See Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Light snow,
turning colder.
VOL. LXX, No. 63
House Sets Hearing
On Nuisance Taxes
Bill's Opponents To Air Complaints
Before Conlin Taxation Committee
Opponents of Michigan's potential nuisance taxes will air their
complaints before the House taxation committeee in Lansing today
as the Legislature prepares to enter the next-to-last week of its 1959
The tax committee, chaired by Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton), took
a hard look yesterday at the bills passed last week by the Senate-and
may report them out without recommendation.
It would then require a majority 56 votes to even bring the
Senate's $36 million nuisance taxes to a floor vote, and another ma-
jority to pass the bill as it presently stands. GOP Representatives
Cheered by
City Police
Seek 'Chain'
t Letter Rin
Ann Arbor police are looking
* for the source of an illegal chain
letter lottery which promises citi-
zens and University students a
quick return of over $2,000.
The chain letters, which began
appearing on campus this week,
are already "quite prevalent," ac-
cording to Johin Bingley, assistant
dean of men.
Sgt. Louis Staudenmeier of the
city police force said last night,
"We'll take action if we can run
down the source."
He said the lottery "is pretty
well spread out," however.
Violates Law
Lottery via the mails violates
state laws.
The chain letter, l a b e l e d
"Christmas, Fall, Winter, and
Spring," reads in parts
"Pay for your vacation, past or
future. Now is the time and your
chance to prepare for a top-notch
vacation or Christmas.
"This special will assure you of
enough ready cash to put the ex-
tra bill away and bring out the
"This has many advantages,
some of which are: 1) short list,
fast payoff, 2) earn a minirum of
$3 for your effort, 3) at no time
are you out more than $6, 4) no
60 days waiting period to cash in
on the results."
Names on List
Each "player" receives a check
for three dollars and a mailing
list of five names.' After paying
the "seller" six dollars, he becomes
the fifth party on the changing
list, and the first name receives
his payoff.
"This is sure fire and with the
initial payment of $3 you will re-
ceive a total of $2,190 if the chain
is not broken," the letter says.
The chain letter patter erupt-
ed about two years ago with a
similar situation, Staudenmeier
said, "and since then it has come
to our attention a number of
U .S. Offers
To Help Track
Red Satellite
PASADENA, Calif. (A) - The
United States offered yesterday to
make its global satellite tracking
network available to support the
-Soviet man-in-space program.
T. Keith Glennan, head of the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, said the United
States already has set a precedent
for this action by providing So-
viet scientists with 46 tape re-
cordings of signals from the Rus-
sian Sputnik satellites as part of
the observance of the Interna-
tional Year (IGY).
"As an evidence of our interest
in international cooperation we
would be most happy to offer the
services of our tracking network
in support of the scientists of the
Soviet Union when and if that
nation undertakes a manned
space flight program," Glennan
said in a talk prepared for deliv-
ery before the Institute of World
He said data could be acquired
and transmitted in its raw state tc
the Academy of Sciences in Mos-
cow. If special equipment were
required, he said, the United
States would either provide it or
use equipment furnished by Rus-
are almost certain to balk at the
bill if no more taxes are added.
They may force a 15 to 25 mil-
lion dollar increase in the total
package, then send the batch back
to the Senate chambers for more
consideration during the waning
days of the record session which
opened Jan. 14.
If the package is stalled in the
Senate, lawmakers may just go
home until January, when the
next session convenes.
One member of Conlin's com-
mittee who looked over the Sen-
ate's bill yesterday told The Daily
"they'll never pass by themselves"
--meaning additional taxes will
have to be added to get House
He said committee members
"looked pretty shaky" to com-
mittee members.
An in-creased corporate franchise
tax may be one of the proposed
The Senate's $36 million collec-
tion would provide new or in-
creased taxes on beer, liquor, to-
bacco products and telephones. It
was passed last week on a party
line vote, the Democrats holding
out for some form of state income
Businessmen who would be hit
by the taxes will present their
cases before Conlin's committee in
the public hearing at 2:30 p.m.
* today.
They include Detroit brewers,
brewery workers, distillers, cigar-
ette interests, cigar makers, vend-
ing machine operators and Michi-
gan Bell Telephone Co. spokes-
Also appearing will be John C.
