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November 25, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-25

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Seventieth Year

"Come On, Lover, Let's Leap!"

a Opinions Are Free
uth Win Preval"'

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

&Y, NOVEMBER 25, 1959


State Pays Extra
For Delay in Appropriations

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Smeterln Concert
Masterful Effort
JAN SMETERLIN'S concert in Hill Auditorium last night was the
work of a pianist of great stature and modest bearing. Smeterlin's
almost conspicuous lack of pyrotechnics made his varied and masterful
style all the more evident by offering no distraction.
The "Sonata in A minor," opus 143, of Schubert, with which
Smeterlin opened his recital is an undeservedly obscure work of haunt-
ing beauty. The - first movement is built on an eccentric motive, which
gives a curious effect of revolving motion. Indeed, throughout the entire
movement, Schubert toys with the listener's sense of motion, for the
tempo, "allegro giusto," is apparent only on two or three occasions, and
remains for the most part'as a kind of implied, latent force below the


UNIVERSITY is asked to draw up a sched-
ule of its building needs for a five-year
riod. It does so, and sends the figures to
.nsing. _
It has looked around and it sees its music
bool housed in rickety buildings which can
rely be said to be adjacent to the campus.
It sees its school of architecture and design
hich many instructors point to as a firetrap,
aiming chances for escape are very slim if the
hoofs inflammable rags and artistic materials
ould catch fire.
A university tries to keep ahead in research by
oviding well-equipped laboratories for its
lentists. It hopes, too, that ample research
cilities will attract scientists to its campus in
.e tightening competition between industries
id the technical-minded universities. So the
stitution draws up careful plans for a fluids
gineering building, physics and astronomy
ildings, and medical science and dental build-
gs. It would also like to build an Institute of
cience and Technology.,
'HESE AND OTHER new construction plans
are set up by the university in hopes that
ew facilities will help maintain the nebulous
mething called "a quality institution"--which

includes space in proportion to intangibles like
faculty numbers and quality or administrative
But these detailed hopes for the future re-
main no more than that. Because the Legisla-
ture cannot, and does not, fipance them. It has
not paid out much for new construction in the
state as a whole in the past two years.
(ONSEQUENTLY, the state actually loses
money. For while it may have cost $1 million
to build a certain building when it was planned
two years ago, it would cost approximately-
$1,090,000 to build the same building now-an
increase in building costs of about four and
one-half per cent per year.
It seems almost certain that building costs
will continue to rise in the next several years.
So when and if the Legislature finally finds
money to put up some buildings for the univer-
sity, costs will be 10 to 20 per cent higher than
they were when the university originally asked
that some of these buildings be constructed.
The Legislature will be paying 10 to 20 per
cent more for what it gets. And education will
pay in more subtle ways for the consequences
of delayed construction.

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The Key to the Future?

HFerblock is away due to illness ' " ', PuterPossons Ca
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Red Chinese Purges Foreseen

surface of the music. The last
movement, which has a:startlingly.
Scarlatti-like sound, gave Smeter-
lin some rough moments.
S* *
THE NAME "Paganini" is tanta-
mount to technical virtuosity, and
it indicates the character of
Brahms' "Paganini Variations,"
opus 35, as well as the author of
the theme. Smeterlin played with
great clarity and with a strong
sense for the inner groupings of
the individual variations. His jo-
cose rendition of the 13th varia-
tion produced a spontaneous burst
of applause from the audience.
Mozart's piano sonatas have
suffered a particularly cruel fate
in this country. Because of their
superficial appearance of simplic-
ity, piano teachers often assign
them with a total lack of dis-
cretion, long before their pupils
are equipped to play them. In this_
way, a good many otherwise sane
piano students have been led to
hate Mozart.
The "F major Sonata," K.V.
332, is one of the most abused of"
them all. Hopefully, Smeterlin's
performance will have changed a
good many minds.
Smeterlin seemed to be most at
home with Chopin, and his playing
of the Chopin group was a totally
charming thing to hear. The filli-
gre-work in the "Berceuse"
sounded just as it should, insub-
stantial, efortless, iridescent.
Smeterlin's bold coloring of the
"Mazurka" in B minor made this
a much more logical piece than
it usually seems to be.
Throughout the evening, Smet-
erlin played with dignity, humor
and a great mellowness.
-David Sutherland
No Guts
"BUT what about.Big Politics?
When is it going to be In to
be partisan, rather than inde-
pendent?? And, when is it going
to be Out for candidates to insist
they aren't running for the Presi-
dency, or for .columnists to say
that a politician is a statesman,
when they mean a clever tacti-
cian? William James in his 'Talks
to Teachers' said that he felt that
'in our country, correctness, fair-
ness and compromise are crowd-
ing out al) other qualities,' and
that 'the higher heroisms and the
old rare flavors are passing out
of life'." They have certainly
passed out of political life, and it
is only by a strong effort of will
that many people can sustain a
serious interest in what is hap-
pening in Washington. How long
will that remain so? Longer than
the longest Russian proverb."
-The New Republic

