ucksters Oppose Colorado College in Home Li
quad To Battle Untested Opponent;
olorado Boasts Two Speedy Lines
Michigan Sailing Club, Ends Second;
Scherer Stars in Chicago Regatta
Coach Al Renfrew's high-scor-
ing Michigan hockey team, fresh'
from its Thanksgiving conquests
in the East, moves into faster
company tonight as they entertain
conference foe Colorado College at
the Coliseum.
Winners in three out of four'
holiday games, Renfrew's squad
has averaged six goals per game.
Colora4o's Opener
Colorado is yet untested. The
two games to be held here tonight
and tomorrow will be the first of
the year for Coach Tony Frasca's
However Frasca's team, though
small physically, has good speed
and is sure to provide more op-
position than the eastern schools
did last weekend.
Leading the Tigers in tonight's
game will be their number one
center and captain, Bob Kahoot.
Kahoot, who has two fast wings
beside him in Bryan Bleekney and
Bill Goodacre, is expected to pro-
vide Michigan with some tight
Speed also prevails on the second
line. Wayne Gee at center and
Ed Boychubk and Tom Love at
the wings team up to give Frasca
his second high scoring line. Said
Frasca, "Gee has looked especially
good and has been scoring well in
Arrived Last Night
The 15 man Colorado College
team arrived here last night from
Colorado Springs and worked out
on the Coliseum ice to loosen up
after the long flight from the
Rocky Mountains.
Michigan is led by the senior
line of Bob White, Gary Mattson
and Steve Bochen. Bochen and
Mattson each pumped home three
goals last weekend while White,
with 10 points, is the leading scor-
er on the team.
Not far behind in the team scor-
ing derby are Joe Lunghammer,
Dale MacDonald and Bill Kelly.
Lunghammer also got three goals
while MacDonald picked up four
assists, second only to White's
nine. Kelly is the squad's leading
goal getter with four.
Coyle Sharp in Nets
Jim Coyle in the nets has been
brilliant, shutting out both St.
Lawrence and Clarkson while
yielding only one goal to, Toronto.
The Michigan defense with Cap-
tain Bobbie Watt at the helm de-
serves much of the credit, but this
still does not detract from Coyle's
All of the Wolverines will be
ready to play tonight with the pos-
sible exceptions of sophomore for-
wards Al Hinnegan and Carl
White. Both suffered minor in-
juris last week but were on skates
yesterday and may be ready by
game time.
This is the first appearence here
for Colorado College in two years
and it is the first time a Frasca-
coached team has met Michigan.
Michigan's Sailing Club finished
its season last weekend as the Wol-
verines copped second place in
the Midwest's biggest sailing re-
AFL Drafts
CHECKING THE ICE-Looking over the ice at the Michigan
Coliseum is the senior line of (left to right) Steve Rochen, Bob
White and Gary Mattson as they prepare for tonight's home
opener against Colorado College.
Denver Ranked as Pre-Season Favorites
The Western Intercollegiate
Hockey Association has just been
newly re-organized this year, but
the coaches already have their
eyes on Denver as the power in
the league..
In a poll of the WIHA mentors,
the western team was picked as
the strongest in the league. Close
on its heels were the Nodaks of
North Dakota.
Despite their 8-13-1 showing
last year, Michigan's Wolverines
were picked to hold down the
third spot in -the seven team con-
ference, on the basis of a strong
group of sophomores moving up
to varsity ranks.
Following the Wolverines in the
coaches' estimation came Michi-
gan Tech, Michigan State, Minne-
sota and Colorado College.
Potential Powerhouse
Denver, a potential power-
house is untested in league play,
while North Dakota opened its
season at home last week against
the graduation-riddled Spartans
of Michigan State.
Although they outshot the
Spartans, 43'-15, the Nodaks were
held to a 2-2 tie in the series
opener, but came back strong the
following night to crush MSU, 5-1.
The big gun for the North Dakota
team is Guy LaFrance, senior cen-
ter and captain. The North Da-
kota publicity department is al-
ready boosting him for All-
American honors.
Despite having gone to the
NCAA finals in Troy, N. Y. last
March, the Spartans were ranked
far down the ladder on the basis
of having lost 10 lettermen, in-
cluding All-American goalie, Joe
Last Week's Action
Other league contests last week
pitted Michigan' Tech against
Minnesota. Play went according
to the book, as the Huskies of
Houghton stopped the Gophers,
8-5 and 4-2. Tech's center, Paul
Coppo led the northern Michigan
squad as he registered the first
hat trick of the young season in
the first game.
League Question Mark
The question mark in the league
is Colorado College. The Colorado
team was given a pre-season oel-
lar berth, but will have a chance
to show its stuff this weekend as
it is to be tested with four games
in five nights.
