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December 18, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-18

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Second Front Page

Page 3

NATO Guarantees Allied Migh
But Ignores Air Command Roy

18, 1959

Boosters for Rockefeller Survey Reports
Support from Many Areas, Sallade Says'

Rockefeller -,for President or-
ganizations in nine states report
encouraging voter support for the
New York governor, Rep. George
W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor de-
clared yesterday.
A survey of the states shows
Rockefeller has friends and sup-
porters in many areas of the coun-
try, Sallade, chairman of the
National Citizens for Rockefeller
for President, said.
Sallade mailed the results of his
communications with the nine
state leaders to Rockefeller in AI-
bany, .N.Y.
Cites Upswing
In his letter Sallade cited a "de-
cided upswing in your probable
candidacy since you have taken
the opportunity to appear in vari-
ous states and to state your posi-
tion on many controversial mat-
ters facing the American people.
"I hope sincerely that you de-
cide to campaign actively for the
Republican nomination for Presi-
dent and I know that in speaking
for all the above groups, you will
certainly have our support," he
The political picture in the nine
states, as reported by chairmen of
the Rockefeller groups:
Reports Michigan Picture
MICHIGAN - The large ma-
jority of the Michigan Republican.
organization is probably commit-
ted to Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon, Sallade said..
But he -suggested that Rocke-
feller's appeal to the rank and file

Republicans has been underrated,T
and a "spirited contest" for the
Michigan votes may emerge.
ILLINOIS - Rockefeller is
meeting success in finding support
in Illinois, according to Chicago I
'dentist John Fratzke, chairman of
the state organization.
The Governor's recent trip to
Illinois met with encouraging re-
sponse, Fratzke told Sallade.
Iowa Support Grows
IOWA -A poll of presidential
possibilities just completed shows
a "substantial increase" for
Rockefeller since July, although
he still trails Nixon, according to
Dean Reed, Des Moines, head of
the state Rockefeller group.
INDIANA - As soon as any for-
mal declaration is made by Rocke-
feller, a joint campaign is sched-
uled to begin in Indiana, headed
by Sen. Homer Capehart and
Prof. Joseph L. Sutton of Indi-
ana University.
CONNECTICUT - A "very ac-
tive ; state-wide organization" is!
underway under the leadership of
Louis Josephson, Bridgeport,i
whose group recently affiliated
with Sallade's.
State Organizes
"He is finding a particular in-
terest there and enthsiasm for a
potential ticket headed by you
with Gov. Mark Hatfield of Ore-
gon as the candidate for the Vice
Presidency," Sallade wrote Rocke-
ALABAMA - I. L. Smith, Tus-
caloosa, predicts that the Ala-



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survey shows support
bama delegation will go to the
convention with nearly unani-
mous support for Rockefeller.
C O L O R A D O -Enthusiastic
Rockefeller support from many
independent voters characterizes
the Colorado situastion, according
to J. J. Justman, Denver, who this
week began initial organizing un-
der the name of Colorado Citizens
for Rockefeller for President.
Declares Florida Backing
FLORIDA - "Democrats in
Florida will happily vote Repub-
lican if you are the presidential
nominee," Sallade declared, bas-
ing his statement on word of D. B.
Mott, West Palm Beach, leader of
the Florida Citizen's group.
sachusetts committee, under the
direction of Leonard Sheinfeld,
Boston, finds Rockefeller with a
"wide appeal to younger voters.4
Sheinfeld feels Rockefeller has'
the "same wide-spread appeal
among the electorate, which is fed
up with the professional politi-
cians, as did President Eisenhow-
er when he was first suggested as
a candidate in 1952," Sallade said.

