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December 04, 1959 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-04

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More than 80 per cent of the requested University budget for
1960-61 will be earmarked for faculty salaries.
This percentage is about the same as for the past decade, but
the actual amounts of money have increased: in 1995-60, $35 mil-
lion out of $43 million was given to salaries, while the proposed
budget allots $41 million out of $50 million. These figures include
money from legislative appropriations and student fees.
The requested increases, Administrative Dean Robert L. Wil-
liams explained, would cover a new nine per cent raise for faculty
members similar to this year's, when there was an increase of al-
most 10 per cent.
To Make Up Pack
Five per cent of the new raise will go to make up the defi-
ciency between past faculty salary boosts and rises in the income
of the average American worker, and four per cent will go to "meri-
torious" individuals to keep pace with the economy's present rate of
expansion, he amplified.
The American Association of University Professors, gives the
University a "C" rating on minimum salaries and a "B" on average
Russian Leaders
Sense Problems
Soviet Heads Aware of Prosperity
Slavis Languages Professor Says
Soviet leaders are becoming conscious of the problem of rising
prosperity and its implications for their regime, Prof. Ernest J. Sim-
mons of Columbia University said last night.
Prof. Simmons began his lecture, delivered under the auspices of
the Slavic languages department, by observing that there is more
truth than cliche in the saying, "there are no experts on the Soviet
Union, there are only variable degrees of ignorance."
Over 30 years of continual study and visits to the Soviet Union






And faculty salaries have increased far less than the national
faculty average, the University report regarding its request for
1960-61, released last month, indicated.
Faced with faculty competition from other universities, and
competition also from industry, the University will have to raise
faculty salaries, it maintained.
It listed salary increases made or planned by other Big Ten
universities as one of the factors leading to need for new raises for
University faculty members.
Two conference schools plan eight per cent raises next year,
supplementing raises last year of eight and 13 per cent.
The report said other midwestern universities seek similar ad-
Cite Figures
National Education Association figures cited by the report com-
pare University salary gains to national trends.
From 1955-58, the average national gain for professors was 14.1
per cent, while the University's was 5.1. Other figures: associate
professor, 14.5 per cent and 3.1 per cent; assistant professor, 13.7
per cent and 6.3 per cent; instructor, 11.6 per cent and 5.3 per cent.
At present, University salaries range from a low of $4,400 per

year for some instructors to a high of $19,000 for a few veteran
professors, the report continues. Faculty-wide average is $9,276.
Rates for younger faculty members should especially be raised,
Williams suggested.
Fifty years ago, Williams said, men with doctorates had no
place to go but into universities; today the situation is radically
different. Attractions other than academic dignity and status and
loyalty to a university are needed.
The report says a serious difficulty in attracting "promising
young PhD's" to the University is the slow rate of salary advance.
A man under 25 years entering the faculty will get an average
$4,537 per year, and will not be able to reach the total average sal-
ary level - $9,300 - until at least past 40. From 50 to 70, there
is an average increment of $2,000.
Notes Federal Scale
The report notes new federal civil service pay scales where
government and universities compete for graduates in political sci-
ence, sociology, economics, accounting and related subjects. The
lowest federal grade commands a $9 to $10 thousand salary, while
in the upper echelons, top is $17,500.
The situation of the University relative to other universities is

shown by a comparison to Harvard University: teaching fellows
there earn more than some University instructors, while some in-
structors receive between $6,000 and $6,500 per year.
University rates range between the $4,400 minimum and $6,800,
with an average $5,700. This average is $300 below the Harvard
The instructor minimum at the New York City colleges is also
above the University average by $200.
The comparison shows similar results at higher levels. Har-
vard's minimum for assistant professors is only a little below the
University average of $7,100, while that of the New York colleges
exceeds it.
Other Schools Compared
Both Harvard and New York's minimum for associate profes-
sors are only two to four hundred dollars below the University's
$8,700 average scale.
On the professor level, the University average of $12,400 is only
$400 above the Harvard minimum, though it exceeds New York's
mimimum by $2,000.
Recent figures released by Princeton University indicate a base
of $8,000 for associate and $11,000 for full professors. The budget
See 'U', Page 2