Mackie, state highway commis-
sioner, whose road equipment may
be taxed-amounting tovthe state
Staxing itself for new revenues,
Oistrakh Gives
Violin Concert
5In 'U', Series,
R Russian violinist David Ois-
- trakh will give the second concert
of the Extra Series at 8:30 to-
night in Hill Aud.
Oistrakh's program will include:
"Chaconne" by Vitali; "Sonata in
A Major" by Franck; "Five Melo-
e dies, Op. 35" by Mendelssohn;
f "Sonata in E-fSat, Op. 11, No. 1"
by Hindemith; and "Four Hun-
garian Dances - E minor, A ma-
jor, D minor and A minor" by
Oistrakh, now teaching at the
Tschaikowsky Conservatory in
Moscow and giving concert tours
in Russia and abroad, first at-
tracted world attention in 1937
when he took first prize in the In-
ternational Eugene Ysaye Compe-
tition in Brussels.
His first performance was given
at the age of 12, playing a Beetho-
ven Concerto, and he made his
American debut at Carnegie Hall
e in 1955.
. . . new appointment
Ike Chooses
'U's Pollock
Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment, has been appointed to
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
new Advisory Commission on In-
ter-governmental Relations.
He will serve as vice-chairman.
of the permanent bipartisan group
created to study the relationship
of all governmental units in the
United States.
The 23 member commission is
composed of two other private per-
sons, three senators, three repre-
sentatives, four governors, three
state legislators, four mayors and
three elected county officials.
Chairman from Chicago
One of the other private mem-
bers, Frank Bane of Chicago, re-
cently retired director of the Coun-
cil of State Counselors, was named
Created by Congress in Sep-
tember as a result of the Hoover
Commission recommendation 10
years ago of which Prof. Pollock
was a member, the advisory group
will hold its first meeting Monday
in Washington.
Public Law No. 380, which pro-
vides for the Commission, says the
function of the Commission is to
provide information for the "full-
est cooperation and coordination
of activities between the levels of
government" in light of the present
and future "complexity of modern
life" due to population growth and
scientific developments.
European-U.S. Analyst
Prof. Pollock, who has been with
the University for 35 years, is a
specialist in elections and political
parties in both this country and
He was special advisor to the
American Military in Germany
from 1945-48 and to the High
Commissioner in 1950. In 1946 he
was awarded the Medal of Merit,
the highest civilian recognition
given by the United States, for his
work in Germany during the oc-
cupation period.
Prof. Pollock was graduated
from the University in 1920. He
received his doctorate degree from
Harvard University' in 1925, and
has held teaching positions at
Harvard, Geneva College, and
Ohio State University, in addition
to the University.
He was a member of the Michi-
gan Special Commission on Elec-
tions in 1931; election of the Saar
Plebiscite in 1935; chairman of
the Michigan Civil Service Study
Commission, 1935-37; and a fellow
of the Social Science Research
Council in Europe, 1927-29.
Prof. Pollock has been decorated
for his work in Europe and has
received honors from the U.S. and
the state for his work in this
.Fund Grant
To Extend
Asian Study
A $140,500 Carnegie Corpora-
tion grant will go to finance re-
search and teacher training in the
University's Asian studies pro-
gram, it was announced yesterday.
It will establish an intern pro-
gram in instruction on Asio un-
der which three college-level in-
structors and three graduate stu-
dents will study each year at the
"Many small colleges have ex-
pressed interest in expanding m-
struction of the history, political
science and related studies of the
non-European world, but Asian
studies instructors "often are
handicapped by inadequate area
training, scarcity of library ma-
terials and lack of contact in the
field," Prof. William D. Schorger
of the anthropology and Near
Eastern studies department point-
ed out.
He is chairman of the Univer-
sity's Asian studies committee,
first in the nation to offer such
courses at the undergraduate
A second provision of the three-
year Carnegie grant will continue
this survey course, "Introduction
to Asian Civilizations," which was
first offered in the fall of 1958.
The funds will also finance re-
search projects, including a study
of political action and expression
in southwest and south Asia. [
Under the internship program,
the college teachers and "fellow"
will spend a year, at the University
- observing the Asia course,
learning about bibliographies and
teaching aids in the field, and at-
tending related Asian area and
language courses.
