Sae Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Winds diminishing tonight;
no precipitation expected.
Grewe Assays Summit
German Ambassador
Hope Only for Disarmament
If anything is settled at next spring's tentative East-West sum-
mit conference, it will be the disarmament question, West Germany's
ambassador Wilhelm G. Grewe said here yesterday.
But he thinks that such meetings are mostly all talk and little
Speaking on "Germany Facing the Summit," Grewe predicted
possible action on Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's "sweeping
Sees Waste
In U.S. ity.
DETROIT (M) - "The federal
government is pouring millions of
dollars down a rat hole in its
urban renewal program," an archi-
tect-educator said last night.
"Lavish expenditures are being
made without any real national
goal in mind," Robert H. Snyder,
head of the architecture depart-
ment at Cranbrook Academy of
Arts in suburban Birmingham,
told members of Alpha Kappa Psi
Cities may obtain up to two-
thirds of the cost in federal aid in
razing and re - developing both
blighted residential and business
"The whole process is extrava-
gently inefficient. It represents a
shocking, shameful waste of hu-
man resources. This is what hap-
pens when political expediency
dictates the spending of money
in an area where it will get the
most votes, rather than where it
will do the most good," Snyder
Snyder said a study he directed
at Cranbrook "to determine the
ideal size of the United States city
of the future and to develop a
master plan for making the wis-
est use of this nation's potential"
helped him reach his conclusions.
He said the study showed the
ideal population for a rural com-
munity was up to 20,000; from 20,-
000 to 60,000 for a rural-urban
community, and from 60,000 to
120,000 for an urban community.
"We can support a population
of 1,600,000,000 if we use our re-
sources economically," Snyder
said. "But we will be in deep
trouble if we continue our make-
shift, patchwork planning for the
future. This lack of vision is mani-
fest in our governmental agencies."
We build bigger and better roads
so people can continue to concen-
trate in super-metropolitan areas,
when what we should do is provide
for the orderly decentralization of
our population, he added.
1J' Acquires
Bakery Lad
The University has arranged to
buy the Creamo Bakery property
on the street near Wines Field, to
serve as a dry storage area for
foodstuffs, Vice-President for Bus-
; ess and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont said yesterday.
It was sold to the University for
c~ash and a piece of land twice as
large as the present bakery site.
The purchase, financed from food
service revenues, was authorized
by the Regents.
Pierpont said the building's 14,-
800 square feet will be used initi-
ally to provide additional storage
area for food service enterprises.
Pierpont added that the pur-
chase reflects a continuing policy
of moving service facilities out of
the central campus area.
The present Food Service Center'
at Huron and Glen will be main-
tained for meats, ice cream and
other refrigerated foodstuffs.
The University property to be
exchanged for Creamo is one of
seven lots opposite the old botani-
cal gardens site, offered for sale
by the University earlier this year.
Ike To, Get
Yale Painting
FromNrn hr
new proposal" for total world dis-
armament within four years be-
cause of a "common interest to
Warns Participants
However, he warned participat-
ing nations not to get lost in
pointless discussions on the broad
In addition to the disarmament
question, Grewe said summit talks
will also consider the Germany-
Berlin question and world rela-
tions in general.
Calling the Allies "already on
the ultimate line of retreat" since
the Geneva Conference, he ex-
plained they were in a touchy bar-
gaining position on Soviet propos-
als for 1) establishing Berlin as a
free city or 2) dividing East and
West Germany into separate neu-
tral states.
Thinks It Too Late
Since the Western powers took
a stand against the proposals in
Geneva it is too late to back down
now. The Soviets know what their
opposition is and have prepared
for it, Grewe said.
He declared if German were a
neutral nation, her balance be-
tween the East and West would be
too precarious to resist Soviet
domination and if this happened
war would result.
Because of this position, he
said, West Germany is "very re-
luctant" to discuss proposed neu-
trality at the summit conference.
