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January 08, 1960 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-01-08

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Seventieth Year

"W e'Te GoLt o 'Take the Long View"
-A.1 _

Quota Laws Block
Road to Freedom

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SAY, JANUARY 8, 1960



J UDGING by the first few days of classes, the
University doesn't seem to have been
changed much by the arrival of the new dec-
ade. But then, for a 143-year-old institution,
merely the beginning of a new decade can't
be a very earth-shaking event.
Yet the coming 10 years could well be crucial
ones for the University. For it will be con-
fronted with a number of interrelated prob-
lems perhaps as serious as any it has ever
The population explosion which has been
giving educators nightmares will first reach
the' college level in the next few years. With
it will come problems of expanding enrollment.
But at the same time lack of funds - most
of them from the state - threaten to perman-
ently jeopardize the University's future and
may make any expansion to meet the expect-
ed enrollment increases difficult.
Any crystal-ball gazing in such matters -
or any others for that matter - is presump-
tuous if it pretends, as do some national col-
umnists, to be "87 per cent accurate over the
years." All any prediction can be is a more or
less informed guess about the future. And any
prediction is perhaps less valuable for its ac-
curacy than for giving a rough indication of
how people feel about the coming years.
F ONE TiHING seems apparent about the
next decade at the University it is that pres-
sures for admissions will increase greatly. Na-
tionwide, college enrollment is expected to
double by 1970, and there is little reason to ex-
pect that Michigan will be any different. Even
now the University could fill next year's fresh-
.man class with girls alone who rank nation-
ally in the 98th to 100th percentile. What will
this be 10 years from now?
Even if the University does decide to try to
keep up with the demand (which is not entire-
ly certain) it seems likely that it cannot do
;t fast enough to keep up the pace. So it seems
that the University will be forced to raise its
admission standards even higher than they are
now to hold enrollment down. This might in-
volve requiring College Board examinations for
admission for in-state students as well as for
out of state ones.
A UNIVERSITY decision to expand depends
partly on getting enough money from the
state and partly on the University's own desire
to do so. And presently a great debate is going
on in administrative circles about the assets
and liabilities of size.
Is the University too large even now? Have
departments grown so large that effective com-
munication between students and professors in
them has disappeared? What would be the
optimum size for the University? Is the very
idea of an optimum size valid? Is the graduate
school too large in proportion to the rest of
the University? If expansion does take place,
,thich particular colleges and departments
should be expanded?
These are just a few of the questions now
being debated. They should certainly be re-
solved within the decade, and probably with-
in the next few years.;
Even now the question of confusion and
poor communication in the Literary College is
causing worry. Critics have claimed that the
Lit School has become too large and amor-
phous to be effective. Its structure may be re-
cast in the future, perhaps along the lines of
Oxford and Cambridge, where several auto-
nomous undergraduate "literary" colleges are
included within the university.
CRITICS have further claimed that the Uni-
versity is so large and cumbersome that it
lacks cohesion and the sense of community
necessary to any university. One fears that
the further development of the North Campus
planned for the next decade will make the Uni-
versity even less cohesive.
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity has already re-
ceived permission to build a new house there
and other requests are to be expected. This, to-
gether with the many classes that will even-
tually be held away from the central campus
and the projected dormitories for the North
Campus, could be a strongly divisive develop-
ment. Who knows? Maybe one day there will
be a North Campus football team and another
one from the central campus, both members of

the Big Ten.
ANOTHER element pushing the University
toward expanding its. enrollment is its re-
sponsibility to the state. As a state school, it
has a constitutional commitment to furnish
education to the people living in the state - a
commitment which it cannot shirk in favor of
out-state students.
The 'niversity's branch campuses - now
at Dearborn and Flint - were expected to take
some of the in-state enrollment pressure off
the Ann Arbor campus. However, the Dear-
born Center with its work-study program,
seems to have had a hard time competing with

