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November 14, 1959 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-14

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*ir 43 n
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Cold northwesterly winds driving
snow changing to flurries.

See Page 4






Ask NDEA Aid Despite Loyalty Oath

Despite recent University dis-
satisfaction with loyalty oath and
disclaimer affidavit provisions of
the National Defense Education
Act, a total of $296,565 in loans
was committed to 386 students
during the period from July 1-
October 31.
Flint College received an addi-
tional $14,510.
And two assistant deans who
screen NDEA loan applicants be-
lieve the requirements to swear
allegiance to the United States
and non-support of subversive
organizations have had no effect
on student applications for the
federal loans.
Dean Muhollan Comments
"I don't think this has affected
the use of the NDEA loan fund at
all," Asst. Dean of Women Ger-
trude Mulhollan said, "although
Snow, Rain
Air Flight
Wolverines Forced
To Take Eight-Hour
Bus Ride to Indiana
Michigan's improving football
teamwill try to bring its 1959 foot-
ball 'record up to the .500 mark
this afternoon when it faces the
Indiana Hoosiers at Bloomington.
A crowd of less than 30,000 is
expected to witness the game in
Indiana's Memorial Stadium. The
Hoosiers rate as a five, point fa-
vorite in this Homecoming contest.
The Weather Bureau predicts
snow flurries and temperature in
the 20's for! the contest, which
marks Michigan's first visit to
Bloomington since 1932. Kickoff
time is 2:30 p.m. Eastern Stand-
ard Time.
Weather Cancels Flight
Bad weather has already played
a significant part in today's con-
test. It caused the 'cancellation of
the Michigan team's flight to
Bloomington, forcing the Wol-
verines to endure at least an eight
hour bus ride that did not get
them to the Indiana Campus un-
til early this morning.
With a 2-3 record in Confer-
ence play, the Wolverines are seek-
ing a victory that would raise
them from their present seventh
place tie in the standings.
A win would also balance the
gridders season record at four
wins and four losses, giving them
a chance to finish the season with
a winning record, provided they
can whip Ohio State in their final
game at Ann Arbor next Satur-
Hoosiers Stand Ninth
With a 1-3-1 record, the Hoo-
siers are ninth in the standings,
but non - conference wins over
Marquette and Nebraska have giv-
en them a 3-3-1 overall mark.
Their lone Big Ten win was a 20-0
shutout over Illinois in. the sea-
s n's opener.
Coach Bump Elliott's squad has

developed into quite a road club
this season, posting two of their
three victories away from home
The squad that faces the Hoo-
siers today is almost the same one
that surprisedmthes Minilast week-
end. There are two minor excep-
tions: Ken Tureaud, member of
the second team backfield, will
be back in action after missing
last week's game because: of a
shoulder injury andbDonsHannah;
will replace Paul Palmer as the
team's third quarterback.
Backfield To Switch
Those listening to radio broad-
casts from Bloomington can ex-
pect to hear that a number of.
Players are constantly switching

we never know who may be stay-
ing away because they find the
provisions objectionable."
Assistant Dean of Men John
Bingley also reported no voiced
objection to the requirements. "A
good many applicants are veter-
ans or teachers who have already
taken a great number of oaths,"
he said.
"Federal assistance . : . for
making low interest loans to stu-
dents to pursue their education"
at the University is divided be-
tween the offices of the Dean of
Men, the Dean of Women, and
Flint College.
High Average Required
To be eligible for the loan, a
student must have maintained at
least a 2.5 average, Dean' Bingley
explained. The student must also
demonstrate need, and special
consideration is given to appli-
cants planning a career in pub-

lic school teaching and other'
A total of 240 men have been
allotted $182,175 for the year, he
said, with more graduate and
professional students receiving
assistance than any other class.
Eighty-one graduates will borrow
a total of $62,575.
The gradation of allotments'
made by the Dean of Men's office
runs from-, 52 juniors and 51
seniors to 33 freshmen and 23
sophomores. Married students
will receive 70 loans and 89 of
the 240 presently have or will ob-
tain their teachers' certificates.
May Borrow $1,040
"A student may borrow a max-
imum of $1,000 per year for five
years," Dean Mul hollan ex-
plained. "And repayment does not
begin while the recipient of the
loan is still a full-time student."
But one year after the student

