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September 24, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-09-24

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'cholars Pr
3y JEAN HARTWIG need for tradition is paramount




Sixty scholars tried yesterday to
reconcile the cultural heritage of
the past with modern technology.
In a conference at the Univer-
sity this ,week, members of the
UNESCO -sponsored International
Council for Philosophy and Hu-
manistic Studies are discussing
"The Role of the Humanities in
an Urbanized and Technological
The representatives from 15 na-
tions are considering the relation-
ship of the humanities to modern
culture and their place in educa-
It was not important to argue
about Athe need for tradition at a
time when change was slow,
Charles E. Odegaard, former dean,
of the- literary college and vice-
chairman of the conference, said
in his opening remarks.
But today, he continued, when,
change has become rapid, the

because people are wonderinig
where they are going and whence
they have been.
- Face Precarious Job
And because of this, educators
face the precarious job of ,teach-'
ing students to live in a world
whose outlines are hardly kgnown,
he asserted.
In a summary of yesterday's
discussion, Sir Charles Webster of.
the British Royal Society said the
humanities must be irntegratedI
with science," not just hung on it
like cherries-on a plum cake."
He also advocated greater com-
munication between scientists and
humanists' and greater emphasis
on the classics in the high schools.
"We don't claim a special place
for the classios, but we do claim;
the study of the humanities is es-
sential to .the modern world," he
"The greatest revolutions in the

world have been made b
manists - they set th
and technical climate o
enabling the scientistsf
nologists to work."
Children Seem Cha
In a paper submitte
Council, Prof. Sunti K.
of the University of Cal
dia, commented, "In a
age, our boys and girls
to .be transformed into
. . . they must not wast
precious moment outsid
gime of utility. (They
longer discovering spon
the'romance of life.
Prof. Chatterji said tb
humanism had been tau
schools "he attended an
people with whom hea
This was no longer
continued, and it woul
impossible to "turnl
clock" and readopt pas
of teaching.
He suggested instead

)y the hu- basic ideology of traditional hu-
e political manities should be kept, but its
of opinion methods must be modified.
and tech- "We shall have to make pro-
vision for some of the Humane
nged Studies in a purely objective as
d to the well as a modern and scientific
Chatterji, way," he said.
leutta, In- He explained that he means us-
machine ing the historical and compara-
seem also tive method, not "regarding any-
machines thing as static or immutable."
;e a single And according to Emil Ohmhnn
ie the re- of Finland, the manner of teach-
are) no ing the classics is more important
ntaneously than the works themselves. He
advocated the use of translations
hat Hindu in order to "transmit the richnessa4
ght in the of antiquity more fully" to stu-
id by the dents.
associated. It is through the transmission .<
true, he of the thinking of Greece and
d still be Rome that the modern mind can
back the be awakened and a "happy fu-
t methods ture" for humanity can be in- SCHOLARS MEET-Scho
sured, he added. Council for Philosophy ai
that the See SESSION, Page 2 "Role of the Humanities:

See Page 4

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

_ _ _.. I

VOL. LXX, No. 3






No Ne
GOP Senate
Stall Funds,
For Institute.
Appropriates Funds
For Remodelings
Of Two Structures,
The Legislature passed a whit-
tled-down capital outlay bill yes-
terday, appropriating no funds for
new construction at state institu-
tions, including the University.
A total of $850,000 was provided
for remodeling West Medical
Building and $200,000 to apply on
general renovations at University
But left out of the bill was
$800,000 sought for construction of
the Institute of Science and Tech-
Use Tax Involved,
The future of the Institute now
apparently hinges on the consti-
s tutionality of the recently-passed
use tax. If the tax is found to be
constitutional in a Supreme Court
test later this month, money from
tax returns will probably be avail-
able for the Institute.'
On the other hand, if the use
tax is found unconstitutional, some
Republican leaders predict no
funds will be available for new
This would affect not only the
Institute, but all other state-sup-
ported agencies and institutions.
The University has had no new
buildings for two years. It had
hoped to begin construction on the
Institute this year.
All new construction items origi-
nally in the bill were deleted and
dumped in a separate bill which
passed the House. It now lies in
the Republican-controlled Senate,
awaiting the high court's verdict
on the use tax.
Renovations Okayed
In addition to the total of
$1,050,000 given the University for
renovations, another $6 million
was appropriated to carry on pro-
jects already underway and for
fire protection, repair and re-
modeling projects at state insti-
Approved were $750,000 for re-
sumption of work,'now suspended,
at the new Boys Vocational School
at Whitmore Lake, and $600,000
to kep on with the new Plymouth
Home and Training School.
The bill also carried $250,000
for rehabilitation of Old Main at
Wayne State University.