Present GOP Split Encouraging.

" "

". . an income tax will be passed over
my dead body."
--Carlton H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo)
TFN MONTHS AGO people laughed when
Morris, an ' ambitious conservative from
Kalamazoo, issued his warning. The Legisla-
ture had just opened its 1959 session, and few
persons expected any real trouble in finding
an adequate tax package for the state.
By this fall, however, Morris' prediction be-
came more believable. The bloc of GOP sena-
tors he represented had knifed any attempt
to tax business or personal incomes. They have
held the line and remained the key subverters
of state tax progress.
But now the political movement seems to be
shifting. The Republicans in the Senate are
caught in the same tension which plagued the
House for months before it approved a flat
rate income tax plan - an almost even split
on policy and direction.
THE SENATE is reportedly split over an in-
come tax proposal. Although Morris and
colleagues insist the Senate majority is still
firmly against income taxes, at least some GOP
senators are interested in such a plan. The
fissure is there, for the first time in months.
Morris' body, while not dead, is clearly being
This turn of events opens the way for a suc-
cessful move away from stalemate and toward
solution of the tax problem which everyone
agrees needs solving.
The proposals outlined this week by House
Speaker Don Pears are both sensible and en-

Briefly, Pears would have the House initiate
an income tax bill and send it on to the Sen-
ate for quick passage by December. Coupled
with cashing on the $40 million Veteran's
Trust Fund, Pears says, this would raise
enough muoney to get along smoothly. Later
on, he suggests, the income tax would be re-
pealed, leaving open the possibility of putting
a sales tax-income tax choice up to public
pEAR'S IDEAS are sound ones in a shaky
situation. The implication - that of a bi-
partisan movement involving both houses -
is extremely healthy since it moves things off
dead center and breaks down the power con-
centrated among a handful of GOP conserva-
The same plan would also mitigate the con-
fused arguments over 1) the adoption or non-
adoption of sales and income tax propositions
on the November ballot, and 2) the amount' of
any new tax settlement - both of which have
slowed progress considerably.
It is possible that the income tax plan may
be neglected in favor of some other comprom-
ise package; here again, a strong bipartisan
coalition movement is developing in the houses.
The income tax is a desirable plan, and vir-
tually inevitable for the state (as most law-
makers agree). But even if it is bypassed this
time for a more innocuous compromise plan,
both the bipartisan, inter-house approach and
the destruction of Carlton Morirs' collective
Senate body are promising for the state. +

Associated Press News Analyst
LACK storm clouds are gather-
ing over the Chinese Commu-
nist party.
Whatramounts to a grim warn-
ing of a major purge to come has
just appeared in the semi-monthly
Red Chinese "Red Flag". If it
comes - and the signs point that
way -- it will be a source of deep
embarrassment to the Soviet lead-
ership and a strain on Moscow-
Peiping relations.
The official Red Chinese press
indicates Soviet Communism and
that of China are headed in oppo-
site directions. The Soviet brand,
with a promise of growing intern-
al prosperity in the offing, is
pointed toward the path of relax-
ation and moderation. The Chi-
nese brand, with little in pros-
pect for many years but belt-
tightening and struggle, seems
headed for merciless regimenta-
party seems an inevitable law of
Communist development. The
Chinese leadership today faces a
situation not unlike that in the
USSR a quarter century ago, and
for similar reasons may require a
purge as sweeping and relentless
as Stalin carried out in those
bloody days.