...Philip Power
pected. All this means that the spillover will
have to be taken care of somewhere - partly
at Ann Arbor.
The increased enrollment - if it comes -
will almost undoubtedly be housed in dormi-
tories much smaller and more cohesive than
South Quad and Mary Markley. Already many
believe that building these dorms was one of
the worst mistakes of the decade of the 50's.
Plans for a North Campus dorm built on the
entryway system are reported to be in prog-
ress, and any more housing units needed will
probably be on a similar basis.
There is a little. - probably not much more
than for 1,000 students - more room in the
present dorms. Any expansion above this fig-
ure will require building more housing units---
and more money.
DESPITE the pressures to grow, it remains
doubtful whether the University will be able
to do so because it will probably lack funds.
Since at least half of the University's funds
come from the state, any expansion will re-
quire increased state support. (Tuition, gifts
and foundation money are not expected to
increase enough to make much difference.)
And it is generally agreed that this increased
state aid will not be forthcoming in the near
The new state tax "solution," many people
believe, is only barely adequate to keep state
agencies operating, and is clearly inadequate to
finance any expansion by state universities.
Some solution, however, will come with the
state election in November, when the sales-tax
proposal will be on the ballot. Only then can
any solid state tax base emerge and any seri-
ous thinking about increased financial support
Beyond this, some politicians claim that
state schools can't expect any sympathetic
hearing in Lansing about money matters until
the Legislature has been reapportioned. That
may be many years off.
BUT EVEN when and if the University gets
the money to expand, it will have to wait
several years for any concrete effects to be-
come apparent. Although it has some plans
for new buildings ready' now, these already
need revision, and other planning has been
stopped owing to lack of money. When funds
for capital growth resume, there will have to
intervene some time - probably a year or over
-for planning and for specifications to be
made before a start can be made on the ac-
tual building.
All this means that physically the Univer-
sity may be severely cramped for at least some
part of the coming decade.
BUT FURTHER - and more important -.
this means that faculty salaries will not be
as high as they might be. In recent years, the
University's salary scale has slipped from one
of the highest in the nation to a less enviable
position. The nine per cent raise in salaries
planned for next year will help out, but facul-
ty salaries will probably continue to go up all
across the country in the future, and the Uni-
versity will have to strain to keep pace, if it
can do even that.
Physical cramping, which implies old or out-
of-date research facilities, coupled with low or
uncertain faculty salaries, will probbaly mean
in the next few years that the University will
continue to lose more faculty to other schools
and will have difficulty in finding well-quali-
fied new faculty.
A vicious cycle may well result. The Univer-
sity's reputation, already battered, may de-
cline. This would make it harder to attract
outstanding students and faculty, leading to a
further dip in reputation.
Faculty size, then, probably will not be able
entirely to keep up with enrollment increases,
whatever they happen to be. This may mean
that classes will get bigger. It may mean that
professors will have heavier teaching loads
and have less time for work and consultation
with individual students. It also may mean
that teaching methods will be changed. Al-
though many have doubted it, television may
well be introduced as a teaching aid at some
future date.

M ANY OF the University's problems are di-
rectly traceable to a shortage of funds.
And one of the biggest problems University ad-
ministrators will be facing in the next decade
will be a simple lack of money. The search
for more funds may take up more and more
of their time, which would otherwise be de-
voted to fulfilling other, perhaps more import-
ant, aspects of their jobs.
One source of funds may be the federal gov-
ernment. The view is fading which held that
federal aid to higher education would neces-
sarily be given by a bureaucracy so -complex
and confused that the aid would hinder its
educational effect. People no longer believe
that government aid necessarily means gov-


THE UNIVERSITY seems to be
doing all it can to keep Tyrone
Guthrie's professional repertory
theatre out of Ann Arbor. Not that
it doesn't want the new theatre,
for administrators have "expressed
interest" in it.
But what is needed to secure
Guthrie, producer Oliver Rea and
Company is quick action and cer-
tain inducements. Ann Arbor, com-
peting with three other cities for
this new cultural attraction,ap-
pears right now to be in third
place for obtaining it.
Despite all the hard work which
has been put in by Wilfred Kaplan
and the Dramatic Arts Center in
arousing local interest, MViinnea-
polis and possibly Milwaukee seem
to have done more.
The University of Minnesota.
under whose wing the theatre
would operate were Minneapolis
chiosen as the site, has spear-
headed the drive for the theatre
there. Since Guthrie and Rea want
to operate the theatre under an
educational institution, they are
naturally pleased when the edu-
cational institution itself heads
the drive.
Here it has been the local thea-
tre group which has shown in-
terest, and it demonstrated this
months ago. True, the University
set up a committee, but the Re-
gents have not yet said they want
Guthrie, no land has been given
and no initiative has been taken
by the University. ,
Minnesota has promised Rea a
hilltop building site overlooking
the Mississippi River if he brings
the group to Minneapolis. The
committee which is trying to get
the theatre there includes the
governor of Minnesotaand uni-
versity officials. The state is as in-
terested, -apparently, as the uni-
That seems to be about the case
here too: the state shows no in-
terest, and that of the University
is not overwhelming.
Minnesota has also interested
a few wealthy families in the pro-
ject, and financing the $1.5 or $2
million needed for the theatre
seems to be much easier than the
similar problem here.
Milwaukee is working, too. The
University of Wisconsin in Mil-
waukee has hired the originator
of the Stratford-on-Avon festival
as a consultant. This is impressive.
And the university there has also
taken the initiative in trying to
attract Guthrie and Rea.
But Kaplan and crew have
worked hard, and not without re-
sults. Konrad Matthaei, who is
sounding out financing for the
theatre building, is optimistic the
donations would come in. The
committee has enlisted support
from the Chamber of Commerce,
the City Council and the City
Planning Commission. And as a
group they are enthusiastic. It's
time the University was, too.
of their theateas educational in
nature, and naturally fitting into
a university environment. At a
university they would have a cul-
turally-aware audience, one which

