See Page 4
a F r
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Cloudy with rain ending during
day turning colder toward night.
Outer Space Plan
Propose UN Committee Establish
Means for Peaceful Explorations
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P)-The United States and the Soviet
Union joined yesterday in urging unanimous approval of a new plan
to give the United Nations a role in assuring peaceful exploration of
outer space.
United States Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge and Soviet Deputy
Foreign Minister Vasily V. Kuznetsov made their plea before the UN
political committee after working out an agreement on a resolution
Proplose Aid
From States
For Aged
DETROIT (P) - Government
help in financing medical insur-
ance for the aged was suggested
yesterday by a Michigan hospital
service executive.
William S. McNary, executive
vice-president of the group, testi-
fied before a Senate subcommittee
on the problems of the aged
headed by Sen. Patrick V. McNa-
mara (D-Mich). He said:
"I believe the government, pre-
ferably at the local or state level,
should provide, through tax
sources, for partial payment of at
least one-third to one-half of the
cost of a voluntary health prepay-
ment plan to all retired people
over 62 years of age.
Help Themselves
"This would enable all old
people, except those who are en-
tirely dependent on charity, to
carry their' own protection, to do
something for themselves while
receiving deserved assistance from
the rest of us."
McNary also suggested that the
state pay for educating nurses, in-
terns and health technicians.
"If the state were to assume its
full educational role, the removal
of the cost of health education
from the cost of necessary care
would be significant relief," he
Use State Taxes
Of government-subsidized medi-
cal insurance, MNary said, "The
money to support this program
should be derived from local or
state taxes. If this is not feasible,
I believe 4 system of federal
grants-in-aid with matching state
funds, should be devised to provide
a supplement to retired people so
that they can pay the necessary
costs of an approved voluntary
health care plan."
Dr. Robert Novy, a spokesman
for the Wayne County Medical
Society, said the society's only op-
position would be to blanket help
for old folk.-He said the govern-
ment aid should be limited to those
with "limited resources or inade-
quate incomes."
Issue Bonds
Earlier, Emil Mazey, United Auto
Workers secretary-treasurer, urged
issuance of special "inflation-
proof" bonds. He suggested the
fed-ral bonds should be non-nego-
tiable and could be bought only by
trustees of pension funds, insur-
ance companies offering retirement
annuities and up to a certain
amount by persons having to re-
Tihe redemption value of the
bonds would be tied to the cost of
living and "would protect the liv-
ing standards of retirees from the
rt eroding effects of inflation."
The subcommittee ended yester-
day a national, seven-city tour
gathering data about the needs
of the elderly. McNamara said he
would seek legislation in Congress
in January to help get more in-
come, better housing, better medi-
cal care and other benefits for the
aged. He said an expansion of the
Isocial security program should
provide much of the help needed.
Grand ,Jury
,Raps US's
Pledge Death
Angeles county grand jury rapped
police, firemen and the University
of Southern California yesterday
over the death of a USC student
during a fraternity initiation.
to set up a 24-nation committee
on outer space.
The resolution called also for an
international conference of space
experts to be held under UN aus-
pices in 1960 or 1961. The Soviet
Union had proposed such a con-
ference earlier at this session of
the General Assembly.
Expect Approval
Unanimous approval is expected
in the Political Committee and in
the Assembly today-the windup
day for the current session.
Lodge and Kuznetsov worked
out final details of the resolution
at a private meeting that broke
the .long-standing United States-
Soviet deadlock on outer space.
They had been conferring for the
past three weeks.
Agreement was reached only
after some sharp concessions by
the United States and other West-
ern powers.
The United States insisted that
only three Communist and two
neutral nations be on the special
committee on outer space set up
last year. The new committee has
12 Western, 7 Communist and 5
neutral nations.
Preferred Smaller
Kuznetsov told the Political
Committee the Soviet Union would
have preferred a small committee
with even more Communist mem-
Lodge made a point of lauding
the work of last year's committee,
which was boycotted by the Soviet
Union He also announced support
of a Belgian amendment which
would bar Communist China from
attending the international con-
ference of experts.
This drew firefrom Kuznetsov,
who declared the conference
should be open to all nations of
the world.
