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December 06, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-06

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Senate Study Group Says

Studies Ann Arbor for Theatre

U.S. Faces,




Ask Nation
For Missile
See Military Position
As Open, Vulnerable
WASHINGTON (P)-A declining
military position has left the
United States facing the greatest
danger in its history, a Johns
Hopkins University research group
said, yesterday.
In a study prepared for the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee
the group called for an all-out
effort to develop a powerful, reli-
able ballistic missile and get it
into full scale production.
"The military position of the
United States has declined in the
short span of 15 years from one of
unchallenged security to that of
a nation both open and vulnerable
to direct an ddevastating attack,"
the study said.
See 'Greatest Danger
At the same time, developments
in military technology in the So-
viet Union now make it appear
Russia will be the first to achieve
a comprehensive missile arm, the
study continued. It added:
"It is this possibility that dis-
turbs those who see in the 'missile
gap' of the early 1960s the great-
est danger to its security that the
United States has ever faced."
The study is one of 15 to be
used by the Foreign Relations
Committee as background for
hearings on United States global
policy next year. The committee
received an appropriation of $300,-
000 to finance the studies by pri-
vate research organizations, uni-
versities and individuals. This is
the eighth to be published.
Opposes Policy
The study strongly opposed an
arms control policy aimed at total
disarmament, as suggested by
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev. It argued such policy would
permit a violator to gain suprem-
acy through concealed production
of relatively few weapons.
Instead. it urged the United
States to strive for an agreement
with Russia calling for strategic
forces "limited to retaliatory sys-
tems capable of surviving a first
strike, but insufficient for employ-
ment in a first strike.",
The Johns Hopkins researchers
took issue wiW, those who have
urged a sN't of emphasis from
military to economic aid abroad.
"While military defense needs
to be supplemented by economic,
psychological, and other policies,"
it said, "the provision of adequate
and appropriate military strength
is the precondition of world se-
The report called for the United
States to give top priority to ef-
forts to reduce the vulnerability of
United States and Allied strategic

Ike, Nehru
Plan Talk
Ont China
WASHINGTON (P) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will get a
first hand report from Prime Min-
ister Jawaharlal Nehru next week
on the extent of the threat posed
by Red China to India's non-Com-
munist neighbors.
What he learns may have a vital
bearing on the prospects for start-
ing a worldwide disarmament sys-
tem during Eisenhower's last year
in office.
For as Communist China's hos-
tility and aggressiveness toward
the outside world increases, there
is increasing concern in official
quarters here over the possibility
of setting up an effective inspec-
tion system to police any kind of
disarmament accord-even a rela-
tively simple undertaking to re-
frain from testing nuclear weap-
Plan Inspection Teams
Every major Western plan for
disarmament, as well as the nu-
clear test ban treaty now under
negotiation at Geneva, provides
for the establishment of inspection
stations manned by international
teams in Red China as well as the
Soviet Union.
Questions concerned with Red
China's policies and attitudes are
expected to be fully discussed by
Eisenhower and Nehru during the
President's four-day visit to New
Delhi beginning next Wednesday.
These questions even enter into
calculations about the amount of
foreign aid, including United
States help, which India may re-
quire in the next few years to
carry out its economic expansion
May Force Arming
New aggression by Red Chinese
forces in disputed border areas
between the two countries could
force Nehru into an armament
program he has long avoided. The
cost of this could cut into India's
economic plan-unless the burden
was offset by more outside aid.

Two weeks ago, Tyrone Guthrie
spent three days exploring Ann
Arbor as a possible location for a
new professional theatre, and since
then the community -competing
with San Francisco, Boston, Cleve-
land, Minneapolis and Milwaukee
for his attention - has reacted
The Dramatic Arts Center,
headed by Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of
the mathematics department, has
adopted the role as coordinator for
the project; their past efforts to
establish a commercial theatre led
to their being approached by pro-
ducer Oliver Rae, who will work
with Guthrie, in September.
More important, University Pres-
ident Harlan Hatcher has ap-
pointed Professors William Haber
of the economics department,
Kaplan and Dean Earl V. Moore.
of the music school to a steering
committee to plan activities at this
Would Satisfy Here
Guthrie's specific plans deserve
first consideration, however. Ac-
cording to Prof. Kaplan, his two
most important objectives -- in-
corporation with a university and
an appropriate, well-located thea-
tre accesible to its prospective
audience-would be met in Ann
The non-profit theatre would, if
incorporated with the University,
be autonomous, "considered as part
of the University whose only con-
trol would be the approval of the
theatre's board of directors by the
Regents," Prof. Kaplan said.
Not Expect Money
But, "it has never been expected
that the University would give
financial support - this is com-
pletely unrealistic," in light of the
several unsuccessful University at-
tempts to get appropriations for
something as basic as a new music
school class building, Prof. Kaplan
Financial support would, then
come from foundations, corpora-
tions and interested individuals.
Earlier this week, the steering
committee met with Mayor Cecil
0. Creal and other city representa-
tives to formulate plans for "de-
termining what financial resources
could be mustered.
Canvass Leaders
Community and business leaders
in Ann Arbor have been partially
canvassed, by the Dramatic Arts
Center, "with a number of very
enthusiastic responses," he added.
In a report prepared by the DAC
for Guthrie and Rae, a $300,000
first year operating budget and
1.5 million cost for a new theatre
was estimated.

