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December 16, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-16

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Personal Politics, Power




(Continued from Page 1)
from China and his own domestic
problems is the brooding neutral
Nehru, who met last week with
Eisenhower and who has spoken
before with Mao-Tse-Tung, lead-
er of the Chinese Reds.
Nehru believes strongly that his
policy of peaceful coexistence has
eased the cold war. But he is in-
creasingly troubled by the failure
of his philosophy to hold back
Chinese aggression.
Laos, Cambodia, and Viet Nam
felt Chinese military strength ear-
lier in the yea,r and now as Mao's
forces step up pressures on the
north Indian border the focus will
be on a troubled Nehru.
Cuban Revolution
In the Western Hemisphere a
great social revolution occurred in
1959, and its bearder Saviour has
found himself with critical prob-
The man was Fidel Castro, the
event the Cuban revolution, and
the people were ecstatically
pleased - at least in the begin-
Castro crossed the island to Ha-
vana in January, eclipsing the
dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista
and setting up his own.
But complications set in for
Castro immediately as he tried to
install his reform program. Blood-
shed and Communist threats were
pae~pdoadxe oalJs3 snonuliuoa
American-owned land in Cuba and
stirred anti-American sentiments.
Last week Secretary of State Her-

NEW REGIME COMING-Rebel leader Fidel Castro, who later became premier of Cuba, waves from
a vehicle during a triumphal procession down Malecon Drive in Havana. Entry into the Cuban
capital culminated overthrow of the Batista regime in January. Since his self-appointment, Castro's
land reforms and punitive practices have been severely criticized. '

ter said bluntly that U.S.-Cuban
relations have deteriorated.
The mystery of Castro is not
solved but his little island seems
to show signs of stability. Next
year is to be the year of promise,
of results in his programs of
agrarian reform, Cuban economy,
education, and civil rights.
Panama Riots...
Cuba is not the only focus of

Latin American unrest; riots in
Panama have flared repeatedly in
recent months.
Angry citizens attacked Ameri-
can establishments and charged
bigotry and tyranny in the United
States' actions in the Canal Zone.
The Zone, a ten-mile-wide swath
through the center of Panama, is
operated by Americans. It has
been a trouble spot for years, but
political and economic tensions,




Second Front Page

December 16, 1959

Page 3


choose Now for Christmas9
To take a prized place under the tree .. ..
Private life pretties and the loveliest way of pampering her.
They're delicacies of lace and loveliness,
just as she likes her slips, petticoats, panties,
yet they're so sturdy for long wear.
so easy to wash with no ironing.
Just off So. Uni*.
Corner opposite Campus Theatre STORE HOURS
(Customer Parking rear of store) Monday and Friday 9:30-8:30

and growing feelings of national-
ism caused what may be a per-
manent rupture this year.
Steel Strike . .
On the domestic scene the ma-
jor story was the bargaining battle
between the steel industry and the
United Steel Workers union.
Collective bargaining, processes
broke down several times, to be
resuscitated by Presidential ap-
peals, propaganda campaigns and.
finally the Supreme Court Taft-
Hartley Act ruling, sending the
men back to work until late this
In moving for more manage-
ment control over job conditions
and standards, industry apparent-
ly alienated the ordinary worker,
who was believed willing to ac-
cept a break in the upward wage
spiral that has characterized all
American industry since the war..
The workers united behind the
previously unpopular David Mac-
Donald out of concern for jobs.
On the other side of the table,
enjoying full industry support
from the beginning of the strike
sat R. Conrad Cooper, who led in-
dustry to raise wage offers, but
held irrevocably firm on the man-
agement control issue.
The crisis, however, had more
serious national implications, so
the Supreme Court upheld a Taft-
Hartley injunction sending the
men back to work.
The men maay go out again in
January if they vote down the
last industry offer, and to this
date, apparently little progress to-
ward reconciliation has been
Campaigns Open
Perhaps the biggest domestic
story of 1960 began taking shape
in July of this year when Demo-
cratic Sen. Hubert Humphrey of
Minnesota announced his candi-
dacy for President of the United
Humphrey was not alone for
long by December, he had been
swept behind seve;ral others as
political trends began to crystal-
A great many Democrats fa-
vored the Massachusetts Roman

