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December 15, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-15

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U.S. Urges Policy Change

Critics Overrate New Movement Poet

Pope John Elevates U.S. Churchmen

John XXIII urged yesterday that
,the world find ways to feed its
hungry without resorting to arti-+
ficial methods of birth control.I
The Pope reaffirmed the Roman'
Catholic Church's stand at a se-
cret consistory where he formally
announced the elevation of two
new American Cardinals, Albert
Gregory Meyer of Chicago and
Alois Muench of Fargo, N.D.,
along with six from other coun-
His speech to the consistory, as
distributed by the Vatican, made
no mention of discussion in the
United States over the possible use
of foreign aid funds for birth con-
trol programs.
Cites Problem
Instead he approached the
question by referring to the prob-
lem of feeding the hungry:
"For a great part of humanity
the problem of hunger is still
grave. In any case, to seek a reme-
dy to this very grave calamity
there cannot be any adoption of
erroneous doctrines and harmful
methods and lethal limitation of
"Instead, all riches which come
from the earth should be put at
the disposal of all, according to
the order of God and justice.
"Earthly goods must be better
Urges Exploitation
He urged that "the barriers of
selfishness and interest be broken+
and the most correct way to favor
less developed regions be studied;
the still hidden, invaluable re-

. ..denounces birth control
sources of the earth be exploited
for the advantage of all."
True and lasting peace cannot
be attained if God's rights are
"denied or forgotten," the Pope
Without mentioning Commun-
ism by name, the Pope warned
against its doctrines.
"In a particular way, our
thoughts and our anxious affec-
tion turn to that, part of our flock
which is denied the practice of its
faith freely and publicly," he told
33 old members of the College of
Cardinals in Vatican City's Con-
sistorial Hall.
"We embrace with most ardent
love all those peoples where the

~4r £rciTan DaiI
Second Front Page
December 15, 1959 Page 3

laws of God are violated and the
most elementary rights of liberty
and human conscience are op-
As to Red China, he said, "The
preoccupations we expressed to
you last year about the sad condi-
tion of the church in China, alas,
has not diminished."
The 78-year-old spiritual lead-
er recalled as one of the happy
memories of the year his recent
audience here with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose
three-continent mission of peace
and friendship he blessed.
He described Eisenhower as the
"illustrious President of the Unit-
ed States," and then said his
thanks went to "all men of gov-
ernment" sincerely desiring peace
and well-being of people.
Hopes for Peace
The Pontiff expressed the hope
that "their efforts be crowned by
achievement of a peace which, if
it is to be true, just and lasting,
must be preoccupied first of all
that the rights of God are not de-
nied or forgotten."
The elevation of the eight new
cardinals brings membership in
the College of Cardinals to a rec-
ord 79. The eight did not attend
the secret consistory but were no-
tified formally later of their ele-
vation. Their appointments first
were announced Nov. 16.
The other new cardinals are:
William T. Heard, Scottish-born
convert to Catholicism who has
been Dean of the Holy Roman
Rota many years German-born
Agostino Bea, Jesuit Confessor of
the late Pius XII; Francesco Mor-
ano, Italian, Secretary of the Ec-
clesiastical Tribunal Gustavo Tes-
ta, Italian, Nuncio to Switzerland;
Spanish-born Arcadio Larraona,
Secretary of the Vatican's Con-
gregation of the religious and
PaoloeMarella, Italian, Nuncio to
Cardinals Muench and Meyer-
both natives of Milwaukee - were
at the pontifical North American
College on Rome's Janiculum Hill
when they received word of their
Receive Word
Surrounded by faculty and stu-
dents priests from nearly every
state of the union, Cardinal
Muench - speaking for himself
and for Cardinal Meyer - ex-
pressed sentiments of profound
gratitude to the Pope.
Except for Cardinal Meyer, who
directs the biggest Roman Catholic
archdiocese in the United States,
all the new cardinals are expected
to be assigned to the Vatican's
Curia here. Cardinal Muench will
be the first from the United States
to serve on the Curia, the central
executive body of the Vatican.
The new cardinals will receive
their red birettas Wednesday. Then
on Thursday the new princes get
their broad-brimmed red hats or
galeros in St. Peter's Basilica.
There are now six United States
cardinals, the largest number ever.
The others are Francis Spellman
of New York, James McIntyre of
Los Angeles, Richard Cushing of
Boston and John O'Hara of Phila-
* *
- . f
C r