leaves the University, he must
start repaying the loan, she con-
tinued. The normal method of,
repayment extends over a 10-year
period with 10 per cent repaid
per year.
A student may accelerate the
process, or, if he becomes a public
school teacher, may have 10 per
cent of the debt cancelled each
year for his first five years of in-
Women Get Funds
The Office of the Dean of Wo-
men has committed $114,390 since
July 1 and will appropriate "close
to another $100,000 during the
balance of the year," Dean Mul-
hollan estimated.-;
Loans were committed to 146
women during the four-month
period, she reported. By class, 50
are freshmen, 14 sophomores, 28
juniors, 28 seniors, and 26 gradu-
ate or professional students.

"This is the first time loan
funds have been available to en-
tering freshmen," Dean Mulhol-
lan said. "No other University
loans are available to them when
they first come to campus."
The average loan per individual
woman student is $785 for the
year, she continued.
meant Certificates
Of the 146 who have been
granted loans, 89 now have or
plan to. obtain a teacher's certi-
ficate. Twenty-six others are ma-
joring in fields cited by the NDEA
as "preferred"' mathematics, sci-
ence, engineering, and ,modern
In action last year, the Student
Government Council and the Fac-
ulty Senate took a stand to urge
repeal of "objectionable" Section
1001 of the act. SGC adopted a
motion calling the loyalty oaths
and disclaimer affidavits an "in-
fringement on academic freedom"

because they "exercise a restraint'
on free inquiry."
The Faculty Senate recognized
the definitive difficulties of the
section which necessitates swear-
ing the applicant "does not be-
lieve in, and is not a member of
and does not support any organ-
i z a t i o n that believes in or
teaches" the overthrow of the
Senate members further said
that the belief in the superiority
of democracy is best communicat-
ed by free exchange of ideas. The
oath, in stifling this belief, weak-
ens the superiority.
On June 24, the Senate Labor
Committee approved a bill' to
eliminate the loyalty oath re-
quirements from the act. A month
later, the Senate voted to send
the bill back to committee and
killed repeal of the oath and affi-
davit requirement for that ses-
sion of Congress.

