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December 15, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-15

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of miligatt Daily
Seventieth Year

hen Opinions Are Fre
Truth Wil Prevail

ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, DECEMBER 15, 1959





PRESSURE continues to mount against the
National Defense Education Act's disclaim-
er affidavit.
The five prominent educational institutions
which refused to participate in the program
when it was instituted have been joined by
it least 11 others, all refusing to disburse funds
while the student recipients would have to
ign the "negative affidavit," swearing he does
not believe in, belong to or support "any or-
ganization that believes in or teaches the over-
hrow of the United States government by
orce or violence or by illegal or unconstitu-
ional methods."
This list reads like an honor-roll of Ameri-
an higher education - Antioch, Goucher,
3ennington, Harvard, Princeton, Reed, Sarah
awrence, Yale, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, Ha-
rerford, Oberlin.
They are, of course, all private schools. Tax-
upported institutions have thus far been un-
animous in maintaining that they must con-
inue to offer the funds for students willing
o sign the affidavits.
While deploring various degrees the in-
ringements the affidavit makes on academic
'reedom, the administrations of the public in-
titutions have maintained (in the words of
he presidents of three of New York City's
colleges) their "hands are tied."
1HERE ARE, however, only two possibilities:
either one believes the affidavit is an insult
o those in the field of education, and an in-
fringement on their rights, or he does not.
If he holds the former position, the college
egent, trustee or whatever has no alternative
ut to refuse to participate in the program.
Refusal will be both the only alternative,
and the only way in which he can be sure he

A Soapy Saga
With Sexy Sophia

is doing his utmost to get the provision erased
from the books.
If he feels there is no insult, no danger, in
the affidavit he will of course have no reason
to withdraw.
But to maintain that one opposes the affi-
davit, but that the financial obligation to the
students must precede any ethical obligation,
is pure expediency.
rTHIS IS where the University stands. The
expediency has been clouded over by vari-
ous pronouncements: President Hatcher's
points that the University as a member of the
Association of American Universities has pro-
tested through the Association, that there was
something unfair about Harvard and Yale
dropping out of the NDEA program after
agreeing to be represented on an AAU com-
mittee to look into the area and that to be con-i
sistent one would have to turn down Ful-
bright and National Science Foundation loan
funds, are all examples of "avoidism."
So, too, Is the analogy presented by Regent
Thurber at the last Regents' meeting, that for
the University to object to the affidavit but
continue in the program is comparable to a
person objecting to any law but obeying it
while it remained on the books.
TPHE UNIVERSITY, like its fellow tax-sup-
ported institutions, has surrendered ini-
tiative to the privately-endowed colleges and
universities in an area which should be of
prime concern to all members of both groups.
And in not joining in the refusals to parti-
cipate in the program, the tax-supported
schools have sabotaged the attempt to get the
affidavit removed.



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Ike Shows Little in India

'TI~AT KIND of Woman" asks
the question, "Can that kind
of woman find happiness with a
simple youth instead of with her
influential sugar-daddy?"
To find out the answer to this
vital question, run right over to
the Michigan Theater, where So-
phia Loren and Tab Huner, with
Jack Warden, Barbara Nichols,
Keenan Wynn and George Saun-
ders as The Man, are lending
their various talents and abilities
to this high-powered soap opera.
Friends, let us not scorn that
beleaguered genre, the soap opera,
for it thrills without unduly arous-
ing the passions, edifies the gen-
eral public, and furnishes employ-
ment for many actors, who other-
wise might be on the welfare rolls.
All kidding aside, this is a fair-
ly good film. Almost everyone per-
forms with the polish and skill
that is expected from a group of
professionals. This is not the
greatest story ever put before a
camera but it most definitely is
not the worst.
The woman in the title is an
Italian immigrant (Sophia Loren)
who has struck it rich with George
Saunders, some kind of war-goods
manufacturer and member of the
decadent aristocracy.
On a train from Miami to New
York during World War II, Miss
Loren meets TAb Hunter, a simple
paratrooper. Slowly she begins to
perceive that she is a bird in a
gilded cage leading a life of sin.
She is then faced with the dilem-
ma of being either poor but happy,
or rich and miserable. It goes
without saying that the forces of
good vanquish those of evil.
, * ,
THE ONE blot on this movie's
record is Tab Hunter, who is just
plain inadequate. His boyish good
looks are just not enough to keep
him on the plane the other actors
have established. One can only
wonderhow much better this pic-
ture might have been if it had had
a stronger male lead. One thing is
certain, however - it couldn't
have had a much worse one.
As Hunter's buddy, Jack War-
den is a comic delight and a
strong serious actor. Like Misses
Loren and Nichols, he marvelously
and deftly supplies the third di-
Gomulka 's
'THE STATE Department's con-
firmation of a New York Times
report on the defection of a Polish
Intelligence chief to the West
provides new insight into recent
maneuvers within the Gomulka
"Colonel Monat, director of Po-
land's military attaches, took his
family to Vienna, turned himself
over to United States authorities,
and is living in the United States
awaiting word on his position for
asylum. His defection may prove
one, of the most important in
"So far the Polish government
has been silent, and the silence
may be ominous for the Polish peo-
ple. Monat's defection coincided
with the escape of two other Polish
officials - one in Tokyo, the other
in Paris. Gomulka realizes that the
cases are symptomatic of the decay
of Communist Party discipline. He
is bringing back into power the
pro-Moscow Stalinist Party thugs
exiled or unemployed since the
1956 'bloodless revolution.' It was
the dismissal of these Stalinists,
that gave Gomulka his Titoist
reputation in the West, and won
him the dollars of the United
States Treasury and the applause
of Walter Lippmann."
-The National Review