QUESTION RAISED - Several objections to the new SGC plan
were made by David Kessel and Al Haber at the Council meeting
last night. Kessel doubted that certain members of the Commit-
tee on Referral' could take an impartial view of the cases before
Referral Group Makeup
Debated at SGC Meeting
The concept of having the Student Government Council presi-
dent, various deans and the Vice-President for Student Affairs sit
on the Committee on Referral was bitterly opposed by David Kessel,
'Grata., last night at the first SGC meeting of the year.
His mein objection to the proposed composition was -his fear
that members of the Committee would be biased in their viewpoints;

Disputed Housing Bill
Approved by President
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
signed into law the third-try, billion dollar housing bill.
It authorizes continuation of many government-backed housing
programs which are out of funds, and includes several provisions de-
signed to keep the private home-building industry operating at a
high level. Eisenhower signed the bill without comment after
vetoing two earlier measures as$
too costly and inflationary.
Battle End
The President thus culminated
perhaps the biggest running battle State
he had .with the Democratic-con- ta e O ffice
trolled Congress ir the last ses-
In the end, Eisenhower succeed- LANSING tom)-Gov. G. Mennen
ed in forcing modifications of the Williams today set-what might be
two earlier bills. However, he had a national precedent by appointing
to take some things he ddin't want
such as additional low-rent public a Negro to a full-time statewide
housing starts. , elective office.
The Democrats, who tried un- The Governor named Otis M.
successfully in the Senate to over- Smith, 37, of Flint to the post of
ride both vetoes, had to settle for Auditor General. Smith is cur-
only one-third of the money they
originally wanted made available rently chairman of the SttePub-
for housing. lic Service Commission.
Changes Made His appointment was made pos-
The Democrats made three sible by Williams' naming of Audi-
changes from the second bill to tor General Frank S. Szymanski to
win an agreement from the White the Wayne County Probate bench,
House that the third bill would be a move that had been long ex-
signed. pected.
But they fashioned the third Charles Brown, a Negro admin-
measure in such a way as to try istrative aide to the Governor,
and make sure that new housing said he believed Smith's appoint-
legislation would be needed in ment was the first to such a high
1960, a national election year. elective office anywhere.
These are the major provisions Asked about approval prospects,
in the bill: Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R - St.
Urban renewal or slum clear- Clair), GOP majority leader, said
ance grants to cities - 650 mil- "I don't know of anybody that has
lion dollars, 350 million the first got anything against bhim."
year and 300 million the second.
Insurance authority for FHA
home mortgages - eight billion OPPORTUNITIES OFF]
dollars of new authority, available
Public housing -- 37,000 new
College dormitory loans - 250.,,;.
million dollars. < ;
Loans for homes for the elder- -
ly-50 million dollars authorized,
but an appropriation is required.
Council Holds4 Q
Con ference St{
The Michigan Development
Council will meet tomorrow and f ,
Saturday. {
Workshops for fund-raisers will
open the conference Friday morn-
ing. Vice-President James A. Lewis
will speak at luncheon Friday, and
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher and Dean Roger Heyns of
the literary college will speak at


Arms Ban
Urged i.U
Pressure mounted here yesterday
on the major powers to make some
kind of dramatic move toward
progress in disarmament.
Representatives of the smaller
nations made plain in policy
speeches to the 82-nation assem-
bly that they regard disarmament
as a top issue at this session.
Ireland called on the United
States, Britain and the Soviet
Union to start thenball rolling by
agreeing not to give their weapons
to non-nuclear powers. The non-
nuclear powers, in turn, would
agree not to make or accept nu-
clear weapons.
Irish Foreign Minister Frank
Aiken also urged the nuclear pow-
ers to encourage groups of nations
"to accept the rule of law, area by
area, throughout the world."
He added "They should also be
prepared to support a permanent
UN force designed to protect one
such area for a beginning. In this
way they would give the world

8If the new refe'rral committee is
to have a purpose and not merely
be a rubber stamp, Kessel con-
tinued, it is all-important that the
members be able to view the ac-
tions before them impartially.
As this referral committee is to
be an advisory board for the Vice-
President for Student 'Affairs, his
being on it will completely defeat
its purpose, Kessel declared.
State Positions
He suggested instead of having
the SGC president and deans on
the Committee it would be test
merely to have them state their
positions in each case and have
the committee decide the relative
Ron Gregg, '60, SGC president
and member of the SGC Plan
Clarification Committee, said that
members such as the Vice-Presi-
dent and deans would be of value
because of their backgrounds in
the cases being considered. He ad-
mitted, however, that the idea of
having them testify was a good
Defends Composition
Gregg defended the composition
of the referral committee, and the
membership of the Vice-President
for Student Affairs in particular,
in saying that if the vice-presi-

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