Freestylers, Butterflyers in Form
For 'M' Swim Gala Competition
Warriors, Celtics Triumph
Rangers Top Canadiens, 7-d
By The Associated Press
(t 1
Comedy and, novelty acts, water
ballets, demonstrations and other
features have always highlighted
the Michigan Swim Gala, but next
Saturday in the 25th Annual Gala,
entertainment may have to take
a back seat to the swimming
In the past, the swimming events
have usually been secondary to
what Michigan Swim Coach Gus
Stager calls, "As fine a swim show
as can be seen anywhere," how-
ever the races scheduled are likely
to be among the best to be seen in
Ann Arbor, or anywhere else, this
The. events carded for the Gala
are the 50, 100, 220 and 440-yard
freestyle, 100 and 220-yard breast-
stroke, 100 and 220-yard back-
stroke and 100-yard butterfly.
Some Local Swimmers
The 100-yard freestyle, 220-yard
breastroke and the 220-yard back-
stroke are open to Michigan swim-
mers only. The other events have
drawn a field of AAU swimmers
from throughout the state, Ohio
and Canada.
Highlighting these events will be
the 100-yard butterfly in which
the major participents will be
Dave Gillanders, Tony Tashnick
and Frank Legacki.
For the last three years these
three have won every event open
to butterflys and have shattered
record after record in the process.
Their combined achievements read
like a precis of the swim record
book's butterfly section:
Tony Tashnick--1958, 1959 Big
Ten 100, 200-yard butterfly cham-
pion; 1958, 1959 Big Ten 200-yard
individual medley champion; 1958
NCAA 100, 200 - yard butterfly
champion; American, NCAA, and
Big Ten record holder 200-yard
butterfly; Big Ten 100-yard but-
terfly record holder; 1958 AAU
100 - yard butterfly champion;
NCAA, American and Big Ten
record holder 200-yard individual
medley; fourth place 1959 Pan
American Games, 200 meter but-
Dave Gillanders - 1959 NCAA
100, 200-yard butterfly champion;
NCAA 100-yard butterfly record
holder; 1959 Pan American Games
Champion and record holder, 200
meter butterfly.
Frank Legacki-1959 AAU 100-
yard butterfly champion; Ameri-
can, AAU record holder, 100-yard
butterfly; 1959 NCAA, Big Ten
100-yard freestyle champion; 100-
yard butterfly, United States team
versus Japan, 1959.
Wolverine Captain,
Tashnick, who is the current
Wolverine captain, came to Michi-
gan as an unhearlded prepster
from Detroit. As a sophomore he'
shocked Michigan swim fans with
a brilliant performance in the 1957'
Gala and went on to win three
Big Ten, two NCAA and one AAU
Last season as a junior he re-
peated as a triple winner in the
Big Ten meet, but was defeated by
his teammates-Gillanders, in the
NCAA and Pan-American meets,
and Legacki, in the AUU meet.
While winning these events,
Tashnick has lowered the col-
legiate and American record for
the 200-yard individual medley
by one second and the 200-yard
butterfly by :05.8 seconds.
Last year as a sophomore Gil-
landers swam in Tashnick's sha-
dow for the greater part of the
season. Tashnick consistently
placed ahead of the Royal Oak
sophomore, who is an honor stu-
dent in Engineering.
Through the Big Ten meet
Tashnick had taken all honors,
but at the NCAA championships
at Cornell Gillanders reached his
peak and won both butterfly
In the Shadow Again
Throughout the summer Gil-
landers was again swimming in
somebody's shadow, but this time
it was Mike Troy of Indiana who
was leading the pack.
Persistence paid off again for
Gillanders as he finally caught up
with Troy and defeated him in the
finals of the Pan-American games
in Chicago in early September.
Unlike Gillanders and Tashnick,
Legacki is basically a freestyler
competing only in occasional but-
terfly events. In both the Big Ten
and NCAA meets Legacki concen-
trated on the freestyle and won
both 100-yard championships as
well as swimming on the winning
freestyle relay teams.