West German
To Give Talk
Wilhelm G. Grewe, ambassador
from the Federal Republic of Ger-
many, will speak on "Facing the
Summit" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Grewe, who is also a professor
of public law at the University of
Friedburg, has visited the Univer-
sity several times.
His lecture, sponsored by the
political science department, will
be open to the public.
President Harlan Hatcher will
give a reception for the ambassa-
dor at 5:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Building Assembly Hall following'
the speech.'
Ambassador Grewe has partici-
pated in many of the top-level
conferences between leading na-
tions of the world during his sev-
eral years as ambassador to the
United States, Prof. James K. Pol-
lock of the political science de-
partment, said.
--Associated Press wirephoto
IN PAKISTAN-President Eisenhower waves to the crowd as he sands alongside Pakistan's President.
Mohammed Ayub Kahn in horse-drawn carriage en route to Karachi's presidential residence yesterday.
Gies Predicts Boom
Due to Auto Increase
Barring a railroad walk-out or avresumption of the steel strike,
1960 will be Michigan's "comeback year," Prof. Thomas Gies of the
business administration school forecast for the Michigan County
Road Commissioners convention.
Speaking yesterday in Grand Rapids, Prof. Gies said enthusiastic
acceptance of the 1960 models is a key factor in a 40 per cent increase
in output of major durable consumer goods now scheduled for 1960.
Production of these goods "appears certain to top all previous
records," he declared.
Favorable sales expectations have led the auto industry to boost
its capital outlay schedule for 1960 by 30 per cent over 1959. This
is about three times the rise ex-
pected for industry as a whole
next year," he noted.
"County officials budgeting for
the coming year can expect gen-
erally higher returns from both
state-collected, locally shared rev-
enues and from those taxes which
are strictly local," he added.
Gies said that the exceptional
level of activity anticipated for
Michigan in its "comeback" year
will raise motor fuels revenues and
license collections by four per cent
from the 1959 level, more than
twice the increase recorded in the
past year.
"This means that total tax reve-
nues from motor fuels will reach
$142 to $143 million, compared
with preliminary estimates of $138
million for 1959," he asserted.
"Motor vehicle license fee col-
lections will move up to nearly $71
million in 1960, compared with the
$68 million expected for this year."
Buying Days
This is to remind you there
are 10 of them left before the
Christmas exodus.
Taylor Asks
New System
NEW YORK () - Gen. Max-
well D. Taylor said yesterday the
nation's Joint Chiefs of Staff sys-
tem has failed to function as in-
tended, and should be abolished.
He recommended the substitu-
tion of a single defense chief of
Taylor, Army chief of staff from
1955 to his retirement this year,
made the recommendation in an
article in Look magazine.
The joint chiefs, he wrote,
"have failed to produce an agreed
military strategy of their own.
The chiefs have either swept
controversial issues under the rug
or submitted divided views to the
Secretary of Defense."
In an effort to preserve some
harmony, Taylorsad, "Secretaries
of Defense have been reluctant to
make decisions on fundamental
issues dividing the joint chiefs,
and have not forced the sub-
merged controversies into the
City Group
Ives' Move
City Council last night approved
plans to establish a non-partisan
Neighborhood Improvement Com-
mittee to study and investigate,
urban renewal and report back to
the Council.,
They defeated Councilman,'
Lloyd Ives' resolution to engage a
disinterested, processional firm to
study the long-standing problem.
The approved citizen's commit-
tee will work toward solutions of
sub-standard housing and try to
develop plans to rehabilitate and
maintain other dwellings at ac-
cepted standards.
Consider Immediate Troubles
It will consider the immediate
housing difficulties before study-
ing problems involving commer-
cial enterprises, zoning and traffic.
The committee had. been pre-
viously recommended by J. Gor-
don McDonald, chairman of
Mayor Cecil O. Creal's committee
for voluntary rehabilitation. .,
An Advisory Committee on
Neighborhood Rehabilitation, com-
posed of bankers, realtors, archi-
tects, builders and others with
similar professiodal interests will
be appointed by the mayor, with
the advice and consent of Council,
to give professional and technical
advice to the neighborhood com-
Establishes Office
The Council will also establish
the office of Housing Coordinator
under the direction of the city
administrator to implement the
work of the Neighborhood Com-
mittee and to provide liaison and
continuing effort.