Objects of the purge, it appears,
will be those Chinese Communists
who have sought to take their cue
from the Soviet leadership in the'
direction of some measure of re-
Those who opposed the harsh
regimentation of the "People's
Communes" system now are being
accused of the worst of all pos-
sible crimes in a Communist state:
planning "to pave the road for
restoration of the capitalist sys-
tem." ,
* * *
' SUCH Communists, said "Red
Flag," can no longer be considered
Party members, since they have
"constantly created disturbances,
disobeyed the Party's discipline,
and never considered the Party's
unity and the general situation;
they would seek to oppose openly
the Party's correct leadership in
any major crisis or on any minor
What is going on, says "Red
Flag, is "a struggle between the
proletarian world outlook and the
bourgeois world outlook." By this
it means a struggle between true
Marxism-Leninism and Capital-
ism. Within the Party, it added,
are a number of persons who op-
pose "the Big Leap Forward and
the People's Communes."
The "Big Leap Forward" is an
attempt by the Chinese Party to

accomplish rapid industrialization
by severe regimentation and harsh
privations. The People's Com-
munes have been an attempt -
resisted in many areas of China -.
to harness the population for to-
tal effort through application of
a theoretically pure form of Com-
munist existence.
The Russians are known to have
advised the Chinese that the com-
mune experiment would not work.
The Red Chinese loftily ignored
the advice. And now those who
side with the Russian view are be-
ing denounced as "deviationists"
and "rightists." Such persons, one
recent newspaper editorial warned,
attack the commune system sole-
ly "because the Soviet attempt at
communization was a failure."
* * *
THE SPLIT can be extremely
serious for the Communist world
and its prospects for continued
bloc solidarity. It can, for example,
reach into the field of foreign pol-
icy. Indeed, there already seems
to be a division of opinion between
Moscow and Peiping regarding the
latter's pressure on India.
The outside world may not hear
at once if and when the purge gets
under way. But if it does, it is go-
ing to be a severe blow to the
Communist movement and one of
the major developments of this

A:sia Works
T o Progress
Associated Press News Analyst
TFHE NEWLY free nations of
South and Southeast Asia are
trying desperately to raise their
economic standards while two
great forces, one natural and one
political, exert heavy downward
The Finance Minister of Ceylon
addressed himself to one of these
forces at the opening of a meeting
of the 21 nations which belong to
the Colombo Plan.
It's time, he said, to quit worry-
ing about the past of colonialism
and concentrate on the tasks of
the present and future.
* * *
something of a reply to President.
Sukarno of Indonesia, who harped
on the old tune that Asia would
not conform to Western politico-
economic standards and demanded
the right-which no one is dtny-
ing them-to economic aid with-
out political strings.
The trouble with the old Asian
attitude is that, while demanding
such liberties, it fails to create an
atmosphere in which Western in-
vestment for development can
operate along with the govern-
ment aid projects which the area
so freely demands.
The United States alSo- is hoping
to promote an improved program
of technical assistance in teach-
ing modern skills.
* * *
YET EVEN in India, which prior
to World War II was the world's
fifth nation in industrial produc-
tion and is far more advanced
than the other recipients of Co-
lombo Plan aid, foreign investors
have been frightened away by the
government's somewhat ill-de-
fined effort to do some things
through private enterprise and
others through nationalization un-
der socialism.
They have paid little attention
tothe expeiences of Britain, Aus-
tralia and West Germany, who
have tried the laborious process of
nationalization and the equally
difficult process of then trying to
return to private enterprise in
many fields. The full extent of
this effort is only now beginning
to come to a head. In many ways
it's easier to nationalize an indus-
try than to denationalize t.
This hold-back in Asia - com-
plicated by many other hangovers
from the past - is complicated by
the area's other great problem.
Economic development under
independence, despite all the out-
side help, is doing little better-
no better in some places - than
keep abreast of growing popula-
Some scientific approaches to
birth control are being tried in
spots. But the major hope seems
to lie in first getting rid of all ar-
tificial economic road blocks con-
nected with politics, and offering
guarantees for the safety of out-
side investment instead of being
afraid of it.
The Daly Offcial Buletin isoan
offiial pubiation o The Univer-
sity of Michigan for swhich The
Michigan, Daily assumes no edi-
torial reaponsibilty. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRTTNform to -
Room 3519 Adminitration Buid-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.