Grewe appealed to the West to
reject the Soviet proposal.
Warns West
Although he predicted a pos-
sible loosening of East-West re-
lations because the cold war is no
longer generally "popular," the
German ambassador warned the
West not to be lulled into a re-
laxation of protective measures.
He also criticized adopting So-
viet vocabulary for the negotia-
tions, explaining that Soviet prop-
aganda, coercion and rivalry will
still exist,'even though such words
as Nikolai Lenin's "peaceful co-
existence" are used.
There will always be aggressive
competition between nations, he
Mentions Difficulties
He included the pressure of
public opinion, restricted time and
lack of expert knowledge as other
difficulties "inherent" in summit
Explaining that such difficulties
are more disadvantageous to "the
side in a position to give some-
thing," he noted that public opin-
ion has a much greater influence
in the West because the Soviet
Union is not influenced as much
by the opinions of its citizens.
"Although there is some contro-
versy on the success of other sum-
mit meetings, there is general
agreement that they are not al-
ways successful and sometimes
even harmful," the German am-
bassador said, pointing out sever-
al past conferences as examples.
The Tehran and Yalta confer-
ences during the war "more or
less paved the way for Soviet
domination of Eastern Europe"
and the 1938 Munich meeting
"necessarily led to the outbreak of
World War.II," he declared.
... receives award
Give Award
To Pollock
Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment, was awarded the Knight
Commander Cross of the Order of
Merit of the West German Federal
Republic yesterday.
The award was presented to
Prof. Pollock by German am-
bassador Wilhelm G. Grewe after
his lecture yesterday afternoon.
Grewe cited his country's grati-
tude to Prof. Pollock for "dis-
tinguished services" in promoting
understanding and political alli-
ance and arousing interest in the
German problem.
SGC Sets
Ellen Lewis, '60, and Stan Levy,
Grad., were appointed to the Stu-
dent Government Council Com-
mittee on Referral at last night's
SGC meeting.
John Goodrich, '60BAd., execu-
tive vice-president of the Union,
presented a plan for establishing
an SGC Chamber of Commerce
student-business relations commit-
The Ann Arbor Chamber of
Commerce has approached the
Council on the possibiiity of form-
ing such a committee. Its main
function. Goodrich explained,,
would be to study misconceptions
that exist between University stu-
dents and businesses in Ann Arbor.
The committee would be set up
to gather information and educate
students regarding the compara-
tivecost of living index of Ann
Arbor, Goodrich continued.
A motion was passed establish-
ing the committee.
Students on the committee will
include the executive vice-presi-
dent of the Union as non-voting
chairman, and representatives
from Inter-House Council, Inter-
fraternity Council, Panhellenic,
Assembly, the Union, the League.
SGC and the Graduate Student
A motion by Jeff Jenks, '61, was
passed after amendment by Phillip
Zook, '60, to the effect that SGC
sponsor a debate or debates next
semester on the following subjects:
a) liquor by the glass, and b) geo-
graphical restrictions of on-prem-
ises consumption of alcoholic bev-
Make Bid
For New
Tax Bill
LANSING WP) - House Republi-
cans started the wheels rolling on
a $49.5 million temporary tax pro-
gram yesterday and went to Demo-
crats for support.
Heart of the plan is a $34 mil-
lion nuisance tax package ap-
proved last week by the Republi-
can-controlled Senate.
To this, House GOP tax strate
gists added $13 million in a one
year corporate franchise fee boost
and $2.5 nillion from a $2 fee on
motorists convicted of moving
traffic violations.
To Divert Funds
Also sent to the House floor for
a vote was a bill to divert $8.5
million from the Motor Vehicle
Highway Fund to support traffic
control work by the State Police.