Total U.S.Output
To Rise Slightly
Economic Outlook Meetings End;
Colo Calls Future Fairly Optimistic
Total national production of goods and services should increas
three or four per cent next year, possibly passing the $500 billion
rate before the end of 1960.
This was the consensus of speakers at the University's seventi
annual Conference on the Economic Outlook, which closed her
Gerhard Colm, chief economist of the National Planning Associa
tion, summarized seven papers presented to 100 of the nation's leadini
economists, bankers, and businessmen.
Calls Outlook Good
Calling the outlook "fairly optimistic," he said that it is not goo(
enough for the long run. Colm said the .United States should no
engage in an economic "growth
race" with Russia, but should have
a long-teri growth rate of five or
six pei cent, not necessarily across
the board, but in selected areas of .:
the economy.
Two experts dissented from the
view that this rate of growth was
necessary to a health economy.
~~~~~Prof. Richard A. Musgrave of ....-.
Johns Hopkins University and °.,*.
Walter D. Fackler of the United x
States Chamber of Commerce t >
spoke on the "Economic Outlook." ,
So far as this country is con-
cerned, Prof. Musgrave said,
growth is probably less important
than stable prices and mainte-
nance of tfree markets.


ored IU

Prof. Cohen Sees'
Economic Strain





Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen of the
School -of Social Work yesterday
appeared before the Senate's Spe-
cial Committee on Unemployment
Problems and predicted a rise in
the nation's unemployed next
He also discussed federal as-
sistance to states for direct wel-
fare grants and an equalizing of
unemployment tax rates and
Prof. Cohen predicted the na-
tion's unemployment will average
Calls College
Michigan's growing number of
college age people is outstripping
increases in Michigan college en-
rollments, Edward G. Groesbeck,
director of the Office of Registra-
tion and Records, said yesterday.
Groesbeck reported fall enroll-
ments in IMichigan colleges and
universities at the annual meet-
ing of the Michigan Association of
Collegiate Registrars and 'Admis-
sions Officers at Alma College.
He explained that the state's
college age people have grown in
number by 29,000 since last fall,
but the enrollments have increased
by only 8,000.
Ordinarily, he continued, "a lit-
tle better than one third of the'
college age people go to school.
Thus, it is likely that there are
many ablesyoung people in Michi-
gan who have not been able to at-
tend college this fall."
In sufficient support restricted
the institutions so that adequate
facilities were not provided, he
Saying that the only schools
that many students are able to at-
tend are those near their homes,
he pointed out that if enrollments
are restricted by the schools' eco-
nomic conditions, these students
must be turned away.

between four and four and one-
half million next year, compared
with 3,272,000 in October, and
that a 1961-62 recession similar
to 1957-58's is likely.
Lacks Protection
"It is now clear from recent'
experience," Prof. Cohen said,
"that in its present form our fed-
eral-state unemployment insur-
ance system does not afford suf-
ficient protection to unemployed
persons and their families during.
"Unemployment insurance," he
said, "cannot and should not be
made to cover all needs that arise
as a result of unemployment. Six-
ty per cent of those unemployed
26 weeks or more in 1958 had no
liquid assets. ,
He pointed out some states
make no allowance for an unem-
ployed person's number of de-
pendents, special medical needs
or exhaustion of benefits.
Limit Relief
In addition, Prof. Cohen con-
tinued, direct relief in many com-
munities is limited to unemploy-
ables and in many states direct
relief is financed entirely by
counties from property taxes.
A member of Congress' Advi-
sory Council on Public Assistance,
he would amend federal law to
require all states to collect a flat
rate of tax from all industry, and
he proposed that the rate of bene-
fits, within a six-year period, be
standardized at 50 per cent of
gross weekly pay for 30 to .39,
t Al Barbour, president of the
Wayne County AFL-CIO,. report-
ed that Detroit's direct relief load
jumped from $6,694,000 in 1953
to $24,896,000 in 1958 and said
that projects indicated the area
will have nine to 12 per cent of
its labor force unemployed for the
foreseeable future.
Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich.) also
appeared as a witness. He claimed
defense department shifts from
wheeled vehicles to missiles were
to blame for some of Michigan's
job dislocation.

Fackler agreed, saying that the
right rate of growth is not the
maximum rate, but depends on
many other factors which can be
influenced by public policy but are
not determined by it.
Discounts Luxuries
Internationally, Musgrave ex-
plained, production of luxuries
does the United States little good,
for we need growth in the stra-
tegic area of our economy. These
would include the major defense
industries primarily.
Fackler and Prof. Musgrave also
maintained that taxes were not a
serious hindrance to economic
growth. The kind of, taxes 'and the
kind of expenditures are much
more important than the amount,
they said.
In spite of this point of view,
Colm maintained that "forced
draft" growth might become
necessary in a few years. He said
that a higher growth rate now
might prevent this happening.
Forecasts Increase
Forecasting an increase of Ap-
proximately $5 billion in business
capital spending next year, he said
that excellent economic conditions
in Europe point to a rise 'in exports'
of about $1 billion. He anticipates
consumer spending will rise $2:
billion, as should state and local
government expenditures.
He said that inventory increases
and other factors should bring the
total production of goods and
services to an average rate of $495"
billion for 1960, about $15 billion
over 1959.
Colin also pointed out, that it