Joint Appeal
But both Kuznetsov and Lodge
joined in appealing for unanimous
approval of the resolution on the
grounds that it would speed co-
operation both in outer space and
other fields including disarma-
Twelve nations sponsored the
resolution, which was slated for
swift debate in the Political Com-
mittee before submission to the
assembly on the final day of the
They are the United States. Bri-
tain, France, the Soviet Union,
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania,
Sweden, Japan, India, United Arab
Republic and Brazil.
Buying Days
This is to remind you there
are six of them left before theJ
Christmas exodus. I
Sworn In
Kohler, a veteran of 28 years in
the foreign service, was sworn in
yesterday as assistant secretary of
state for European affairs.
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter congratulated the 51-year-
old Kohler on his appointment by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
and expressed confidence In the
splendid work which he said Koh-
ler will do in his new position.
Kohler was given a recess ap-
pointment. A formal nomination
will go to the Senate after it re-
convenes next month.
Today, Kohler will accompany
Herter and other top State De-
partment officials to Paris for a
meeting of the North Atlantic
Treaty Council, beginning Tues-
day, and a Western summit con-
ference at the end of next week.
For Kohler, the appointment
capped a comeback in his career,
following a brush with the law in
December 1952.
At that time, he was arrested
in suburban Arlington, Va. on a
charge of being intoxicated. He
was detained by police after his
car crashed into a tree. He paid a
fine of $8.25.
Subsequently Kohler was sus-
pended for 30 days and repri-
manded by the State Department
for having violated security regu-
lations by carrying secret docu-
ments with him to a party he had
attended prior to the arrest.
The suspension cost him his
position on the department's top
level policy planning staff.
Kappa Nu's
A small group of transfer stu-
dents from Kappa Nu fraternity
chapters on other campuses are
attempting to establish an active
chapter here.
The local chapter of Kappa Nu
left campus in 1953 due to finan-
cial difficulties and conflicts be-
tween members, leaving a large
house, now being leased to an-
other fraternity.
The members on campus feel
that since they have no desire to
affiliate with another fraternity
and are now living together, they
should be given recognition as a
Interfraternity Council believes
that with two colonies now work-
ing towards activation, there is
no need for another colony. Jim
Martins, '60, Interfraternity Coun-
cil president, noted that Kappa
Nu is not "a firmly established
group on equal terms with other
fraternities," and as such, does
not qualify for recognition.
Another objection is that Kap-
pa Nu, a predominantly Jewish
fraternity, would obtain few
pledges during rush, since several
Jewish fraternities and one colony
would draw most of the Jewish
IFC decided that the group, with
weak rush possibilities and insuf-
ficient financial backing, would
probably be turned down by Stu-
dent Government Council even if
approved by IFC.
C orporation
Test Votes
Turn Down
Steel Bid
CLEVELAND (P) - The Cleve-
land Plain Dealer said last night
the United Steelworkers Union
has submitted the steel industry's
latest contract offer to a secret
vote of its members in two Re-
public Steel Corp. departments.
The newspaper quoted an un-
named union official as saying:
"We haven't had a 'yes' vote yet
in favor of accepting the indus-
try's proposal."
In one department the vote was
58-0 against acceptance and 78-0
against the offer in the other de-
partment, it was reported.
The Plain Dealer said another
test vote is to be conducted Mon-
day night at a meeting at the Re-
public Steel open hearth unit
which has about 800 members.
Ballot Must Be Conducted
Under terms of the court injunc-
tion that ended the union's 116-
day strike a secret ballot of the
industry's final offer must be con-
ducted by the National Labor
Relations Board if there is no set-
tlement before the 80-day injunc-
tion expires.
The nationwide voting is sched-
uled between Jan. 6 and 21.
The industry has . offered the
union a three-year contract that
would provide wage increases and,
improvements in pensions and
health insurance benefits. The
steel companies figure the package
would raise hourly costs about 30
cents a man. The union contends
the package amounts to slightly
more than 22 cents hourly.
In other areas this week the
prospects of a settlement of the
steel dispute, meanwhile, grew
darker. The industry was cool to
a union proposal for company-by-
company bargaining. Federal me-
diators broke off negotiations be-
cause they had been unproductive
and to allow the union to turn its
attention to the aluminum in-
Steelworkers Sign Contracts
During the week the only sign
of progress came when the steel-
workers signed contracts with
American and Continental Can
Cos., calling for an average gen-
eral wage increase of 28.2 cents an
hour over three years.