Currently the sum, about two-
thirds of the State Police budget,
comes from the state's General
Atty. Gen. Paul L. Adams
squelched a similar move last
year, holding the diversion was
"We won't insist upon it as part
of our package," said Rep. Allison
Green (R-Kingston), House Re-
publican floor leader and chief
architect of the new GOP tax
Some Republican leaders said it
was doubtful the House would
vote on the tx proposals before
next week. Twenty-five of the 54
Democrats were missing from yes-
terday's session; only three of the
55 Republicans were absent.
"There's no doubt that we need
eight to 12 Democratic votes to
put this thing across," said Green.
"Not all of our boys will go for it."
"It's this or nothing," said Rep.
Wilfred G. Bassett (R-Jackson),
assistant floor leader. "If this one
doesn't go, we won't get anything
this year."
Call Caucus
Democratic floor leader .Joseph
J. Kowalski of Detroit called a
night caucus of his colleagues to
talk over the GOP blueprint.
"It's very possible that we'll give
them the votes they need to pass
the corporation franchise bill," he
said. "In fact, we might propose
increasing the fee by two mills
and raising $26 million.
"But I don't know that we
would go for the tax on traffic
violations. This is a Republican
plan and it's up to them to pro-
duce the votes."
Student Group
Protests Link
Of JapannU.S.
TOKYO OP) - Some 4,000 left-
ist Japanese students converged
on central Tokyo yesterday for a
new march on Parliament to de-
nounce Japan's military links
with the United States.
Led by the extreme leftist Zen-
gakuren student organization,
which claims a nationwide mem-
bership of 350,000, the students'
poured into Hibiya Park, across
the street from the Imperial Ho-
tel, on foot, by streetcar and bus.
Police vowed to prevent a repe-
tion of the Nov. 27 demonstration
at the Diet (Parliament) Build-
ing in which 700 persons were in-
Earlier in the day, police seized
three of Zengakuren's leaders, as
a vote of the Tokyo University
student body virtually disowned
the association.
'U' Receives
Large Grant
From GM
To Finance Research
In Industrial Health
A $500,000 grant from General
M o t o r s Corporation yesterday
brought new campaign pledges for
the University's Phoenix Project
to a total of $760,000.
The gift will be used over the
search in industrial health and
next five years to continue re-
the peaceful uses of atomic ener-
To be paid in five annual in-
stallments, the grant allocates
$350,000 to the Institute of In-
dustrial Health, a unit created in
1950 with a $1.5 million General
Motors gift. The remaining $150,-
000 will go for unrestricted studies
of the peaceful uses of atomic en-
Honors War Dead
Originally set up nine years ago
to honor the University's dead of
World War II, the Phoenix Proj-
ect has been devoted entirely to
the peaceful applications and im-
plications of atomic. energy.
With the initial $8 million fi-
nancing from private gifts run-
ning out, the University has set
its new campaign to raise $2 mil-
lion for five more years of opera-
In accepting the General Mo-
tors gift, University President
Harlan Hatcher said, "Nine years
ago, when Phoenix was in its in-
fancy, General Motors assured im-
mediate success with a gift of $1.5
"As the Project now enters its
second decade, this company is
again strongly supporting work
beneficial to all industrial em-
ployees and the general public."
Means 'Better Life'
The auto company president
pointed out, "Harnessing the atom
for peaceful purposes will mean a
better life for mankind every-
"In the relatively brief period
of its existence," he added, "the
Institute of Industrial Health has
contributed importantly to the
knowledge of, industrial medicine.
It is now recognized as one of the
world's . . . great education, re-
search and service centers in the
industrial health fields."
The University's i n d u s t r i a l
health research aims at preven-
tion, diagnosis and treatment of
occupational diseases.
Ike Called,
For Peace'
-Associated Press Wirephoto
WELCOME-A Pakistani youth welcomes President Iight D.
Eisenhower while on his way to Karachi.
State Goveror Invites
Educators to Seminar
By The Associated Press
Two University professors are among 12 high-ranking educators
who will gather at secluded Haven Hill Lodge near Pontiac tomorrow
for a three-day seminar designed to brief Gov. G. Mennen Williams
on policies, programs and problems of education.
