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December 01, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-12-01

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Soviet Boss
Sees Opening
Of Sessions
Reds Accuse U.S.
Of Causing Revolt
BUDAPEST (JP) - With Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev an
intent listener, Janos Kadar de-
clared yesterday Russian troops
are staying in Hungary.
The . Hungarian Communist
leader lashed out at the United
States in opening the Party's first
* congress since the 1956 uprising
against the Communist regime.
Kadar placed major blame for
the 1956 uprising on "interna-
tional imperialism headed by
United States reactionary quar-
ters." He accused the United
States of spending huge sums of
money to agitate against Hungary
inside and outside the United
All Soviet bloc nations favor
"simultaneous and mutual with-
drawal of troops stationed in for-
eign countries," Kadar said in an
obvious reference to United States
troops deployed abroad.
Threats Remain
' "But at the moment," he said,
"there are still open threats
aganst the people's democracies
. . . and Soviet troops will remain
in Hungary as long as this is re-
quired by the international situa-
Western diplomatic quarters had
speculated that Khrushchev might
have come to the congress to an-
nounce withdrawal of all or part
of the 50,000-80,000 Soviet troops
still garrisoned in Hungary. The
Soviet leader is expected to ad-
dress the congress today.
A troop withdrawal would help
along Khrushchev's current cam-
paign of peaceful coexistence. It
also would prop up Kadar's con-
tention that living standards are
up and the people are contented.
Scores Strength
Kadar said that even if Soviet
troops were withdrawn it would
not help any "reactionary forces"
still in Hungary. He said his re-
gime is in a postion to defend
itself against the "enemy within."
Thei referring to the 1956 rebel-
lion, Kadar declared:. .
"If reactionaries were to fight
again we shall not be against it,
' because the Hungarian people have
strength and have quite a number
of scores to pay off against the
Kadar said the 1956 uprisings
' "will ever remain a black page in
the history of our people" and
declared. "honest men will re-
member with gratitude the help
which the Soviet Union trendered
to Hungary."
The party chieftain singled out
Khrushchev as a worker for peace
and added "We are happy that he
is now among us and we heartily
congratulate him on the success of
his trip to the United States."
Kadar said Hungary too wanted
to improve relations with the
United States but blamed Wash-
ington for current difficulties.
t "A considerable portionof the
$125,000,000 appropriated by the
United States Congress for sub-
versive purposes is used against
Hung'ary," Kada said.
He said the United States fol-
lowed the "unprecedented prac-
tice" of maintaining diplomatic
relations here while.interfering in
Hungary's internal affairs and us-
ing the United Nations and other
forums to discredit the country."

Cuba Tries More Prisoners


PINAR DEL RIO, Cuba (}) -
Cuban military tribunals resumed
operations yesterday with United
States citizens in the prisoners'
dock, facing prosecution demands
for t he deathpenalty.
After more than 500 executions,
the military tribunals were dis-
continued four months ago, but
now have been reinstated to deal
with Prime Minister Fidel Cas-
tro's opponents.
On trial in the theater of regi-
mental headquarters here were
Frank Austin Young of Miami,
Peter John Lambton of Nassau,
Bahamas, who has been described
as both a British citizen and nat-
uralized American, and 37 Cubans
on charges of homicide and con-
spiracy against the revolutionary
A second military tribunal was
scheduled in Havana last night,
with Rafael Del Pino of Miami, a
naturalized American, and flive
Cubans on trial on charges of
counter-revolutionary activity. The
prosecutor is demanding the
death penalty for all six.
Helps Smuggling
Del Pino, whq once helped
smuggle arms to Castro's rebels,
was captured in a gunfight last
July when his plane apparently
tried to pick up Cubans wanting
to escape the country.
Police called him the leader of
the counter-revolutionary "White
Rose" organization. But his wife
said the organization was the
anti-Communist movement of the
The prosecutor in the Pinar Del
Rio court demanded the death
penalty, too, for Young, a British-
born former Royal Air Force pilot,
who has taken American citizen-
ship, and Fernando Pruno Bertot,
former Cuban student at Colum-
bia University.
Ask Sentences
Thirty-year prison sentences
were asked for Lambton and the
36 other defendants. Among the
Cuban defendants were two wo-
men, including Pruno Bertot's fi-
ancee, Odelia Carbera, and her
father, Francisco, a retired sugar
plantation administrator.
. The prisoners, who ranged in
age down to a boy of 15, sprawled
about the courtroom casually as
the trial opened. They wandered
about talking and borrowing cig-
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arets. About 150 spectators and
representatives of the British and
American consulates were present.
Capt. Francisco Lemus Cuevas,
president of the military tribunal,
said the court would continue
without recess "until We have
reached a decision." This was not
expected until early today.
The defendants were rounded
up after a clash in which a Castro
soldier was killed.
In pre-trial statements Young
and Lambton denied they came to
Cuba to join counter-revolution-