t togan
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXX, No 60




have given him "an indefinable fr
Ike Favors
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower indicated
today that he would favor repeal
of the non-Communist affidavit
required for Federal student loans.
He told his news conference that
a standard oath of allegiance, like
that taken by public officials, was
Such an oath of allegiance is
required by the National Defense
Education Act of 1958. A student
seeking a loan must swear to sup-
port the constitution and laws of
the United States.
Requires Signature
But in addition the act requires
student borrowers to sign a so-
called 'negative affidavit.' This
-says that the student does not be-
lieve in, neither supports nor be-
longs to an organization believing
in, the overthrow of the Govern-
ment by force.
This negative affidavit has
brought protests from many edu-
cational organizations. Five uni-
versities refused from the start to
take part in the loan program be-
cause of the affidavit. Eleven
others have withdrawn, most re-
cently Harvard and Yale Univer-
The President said he 'rather
deplored' these university with-
drawals because students were pre-
vented from taking loans. The
same'position was taken by Eisen-
hower's former administrative as-
sistant, Kevin McCann, president
of Defiance College in Defiance,
Ohio, in a letter to The New York
Times last Monday.
Opposes Compulsion -
But President Eisenhower said
that "when we begin to single out
any group of citizens" and impose
a loyalty affidavit on them as "a
matter of legal compulsion," then
h he could "see why they are resent-
He said he had not particularly
liked the non - Communist affi-
davit requirement when the bill
was originally passed. The provi-
sion was added on the floor of the
Senate in a little-noticed amend-
ment by Sen. Karl E. Mundt, (R-
South Dakota).
The President's statement favor-
ing the simple oath of allegiance
undoubtedly will greatly improve
the chances of a bill to repeal the
non-Communist affidavit in the
next session of Congress.
(Copyrigt 199, New York Times;
Reprinted by Special Permission)
MSU Debates
Students at Michigan State
University are taking definite
steps to alleviate the compulsory
ROTC program.
Their student government will
ask Congress to look into compul-


el for the ebb and flow of life" in
Russia, he said, and his specula-
tions on her future are an out-
growth of this experience.
Khrushchev's Policy Planned
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's
current policy favoring improve-
ment of living standards is moti-
vated by a desire to show other
nations that his brand of Com-
munism is a short cut to material
prosperity, Prof. Simmons said.
Despite the gains made by
Khrushchev's regime, he com-
mented, visitors from the United
States agree with what they have
heard at home about the low
living standards and drab exis-
tence -of Soviet people.
However, today's Russia should
be compared rather with the Rus-
sia of the twenties than with the


'U' Changes
Card Form
The railroad ticket is now one
way - out.
Replacing it is a single regis-
tration card, to be used for the
first time in Feb. It will be used
in the architecture and design,
natural resources, nursing and so-
cial work schools and will go into
effect for all colleges beginning
in June, 1960.
The University extension serv-
ice will also adopt it as the regu-
lar registration method in Feb.
To Be Duplicated
The IBM seven-and-one-half-
by-f our inch card will be dupli-
cated and then distributed to the
fourteen offices which formerly
received separate parts of the
railroad ticket.
"We hope it will give better
service to both the offices and
students," Edward G. Groesbeck,
Director of Registration and Rec-
ords, said.
The new form will cost no more
than the longer form, which was
expensive to print and to cut.
To Simplify Registration
"We have tried to make regis-
tration as simple as possible, and
don't expect many difficulties,"
he commented. "All we need now
is the cooperation of 24,000 stu-
With the new system, it will be
essential that students register on
time, Groesbeck said. Missing out
on the duplication device, those
registering late will have to fill
out 14 separate cards.
"We expect that this copy will
be a better one - if the student
fills out only one card, he'll do a
better job," he said.
When the new system isa adopt-
ed by all parts of the University,
it will involve the duplication of
more than a quarter of a million
"But," he said, "it sounds like
the plus side all the way."
Buying Days
This is to remind you there
are r3 of them left before the
Christmas exodus.