would take twice as great an in-
crease as this to achieve full em-
ployment next year.
In spite of the fact that some.
international tensions have, re-
cently eased somewhat, Colm said
that the "traveling competition"
between President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and Premiere Nikita S.'
Khrushchev might cause an in-
crease in defense spending in the
near future to become necessary.

... clarifies stand

GQALWARD BOUND-Michigan halfback ,Bennie McCrae (43) drives deep into Illinois territory on
the Wolverines final touchdown drive in last week's victory over Illinois. McCrae and his teammates
are five-point underdogs today as they meet the Hoosiers of Indiana in Bloomington. Today's game
will mark only the second time the Wolverines have ever played in Bloomington.
Airlines To Vote on Metropolitan Move

Seven commercial airlines now.
operating from Willow Run Air-
port recently announced that they
will give a joint "yes-or-no" an-
swer Nov. 30 on a proposed move
to Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
The statement came after the
Wayne County Road Commission
announced its $26 million plans to
double the capacity of Detroit
Indications from airline repre-
sentatives were that the Willow
Run carriers will make the switch
to Detroit Metropolitan, if a few
"problems" can be negotiated sat-
Robert J. Wilson, Capital Air-
lines vice-president and spokes-
man for the Willow Run car-
riers, said Tuesday that "we want
to. move" if practical and feasible,
although costs of the Wayne
County proposal appear "some-
what high."
Law Passed
Alabama legislature, determined
to strengthen its stand for racial'
segregation, has passed bills to fi-
nance private segregated schools
and put brakes on Negro voter
The action came without oppo-
sition Thursday night in the last
few hours of the 1959 session. The
bills were sent immediately to
Gov. John Patterson for his sig-
The school measure would al-

Under the proposed expansion
program at Detroit Metropolitan,
the Willow Run carriers would be
expected to pay $13,100,000 for a
new terminal and improvements
over a 40-year period, and an ad-
ditional $10,700,000 In the next 25
years for hangars and a fuel farm.
Expansion of the present year-old
Detroit Metropolitan terminal ac-
counts for the remaining $2,200,-
"We've no quarrel" with the
schedule of landing fees and space

rental proposed by Wayne county,
Wilson said, although they would
be approximately double compar-
able charges made now at Willow
Run and higher than the present
Detroit Metropolitan carriers are
The Wayne County proposal,
latest in a series offered to the
Willow Run carriers in the last,
year, calls for construction of a
new $8,200,000 terminal building
connected to the present Detroit
Metropolitan terminal.

Herter Calls
Chinese Raid
WASHINGTON () - Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter yes-
terday added "wholly abhorrent'
to his after-thought statement of
Thursday that Red China was
"wholly in the wrong" In using
force against India.
In a further effort to clear up
any misunderstandings, Herter
called Indian Minister D. N. Chat-
terjee to his office and assured
him that Herter's statements a1
a news conference Thursday "were
not.meant to imply any condone-
ment by the United States govern-
ment of the use of force by the
Chinese Communists."
Herter. also told Chatterjee that
the United States: "strongly sym-
pathizes with India's. attempts to
resolve the present issues with
Communist China peacefully."
Commented on U.S. Stand
.At Thursday's news conference
Herter said the United States had
taken no.-position on the relative
merits of the border dispute be-
tween India and Red China,
Later he issued a statement ex-
plaining he was referring Ionly to
legal issues. He said Red China's
use of force in the dispute was
"wholly in the wrong.,
Lincoln White, State Depart-
ment press officer, said Herter
called Chatterjee in yesterday to
"clarify any, possible misconcep-
tion regarding the statements he
made at his news conference
Thursday concerning the India-
China border situation."
Clarifies U.S. Position
IWhite said Herter made it clear
that the United States govern-
ment views the Chinese Commu-
nist actions as "a reflection of the
brutal disregard. of normal inter-
national procedures which has
characterized Red China's actioni
for the past decades."
"Their actions are wholly ab-
horrent to the United States gov-
Chatterjee told newsmen he had
not been alarmed by Herter's
original statement refusing to take
sides in the relative legal merits
of the dispute. .
Religion's Place
Are the traditional doctrines
of religion becoming extinct?
Is the church becoming a big
business in today's society?
These questions and others

Visitors See International Scenes at World's Fair

More than 500 University students and Ann Arbor residents took
a respite from bluebooks and Ann Arbor rain last night, stepping
into far away lands at the World's Fair in the Union ballroom.
Strolling from room to room on the Union's second and third
floors, the visitors were greeted by strains of strange-sounding music,
guides ini full national costume and colorful displays 'of the cultures
of 18 foreign nations.
The exhibits were all prepared and manned by University stu-
dents and faculty members who are citizens of the various countries.
Displays Outstanding
Outstanding among the displays were those of Iran and Turkey
which adjoined one another on the terrace. The Iranian exhibit gave
the impression of venturing into a genuine Persian market, as cos-
tumed "vendors" called attention to tables of glassware, molded sil-
ver and hanging tapestries.
At the other end of the terrace, waiters from Turkey served
steaming Turkish coffee and sweet Mid-Eastern delicacies to those
seated at small tables along the darkened terrace.
The Chinese room resembled a softly-lighted pagoda, with its

.:_..- - - - - - - -.:


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