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November 13, 1959 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-13

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Four-Year C
Special to The Daily
GRAND RAPIDS -- The projected state-supported four-year
college to be established here will probably be independent rather than
a branch of one of the big state universities, L. William Seidman says.
Seidman is leader of a Grand Rapids group working for a college
as suggested by the Russell report on Michigan higher education.
Seidman said this week that a big reason for independence was
that establishing a branch of either the University or Michigan State
University might cause a split among local alumni of the two, ad-
versely affecting the college's chances.
Would Cost Same
State Rep. Thomas J. Whinery (R-Grand Rapids), chairman
of a legislative joint interim committee on the college, added that it
would cost no more to establish a new college than a branch.
He added that there would be no chance of the college's being
treated like a "step-child" if it were independent.
Seidman suggested, but dismissed as impractical, establishing the
college as a temporary branch of one of the big universities.
If it were understood there was to be no permanent arrangement;




he said, this would help by giving immediate accreditation to the
Grand Rapids college and expedite other kinds of aid.
In Ann Arbor, University Dean of State-wide Education Harold
M. Dorr said the University had no plans to attempt establishing such
a branch.
It would consider such a plan only if it received a "responsible"
invitation, accompanied by offer of financial support, but no such
invitation or grants have been received from Grand Rapids; no funds
will be diverted from the central campus to branches, he said.
The University, he added, will assist in a study of needs for a
Grand Rapids college, if asked.
Continue Courses in Area
It will continue to offer its adult education and extension courses
in the city, and will aid in program planning, and other areas if
MSU and Western Michigan University offer a similar program.
Seidman said it was possible but not probable that an independent
college could be started next year or in 1961.
Whinery echoed the statement, pointing to state financial condi-
tions and political consideration.

and Rapids?
He said other cities were also asking for colleges, including
Saginaw and Traverse City .
There will be no omnibus bill he said, giving colleges to several
cities at once.
The Legislature, he asserted, is ready to lend a favorable ear
to Grand Rapids requests, but he pointed out Grand Rapids has no
preeminent position.
So far, the Legislature has been favorable, he said, but there is
no assurance a bill will be passed next term.
He added the time seemed ripe but still could make no prediction.
The interim committee, he said, has commissioned a study by
Prof. John X. Jamrich, of MSU, of the problem and will proceed on
its findings.
No real hearings have been held, but action will be taken after
Prof. Jamrich reports Nov. 30 at a meeting of the Citizen's Advisory
Committee, the Grand Rapids group supporting the college.
The interim committee will be dissolved in January when the
Legislature reconvenes, whether or not it has arrived at proposals for
legislation, Whinery added. He said individual'members would continue
See GRAND, Page 8

...boosts college

... assesses chances

See Page 4


Si 43f


More snow late tonight
and Saturday.

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Faculty Travelers
View Russian Life
Swayze Portrays Soviet Schools;
Luther Discusses Russian People
Two University faculty members who spent last year at Moscow
University painted a first-hand picture of life in the Soviet Union
at an International Week lecture last night.,
Harold Swayze of the political science department, who studied
literature during his stay in Russia, was "not greatly impressed by
the quality of the faculty."
"In fact, lectures on Soviet literature were so bad I couldn't

- stand them and I observed that
Board Stops.
Tyler Move
For Status,
A request for special status fror
Tyler House, a graduate house i
East .Quadrangle, was denied b
the University Residence Hall
Board of Governors yesterday.
The board, chaired by Universit
Vice-President James A. Lewis
met to consider an agenda includ
ing the Big Ten Residence Hall
Association Meeting to be hel
here Nov. 13 to 15, a report oz
individual telephones for men
residence' halls, the Tyler Hous
request, calling hours for wome:
in the quads and information o:
Thanksgiving weekend.
Boren Chertkov, '60, presiden
of Inter-House Council, reporte
a survey of opinion had been mad
on individual phones in the quads
but had proved unsatisfactory be
cause of lack of, information.
He commented that the feelin
of the residents is against 'th
Vice - President Lewis restate
the board's previous decision t
Initiate phone installation in wom
en's residence halls, but to sta
action regarding the men's dormi
Assistant Dean of Men Joh
M. Hale then summarized the posi
tion of Tyler House in making
request to be allowed to withdrav
from IHC and East Quad Counci
He commented that as a gradu
ate house, Tyler has expresse
lack of interest in undergraduate
affairs and a desire to conduc
their business separately.
Hale .added that since the fl.
nancial and time obligation i
negligible, he feels that Tyle
House should continue to par
ticipate rather than receive spe
cial treatment.
Dean Rea pointed out that al
though no house is obligated t
participate in such activities a
homecoming or even to send
representative to IHC, if .the re
quest were granted a preceden
might be set which would influ
ence the action of other housin
Several members of the boar
discussed the seemingly natura
division between graduate student
and undergraduates, terming it I
"fact of life."
Hale concurred, but noted tha
in the 'light of recent secession
movements in men's residenc
halls, granting the request soul(
stir up further actions of thi
kind on different grounds.
Chertkov said that since IHC
is now at a crucial point in re
considering its structure, acquies.