veloped cultural program of the
Choral Union Series, May Festival,
music school concerts and recitals
and other offerings.
The theatre building to be con-
structed could be used, at least
partially, by the speech depart-
ment for its productions. Lydia
Mendelssohn has shown it in-
adequacies for years: the too small
seating capacity, cramped back-
stage. facilities, and the small, in-
flexible stage.
And the fine repertory cast (of
the quality of Christopher Plum-
mer, Jason Robarts and Geraldine
Page) would certainly be appre-
ciated by speech and drama stu-
dents, as well as the viewing pub-
* * *
ANN ARBOR has its drawbacks,
as well as its advantages. The
first twenty week season must
have high attendance. The theatre
must be largely filled (at least '70
per cent) every night of the week.
With a repertory of six or seven
plays constantly being re-acted,
it is obvious that much of the
audience must come from outside
the city-from Detroit, Jackson,
Flint, Toledo.
That some people will come
from these cities is possible. But
Detroit is not known as a cul-
tural center. It has trouble sup-
porting its symphony; it is not a
big drama town. If it cannot sup-
port its own attractions, will peo-
ple drive forty miles to see a play?
Chances are, they won't.
And with the repertory system,
a theatre -goer could come to
town, stay three days and see three
plays. They could thus travel from
further away, spend time in the

city and then depart. But what
Ann Arbor needs, if this is to be
done in any quantity, is a new
hotel. And to get a new hotel it is
probable that the drinking regula-
tions will have to be revised to
allow the hotel a money-making
cocktail lounge.
All of these present problems.
But the group now seeking the
theatre, as well as Guthrie and
Rea, believe these obstacles can
be overcome.
IS THE NEW professional thea-
tre a desirable addition to the
University? It seems not only to
be valuable to the University but
to the city as well. It will add to
the University's already rich cul-
tural program. It will bring pres-
tige to the University. And in
bringing visitors to Ann Arbor it
will both aid University public
relations and attract dollars for
local merchants.
This theatre is a desirable asset
for the University. Rea and Guth-
rie will decide where to locate their
group in about five weeks. That
leaves the University precious little
time to start moving and show
some desire to have the theatre
here. And something more than
"interest" is long, long overdue..
A theatre in Ann Arbor will per-
haps be more difficult to make
successful than a similar theatre
in Minneapolis, where a much
larger audience lives closer to the
productions. But it would seem
that Guthrie and Rea would per-
haps like the challenge of Ann
Arbor better. In the great .Sahara
of this state's culture, much water
is needed. Guthrie and Rea could
provide some.

Daily Staff Writer
(EDITO'S NOTE: This is the
third and last in a series of articles
on the United States immigration
ALTHOUGH the McCarran Act
is discriminatory, an immedi-
ate solution does not seem prob-
And until the difficulty is re-
solved, Emma Lazarus' lines on
the Statue of Liberty will continue
to be ironical.
The act is unfair because it
favors the British Isles and north-
western Europe - almost com-
pletely excludingAsia and south-
eastern Europe-to such an extent
that the Britain-Ireland-Germany
quotas combined have never been
filled, while the quota for China
is a mere 100 immigrants.
* * ,
SECOND, the literacy require-
ment for immigrants is itself' dis-
criminatory since reports have
shown the illiteracy of the English
is .7%, the Scotch .5%, the Irish
1.5%, while that of South Italians
is 56.9%, Russians 42.7%, and
Poles 39.9%.
The current quota system was
itself ascertained by determining
"as nearly as possible'' the origin
or ancestry of every citizen of the
United States, but questions have
been raised as to just how fair
this "estimate" could be.
Also, where is the justification
for setting up a 100-person quota
for Israel, a state which was not
established until years after the
1920-based "estimation"?
And what allowance is there in
fixed 1 quotas for recognizing the
natural geographic movement of
people, races and even nations?
Also, why the basic assumption
that immigration should be so
severely limited - what is the
significance of the number 154,-
All of this is not to say that
there should be no limitations up-
on immigration. It is both just
and understandable that the men-
tally or physically sick, paupers,
convicts, aliens likely to become
public charges, and other equally
undesirable emigrants should be
IT IS EVEN better, as President
Cleveland said, to "admit a hun-
dred' thousand immigrants who,
though unable to read and write,
seek among us a home and op-
portunity to work, than to admit
one of those unruly agitators and
enemies of governmental control
who cannot only read and write;
but delight in arousing by inflam-
matory speech the illiterate and
peacefully inclined to discontent
and tumult."
But either the national origins
quota system should be completely
abolished, or the laws should be
amended to pool unused quotas
so additional, eligible immigrants
could come from countries that
have exhausted their quotas.
William S. Bernard reminds:
"It is often forgotten that the
quota law, restricting immigra-
tion and establishing a basis for
the selection of immigrants ac-
cording to national origins, was
an imperfect device aimed at
securing certain results as a spe-
cific time in our history.
"It was the product of a set of
circumstances in our country en-
tirely different from those that
apply today."
* * *
AS THE NATION continues to
adapt to technological advance-
ment and changing conditions -
both national and international-
so must the United States' immi-
gration policy change. And be-