The conference is the second in a series the Democratic Governor
is financing from his own pocket in an effort to keep abreast of
national issues. Those who have
Greets President Warmly
accepted invitations to attend the
education conference are:
William G. Carr of New York,
president of the National Educa-
tion Assn.; William Benton, New
York, an official of Encyclopedia
Brittanica; Albert W. Dent, presi-
dent of Dillard University, New
Orleans; Edgar Fuller, secretary of
the National Council of State Edu-
cation Officers, Washington; and
John A. Hannah, president of
Michigan State University.
From the University, Howard
Jones and Prof. Howard McClus-
key, both of the education school,
will attend.
Carl J. Megel, Chicago, presi-
dent of the American Federation
of Teachers; Frederick D. Patter-
son, New York, representing the
Phelps-Stokes Fund; Howard E.
Wilson, dean of the University of
California education school; Lynn
Bartlett, state superintendent of
public instruction, and Miss Sarah
Robinson, former Detroit school
principal will also go.
Astronomers To Orbit Space PI
Symphony Orchestra Sets.
Fall Concert for Tonight
The University Symphony Orchestra will hold its fall concert
at 8:30 p.m.' today in Hill Aud.
Several selections from Janacek's -"Sinfonietta (1925) will be
played by the orchestra in the first half of the program. These will
include the Allegretto, Andante-Allegretto, Moderator, Allegretto and
Allegro. For this work, the brass section has been enlarged and-
there will be nine trumpets play-
ing from the second balcony.
To Play Symphony
For the second half of the pro-
gram the orchestra will play.
a f "Symphony No. 9 in C Major" by
Shubert. Selections from this
work will include the Andante-Al-'
maintained. A platform contain- legro ma non troppo, Andante con
ing several hundred pounds of in- moto, and scherzo: Allegro vivace.
struments is being planned for For the finale the orchestra will
later. play Shubert's Allegro vivace.
Consist of Equipment The orchestra is directed by
The payload will consist of Prof. Josef Blatt of the music
equipment which will translate school, with Robert House of the
intensity of the spectra and send psychology department, as assist-
a coded electrical signal back to ant conductor. This evening's
earth. Later forms of the plat- concert is open to the public with-
forms are 'expected to contain out charge.
equipment which would allow the Auditions Players
receiver to see the signals on a P audityons
television screen. Prof. Blatt auditions all pros-
The major hazard to the trans-pe nt h i m ty r st d binning
Says Senate
In Violation
The state AFL-CIO has peti-
tiohed Michigan's Supreme Court
to declare district representation
in the Senate illegal.
The present "unrepresentative"
character of the districting
amounts to violation of due pro-
cess and equal protection under
the laws, as guaranteed by the
Fourteenth Amendment of the
United States Constitution, state
AFL-CIO President August Scholle
, Re. asked the court to order re-
drawing of the districts. If Scholle's
petition is backed by the court, re-
apportionment would have to take
place before the 1960 elections.
The labor leader called for dis-
tricts based on population rather
than area, as they are at present-)
in Oakland County one senator
represents 637,000 persons,. while
the senator from the smallest dis-
trict represents only 53,000 Scholle
Legal action would involve in-
validating a 1952 state constitu-
tioial amendment which froze the
Senate districts in present form.
The amendment only required
that the House districts be re-
divided every decade; House dis-
tricts are based on population.
Sen. Edward Hutchinson (R-
Fennville) called the' petition,
"nothing but a propaganda move"
and doubted that the case was a
federal question, as Scholle claims.
"This matter of unequal repre-
sentation," Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams countered, "has held up a
lot of progress. It involves every
state in the country."
Gov. G. Mennen Williams called
the proposal an "appealing idea."