VOL. LXX, NO. 56
general Notices
Library Hours During Thanksgiving
Vacation: The University Libraries will
be closed Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26.
The Libraries, with the exception of the
Medical Library, will also be closed
Sat., Nov. 28. There will be no Sunday
service on Nov. 29.
The General Library and the Under-
graduate Library will close Wed., Nov.
25, at 5 p.m. Both libraries will be
open on Fri., Nov. 27, from 9 a.,m.
to 5 "p.m. All units within the General
Library, with the exception of the
Map Room, will be open on Friday.
Divisional libraries also will be closed
Wed. evening. Most of the divisional
libraries will be open on short sched-
ules on Fri., Nov. 27. Schedules will be
posted on the doors of each library. In-
formation as to hours of opening may
be obtained by calling University Ex-
tension 3184.



U' Standard: Money Makes Right'

In Interpretation: Malapportionment.. .


T HE GANG-UP against Mennen Williams in
Michigan deserves to be studied. It is a
classic example of political assassination by
By any normal standard Williams should
now be a leading Democratic Presidential con-
tender. He has been elected governor six times
in a formerly Republican bailiwick. But he is
on hardly anybody's Presidential list because
a rotten-borough state Senate - in which Re-
publicans from malapportioned rural counties
act like a petty House of Lords-have smeared
him as a "New Deal spendthrift."
Why is he called "spendthrift?" Because the
big state is near bankruptcy. It is near bank-
ruptcy, all right -but this is because the
same Republican-packed Senate refuses to
vote appropriate taxes.
MALAPPORTIONMENT is the rule in the
state legislatures all over America. The
target is the cities; the cities are the suckers.
Michigan rural legislators have gleefully used
the weapon to knock off a Presidential can-
didacy. Study Michigan and see how it works.
In Michigan, Democratic Wayne County
(Detroit) has two fifths of the state population
-only one-fifth of the State Senators. Other
Michigan cities are massively short-changed in
the same way. The veto-wielding Republican
Senate is packed by conservative farm coun-
ties. The cows outvote the people.
Michigan has plenty of money. It is the sixth
wealthiest state. It ranked fourth in tax reve-
nues in the 1959 fiscal year. In Wililams' 10

W HEN WILLIAMS took office he found the
rural-minded Republicans had cozily ar-
ranged to sluice five-sixths of the state's sales
taxes back, by law, to local units of govern-
ment. This aided farm counties but threatened
disaster to the state. The state had to have
more funds.
Michigan had no personal income tax and
light corporate taxes (even today its citizens
pay less taxes than 30 other states). Williams
proposed fiscal reforms including graduated
state income and new corporate taxes. The rot-
ten-borough GOP Senate yelled "Socialist!"
and "Spendthrift!" and fought him every step
of the way.
Y OU MUST understand that you can have a
Democratic landslide in Michigan and
hardly touch the rigged Senate. Republicans
have controlled the Senate with one exception
since 1919. (New Jersey has a rotten-borough
Senate, too, and Illinois, and state after state
over the country, all wielding veto power and
laughing at the big cities.)
Finally the Michigan Senate agreed to a so-
called compromise. The constitution forbids
raising the sales tax above three per cent but
the Upper Peninsula House of Lords graciously
proposed salvaging the near-bankrupt state by
pushing through a "use" tax. Williams reluc-
tantly went along, warning that the use tax, by
whatever name called, was a patent subterfuge
to violate the sales tax three per cent ceiling,
and that the courts might object.
Well the nurts hae nhipeted Thev have