Colorado College meets the
Wolverines. here tonight and to-
morrow and after taking Sunday
off, moves up to East Lansing
where it will face the Spartans on
Monday and Tuesday.
Harper, Too
Darrell Harper, Michigan's left
halfback this season, was contact-
ed yesterday by the American
Football League and told that he
had been drafted by the Buffalo'
ball club of the new league.
Harper had been notified ear-
lier in the week by the Detroitj
Lions that he was one of their
draft choices. However, he indi-
cated that regardless of the Amer-.
ican League's proposition, the
National Football League and the
Lions were still his first choice.
The NFL would be much tougher
to break into, Harper admitted,
but the fact that it is already well,
established would offer a poten-'
tial professional football player
more security than a league which;
doesn't even have coaches yet.
"The American Football League1
would probably be a lot easier to
make," Harper went on, "but I
was a higher draft choice with
the Lions than I was in the AFL."
When asked if either of the
professional leagues mentioned
any special role for him, Harper
said that neither offer gave speci-
fics as to what job it hoped he
would be able to take on. It is ex-
pected that besides filling a pos-
sible halfback slot, Harper would
be called upon as a kicking spe-
Since a guarantee of money or
of a position on the squad does
not accompany a draft choice no-
tice Harper hopes to coach or'
teach somewhere in Michigan if
nothing materializes from his
hoped-for professional football
gatta-the Timme Angesten Me-'
morial Regatta, in Chicago.
Hindered by a snow - plugged
lakefront and shifty winds, the
Wolverines fell 12 points behind
the victorious Coast Guard Acad-
emy. The Michigan sailors com-
piled 257 total points to hurl
highly-regarded Brown back into
third place with 232 points.
Brown, one of the East's re-
nowned sailing clubs, had taken
first place in the Regatta in '55,
'56 and '57 and was touted .this
year to be a contender agaifn for
the lead spot.
Scherer, 'A' division skipper for
Michigan, tallied 137 points, to tie
for individual honors with the
Coast Guard's Bill Parks. Aiding
Scherer was crewman Bob Mar-
tin, while crewman John Gold-
smith piloted for 'B' division skip-
per, Miss Timme Schneider.
A snowstorm on the first day of
competition hampered the enter-
ing schools, and all but Michigan,
were -disqualified in at least one
Although these penalties caused
the point spread to remain close
throughout most of the regatta,
the Coast Guard dominated most
of the events over the Wolverines
and. Brown, while the other nine
schools dropped back. Finishing
in order were Wisconsin, George-
town, Ohio State, Wayne State,
Notre Dame, Ohio. Wesleyan,
Michigan State, Marquette and.
Wooster College.
The previous week, the -Wol-
verines found themselves, over-
shadowed as they placed fifth in
the eastern classic at the Naval
Academy-the War Memorial Re-
gatta. Host Navy captured the
coveted Memorial Trophy by edg-
ing powerful Princeton 239-223.
Boston College finished a strong
C third with 219 points while the
Coast Guard, Michigan and
Georgetown placed fourth, fifth
and sixth with 208, 206 and. 204
points respectively.
Despite capturing four of the 24
races, a feat duplicated only by
Georgetown, the Wolverines finish-
ed far behind the East's three
powerhouses, Navy, Princeton and
Boston College,
State was seventh, Columbia
eighth, followed by Webb Insti-
tute, Cornell, Haverford and New
York Maritime Academy.
WCBN, The Campus Broadcast-
ing Network, kicks off its winter
schedule of play-by-play broad-
casts of Michigan sports events
with the Michigan-Drake basket-
ball game Saturday at 7:55 p.m.
WCBN will be broadcasting all
home basketball games, Big Ten
and non-conference, plus the away
Conference games. In addition, the
station will be carrying several
Michigan hockey games, home and
away, when the schedule does not
conflict with the basketball games.
In addition to the Michigan-
Drake basketball game, other
broadcasts this semester include:
Jan. 8--Hockey - Michigan °vs.
Michigan Tech
Jan. 9-Basketball- Michigan
vs. Michigan State
Jan. 11--Basketball -- Michigan
vs. Indiana
Jan. 15-Hockey-Michigan Vs.
Michigan State
Jan. 16-Basketball-- Michigan
vs. Minnesota; Hockey final
period of Michigan vs. Michigan
State following end of basketball
12:30 P.M.-4:30 P.M.
Ad. Building
NYU 70, Marquette 69
MSU ,96, Bowling Green 6S7
Tennessee 102, Davidson :68
Ohio State 94, Memphis State. 55
Southern' Methodist 73, Minn. 60
Miami (Fla.) 106, Jacksonville
(Fla.) 981.
Maryland 64, George Washington 57
Tulane 90, Louisiana College 72
Ilinois 83, Butler 75
Carnegie Techt~19, Slippery Rock
116 (two overtimes)
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