With steelworkers back at work
due to the Taft - Hartley ruling
steel mills operated at an estimated
94.3 per cent capacity, a rate cap-
able of turning out 2,671,000 tons
of steel, the greatest tonnage on
Thus the shipments of finished
steel were able to gain ground but
lagged behind ingot production.
This kept steel-using industries in
a bind.
Prof ii
WAITING--With the approval of the corporations tax its final business for the week,
adjourned last night until next Wednesday. The GOP in the Senate predict that they
enough votes to defeat the Democratic-sponsored bill when the upper house reconvenes1
Jobless Total To Rise in 19
ployment started a winter season
climb in November that is ex-
pected to push the total well over
four million early next year.
The Labor Department report-
ed yesterday that employment
declined from 66,831,000 in mid-
October to 65,640,000 in mid-No-
vember, a drop of 1,191,000.
Ho0, Ho, Ho
KANSAS CITY (P)-"Ho, ho,
ho. And what's your name my
fine young fellow," chortled a
community-type Santa Claus in
suburban Prairie Village as he
boosted a tot onto his knee the
other day.
Without a word, the young-
ster, four or five years old,
slugged Santa in the mouth,
grabbed some candy from San-
ta's hand and skedaddled.
Santa, who is Jim Dimalo, an
art student from Des Moines,
had to go to a dentist for re-
pairs to a cracked tooth. His
mouth began swelling, so peni-
cillin was administered.
Dimaio suffered a penicillin
reaction and spent Thursday in
bed. Yesterday he was on his
feet but rather uncertain about
resuming his part-time job be-
hind the beard.
"That kid shook me," Dimaio
A decline of about one million
had been expecetd.
Unemployment rose from 3,272,-
000 to 3,670,000, an increase of
398,000. The Labor Department
said a rise of 700,000 had been ex-
pected on a seasonal basis.
Highest Ever
A year ago employment was
64,653,000 and unemployment 3,-
Despite the employment decline
the November figure represented
the highest total of Americans
ever employed in that month. The
new unemployed total is the high-
est November idle figure since
World War II, except for Novem-
ber last year.
Although the government's No-
vember job count was taken a few
days after steel workers returned
to their jobs under a strike-halt-
continued to cause widespread un-
ing injunction, steel shortages
employment, particularly in the
auto industry.
May Rise
Seymour Wolfbein, deputy as-
sistant secretary of labor, estimat-
ed that if only seasonal economic
changes occur the unemployment
total will continue its usual winter
climb and reach about 4.25 mil-
lion in January or February.
Wolfbein said that if the steel
strike is renewed when the pres-
ent injunction expires in late Jan-
uary, or if a threatened railroad
strike develops, the idle figure
could soar.
The jobless count was over five
million at the peak of
Wolfbein said, how
pects unemployment
less in 1960 than in1
More Than U
The nation's labo
clined by nearly 800
vember. This was a
more than usual as
and farm activity dec
advent of colder wea
An employment
375,000 in the primar
dustry reflected quic
of steel production. A
employment, howeve
225,000 in November,
four idle.
The number of long
ployed - those idle
longer - continued
mately 750,000 as h
case since August.
these persons have b
months or more.
Believe I
railroad labor chief it
terday a belief ther
chance for a railroa
But if it happens,
E. Leighty, chairman
way Labor Executive
strike probably won
May 1.
In making his pred
outcome of current
with almost a score
organizations, Leighty
as a 50-50 chance a sti
avoided. That, of cou
odds equal the other
May Be Sol
Leighty indicated
lief that good will on
both sides could solve
disagreement betwee
agement and unions
rates and rules char
ing management
"featherbedding" am
"We are not 1o
strike," Leighty said.
ing to settle this thin
a strike it will be for
the railroads."
Leighty announced
ions are sending qu
recognized labor arb:
others who might be
to serve on any eme
named by the White
rail dispute to determ
they have an openr
"featherbedding" iss
Senate To Consider
Plan when Legislature
Meets on Wednesday
LANSING () - An $89 million
corporation profits plan squeaked
through the House yesterday as
an answer to the Republican Sen-
ate nuisance tax program.
The bill was referred to the
Senate on a vote of 56 to 50. Two
Republicans joined with 54 Demo-
crats to provide the bare number
of votes required for passage.