mension that enables him to rise
above the script's lack of the un-
Special credit must be given to
Director Sidney Lumet for his
many little directorial touches
and skillful evocation of the war-
time era.
-Patrick Chester
(Continued from Page 2)
business and industry who will inter-
view students during the Christmas
holdays. These are summer jobs. Com
to the SAB, Tues. or inure., p.m. or
Friday a.m. in Rm. D528.
Personnel Requests:
American-Standard Plumbing and
Heating Div., has openings for two per-
sons with an AB degree in Industrial
Design, and four to Ave years of ex-
perience in the industrial design of
manufactured products. Position Is in
Louisville, Ky.
McKesson & Robbins, Inc., Chemi-
cal Dept., Grand Rapids, Mich., is in-
terested In hiring a Chemical Salesman,
Sales experience and chemical knowl-
edge both preferred but not a must.
Alco Products, Inc., Schenectady, N.Y.
needs for its Transportation Div. a.
service Engr. BS in Mechanical Engrg.
or Electrical Engrg. required and ex-
perience in maintenance operations and
customer relations desirable - but not
Shiawasee County Girl Scout Coun-
ci Inc. Owosso Mich. has vacancy for
Execvutive Director of their Council
available Jan. 1. Should have a BA de-
gree and be interested in working with
Phillips Petroleum Co. Chicago I.
is presently in need of several college
graduates to fill positions of salesmen
trainees in their organisation and
would like to contact for interviews,
marketing majors and others primarily
interested 'in sales work. Feb. grads.
Youngstown Sheet & . Tube Co.,
Youngstown,. Ohio, has the following
openings for Men graduating, gradu-
ated and military returnees: Mechani-
cal Engrs., Electrical Engr., Chemical
Engrs., Metallurgical Engr., General
Engrs., and industrial Relations Per-
Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.,
has vacancies for the following: Ana-
lytical Chemists, Bio-chemists, Chem-
Personnel, Inorganic Chemists, Mag-
nesium Service, Mech. and Civil Engr.,
Metallurgists, Mining Engr,, Organic
Chemists, Physical Chemist, Technical
Service & Development, Technical
writer, instrument Engr., Sanitary
Engr., Production Engr., Physicist, vet-
State of Michigan announices exam-
inations for: Economic Analyst, Child
Day Care Consultant, Information
Clerk, Weights and Measure Inspector,
Psychologist and Blind School Princi-
pal. Closing date for applications for
these positions is Jan. 6, 190.
Three Rivers Commercial, Three Riv-
ers, Mich., has a vacancy for a Report-
er - a Feb. graduate.
American Newspaper Publishers As-
soc., Research Institute Inc., has need
of a Training Asst. to instruct man-
agement personnel at seminars and to
train craftsmen as nstructors. Person
would be someone who has dealt di-
rectly with classroom teachers. Main
function is to teach someone else how
to teach. Job requires travel, approx.
50 per cent of the time. "Jurnalim"
people, vocational teachers, and graph.
ic arts craftsmen are not eligible.
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371 or 509.
Student Part.Time
The following part-time jobs are
available to students. Applications for
these jobs can be made In the Non-
Academic Personnel Office, in. 1020
Admin. Bldg., during the following
hours: Monday through Friday; 1:30
p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Employers desirous of
hiring students for part-time work
should contact Jim Stempson, Student
Interviewer, at NO 3-1511, Ext. 2939.
8 Test subjects for Psych. testing pro-
gram (Must be over 21, and available
at least through June 30, hours be-
tween 8:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ap-
prox. 8 hrs. pr. week)
I Psych. Soc. or Ed. major for child,
care work. (Min. 32 hrs. per week)
1 Hotel desk clerk. (1:00-8:00 am. 6
mornings per week.) Applicant should
be between 45-58 years -of age.)
1 Bartender (5:00 pm. to 2:30 a.m.)
I Typist (various hours)
1 Psych. Soc. or Ed. majors for child
care work. (M. 32 hrs. per week)
1 Sit with convalescent :(full time).
1 Barmaid (10:30 a.m. to 5:00 pm)


