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December 01, 1959 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-01

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306-310 5. MAIN ST.

Christmas Carols T o Invade
Hit Parades, Reeord Stores

Gay Streets Set H oliday Mood


Misses' & Women's
fol. that lovely

With the coming of the Christ-
mas season, the record shops
arounde town arc displaying the
Christmas albums.
The change on the album covers
from thinly-clad voluptuous wom-
en to small freckle-faced children
singing Christmas carols in the
snow reflects also the change in
the msic.
The season of peace and good.
will is here and the hymns and
the carols will take the foreground
in the American munsical scene.
Rock and Roll will still blast
from radios across the nation but




Full fashioned

51 gauge,

full fashioned run-resist
and seamless tights.Well

Gong leg look

Constructed with
forced toes. Col
black, red, loden
beige, royal and
Small, Medum

ors are

Many famous band leaders are
getting into the Christmas swing
with recordings for the occasion.
Ray Conniff and his singers pre-
sent a package of songs called
"Christmas with Coniff" aiid Les-
ter Lanin also has put up an
Sing Along
For those who like to sing along
with Mitch-and it seems there
are many who do - "Christmas
Sing Along with Mitch" shiould
come as a pleasant surprise.
Percy Faith and his orchiestra
have several albums on the
Christmas theme. Fred Waring
and his Pennsylvanians greet the
yuletide with "Songs of Christ-
mas" and the Norman Luboff
Choir also has an album of the
same name. The Shaw Chorale
calls their album "Christmas
Hymns and Carols."
In the classical, field, Handel's
"Messiah" is undoubtedly the most
popular at Christmas time.
One of the mnost impressive ar-
rangements this year is the two
record version by the Philadelphia
Orchestra and the Mormon Taber-
nacle Choir.
The Morm5on Choir earned itself
a new groupn of fans this past year
when its r'ecording of "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic" made a
hit in the single record market.
New Recording
Leonard Bernstein conducts the
New York Philharmonic In a one-
record version of the "Messiah."
In thumbing through the dis-
plays of Christmas LP's one finds
the number of albums dealing
with Christmas in other lands very
interesting. Each contains songs
sung at this season in different
countries around the world. The
covers have scenes from the coun-
tries Wfith which they deal.
Speaking of record covers there
is an amazing range of different
ones. Great emphasis is put on
record covers as an important
sales point and this Christmas
season is no exception.
Pictures Shown
Elvis' album as you might expect
has his picture on the cover but
then again the big reason for buy-
ing that one is not to hear the
songs but to get the "20 New Color
Pictures of Elvis" inclosed inside.
The Fred Waring cover shows a
peaceful farm scene, "Christmas
in Australia" shows a beach scene,
Ay of th prevous reods

An early and important sign of
the Christmas season is decking
Main Street, U.S.A., with gaily-
colored holiday decorations and
Main Street, Ann Arbor, is no ex-
The thinking student will ask
"Why?" The cynic gives the rea-
son "Christmas spirit" (bah, hum-
bug), and the monetary-minded
(for shame) says that it boosts
sales for the merchants.
Both -views are wrong, accord-
ing to President of the Ann Arbor
Chamber of Commerce William
Bott. "Community pride" is the
reason behind all the bulbs, ban-
ners and bells that have bright-
ened up the downtown and cam-
pustown of Ann Arbor s ince
Thanksgiving, he said.

Decorations 'Traditional'
City - wide decorations are a
"traditionally American" phenom-
enon, Bott believes. The first to
"gripe" if Ann Arbor has nio dec-
orations, or has faulty or' insig-
nificent ones, are not merchants,
but the citizens, he said.
The banners hung across South
Main do not cause one more pair
of red flannels to be sold, Bott in-
dicated. The owner of a drug store
doesn't ring his cash-register bell
more frequently because a red
wreath is strung" upe outside his
If the Ann Arbor citizen thinks
the wreaths in Dexter are more
aesthetically appealing than the
ones here, Bott continued, he im-

-Daily-David Cantrell
YOUNG DELIGHT-Although we may be Jaded and too old to
appreciate the paper and tinsel that line the streets, to a child the
annual Christmas decorations combine the Joy of watching the
streets bloom in mid-winter, and the thrilr of seeing workmen on
ladders and buildings.