Republican leaders in both the
House and Senate said House ap-
proval amounted only to a ges-
ture, insisting that the bill was
headed down a blind alley.
ima Hayden Legislators scattered to their
the House homes until next Wednesday,
can raise when the Senate will make the
next week. next move in the prolonged fight
over raising new revenues to meet
Michigan's cash crisis.
Four Uills Approved
Left hanging on the House cal-
endar for a possible second pas-
sage try were four tax bills ap-
proved by the Senate last week.
These would produce 34 millions
from new or increased levies on
the 1958 re- beer, whiskey, tobacco and tele-
phone and telegraph bills.
'ever, he ex- Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski of De-
to average troit, Democratic floor leader,
1959. held out hope that the Senate
Jsual "will come to its senses" and do
r force de- something. other than kill or gut
,000 in No- the corporation tax measure.
bout 500,000 Kowalski said the GOPSenate
construction majority in its adamant opposi-
line with the tion to a personal corporate in-
ither. come tax had struck a "House of
increase of Lords" pose in the past.
y metals in- The bill would call for raising
k resumption $132 million by imposing a six
luto industry per cent tax on net profits of cor-
r, was down porations.
with one of Franchises Repealed
As. an offset, the existing cor-
term unem- poration franchise tax would be
15 weeks or virtually repealed at a cost in
at approxi- revenue of $45 million, leaving 89
as been the millions net gain.
About half Sen. Frank D. Beadle of St.
een idle six Clair, GOP majority leader, said
there is not "a chance in the
world" that the bill would clear
the Senate "in its present form."
Beadle speculated that the Sen-
Rals ate might rework the bill into a
one mill increase in the franchise
tax, worth 13 millions, and pass
it if the House approved the nui-
sance levies.
The passage roll capped a
The top strenuous effort by House Demo-
ndicated yes- crats to muster full forces.
e is a 50-50 Only Rep. Adam Sumeracki (D-
d strike next Detroit), who was ill at home,
failed to answer when the show-
said George down came at about 3:30 a.m.
of the Ral- One ofthe Democratic tallies
s Assn., the was provided by Rep. David 8.
't be before Holmes (D-Detroit), who was
sworn in as a House member only
iction on the four hours before.
negotiations Won Election
of rail labor W Eection
;y phrased it Just three days ago, Holmes
rike could be won a special election to fill a va-
urse, left the cancy left by the death of Rep.
way. Charline White.
Ived The Republican support came
fer b from Rep. George W. Sallade (R-
further be- Ann Arbor) long a GOP maverick,
e the part of and from Rep. John C. Morris (R-
e the current Midland), both Taxation Commit-
n raU man- tee members.
s over wage When the bill reached the Sen-
nges, inlud- ate, it was referred by Democratic
charges of Lt. Gov. John B. Swainson to the
ong railroad Appropriations rather than the
Tax Committee. This was done
.king for a with Republican acquiesence.
"We're try- The measure was steered away
Lg. If there is from the Taxation Committee be-
ced on us by cause of its adamant position
against any form of income tax.
the rail un- Republican leaders said they felt
estionaires to the maneuver made no difference.
iters, and all
called upon
rgency board
House in the
nitne whether
mind on theMHC President
Scientist S ays Moon Colonies Unfeasible
AUSTIN () - A pioneer space Dr. Hubertus Strughold told the
scientist yesterday said proposals Texas Academy of Science.
for moon colonies are wishful "Prospects for manned space
thinking. flight look better today with much
Chances of Earth men living on more medical experimental data
Mars some day are much better, available than was available 10
years ago," said Strughold, re-
search adviser at the Air Force
Aerosphace Medical Center in San
Antonio. The German-born physi-
cian and scientist founded the
unique space medicine agency in
Wishful Thinking
"It is d'evious and unrealizable
wishful thinking to expect some-
thing like 'colonizing' in the sense
of populating the moon," he said,
but added:
"Lunar expeditions with a tem-
porary, even permanent, base are
not beyond realistic space medical
"On Mars, many millions of
miles farther away, the situation
is considerably better," Strughold
said. "But this celestial body, too,
*is not a 'second earth'-- the ecol-
ogical (environmental) conditions
are too severe."
Wrapped in Mystery
"° _