The Indian Revolution

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series
of five special articles by Walter" Lippmann on
India and the Middle East, from where he has
just returned.)
HE PRESSURE from China, about which I
wrote previously, has come at a time when
India's future depends on far-reaching deci-
sions at home and among her friends and well-
wishers abroad. There are great but subtle and
extremely delicate decisions to be taken pri-
marily in Moscow but also in Washington as
to how to preserve the peace of inner Asia by
the containment of China. There are also deci-
sions to be taken, primarily in Washington but
also in London, Bonn and Moscow, as to how
he economic salvation of India is to be
But inside India there are decisions to be
made which are no less momentous, and in this
report I shall attempt to identify some of
The Indian republic is now about ten years
nId, and it is still led and governed by the
generation of its founding fathers. Of them
the greatest, of course, is Nehru. The time has
come when the founding fathers have no
greater task or duty than to prepare the way
for their successors.
THE PROBLEMS which India must solve in
the next ten years are enormous and they
re urgent. They call for nothing less than a
revolution in the economy of India, and this
revolution, even with all the necessary foreign
aid, must be carried out by a new generation
which has young energy and fresh enthusiasm
md sharp vision.
When we speak of the revolution to which
ndia is committed, it is useful, I think, to
clarify the issue by saying that there are two
objectives. One of these must be reached in
about six years. India must be made capable
of feeding itself before it is overwhelmed by the
avalanche of its growing population.
The second task can be achieved only if and
is the first problem is solved. It is that of pre-
paring India, in the course of the next ten or
ifteen years, for the day when the country
will have an independent and progressive econ-
>my which can finance its own development by
iormal commercial operations.
THE TASK of feeding India is critical, and
if it is not carried out, the human and poli-
ical consequences will be dire. The task of
leveloping an independent Indian economy is
a spectacular objective, indispensable, however,
f the free institutions of India are to survive
n the competition with totalitarian China.
Plans for meeting these two objectives are
>eing formulated by the, old guard, by the
generation of the founding fathers of Indian
ndependence. But the plans will have to be
arried out by the successors of the founding
fathers. Now, it is not clear who these success-
rs are going to be, and' they are not being

succession of power is faced fully and resolved
boldly, it will, I venture to think, jeopardize the
success, which will not be easy in any event,
of the economic revolution.
WHEN I RAISED this question with Indians,
I was often told that India is a genuine,
working parliamentary democracy on the Brit-
ish model and .that it has like the British a very
competent civil service. The system is such
that it will provide for a successor government
by the normal procedure of elections and of
parliamentary democracy.
This is true in the sense that India has
political institutions of the Western kind which
are virtually unique in Asia.
I would not question the confidence of the
Indians in the capacity of their own institu-
tions to produce a succession were it certain
or even probable that India can solve its prob-
lems with a normal government constituted
more or less in the British style. I do not, how-
ever, think that the British themselves could
solve their problems without radical political
changes if they were faced with problems of
the magnitude and the complexity of those in
What troubled me was the disparity between
the revolutionary objectives of the Third Five-
Year Plan and the mildness, the almost Vic-
torian mildness, and the normality of the
Indian political system. I asked myself whether
the gigantic economic revolution can be carried
out by parliamentary politicians and civil serv-
ants without the dynamism and the discipline
of an organized mass movement.
I DO NOT KNOW the answer to this question.
But I have no doubt that it is the crucial
question. For the solution of the basic problem
-which is how to feed adequately the popula-
tion-requires not only materials and the tools
which money can buy. It requires also a revolu-
tionary change in the traditional way of life
of the Indian masses in their villages.
I do not see how this revolution, which must
go deeply into the Indian social system and the
Indian culture, can be brought about by the
persuasion of experts alone. I would suppose
that it would require the organized pressures of
a popular movement under government leader-
ship so dynamic and so purposeful that it can
inspire people to do voluntarily the kinds of
things that in Communist China are done by
Such popular movements are always dan-
gerous. They can get out of control. They can
be exploited by demagogues and fanatics, and
they can erode the kind of parliamentary
democracy which India enjoys. I do not like
the medicine, which in too big doses is a
poison. But this would not be an honest report
if I did not raise the question whether the
strong medicine may be needed. I am afraid it
is. For India does not have all the time in the
world to solve its basic problems by the educa-
tion of its masses and by persuasion. The essen-
tie1 eAnomic nrnham minc+ hP CnaA wi+hin .a