TWO Students
fCaught Hiding
In, Apartment,
Two University students face
disorderly charges for hiding in
Crowds Hail Man
Believed Protector
In Religious Trinity
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI - Asia's greatest
democracy engulfed President
Dwight D. Eisenhower Tuesday
night in an emotional welcome
which got out of control.
At one stage Secret Service
guards rushed into the car beside
the President as thousands of In-
dians pressed against it in a dis-
play that was at once inspiring
and terrifying.
But the President came through
it all weary but smiling. He told
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
he was "completely overwhelmed."
Perhaps a million and a half
Indians joined in the biggest wel-
come this country ever has given
a foreign visitor.
Crumple Lines
The throngs crumpled police
lines, repeatedly halting the blue
open Cadillac in which Eisenhower
was riding with Nehru. Sometimes
the crowd pressed forward in
frightening waves. At the Con-.
naught Circus shopping center
Eisenhower and Nehru were sur-
rounded by a sea of cheering
people for more than 15 minutes.
India's President Rajendra Pra-
sad had called upon his people to
welcome Eisenhower as "a messen-
ger of peace." And it was in this
spirit that the people came throng-
ing to see the first United States
president ever to visit India.
The people also undoubtedly felt
reassured by Eisenhower's presence
at a time when Red China stands
menacingly on India's Himalayan
Acclaim President
Indian villagers acclaimed the
President as a reincarnation of
Vishnu, protector in the Hindu
The rousing reception began at
the airport, where police first had
to force back crowds. There Nehru
told Eisenhower:
"We are grateful to you and to
your country for this visit."
The Prime Minister noted the
long friendship of India and the
United States and declared the
visit makes this friendship "even
stronger, more durable and last-
In reply, Eisenhower said that
"India, determined to live in peace
has devoted her entire efforts, all
her treasure, all her talent, all her
brains to raising the standards of
her own people so as to give them
a better chance for a better life."
Mentions Alternatives
"My friends," he continued,
"these efforts are going to succeed
if, the world can have peace. All
of us know ,it. The only alternative
to global war is peace. The other
alternative is too horrible even to
"So I think that I can best
explain that the deepest purpose
I have in coming here is this: to
symbolize, if I can and if I may
so presume, the fact that the
United States stands with India;
the leaders of 'the United States
standing with the leaders of India
in our common quest for peace."
Eisenhower scheduled his first
talks with Nehru today. Ranking
high on the agenda undoubtedly
will be the dispute between Red
China and India over their Hima-
layan frontiers.
Afghans Welcome
Surging throngs of Afghans,
many in tattered robes and tur-
bans, also cheered Eisenhower en-
thusiastically yesterday in their
country on the doorstep of the
Soviet Union.
The President, on a fleeting stop
between visits to Pakistan and
India, was assured by King Mo-
hammed Zahir that the ancient
land means to keep its indepen-
dence even though it is accepting
millions of dollars in Soviet aid.
Work on a space platform
which will probe the mysteries of.
celestial bodies is hoped to be
completed in a year and a half,
Prof. William Liller of the astron-
omy department said in his lec-
ture on "Space Astro-physics"
last night.
The payload, which will be pow-
ered by a Thor rocket, will circle
the earth 300 to 400 miles out in
space. It will contain instruments
capable of measuring and analyz-
ing radio waves, ultra-violet and
ly good pictures compared to
others taken inside the earth's at-
mosphere, he reported.
Rocket photographs have prov-
en to be the best so far. With a
spectroscope mounted in the nose
of an Aero-Bee rocket, plates with
a precision of 10's of seconds of
arc are possible.
Since many extra-terrestrial oc-
currences last for a number of
minutes, such as sun - spots, the
rocket photography method has
its limits, also, Prof. Liller ex-
plained.,They just can't stay up
in sn i lng nercn~ih vth'nnp1rhi1.
The platform is designed like
a paddlewheel and weighs a total
of about 350 pounds. The payload
will weigh only 100 pounds, but
this should produce more than
adequate results, Prof. Liller