Recent Arrests cHumniliating'

Humiliating . .
To the Editor:
H OW HUMILIATING it is, in the
face of modern medical knowl-
edge, that an individual should be
arrested and handled as a crimi-
nal because he suffers from a men-
tal disease such as the personality
disorder, homosexuality.
This is a good time for the peo-
pie of Michigan to realize how
archaic certain of our laws are,
The statute under which these
persons were arrested should be
revised before the Ann Arbor Po-
lice (and other) begin setting up
traps for obsessive compulsives
and/or senile depressive neurotics.
-Mrs. Rosalie Tucker, '60
Opportunity , ,
To the Editor:
SINCE WE have come to Michi-
gan and this University we
have observed the Student Gov-
ernment Council with interest and
we have tried to ascertain why
there is so little student participa-
tion in the SGC.
The SGC has started some

stand and do something of great
value, not only for the University,
but for the entire state: yet the
SGC has not taken advantage of
this issue. It should set up a com-
mittee to study the question,
create student opinion, and work
with the other state universities
to try and force through the State
Legislature some fair tax program.
WE ARE not just students, we
are citizens of the United States,
and as such the two of us see no
reason why the SGC cannot take
a stand on issues of national un-
portance. This is not a revolu-
tionary concept. The National
Student Association, of which we
are a member, acknowledges the
right, and duty of college students
to take part in national affairs.
Many small college and university
student organizations have started
working along these lines, realizing
the important part which students
play in the governments of many
countries. We realize that this is
more difficult than arguing about
clause XXX in the SGC constitu-
tion or bicycle fines but it is also
more worthwhile.
If the SGC were to become a

For the University of Michigan
-one of the finest institutions of
learning in the world-is surely
capable of sponsoring a produc-
tion which rates more than a
kindly, seemingly dutiful comple-
ment from The Daily staff.
So why not come out of the
closet and acknowledge some
hearty, deserving accomplishment
on this campus as such? I am
sure it won't reduce circulation.
-David Giancola, '62
Standards * * *.
To the Editor:
KET's "Carousel," I would like
to answer Miss Donham's stric-
tures on Daily critics, at the same
time referring her to Jo Hardee's
excellent article on the subject in
the December 6 Daily.
If organizations invite reviews
of their activities in these public
columns, they should not expect
a kindly and patronizing pat on
the back, nor their performance
to be damned, with what is, to me,
the invidiously faint praise of a
centrii-stu~dent rordutian.

Social Security Contribution Rate
Change:Effective Jan. 1, 1960, the rate
of contribution for Social Security will
be three per cent on the first $4,800 of
annual earnings for both employee
and the University. This is an increase
from the 2%a per cent rate effective in,
Those employees enrolled in the Em-
ployees' Retirement Plan will now con-
tribute to the Retirement Plan on the
following basis:
Age On annual. salary On Salar
up. to $4,800 over $4,800
39 or less 5 per cent 5%i per cent
40 to 49 6 per cent 6% per cent
50 to 69 7 per cent 7V2 per cent
Far additional information please.,
contact the Office of Staff Benefits,
3057 Ad. Bldg., Ext. 619,
Students who expect to receive edu-
cation .and training allowance. under
Public Law 550 (Korea .I. Bill) or
Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must
sign Monthly Certification, VA Formt
VB7-6553, in the Office of Veterans Af-
fairs, 142 Admin. Bldg., before 3:30 p.m.
Fri., Jan. 8. Office hours during the
monthly certification period are: 8:30-
11:15 a.m.: 1:15-3:30 p.m.
The Stearns Collection of Musical
Instruments will be open on Tuesdays
and Fridays from 3 to 4 p m.rEnter at
'East Circle Drive (across from the
"Scenes from Shakespeare" tomorrow
night. Two of Britain's most distin-
guished Shakespearean stars will.be
Spresented in Hill Aud. tomorrow, 8:30
p.m. as the third number on the Uni-
versity Platform Attractions series.
Enacting in costume, Sir -Donald io-
fit .and Rosalind Iden will be seen in
scenes from Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello,
Henry v and many others. Tickets are
on sale today 10-5 and tomorrow 10-
8:30 p.m. at the Aud. box office. Stu-



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