In the AAU meet Legacki made
one of his infrequent appearances
in the butterfly - actually his
fourth in competition - and he
not only won the 100-yard butter-
fly championship, but also set an
American and AAU record in the
process. This, and many of the
other records held by the trio,
would be world records, however
world records are accepted only if
swam in a long course pool.
Butterfly for Improving
Like many other Michigan free-
stylers, Legacki took up the but-
terfly as a means by which to im-
prove himself as a freestyler. How-
ever, he wound up as a butterfly
champion instead.
In the last year all three have
represented the United States in
the butterfly in international com-
This season, an Olympic year,
all three will be eyeing the road to
Rome in the butterfly, which is the
United States' strongest event.
Thus, this race, although the
first of the season, may be a par-
tial preview of Big Ten, NCAA,
AAU and Olympic prospects.
Besides this event, topflight
competition is expected in the
backstroke between John Smith,
Alex Gaxiola and Fred Wolfe; in
the breastroke by Ron Clark and
freshman Mike Nelson; in the
freestyle events by Legacki, Dick
Hanley, John McGuire, Bill Dar-
ton, freshmen Owen Kleinschmidt
and Brook Plumber; and in diving
between Joe Gerlach, Bob Webster,
Tee Francis, Ron Jaco, Pete Cox
and Ernie Meisner.
The Boston Celtics held off a
late rally by the Cincinnati Roy-
als last night and pulled out a
114-111 victory in the first game
of a National Basketball Assn.
Cincinnati rallied from a 17-
point deficit to 'within one point
of the Eastern Division leaders at
112-111 with 11 seconds remain-
ing. However, Bob Cousy froze the
ball for the next 10 seconds and,
after being fouled, clinched the
victory with two free throws with
one second remaining.
Boston led 93-76 in the final
minute of the third period. Then
Cincinnati, paced by Dave Pion-
tek and Wayne Embry, slowly cut
into the lead and reduced Bos-
otn's advantage to 109-104 with
two minutes remaining.
* * *
Philadelphia 123, Minneapolis 109
The Philadelphia W a r r io r s,
playing alertly only in spots, used
Wilt Chamberlain's 41 points as
a springboard to a 123-109 vic-
tory over Minneapolis last night
in the second game of a Nation-
al Basketball Assn. doubleheader.
A crowd of 8,732 saw Boston
hold off a Cincinnati rally and
post a 114-111 victory in the
Minneapolis, battling to stay
out of the cellar in the Western
Division, played the Warriors to
a standstill until late in the third
Then, Tom Gola, Vern Hatton
and Chamberlain sent the Tribe
from a four-point lead at 76-72
into an 86-77 lead by the end of
the period.
New York 7, Montreal 4
The New York Rangers threw
scoring power and highly effec-
tive fore-checking at the Mon-
treal Canadiens last night as they
humiliated the National Hockey
League leaders 7-4 and vacated
the league cellar.
The defeat was only the fourth
of the season for the Canadiens
but it was their second straight.
Two of the setbacks have been by
the Rangers, who have won a
mere four of their 24 games. The
victory moved the New Yorkers a
point ahead of idle Chicago.
In piling up their largest score
of the season, the Rangers
matched the Canadiens goal-for-
goal in a 2-2 first period, sped
away in the second as they tallied
three times to Montreal's once
and then continued the rout with
a 2-1 margin in the finale.
Dean Prentice, about the fast-
est skater on the ice, and Eddie
Shack each counted two goals for
the New Yorkers, who made a
mess of Doug Harvey night for
the 14,363 fans.
BUTTERFLY BAT'TLERS - Michigan's national championship
swimming team can boast three of the top butterfly men in the
country. Performing in the Swim Gala will be (left to right) Tony
Tashnik, Dave Gillanders and Frank Legacki.
Webb-Fulmer for -Title
By The Associated Press
LOGAN Utah-Champion Gene
Fulmer and challenger Spider
Webb kept their battle plans
strictly secret yesterday on the eve
of their 15-round bout for the
NBA world middleweight chan-
pionship here tonight.