Ives felt that the citizens' com-
mittee set up to study the prob-
lem would be inadequate and
The professional firm would be
capable of making local investiga-
tions to study the area's needs
and suggesting methods to bring
the properties of the area up to
city standards, he indicated.
The Council also heard the pro-
posal of the recently formed City
Bus Company to extend bus serv-
ice running between the dormi-
tories on Observatory St. to State
St. This service would be offered
from 8-11 and 12-5 daily except
Sundays and holidays.
Because of circumstances ex-
ternal to MUSKET's control,
the program on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings, Dec. 3 and
4, began later than they had
previously planned.
Begins Talks
With Khan
Honors Jinnah Tomb,
Presented Award,
Sightsees in 'opter
KARACHI (A) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, cheered by
a million Pakistanis in a welcome
he called "tremendous," turns to-
day to talks with the nation's
leaders on his mission of peace.
Eisenhower and his advisers will
meet President Mohammed Ayub
Khan and members of his govern-
ment at a morning conference on
this second day of 40-hour stay
in Pakistan. The President later
will lay a wreath at the tomb of
M. A. Jinnah, founder of Pakistan.
After a stag luncheon given by
Ayub Khan, the President will at-
tend a citizens' welcome at the
Polo Ground, where there is ex-
pected to be another popular
demonstration of affection for the
United States visitor.
Ayub Khan will introduce Eisen-
hower and the American president
will respond. After an afternoon of
sightseeing by helicopter with
Ayub Khan, Eisenhower will give
a dinner for his host at the United
States embassy.
To Visit Afghanistan
Tomorrow Eisenhower leaves by
plane for Kabul, Afghanistan,
fourth stop on his goodwill visit
to three continents.
At the end of a full day yester-
day, Eisenhower received Pakis-
tan's highest civil award for his
campaign in behalf of world peace.
Then the nation's leaders turned
out to honor him at a dinner.
After dinner, Eisenhower went
out on the lawn of the presidential
residence for a concert by the
Pakistani army bagpipe band and
a performance by sword swing
northwest frontier tribal dancers.
Observes New Things
"Some of the things here I've
never seen before," Eisenhower ob-
The crowd welcoming the first
United States president to come
this far into Asia was officially
estimated at a million. At one
point, police had to press them
back with a show of batons.
Never before had Pakistanis
given such a thunderous reception
to a visitor from abroad.
Beside Ayub Khan Eisenhower
traveleddown packed, gaily deco-
rated streets to. the cry:
"Eisenhower zindabad!"
"Long live Eisenhower!"
Dwarfs Reception
The outpouring of enthusiasm
dwarfed even the reception by half
a million Turks Sunday at An-
kara, second stop on Eisenhower's
22,000-mile journey to 11 nations.
The crowds passed in closely
just before Eisenhower and Ayub
Khan changed from the open
convertible that had brought them
from the airport to a gilded coach
for the final drive to the presi-
dential residence, Eisenhower's
home while here.
Eisenhower lost no time in open-
ing discussions with Ayub Khan,
whose nation is associated with
both the Southeast Asia and Cen-
tral Treaty Organizations.
Court Rejects
Student Appeal
On 'Wisdom'
TRENTON, N.J. (I)-The New
Jersey Supreme Court dismissed
yesterday a suit by a young wis-
dom seeker.
The court decided that Roy G.
Jacobsen had not wisely brought a
suit for $8,065 against Columbia
University, charging that it frau-
dudently promised to teach him
wisdom and failed to deliver.
In a terse one-paragraph. opin-
ion, the court said Jacobson fol-
lnwed the wrnnr nocedure in
ANTSCO May Follow Airlines to Metropolitan
If the seven commercial airlines remaining at .the University's
Willow Run Airport transfer to Detroit Metropolitan Airport, a na-
tional airlines service company may follow them, its directors said
If so, the University will have .to find means to compensate for
the approximately $87,000 it grosses annually from the airlines service
in various fees.
Decision Uncertain
The airlines "may or may not" take ANTSCO, Airlines National
Terminal Service Company, Inc., with them, "but I don't exactly have
a crystal ball to look into our future with," Robert Miller, director,
In its present lease, ANTSCO pays the University $15,000 in
annual rental and 10 per cent of all non-airline profits over $250,000.
ANTSCO's income is partially derived from newsstands, parking lots
and restaurants.