self-support after the first season,
it is essential that a theatre with
1,000-1,500 capacity be used.
May Build
Guthrie and Rae, the report
continues, are convinced that a
"proper theatre can be obtained
only by constructing a new build-
ing, whose architecture and thea-
trical features should themselves
be a major contribution to dra-
matic art."
"We have discussed in-town and
outskirt locations" (for the thea-
tre building) "and preference
seems to be for a location outside
the city," possibly near the ex-
pressway, Prof. Kaplan said.
At any rate, transportation for
students would be provided.
Meets with People
Guthrie, during his recent visit,
met with over 100 people in Ann
Arbor and Detroit areas, where he

"got some feeling for this region's
interest in the theatre," Prof.
Kaplan said.
"We have been in touch with
Rae by telephone (Guthrie is now
in London directing "Hamlet")
but they can't commit themselves
now." He gave a possible decision
date as February.
The theatre would be considered
regional rather than local, encom-
passing all of Southeastern Michi-
gan: its permanent company would
include roughly 20 high-calibre
actors plus an appropriate staff.
The DAC report mentioned that
the theatre would "function in
some sense as a school; actors
would come here to learn .
others would come to study artistic
and managerial aspects of theatre
production. . . it has every chance
of becoming the leading theatre in
the country."

UN Members
Ask Soviet
four nations yesterday called on
the United Nations General As-
sembly to deplore the "continued
disregard" by Soviet and Hun-
garian authorities of UN resolu-
tions on Hungary.
They handed in a resolution that
also would have the 82-nation
assembly call for Soviet and Hun-
garian cooperation with the UN
representative on Hungary, Sir
Leslie J. Munro of New Zealand.
The resolution asked that Munro
be kept at his task.
It was announced earlier that
the General Assembly will meet at
3 p.m. EST tomorrow to debate
the Hungarian question. Munro
will present a report in which he
speaks of "the imminent possibility
of further executions."

1 ---4

TEXAN SPACE MONKEY -- "Sam," clad in diapers, was released
from an airtight biopack capsule shortly after returning from a
55-mile high trip.
Sam Found in A tlantic,
Sfe rom Sace Tri
Safe 4 J

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lton separates
Street's brilliant separates--
plan: whirly quilted skirts-man
lored shirts. Marvelous attire for
such activities as fireside
sitting, square dancing and
e evening" hostessing too!
In Antique print or Batik print.
isses' sizes.

NORFOLK ()P)-A pioneer space
monkey named Sam nibbled fruit,
scratched himself vigorously and
displayed a healthy interest in
humans yesterday after a spinning
rocket trip through the fringes of
outer space.
Sam, a seven - pound rhesus
monkey, was plucked from the At-
lantic Friday off the North Caro-
lina coast after a 55-mile high trip
in a Project Mercury capsule. A
Navy destroyer brought Texas-
born Sam here yesterday.
The capsule, designed to carry
man in his first orbit around the
Earth, was boosted into space from
Wallops Island, Va., by a Little
Joe Rocket. It attained a top
speed of 3,600 miles an hour.
"It was very simple," was the
way the recovery operation was
described by Commander Joseph
Sahaj, Skipper of the destroyer
Borie, which picked up the cap-
sule 120 miles off Cape Hatteras,
"It took us 15 minutes," Sahaj
said. "We received instructions by
radio on how to open the capsule.
I opened it with a wrench."
Sam, still encased in his air-
tight Biopack container, was lifted
from the capsule six hours after
th launching and taken to the
Borie's sick bay. There, Sahaj

opened the
a hale and

container and greeted
hearty Sam, wearing


The 30-month old monkey re-
sponded by nibbling parts of an
apple and an orange and drinking
a little water. He scratched his
head several times.
Officials of the National Aero-
nautics and Space Agency (NASA)
said Sam apparently suffered no
ill-effects during his ride.
The bell - shaped capsule was
shot aloft at Wallops at 11:15 a.m.
(EST) and splashed into the At-
lantic 40 minutes later.


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December 6, 1959

Page 3





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