More Help
of France
PARIS W) - The West Ger-1
mans lined up behind the United
States yesterday in a campaign
to get French President Charles
de Gaulle to abandon his go-it-
alone policy inside the Atlantic Al-
This developed as the 15 for-
eign ministers of the North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization engaged
in the preliminaries of nine days
of talks on NATO's military
health and a common line for an
East-West summit meeting.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er is to arrive here Friday for a
Western summit talk.
Last week Gen. Nathan Twin-
ing, chairman of the United
States Joint Chiefs of Staff, ac-
cused a number of America's al-
lies, particularly France, of drag-
ging their feet in carrying out
NATO decisions to integrate
armed forces andpaccept United
States atomic weapons and stock-
Reaction Sharp
The French reaction was sharp.
Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville told United States
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter at a private meeting yes-
terday that Twining's remarks
were of "an excessive and dra-
matic character."
He expressed "extreme surprise"
that Twining's remarks at a se-
cret session had appeared in the
Later, it appeared the French
were read to tone down their
quarrel with the Americans, at
least in public. The public pos-
ture seemed to be that the United
States action was regrettable but
that the alliance could rise above
such family spats.
Denounces Appeals
Franz Josef Strauss, West Ger-
man Defense Minister, in an ad-
dress to the Foreign Affairs Insti-
tute, said those who want the
United States to stick by her mili-
tary pledges in Europe "must not
engage in platonic appeals to
America or speak of her moral re-
"No," he said. "They must ful-
fill their defense commitments."
Qualified informants said
Strauss planned to tell NATO
ministers that West Germany sup-
ports the American view that
much more by way of financial
help and basic team spirit is need-
ed from America's allies.
Protests Abstention
Couve de Murville protested to
Herter not only about the Twin-
ing affair but also about the fact
that the United States abstained
in a United Nations assembly vote
Saturday on a resolution which
called for political negotiations
between France and the Algerian
The American abstention, Couve
de Murville said, was "difficult to
understand ... it is grave, under
the present circumstances, not to
affirm Atlantic solidarity."
Resolution Defeated
The resolution was defeated in
the United Nations.
American informants said Her-
ter took the position that Wash-
ington had gone far in support-
ing France and could not afford
to further antagonize African and
Asian friends.
Paul-Henri Spaak, NATO Sec-
retary General, told a news con--
ference the issues raised by Twin-
ing "are not things which can be
ignored. Problems, cannot be re-
solved by ignoring them."
Spaak appeared to give some

backing to Twining.
"We can only be happy that
highly placed persons in the al-
liance state the problems clearly,"
he said.
Meanwhile, the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization's nine million
dollar modern Tower of Babel
opened its doors for the first time
last night - to the surprise of
practically everyone.
Language trouble beset the origi-
nal tower. The trouble at this one
is politics and the telephones.
Neither was very well coordi-
nated on the eve of tomorrow's
15-national ministerial council
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"Britain's poets Kingsley Amis,
John Wain, John Holloway, and
Donald Davie have been dubbed
the New Movement -- an easy,
glib term of the critics for glossy
packaging is an inevitable result
of an affluent society," Prof.
Geoffry Hill of the English de-
partment commented recently.
Prof. Hill is here on a one year
leave from England's Leeds Uni-
versity. A poet himself, his first
volume of verse;, 'For the Unfall-
en," came out four months ago,
and his poetry was included in
the anthology, "New Poets of
England and America," published
in 1957.
"These poets are receiving the
most attention from the critics;
they have the name," he contin-
ied, "and when asked, one has
to talk about them -- but they
are overrated."
Barker Profound
"Poet George Barker is much
shrewder and more profound,
more intellectual and sensitive -
he is also anti-academic."
In his poems "On a Visit to
Longleat House" and "Channel
Crossing," he presents a far more
powerful poet's view of the poet's
predicament than do any of the
New Movement, he continued.
And the poem, "A Voyage to
Africa," by David Wright, who
has also been comparatively ne-
glected, he added, is one of the
finest English poems in the last

25 years - which is more than
anything I'm prepared to say
about any of the work of the New
"Both Wright and Barker write
more wittily and bitterly than any
of those included in the New
Movement," he noted.
Lower Barriers
The New Movement poets have
lowered all barriers on what can
be the subject matter of their
prepared to relate their poetry to
verse, he continued. "They seem
the situation of the Englishman
of the working and Iniddle classes
rising in the affluent society -
just as the Angry Young Men's
novels deal with the subject."
For since the war, England's
standard of living has been ris-
ing, Prof. Hill related, giving
many the chance for the first
time to own such things as cars
and radios.
"This has brought to the fore
the subject of conformity."
But the form of their verse has
become conservative paradoxically
at the same time that they have
expanded the subject matter of
verse, he noted.
'Experimentalism' Bad Word
"Whereas in the thirties 'ex-
perimentalism' was a good word
with creative men, now it's a bad
word with poets. It has, of course,
always been a dirty word for the
common man, but now the atti-
tude of the poets themselves has
changed," he emphasized.


"In the thirties poets struggled
to be a Hopkins or a Donne-now
they are content to be a Gold-
Although the audience of the
New Movement is actually a mi-
nority he continued, they are at
least theoretically trying to reach
a wider reading public. This part-
ly explains their conservatism.
These poets are apprehensive
lest the charge of obscurity be
made, Prof. Hill revealed, and
their purity of form is influenced
by this concern.
Reach Impasse
"They write with half an eye
on the public, and they have
themselves in a kind of Impasse."
The title of Davy's book of criti-
cism, "Purity of Diction in Eng-
lish Verse,' suggests this attitude,
the professor-poet pointed out.
They seem to feel that Hopkins'
experimentalism is only an illu-
sion of lifting - simply flexing
the muscles without elevating.
"In a kind of gentlemanly po-

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lite way, the New Movement pre
ent a unified protest against sui
matters as the bomb and the a
fluent society," he continued.
Poet Must Strive
They don't begin to make th
vitriolic attack as John Osborr
does in his plays, he noted. B
then, Osborne has accepted a ME
dium that still has wide social a
ceptance, the poet must try hard
er to be heard. The prominen
of the New Movement is artificia
Prof. Hill declared.
"It arises from the journalist
interest in the affluent societ
The movement has some cohe
ence and the journalistic mind a
ways prefers packages.
"I am skeptical about their ul
timate rating 'as poets and ar
ists," Prof. Hill said. "Yet the
can't be ignored, for they are
"And of the English poets of ti
1950's," he concluded, "Barker an
Wright are the most outstanding

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