To the Editor:
AS A STUDENT used to the Uni-
versity of Michigan and its
public relations centered policies
it was little surprising to me that
President Hatcher and the admin-
istration were themselves "sur-
prised" at the action of universi-
ties and colleges in disclaiming
the NDEA loans. In doing so these
institutions have not allowed their
academic integrity and intellectual
freedom to be infringed upon by
the Federal governmnet.
However, in defense of their ac-
ceptance of the loans the Univer-
sity has changed the nineteenth
century maxim "might makes
right" to "money makes right"
which is a concept prevalent in,
twentieth century American and
should be intercepted and stopped
by institutions of higher learning.
Dean Niehuss mentioned that
the University has loans which are
discriminatory in character to-
wards races, and the only restric-
tion that the NDEA carries is the
loyalty oath, consequently U of
M should accept the funds avail-
But are either restrictions right?
Of course they are not. But does
not the University condone these
injustices by administering them?
I'm afraid McCarthyism is still
present on the Ann Arbor primed
by political pressure from the fair
canitnl to the north.

present their reasons and logic
(especially the comment about
not burning the house because the
garage is bad-what about cancer?
What a sad piece of analogy to
come from a Dean at the Uni-
versity of Michign!) in Hill Audi-
torium before the faculty and
students both groups having ex-
pressed a contrary view of the
NDEA loans. SGC could sponsor
such a program-the issues from
this policy must be known and
kept alive so that this action of
the administration will not become
another "accepted" policy with one
press release aimed to placate as
many people as possible..
-Mike McReynolds
Idits ..
To the Editor:
1HE MUSKET Promotions Com-
mittee would like to congratu-
late the proud owners of the Mus-
ket signs which have been confis-
cated from the Michigan Union,
the Diag and the Engine Arch. We
are sure that they will do a great
deal to enhance the appearance of
your rooms which quite unfortu-
nately do not reflect your own
ingenuity and abilities. We would
also like to congratulate the arti-
sans who did such a superb job
in demolishing and slashing other
Musket work which represents not
only countless hours of work by
students but also a great deal of

into such a production as Musket
has to be ruined by a few idiots
who do not have the intelligence
nor the capability of a moment of
constructive thought. There are
approximately 200 people con-
nected with Musket who work in
order to give the campus com-
munity good entertainment. It is
obvious that if their efforts go
without reward and are hindered
by vandalism which belongs to
half-wits there will no longer be
any desire to devote the immense
amount of energy required to stage
a campus production.
We certainly hope that the new
possessors derive many hours of
pleasure from their new pieces of
art. Perhaps some day you can
proudly point to them as exem-
plary of your career at Michigan.
Those of us who made them and
whose work would be appreciated
by them certainly have no such
claim to the fruits of our efforts.
--John Field, Margery Rose for
Musket Cast, Central Corn.
Obscure .. .
To the Editor:
REVIEWER Hagopian wanted a
definition of "Generation." In-
stead of this I feel it might be
more helpful for those in charge of
The Inter-Arts Magazine to ask
themselves for whom is their mag-
azine meant. Is it for their own
little group or for the student

they are being ignored by this
* * *
CERTAINLY there must be some
stories being written by student
authors who are not bent on
describing the pits of degradation
to which humans can sink. Let
"chic" be given equal time to
oppose "crude."
As a worshiper at the shrine of
Keats, I confess that I was inade-
quate to grapple with the poems in.
"Generation." Have metre and
communication been slain? Could
the editors be really daring and
try to revive them?
With the reams of writing that
goes on around this campus, I
feel certain that the editors of
"Generation" could easily assemble
a publication with a wider appeal.
The editors will have to go out
and get all kinds and types of
writing soethat they can put to-
gether the best possible "Inter-
Arts Magazine."
-Patrick Chester
To the Editor:
AS THE University of Michigan
football season rolled around
this year, three patients from the
Ann Arbor Convalescent Home,
Cathy Wendt, Bill Trojan and
Corky McCorkle, looked forward
to perhaps attending some of the
games. It was through the gen-'


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