Nevil Shute died
of a stroke yesterday in Mel-
bourne, the city he pictured in
"On the Beach" as a scene in
mankind's final destruction from
cobalt radiation of World War III.
Shute, 60 years old, had suffered
a series of heart attacks. These
caused him to give up his old
sports of yachting, motor racing
and flying even while he went on
quietly writing best sellers and
looking after the livestock on his
farm overlooking the sea.
His, death came less than a
month after the simultaneous
world premiere in more than a
dozen cities-including New York,
London, Molscow and Melbourne-
of the film version of "On the
Beach," his most successful work.
Shute did not like the movie,
produced by Stanley Kramer, be-
cause he considered Kramer had
misused the right to make altera-
tions in the script.
The message of both the film
and the book, however, was the
same: humanity dying out, by ra-
diation sickness or suicide, in the
wake of a short war in 1962 that
quickly poisoned all the northern
hemisphere and then. drifted its
lethal clouds across the equator
toward Antarctica.
Most of his novels, from "Mara-
zan" in 1926 to "On the Beach,"
published in 1957, were keyed
either. to events of the .day or to
fictional forecasts concerning
some grim, catastrophic day in the
future. Among his others, "The
Far Country" also was made into
a movie.
Shute was an aeronautical engi-

neer who turned to writing in
1926. He dropped his family name,
Norway, in signing his first works
because he felt that his mployers
probably would take a dim view
of an employe who wrote novels
on the side.
By the time he was ready to
forego a business career, the pen
name was too well known in the
publishing field to be changed.,
He became one of the world's
most financially successful auth-
ors, earning more than $180,000 a
year from royalties. He said he
moved to Australia in 1950 be-
cause of his dislike for Britain's
high income tax rates.

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Second Fron t Page
January 13, 1960 Page 3
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Dear Dr. Frood: I told my girl I was in
love, and she laughed. I told her I wanted
to get married, and she laughed. How
can I make her realize that I'm seriousr
Dear Serious: Marry someone.
Dear Dr. Frood: I have been having
trouble sleeping at night. Do you think
it could be because I drink coffee?
Dear Wide-Eyed: Possibly. It's very
difficult to sleep while drinking coffee,.
Dear Dr. Frood: A lot of the guys com-
plain because their mothers don't pack
their laundry boxes properly. Is there a
certain way they should be packed?
Dear Spkesman ndedher is li
Clip and Mal
- ------ -----

Dear Dr. Frood: Do you believe in the
old adage, "Choose a girl by ear rather
than by eye"? Shopping
Dear Shopping: This maxim is indeed a
fine guide for any young man who is look-
ing for a girl. But while choosing by "ear
rather than by eye," he should also make
sure she has two of each.
Dear Dr. Frood: Every night I come
home tired and I find the house in a mess.
There are dirty dishes and pans in the
sink, and clothes are thrown all around.
I'm fed up. What should I do?
Married Student
Dear Married Student: You should
notify the police. Someone has obviously
been there.


Dr. Frooc9, Ph.TT.
Dear Dr Frood: How far ahead should
I call for a date? Straight Arrow
Dear Straight Arrow: It depends. Some
girls must be called at least a week in
advance. With others, you just holler as
you enter the dorm..

Dear Dr. Frood: My husband is an a
sent-minded college professor. He went
out 7 years ago to buy a pack of Luckies
" and hasn't returned yet. I don't know
what to do. Patience
Dear Patience: Better buy another pack.
He's probably smoked them all by now.

leaning and Pressing


A"uU f -n -rnii AflE


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