Catholic, Sen. John Kennedy,
while others stuck with Sen. Lyn-
don Johnson of Texas or Sen. Stu-
art Symington of Missouri. But
the twice-beaten image of Adlai
Stevenson reportedly appealed to
a large segment of the party.
The picture on the Republican
side emerged as less confused -
Vice President Nixon was the sol-
id front-runner in most polls,
spurred no doubt by his summer
tour of Russian and Poland.
Behind Nixon is the undeclared
but apparently ambitions Gover-
nor of New York, Nelson Rocke-
Hlerter, Geneva .. .
Christian A. Herter succeeded
the ailing John Foster Dulles as
Secretary of State on April 19.
Herter promised, "I'll do the
very best I can."
His very best was soon chal-
lenged as he flew to Geneva for
the foreign ministers conference.
The foreign ministers agreed
the first object of the conference
was a Berlin settlement which
should take the heat off Central
Europe and allow more relaxed
discussion of more general issues.
The wrangling did not take long
to break out.
As argumentts about seating the
two German governments started,
and then even a dispute about the
shape of the conference table.
As the conference progressed,
though not the negotiations, Her-
ter made Western offers to con-
sider disarmament separate from
a German settlement, in an at-
tempt to clear the log jam.
After eight weeks of conference
both sidse expresssed "flexibility"
but neither could accept the oth-
ers' many plans for solution.
On July 30, the ministers final-
agreed to recess a United States
official commented, "There is no
evidence to indicate there is new
hope for a Berlin settlement.
When the conference adquorned
Aug. 6, there was even a fight
-about the wording of the final
The Russian-American space
race continued to make top news
in 1959.
The Soviet space men moved
into the lead with three sensa-
tional space probes: one becom-
ing the first .artificial planet, an-
other landing on the moon, and
another photographing 70 per
cent of the far side of the moon
* 10Hair Stylists
to please you.
No Waiting
near Michigan Theatre

and relaying the pictures back to
The United States had a more
elaborate program, making 18 ma-
jor launchings by December, 10
of them placing satellites in or-
bit. But there were also eight fail-
ures, compared to no announced
failures by the Russians.
Also during 1959 the great ven-
ture by man into space began, as
the United States carefully se-
lected seven military test pilots
who will be the nation's first Mer-
cury Astronauts.
Hawai . . .\Sq
Hawaii became the fiftieth state
on March 13.
The statehood bill went through
Congress with amazing speed,
considering the many years it had " :
been left untouched in the docket.
Deaths.. .
Death took two American
statesmen ' in 1959: John Foster
Dulles on May 25, and Gen.
George Marshall on April 15.
Dulles, who retired as Secre- HEADS OF STATE-President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Premier
tary of State in April, and Mar- Nikita Khrushchev perhaps made the biggest news of the year
shall, Army Chief of Staff during with their announcement of exchange visits. While in the United
World War II and author of the
Marshall Plan, both died after States, Khrushchev toured cities and spoke before the United
long illnesses. Nations.
t 1
17 Nickels Arcade

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case or jumbo Santa's stocking.
Cotton flannel, frosted with (
{embroidery and lace.S, ML
L.eft: Red sleeper with red 1. -
-..'.S gitwas.amthigplo
Christmas stocking. 5.98 -
Right: White sleeper with
... white pillow case. 5.98
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she's wishing
for lingerie
by Kayser
She's wishing for our dreamy
nylon tricot lingerie, "Wish.
ing Star" . . . star-sprinkled
with an extravagance of sheer
embroidered overlays and lav-
ished with magnificent lace.
Slip: white, midnight black or
cinnamon; sizes 32 to 42.5.95
Half-slip: white, amber gold,
cinnamon, black; S, M, L. 4.00
Brief: white, amber gold, cin-
namon, black; sizes 5-7. 2.00
Waltz-length gown: blue frost
or pink; sizes 32 to 38. 8.95
Pajamas: cinnamon, blue frost,
amber gold; sizes 32-38. 8.95

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