Leaves Issue
To de Gaulle,
Spaak Tells Newsman
'There Is No Crisis'
PARIS (R) - The Atlantic Pact
Council last night pledged "a de-
terminedeffort" to guarantee the'
military strength of the West, but
apparently tossed the row with
France over an integrated air
command int6 the laps of Presi-
dents Dwight D. Eisenhower and
Charles de Gaulle.
Three days. of wrangling among
NATO ministers over the integra-
tion issue wound up with a com-
munique that neglected to men-
tion the subject at all. But Paul-
Henri Spaak, NATO's secretary
general, sought to assure a skepti-
cal throng of newsmen:
"This is no camouflage. This is
no lie. There is no crisis in NATO."
Ironic Laughter
Greeted by ironic l a u g h t e r
Spaak declared: "I'm satisfied,
very satisfied, despite your appar-
ently cynical smiles."
Asked if all members of the al-
liance supported air integration,
he refused to give a yes or no an-
swer. He said there would have to
be agreement on what is meant
by integration first.
He added: "I do not say that
everyone is in agreement. But on
the day that all technical ques-
tions have been answered, I as-
sure you that we will find it easier
to agree quickly."
The closest the communique
came to the integration question
was in these words:
Plans Remain Valid
"Current NATO defense plans
therefore remain valid."
The alliance's master military
plan of two years ago calls for
unifying the forces - ground and
naval as well as air - of the 15
NATO partners under an inter-
national command.
It was this issue that dominat-
ed the three-day session. Brief-
ings ; on the closed meetings said
the Americans took the lead in
pushing for air integration as a
first step and won the support of
13 of her partners. But the French
balked, following the policies of
President de Gaulle who insists
that France must maintain her
national military forces and op-
poses integration.
Pope Elevates
New Cardinals
At Consistory
VATICAN CITY W) - In a glit-
tering ceremony at St. Peter's Ba-
silica yesterday Pope John XXIII
conferred thered hat, or galero,
on the two new United States
cardinals, Alois Muench and Al-
bert Gregory Meyer.
Cardinal Muench, who has been
bishop at Fargo, N. D., first knelt
before the Pontiff in the brief
ceremony. Two assistants held the
symbolical hat over his head and
the Pope spoke the ceremony in
Pope John repeated the formula
for Cardinal Meyer, Archbishop
of Chicago, and five other new
cardinals. The same hat was used
for each. Paolo Cardinal Marella,
who has been Apostolic Nuncio to
France, will receive his Galero
when he returns to Rome in a few
The new American cardinals

were luncheon guests at the Pon-
tifical North American College on
Janiculum Hill, overlooking the
Cardinal Muench has the round
church of San Bernardo, in down-
town Rome. Cardinal Meyer takes
possession of the church of Saint
Cecilia in Trastevere, on the right
bank of the Tiber.

CHICAGO (P ) - Roger Touhy,
old-time gang chief out of prison
only 23 days, was assassinated
Wednesday night in an ambush
that by underworld standards was
slightly less than perfect.
He was shot below the belt.
Toughy, fourth of six sons of
a Chicago policeman to die by
gunfire, survived long enough to
mutter "coppers ... two men .. .
coppers" - possibly indicating his
slayers posed as policemen.
His companion, a former police

sergeant, was wounded critically Virgil Peterson, former FBI concerned with physical viole
but may survive to provide details agent and now head of the Chi- Ray Brennan, a reporter for
of the. surprise attack on Touhy cago Crime Commission, sad sur- "Chicago Sun-Times" and
and himself on the steps of the viving members of the old Al Ca- author of Touhy's biography,
west side home of Touhy's sister. pone gang - bitter rivals of the Stolen Years," testified yeste
Motive for Killing Touhy mob--might be responsible, at an inquest into Touhy's d
Investigators were certain the "Touhy definitely could have Brennan said Touhy fear
motive for Touhy's assassination been shot in vengeance by surviv- frame up of some sort that r
would be found in his activities ing members of the Capone gang," be construed as a violation c
before he entered Stateville Peni- Peterson said. "They had a grudge parole. The witness said thai
tentiary in 1934. They theorized against him. Nobody except Touhy one reason Touhy never was a
the person or persons responsible ever stood up successfully to Ca- when he was away from homy
for his death had waited nearly a pone." An hour before he was fa
quarter-century for vengeance. Might Be Mafia woun- rwsmd va,,

Deck the Mall

Old-Time Gangster Shot 23 Days after Prison Relea

YULETIME IN THE MALL-Kalamazoo has the nation's first
permanent pedestrian mall in a city's downtown business district.
Here it sparkles with Christmas lights and bustles with shoppers.
City officials are studying plans to extend the, two-block mall in

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