Senate-Approved Tax Program














Senators Discuss New Nuisance Taxes

... talks on Russia
United States for a valid concep-
tion of the advancements made.
he suggested.
Calls Moscow Cosmopolitan
Moscow, which Prof. Simmons
termed the "showpiece of the
Soviet Union," is relatively cosmo-
politan in its buildings, streets,
transportation. He noted that in-
stallment buying has become pop-
ular lately.
This steady improvement in the
material conditions of life is re-
flected even in villages, and im-
presses the "little people" of the
Soviet Union, he said.
He added that these people take
little interest in politics although
they are made aware of Soviet
achievements by incessant propa-
ganda. They know that under the
Soviet regime Russia has become
the second greatest nation of the
world, however.
Says People Patriotic
."The little people of Russia are
proud of their country, and are
deeply patriotic," he said. -
Only another revolution, how-
ever, could bridge the chasm that
has developed between the two
distinct classes of this so-called
classless society, he emphasized.
A great gap separates the work-
ers from the new "privileged
class," consisting of the ruling
group, the aristocracy and the
young intellectuals, he said. This
group is conservative, since it has
a vested interest in the regime.
New Class Wants Luxuries
Nevertheless, signs of "reaching
out for the amenities of life, the

Though it was apparent that
party differences are as great as
ever, four Republican and Demo-
cratic senators all affirmed here
last night they were unhappy
about the "nuisance tax" package.
But the newly-revised tax pro-
gram, plus Veteran's Trust Fund
liquidation, will pull the state
through the rest of the 1959-60
fiscal year, Sen. Clyde H. Geer-
lings (R-Holland), head of the
senate taxation committee, ex-
The senators addressed a Uni-
versity audience at the Student
Government Council- Union-spon-
sored debate in tie Undergraduate
Geerlings said the GOP will
continue to push for a November
referendum on a sales tax in-
Explains Situation
"I don't like any part of the
package," he admitted, but added
that Democratic opposition to a
sales tax and Republican reluc-
tance on an income tax left little
Sen. Paul C. Younger (R-Lans-
ing) added, "I am not happy with
it, but it will do the job" of carry-
ing the state through the tax crisis
at least temporarily.
Geerlings supported his claims,
citing figures which he said
showed there would be a large
enough "growth factor" in the
state's tax receipts through June
to compensate for the "nuisance
taxes" not voted.
Sen. George C. Steeh (D-Mt.
Clemens) called the nuisance tax
package inadequate.
He said ever since the sales tax
diversion amendment of 1947,
there has been a patchwork of tax
solutions by the Republican-con-
trolled legislature.
Steeh said the new GOP-spon-
sored package is another ' patch
since it would provide only tem-
porary relief, rather than ease

-Daily-David Cantrell
GREETINGS EXCHANGE-Republican and Democratic senators huddle with Prof. James K. Pollock
(right), chairman of the political science department before the Student Government Council-Union
sponsored tax crisis debate at the Undergrad last night. Left to right, Democrats Basil W. Brown
(Detroit) and George C. Steeh (Mt. Clemens) and Republicans Clyde H. Geerlings (Holland) and
Paul C. Younger (Lansing). Prof. Pollock moderated the debate.

long-term demands-on state funds.
The Republican senators in turn
charged the Democrats had
blocked their attempts to place a
resolution for a general sales tax
increase op last April's ballot.
The state constitution prohibits
increasing the sales tax beyond its
present rate of three cents on
dollar retail purchases. Only a
public referendum can increase
the sales tax ceiling.
State Democratic Position
Geerlings and Younger claimed
the Democrats opposed putting the
sales tax proposal on the ballot
last spring because the public
would not have time to under-
stand the issue.
Now, they said, Democrats op-
pose a referendum when there is
plenty of time for the people to
consider the measure, since it will

not come to the polls until Nov.
Sen. Basil W. Brown (D-Detroit)
preferred a combination personal
income-corporate profits tax to
increase the sales tax.j
Accused Gov. Williams
Geerlings, however, charged that
Gov. G. Mennen Williams' Janu-
ary television address advocating
a graduated income tax had
dampened popular support of any,
income tax.
He also reasoned that a corpor-
ate profits tax would make neces-
sary an income tax which, he
asserted, the people are definitely
against. Corporate business, he
said, would demand taxes on un-
incorporated businesses, which in
turn, would ask a personal income
tax to distribute the tax burden