. fromn one extreme


even Elvis Is trying his hand at
singing Christmas songs-wvith a
bedt of course.
Great Numbers
"Everybody wants to get into
the act" would not be an inap-
propriate comn'ent on the number
and variety of singers And other
musical groups who are putting
out Christmas albums.
The biggest surprise among the
newcomers is Edd "Kookie", Byr-
nes of "77 Sunset Strip." Kookie is
one of several stars who get a
chance to sing in the new albumn
"11 Great Christmas Favdrltes
Sung by Warner Bros.' Stars."
Also included are Connie Stev-.
Bwn of the Lwmn" and sv
The cover shows the stars gath-
Claus is putting on the star.
Kookie's selection Is aptly titled
Smooth Sounds
The smooth sound of Johnny
Mathis will be as popular at this
season as It always is and "Merry
Christmas" and "'Good Night Dear
Lord" are sure to be good sellers.
Tiennessee Ernie Ford has done
so well this past year with the
hymns he has recorded on Capitol
that his Christmas album "The
Star Carol" should be well ,re-
No Christmas album by Pat
Boone has been displayed yet but
at any rate Pat should have con-
tinued success with his hymns.
Date of Birth
Christ may not have been born
on Dec. 25.
In the early centuries of Chris-
tianity, the anniversary of the
founder's birth went by unnoticed.
It was fourth century Christians
who finally decided to celebrate
His birthday on Dec. 25.

..street decoration
mediatly complains (oten vocif
trary to thie code of the "Bob"
faction of campus society, some
pple do get riled up over ma-
Applies Locally
At least this can apply to the
year-round Ann Arbor people. Last
year the only damage done to the
decorations was in the South Urn-
versity area. There three decorated
poles were ruined by students,
only one of whom was caught: he
paid a $5& fine.
The total cost for local decora-
tions is $10,000 each year, which
comes from solicitations from, all
businesses In the decorated areas.
The results are the 41 cross-street
and 14 pole decorations that are
now ablaze on Ann Arbor streets,
requiring 55 separate electric cir-
cuits to operate.
The electricity involved a total
of 110 trips for Bott, as he first
checked to see that the current
was turned off before Thanksgiv-
ing, and turned it back on after
the holiday.
Spend 54 Hours
Fifty-four man hours were spent
preparing the decorations. The
work was done by members of the
fire department and the public
workgs department and it took six
men working seven hours a day for
six days to put them all up in

The decorationis are all fire- mm m m a m a
proof, and insured against property
damage. Basically, they're the
same ones as were used last year,
Bott said, except that the lights
were changed to rsed from multi- SMITH -CORONA TYPEW
colored to give different effects. T L
No music is heard blaring from
loudspeakers, because "it doesn't MANY
make anybody happy," he re-
ported. This saves students who've ~LNGUAGES
braved the walk downtown from
hearing "Rudolph the Rted-Nosed
Reindeer" 27l times In one after-4
noon of shopping.
Music 'Saturates'
"People get saturated with
Christmas before it's even here,"
Bot sid. After 127rchorusso
would want to feed him arsenated
he current decoration program
began three year-s ago, and a newi
committee has already been named
for next year, he continued. Memn- ~ Wehryuwn otbetpwie
bers will begin in June to plan fr o rwhethemyo ic.nt S porabso tyeiee
next year's decorations. rmtmtcs...pnshregne
The deoae uiia ul- new -Smith-Corona portable fills the I
ings, the tees on the Suth State Corona keyboards are available for a I
islands, and the stores all hepegn languages and echnal oprcat
store decorations range fromn ab-
stract-designed Christmas trees to 0 RRILL'
bathroom scales, todaint blMueRLL
trees with pink and white bulbs
set against a blue background. 314 South State
The city this -year hopes toGIIGMRLLSPOTFR5Y
achieve its goal, of "effectiveGVNGMRLLUPRTOR5
decorations in good taste," Bott

. ..to the other
on the taste of the individual but
Christmas record sales will by no
means be restricted to Christmas.
Indeed there is probably more to
be said for giving records that can
be enjoyed all year around. "Here
We Go Again" by the Kingston
Trio and "Heavenly" by Johnny
Mathis are two safe suggestions
along this line.

ST his is Anne
How would YOU like a bundle like this waiting for
YOU Christmas morrning? (The robe we mean!)
How would YOU like Christmas greetings on that
big morning from something like this pretty? (the
can be YOU g eeting from ther sor ofCrist-s
So should YOU!
Beautiful packages all wrapped for free with
trimmings to make the recipient thrill at the look
of them.
R EMEMBER:. You can charge now and

~ K
6 >4 ~' ~
.::.:~:::::~..... ~, .4
.:~,: ~
....>... ".'~'~'.? ........,,".
smartest tables. at 4~.
A ~
~ ________________ ______
You~ve seen it in national magazines. set fort in Coupe Shape Paftens Includes? 45-Piece Set
seen on the Now you 0 each: io' bread Never before priced so low!
own marvelousnon-breaking and butters, saucers; matching ~oIid-
can .,. color cuns. soun bowls. ~' ~ ..'

.Precious Jester Top
in Multi-color velvet to
match the beautifully

or Green velvet.

Sizes 8-14

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