TEW DELHI-If the Administra-
tion's ballistic missiles prove as
mediocre as the speech President
Eisenhower delivered to the two
houses of the Indian parliament
then heaven help America, both in
war and peace.
.Before the President left Wash-
ington the scuttlebutt was that his
advisers were looking frantically
for some dramatic, concrete pro-
posal he might make for Asia
which would not cost too much
money. Having given their all in
this bargain basement quest they
settled for a speceh that cost
nothing and meant less. It had
every unexceptional sentiment in
the dull calendar of political vir-
tues-praising peace, freedom, hu-
man dignity and disarmament, and
damning tyranny, poverty, racial
prejudice and destructive war.
If it is true as rumored that
Kevin McCann contrived this par-
ticular gem of piety and pap then
he should be crowned emporor in
the Kingdom of Platitude. Those
who have listened to parliamen-
tary debates in the Lok Sabha may
reflect that the Indians merely got
what they have themselves given,
but the President need not have
come 10,000 miles to enforce the
principle of reciprocity in dullness.
President Eisenhower would have
done better to rely on his smile
and charm exclusively and refuse
to make a speech which showed up
the poverty of ideas and medioc-
rity of language of the advisers
around him.
* * *
HELD IN THE joint chamber of
both houses rather than in the
familiar, picturesque setting of the
lower house, the spectacle was im-
pressive but formal and severe.
Everyone tried to wangle a ticket,
mostly without success, including
a high American administrator

who has done more for India than
most ambassadors or dignitaries
and whose request for a seat was
not even answered.
The press plane contingent from
Washington got seats in the press
gallery but only a few other for-
eign correspondents could get in.
I was one of the rejects meant to
be kept out of this Eden by the
flaming sword of officialdom but
my fervor for the President's
speechwriters' rhetoric overcame
my natural timidity and along
with a comrade reject who is a
noted Hearst writer displayed my
American private enterprise, got
past six barricades of turbaned
custodians lynx-eyed for every
hapless and ticketless miscreant,
and landed in the press heaven
after all.
* * *
THE SPEECH was received with
polite enthusiasm and frequently
punctuated by that discreet strik-
ing of desk with hand which con-
stitutes applause. When the Presi-
dent spoke out against "expansion
in power at another people's ex-
pense" and when he rejected the
"settlement by force of interna-
tional issues and quarrels" the
applause was quick and spontane-
ous It was clear that the shadow
of Communist China's aggression
lay heavy over the chamber.
HOWEVER fiat most of the
President's sentiments were, no
one can doubt the strength and
enthusiasm of his reception by the
Indian people. Clearly this re-
sponse -is not based on anything
that he has said. Partly it is based
on his own obvious sincerity and
the glow of his good intentions.
Yet I am convinced that the
overwhelming response of the In-
dian people is not so much to
President Eisenhower as to Amer-