Italian Exhibition To Open Tomorrow

Union Wants
workers Union last night proposed
that President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower instruct his inquiry board
to recommend a solution of all
issues in the steel dispute.
The union acted only minutes
after Eisenhower, in a nationwide
TV - radio speech, demanded a
quick end to the dispute which
threatens a renewed steel strike
late next month.
David J. McDonald, union presi-
dent, said he agreed entirely with
Eisenhower's position that a set-
tlement in steel is long overdue.
The union chief said he is will-
ing to negotiate a settlement with-
in the framework of any recom-
mendation which Eisenhower's
steel inquiry panel might make.
McDonald said that he made
the inquiry board proposal in a
letter delivered to Eisenhower be-
fore the President's speech last
George W. Taylor, Chairman of
Eisenhower's Steel Fact Finding
Committee, declined comment.
Taylor said he had not been'con-
tacted by the White House about
McDonald's suggestion.
Galens Drive
Opens Today
The 32nd annual Galens Christ-
mas Drive opens today and will
continue through tomorrow.

Attack Plan
GOP Caucus Asks
Rise of $16 Million
To End State Crisis
LANSING (AP)-First steps were
taken in the House yesterday
toward fattening up the Senate
$34 million emergency tax plan.
Republicans took a stand for an
increase of at least $16 dollars, set-
ting their sights on a minimum of
50 millions.
Democrats, for the time being,
washed their hands of the affair
amid fresh and pungent criticisms
of the GOP Senate tax bundle as
inadequate and worse.
Dispersed Until Tuesday
Before anything concrete could
be accomplished, lawmakers dis-
persed until Tuesday.
The GOP caucus, with about
three-fourths of the members on
hand, suggested $19 million in ad-
It supported putting an extra
mill on the corporation franchise
tax to boost the package yield $12
million, and a $5 tax on moving
traffic violations to produce six
million more.
Demands Larger Program,
Rep. Allison Green (R-Kings-
ton), GOP floor leader, spoke out
in stronger terms than other Re-
publicans in the demand for .a
larger program.
"Personally, I'm taking the posi-
tion that the House will stand for
nothing less then $50 million. I
think we need 50 to 60 millions to
do the job," he told newsmen.
Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski (D-De-
troit),'Democratic floor leader; sat
on a huddle with Republican lead-
ers but said he was ready to make
no commitments.
Democrats Don't Agree
There were further signs it
would be pretty much a go-it-
alone proposition for Republicans
in the House, except for the sup-
plying of the necessary few Demo-
cratic votes for whatever the GOP
finally agreed on.
Kowalski blistered the GOP Sen-
ate program as a "scatter-brained
scheme to freeze continued in-
solvency into the laws of Michi-
He added:
"While this fabricated financial
fantasy prevails in the Senate Re-
publican caucus, responsible state
officials are trying to pay Republi-
can-contracted bills with money
existing only in the minds of the
Senate Taxation Committee."
Democrats Didn't Field
Apparently, Democrats weren't
ready to yield a bit on their de-
mand for $110 million in new
taxes, plus release of the Veterans
Trust Fund for another $40 mil-
lion or more.
MeanwhileRepublican members
of the bipartisan House Tax Com-
promise Committee that reported
Tuesday began to edge on the posi-
tion then subscribed to.
The bipartisan group called for

An exhibition of painting in
post-war Italy will open at the
University Museum of Art tomor-
Circulated by the American Fed-
eration of Art, it includes the work'
of 41 contemporary Italian artists.
The paintings, selected to portray
new aspects and trends in Italian
art, were chosen by Prof. Lionello
Venturi of the University of Rome.
Three generations of painters
are represented. The first, estab-
lished before the war, still mirror
the contrast between the figurative
and the abstract. The post-war
liberation saw reconstruction in.
the arts as well as in the political
sphere, with artists now reaching
beyond abstraction to reality.

I i~~3 U

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