As the boxers awaited the open-
ing bell, this Utah town of 16,802
eagerly looked forward to its first
title fight. The site was chosen
since it is near both West Jordan,
Utah, Fullmer's home town, and
Pocatello, Idaho, where Webb
boxed at Idaho State College.
Also, the Utah State University
f5eldhouse with its seating capacity
of 7,000 was available for the
nationally televised scrap.
Neither Fullmer nor Webb ex-
pects any trouble in making the
160-pound weight.
Webb, at 5'9", holds a one-inch
height advantage and three inches
in reach. He has stopped four
straight foes, Joey Giardello, Terry
Downes, Bobby Body and Neal
Rivers, since losing a 10-round
verdict to Fullmer in September
of 1958.
The champion is favored at
about 7-5 to retain his crown.
ALL-AMERICA CHOICES-This is the Associated Press" All-America football team for 1959: Ends,
Miarlin McKeever, Southern Cal., and Fred Mautino, Syracuse; tackles, Dan Lanphear, Wisconsin,
and Don Floyd, Texas Christian; guards, Bill Burrell, Illinois, and Roger Davis, Syracuse; center,
Maxie Baughan, Georgia Tech; backs, Bob Schloredt, Washington; Billy Cannon, Louisiana State;
Jim Mooty, Arkansas, and Charles Flowers, Mississippi.
Fri., Dec. 11 9-12 P.M.
VFW Hall 314 East Liberty
admission 75c per person
ID Required You Must Be 21
- I
Cannon, Heisman Winner,
Tops All-America Ballots
NE 'W YORK (A)-Billy Cannon,I
top professional draft choice and
1959 Reisman Trophy winner, yes-
*terday was named for the secondI
straight year to the Associated
"Press All America Football Team.
*The Louisiana State halfback is
joinmed by amazing one-eyed quar-
terback Bob Schloredt, who di-'
rected Washington to its first Rose'
Bowl appearance in 16 years, rug-'
ged Mississippi fullback- Charley'
Flowers and Arkansas' Jim Mooty,
who wasn't even supposed to' play
this season.
In front of this talented quartet
is a mobile line, averaging 2131
pounds, led by guard Roger Davis
and end Fred Mautino of mighty
Bill Burrell of Illinois is the
other guard while Marlin Mc-
Keever of Southern California
fholds down: the other flank. Maxie
Baughan of Georgia Tech is the !
center, with Donf Floyd of Texas
Christian: and Dan Lamphear of
Wisconsin at the tackles.
The Associated Press All Amer-'
ica is selected on the, basis -of the
recommendations of 12 regional'
boards composed of newspapermen
and newscasters,. and- takes into
account all games through Nov. 28.j
Mautino, McKeever, and $chlor-
edt are juniors. The rest, are sen-
Cannon is a 3-year-old 208-
ipound father of -three who was
eagerly grabbed by Los Angeles in
the first round of the NationalI
Football League draft. He was
>selected as the Collegiate Player-
of -the-Year by the Heismah Comn-
t. tI"
Of certain welcome
at Christmastide'
A gift of proper importance
is that of a ine woollen sport
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Q. Excuse me, Sir,
Are you
a Cordwainer
who brings
louse service
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ss1 hu
lJAt. R
thUn 2hata
A. Shucks, no. Bootmaking is just a hobby with me. It's like I thin
should have a hobby.
Q. Well.., this is interesting. A man who thinks for himself! Tell r
did you take up cobbling?f
A. That's easy. I looked into the facts . .. discovered that I have fe,
Q. Mighty shrewd. And,' of course, what could be more logical
bliss to the hearts of Michigan girls with his special man-tailored bl
and that certain joie de vivre to Michigan men with "Vital Area" pres
turn to shoemaking?
A. You smoked me out. Truth is, a COURTEOUS TROJAN SER
RESENTATIVE does a heap of truck driving, doesn't walk enough. M
have the most ... and the cats come running. Arches fall.
Q. And do you think that everyone should send their clothes to TR(
A. Hell, yes!
from $3
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