ica itself. Both the Chinese and
the Russians should take note of.
this fact since it spells a major
turning-point in Indian opinion.
Had President Eisenhower come
here two years ago, when the
gleaming Panchsheel friendship
with China still seemed uncor-
roded, he would have had a differ-
ent response. But he has come
when the spell of illusion about
China has been rudely broken and
in turn the innuendoes and lies
about American civilization have
been shown up by events as in-
nuendoes and lies.
Hence the eager reception of the
American President, as if a dam
had broken and the stored up
torrent of feeling can now pour
A PERSON from America has
come who is the occasion, not the
cause, of this dam-burst. I cannot
agree with Adlai Stevenson that
the President has turned into a
traveling salesman. He is a travel-
ing symbol. But the symbol is not
enough, nor can the flat, stale and
unprofitable rhetoric of his parlia-
ment speech be called good sales-
He had and still has a chance
to make a dramatic concrete pro-
posal for another -Marshall Plan,
this time aimed at helping the
undeveloped economies of Asia and
Africa with our purse and skill.
He had and still has a chance
to pledge the enlistment of the.
best American technical and ad-
ministrative talents in coping with
the triple scourges of underpro-
duction, underconsumption and
overpopulation which afflict these
But that would take boldness
and hard thinking, which alas are
in short supply with so much
abundance of goodwill.

Writer Discusses Implications of Student Loans

To the Editor:
M R. SILBER terms the loyalty
oath demanded by the Nation-
al Defense Education Act "simple."
It certainly is, but not the way
Mr. Silber thinks. He writes,
"What is so unfair about request-
ing such an oath? To suggest that
this simple loyalty oath hinders
academic freedom somehow seems
a bit absurd."
Yes, it does seem absurd, Mr.
Silber. But it isn't.M
There is an assumption in giving
a loyalty oath that the student
being asked to vow can't be
trusted. Otherwise why ask him to
* * *
THE STUDENT asked to vow
may: (a) believe in the violent
overthrow of the government, or
(b) not believe in the violent
overthrow of the government. If
the case is (a), and he lies, you

to think fs the right to advocate.
The right to think and advocate
"dangerous ideas" is what dis-
tinguishes the "free world" nations
from those behind the "iron cur-
tain." It is only a hop, skip and a
short jump from asking a person
to swear he does nor does. not
believe in this or that, to the mid-
night visitors of the police state.
Go ahead, laugh. It aids your
* * *
MOST OF the students will fall
into category (b). If they submit
to taking the oath, they thereby
help isolate those in (a) cate-
gory. By avoiding the issue they
make it rough for those who do
But if those in category (b) see
though the "simplicity" of the
oath, and have the guts to stand
up for the hard-won freedoms of
their Cons~tuon nthev willnnt

dollars to the university unless
Munsterberg was immediately
deprived of his professorship.
The "disloyal" professor prompt-
ly wrote to the Harvard Corpor-
ation, tendering his resignation
if the graduate would immedi-
ately remit five million dollars to
the Corporation. The response
of the Corporation was a public
announcement: "It is now offici-
ally stated that, at the insist-
ance of authorities, Professor
Munsterberg's resignation has
been withdrawn, and that the
university cannot tolerate any
suggestion that it would be will-
ing to accept money to abridge
free speech, to remove a profes-
sor or to accept his resignation."
Mr. Sibler says the withdrawal
of the universities from the federal
aid progri.m "really" infringes on
academic fredom. He is mistaken.
They are protecting it courageous-

an impossible statement. He wrote
that this fight is "for what edu-
cators have found convenient to
call 'academic freedom." There is
a clear implication educators are
not acting on the principles they
have publicly announced.
$ Why, then, are these cash-
starved -colleges turning down
help? Self-destructive tendencies?
Unreasonable aversion to the color
green? To subvert the govern-
ment? That's it! The colleges --
Harvard, Yale, Princeton - are
subversive. Down with them! Why
not? "When I hear anyone talk of
culture I reach for my revolver,"
said Hermann Goering. He knew
where the danger in a society was,
by golly.
Mr. Silber's chief argument is
that a little loyalty oath is a small
price to pay for all the academic
freedom the loan brings. Let him
remember that you can't buy back

ant aspects of natural and physi-
cal science research.
A high school student in Mem-
phis, Tenn., Robert Graham has
a very curious, inquisitive scien-
tific mind. His biology and physics
experiments have netted many
prizes at several science fairs.
When he recently became inter-
ested in the prospect of bacterio-
logical life on other planets, he
turned to his government for aid
in his experiments. He received a.
typical reply.
The Department of Interior,
who received his request for soil
samples of very cold environments
(He wanted to simulate the con-
ditions on other planets), passed
the buck to the Agriculture De-
partment. They sent Robert a
pamphlet on "Stubble Mulching
in the Great Plains."
Turning to the Soviet Union,
Robert sent letters to Khrushchev
_ , ttn Crtre Il+rtrs aof."n



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