Lambton told the tribunal he
came to take pictures of counter-
revolutionaries for the Independ-
ent Press Service, which he iden-
tified as an American company
buying free lance photos. He
named his American boss as "Mr-
Young testified that he came to
Cuba to act as Lambton's guide in
taking pictures.
Shown documents with his sig-
nature as "Commander of Groups"
Young said he had instructed
others on how to draw up orders
,and signed them as an example.

Washington Probe Reports
Relatives on Senate Payroll

wives, daughters, brothers, sisters
and other relatives of Senators
showed up on Senate payroll rec-
ords made public yesterday.
For the first time since 1948,
'the Senate officially pulled aside
the curtain of secrecy from sal-
aries paid by Senators to their
office staffs.
A 110-page report published by
the Senate secretary also listed
thnr~smacinh oni f fRll

that Senators James E. Murray
(D-Mont.) and Leverett Salton-
stall (R-Mass.) had their sons
working in their offices here.
Murray's son, .Charles A., was
listed as his father's administra-
tive assistant and was paid $4,-
074.99 for the July-Sept. quarter.
On an annual basis this amounts
to $16,299.96, the maximum al-
lowed by law for a Senator's em-


the names, boas and pay oz af;SiosatEpoe
bilVLW~L1~~,~ ~~""~ "~ '~'Saitonstall Employed
employees of the Senate and its William L. Saltonstall, son of
committees for the period from the Massachusetts Senator, is his
July 1 to Sept. 30 of this year. father's executive secretary. He
Also included was the office was paid $2,198.73 during the
payroll of Vice-President Richard quarter or at an annual rate of
M. Nixon, the Senate's presiding $8,a9492.
officer. Carl T. Curtis, Jr., son of Sen.
To Publish Regularly Carl T. Curtis (R-Neb.), was em-
Under a resolution adopted by ployed as a messenger for the Re-
the Senate last summer in the publican minority at $832.80 dur-
aftermath of news stories about ing the quarter. The Senator's of-
congressional nepotism, similar fice said young Curtis has since
quarterly reports will be published left to go to college.
each three months from now on. Mary L. McNamara, wife of
The salary of Senators is $22,- Sen. Pat McNamara (D-Mich.),
500 a year. and Ivo H. Sparkman, wife of
Some of the Senators with rela- Sen. John J. Sparkman (D-Ala.),
tives on the payroll are among the were listed as working in their
best known, including Democratic husband's offices.
leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Mrs. McNamara, employed as
Texas. an assistant clerk, was paid $1,-
Brother Works 068.33 for the quarter or at an
His brother, Sam H. Johnson, annual rate of $4,273.32. Mrs.
was listed as a clerk of the Senate Sparkman, a receptionist-secre-
Democratic conference with a sal- tary, drew $2,115.95 during the
ary at an annual rate of $15,-' quarter or $8,455.80 at annual
633.36. The report also showed rate.


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