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December 01, 1959 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-01

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THREE MIRACLES-The Toledo Art Museum is currently exhibiting Gerard David's "Three Miracles
of St. Anthony of Padua," never before shown in the United States. The panels, intended to form part
of an altarpiece, were painted around 1500 by David, who was the last of a series of Flemish artists
to portray religious history in realistic settings..
usebais DavdPnes

Whatever your travel problem, you'll find
hIpful advice.
Two near-campus offices give you quick,
convenient service. See you-at Ann Arbor

Gerard David's "Three Miracles
of St. Anthony of Padua," never
before shown in the United States,
are currently on display at The
Toledo Museum of Art.
The three arched ,wood panels
were obtained with the British;
government's special permission
from the Wantage collection.
They rank among the most im-
portant acquisitions made by any
American museum in recent years,
according to Otto Wittman, mu-
seum° director.
The , panels, which originally
formed part of an altarpiece in a
church dedicated to St. Anne,_
were painted between 1499 and
1511. They show St. Anthony rais-
ing a drowned child from the
water, kneeling with the mule of
the heretic Bovadilla in front of
the Eucharist, and preaching to
the fishes.'
Born in Holland
David, of whom comparatively
little is known, was born in Oude-
water, Holland, in 1460 and was
appointed town painter in Bruges,

where he did most of his painting,
and headed the painter's guild
four times, in 1494.
The last in a series of Flemish
artists to portray religious history
in realistic settings, he continued
in the Northern Renaissance style
which, unlike the Italian renova-
tion, preserved the medieval tra-
JGP Tryouts
Start Tonight
Tryouts for Junior Girls' Play.
cast, chorus, and dancers will be
held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. to-
night, tomorrow, and Thursday
at the League.
The play, entitled "What Can
You Lose?", is the only all girl,
original production at the Univer-
sity. It will be performed March
16, Senior Night, and March 17,
18, and 19, at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.

dition rather than turning to
norms of Greek and Roman excel-
"David's work is the culmina-
tion of late Gothic mystical real-
ism. Subjects which appear at
first to be scenes of everyday life
are transformed by an underlying
suggestion of the miraculous,"
Wittman explained.
Wear Brilliant Robes
"And the rich color and atti-
tude of his subjects are outsand-
ing in these paintings. Men wear
brilliant red and green robes,
there is a golden halo around the
lucharist and buildings are of
blues, pinks and grays."
Only 60 of David's paintings are
known to exist, 12 of which are
scenes of daily life. "These panels
are the last great early-Flemish
genre paintings to come out of
England," Wittman commented.
St. Anthony, who became the
chief patriarch of the Church
after the death of SS. Dominic
and Francis, and who was des-
cended from the leader of the first
crusade, became universally ven-
erated as a missionary whose
preaching was frequently con-
firmed by miracles.
Good Haircut"
f 1 ]1Haircutters}
" No Waiting.
near Michigan Theatre

HOT CHOCOLATE made with a new
coffee pot purchased in our kitchen
hardware department. We also have
dish drainers, dish towels, wash
clothes and egg beaters.
709 Packard NO 2-3175
"Just two doors from the Blue Front"
SHE'LL BLESS you three times a
day for thinking of a gift that
makes meal time easier and more
attractive. Come see our wonderful
selection of new Pyrex casseroles in
decorated designs and Pyrex -bev-
erage servers trimmed in gold.
311 S. Main NO 2-3277
WANTED: Responsible °young married
male student for part time restaurant
work. Little Shop, 1211 South Uni-
versity. J62
REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes
rewoven. Let us save your clothes.
Weave-Bac Shop. 224 N~ckels Arcade.
NO 2-4647. .11
Shoe Repairing
.Hat Cleaning
Shoe Shining"'
119 East Ann Street
Open Til 8 P. M. -t
Also Sundays &8 Holidays
Opposite court house since 1927)
NO 8-6968
WASHINGS and/or ironings. Free pick-
up and delivery. Specializing In cot-
ton dresses. NO 2-9020. AA
LOST: Large brown suitcase, outside
SAB. Reward. Call NO 5-7032, A68
LOST: Bulova watch at Ohio State
game. Reward, Call Detroit, Kenwood
3-9217. A67
FOUND: Man's leather glove on State
and Packard. Call Cohen, NO 3-1511,
Ext. 746. A66
FOUND: Man's gold ring-reddish stone.
Found on SW corner of w. Quad. Cali
NO 3-7541, Ext.: 410. A48
THE MANISTEE Recreation Association
desires- to have an eight to ten piece
band play in their teenage center on
December 26, 1959. Please send resume
and inquiries to: Director, Manistee
Recreation Association, Man ist e e,
REGISTERED Laboratory Technician,
previous experience in Hospital lab-
oratory required. Apply Personnel
Office, Beyer Memorial Hospital, Yp-
silanti. Call HU' 2-6500 Ext: 228. .H60
SALESMAN to sell the ne s 1960 Eng-
lish Ford. 'Full or part time. See Bill
Kusina at Fitzgerald, Inc., 3345 Wash-
tenaw. H58
GIRL: B.S. in Chemistry-preferably
with little or no experience-for
training in organic microanalysis.
Permanent, full time. P.O. Box 1112,
Ann Arbor. H57

- - .,


"Your Best Bet - CaU A Vet"
NO 3-4545 NO 2-4477 NO 3-5800
$huttle Service Between Wayne Metro. Airport and Union
Cail our office for group rates
We Go Anywhere 24-four Service


Ann Arbor

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in Scotland o f cashmere, cashmere blends, lambswool,
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Wonderful buys at only
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