Soviet students also stayed away in
--droves," he said, explaining that
most students in the literary fac-
ulty were not of especially high
quality and were "more concerned
with having a good time than
anything else!'
He continued that the atmos-
phere in the lecture halls was 'in-
credible" - students were talking
loudly, reading books and writing
letters. As an example, he cited a
two-hour seminar .of nine people
in which the professor and seven1
11 other people simultaneously talked
n during part of the period.
y He noted that the literature
is publicly discussed in the 'Soviet
Union today is communist in con-
y tent and that all the humanities
s, have been "severely affected by
- the political beliefs of the regime
s and have suffered from it."
d All students in the university
s are required to study political
economy, dialectical materialism,
e historical materialism, the history
of philosophy and the history of
nthe party.
Michael Luther of the history
it department, speaking on Soviet
d life in general, noted that "the
eo most popular book we had brought
s, with us was the Montgomery Ward
- catalogue, which is available on
the black market for six or seven
g dollars."
e He noted that the Soviets were
very concerned with finding more
d information on American life, es-
0 pecially about how much money
was earned by the worker and
- what was available for him to buy.
Although he used the catalogue
and advertisements in several
American magazines as proof, he
- felt that "much I said was not be-
w :I

To Address
Scientist Sydney Chapman will
be the principal speaker at the
University's mid-year commence-
ment exercises which have been
moved up to Jan, 16.
Chapman was president of the
international committee which
directed scientific studies during
the International Geophysical
Year. He is noted for his work in
solar-terrestial physics.
His most recent book, entitled
"IGY: Year of Discovery," will be
published soon.
Chapman has been a consultant
to the University Engineering Re-
search Institute for the develop-
ment of programs in geophysics,
space studies and other areas.
He has also lectured and been
visiting professor in many Uni-
versity departments in the literary
college, and in the engineering col-
Changing of the date of the
commencement exercises from Jan.
23 to Jan. 16 was announced re-
cently by Assistant to the Presi-
dent Erich A. Walter.{
By holding the commencement
exercises two days before the final
examination period, more seniors
will be able to attend, Walter said.
The previously announced com-
mencement date, Jan. 23, falls dur-
ing examination period.
In the 'past, students have
missed the commencement be-
cause they were concentrating on
exams, or they had finished and
gone off to jobs before commence-
ment, Walter explained.
Under the new plan, seniors will
still receive their degrees only
Pranks Inspired
Inspired by Ann Arbor's first
snowfall of the winter, rioting
students invaded s o r o r i t y
houses, broke several windows
with snowballs and generally
raised the campus temperature
last night.
, No damage estimates were

Offer Ideas
For Raising
Reuther, Seaton Talk
Before Senate Group
DETROIT (P)-A special United
States Senate committee investi-
gating unemployment in Michigan
yesterday heard leading spokes-
men for government, industry and.
labor offer their ideas for getting
more men back to work.
Among those testifying were'
Walter Reuther, president of the
United Auto Workers Union; Louis
G. Seaton, vice-president of Gen-
eral Motors; Max M. Horton,
director of the state's employment
security commission, Detroit
Mayor Louis Miriani; Malcolm L.
Denise, Ford Motor Co. vice-presi-
dent of labor relations and John
D. Leary, personnel vice-president
of Chrysler Corp.
More than 30 witnesses were
scheduled to appear before the
Senate group, headed by Eugene
McCarthy (D-Minn.), The com-
mittee is studying areas and states'
hit by chronic unemployment. The
hearing ends today.
Reuther blamed what he called
apathy on the part of the Eisen-
hower Administration for the un-
employment problem.
He offered a program he said
would "assist unemployed workers
and their familise and help restore
depressed communities to econom-
ic health."
Seaton told the committee more
job opportunities through eco-
nomic and" technological progress
would be the soundest solution to





B ikes Paralyzed by Ft Snow

-Daily-James Warneka
FIRST WINTER SCENE--Snow thudded softly into the city last night, leaving pedestrians delighted,
but shrouding the vehicle of summer.
Rise in Spending Predicted




Since consumer spending should
expand "as rapidly as steel oper-'
ations can get under way" the na-
tion's economy will be better than
most people expect, University
professors predicted yesterday.
Prof. Thomas G. Gies of the
business administration school
predicted that spending for auto-
mobiles, refrigerators and other
durable goods will reach previous-
ly unattained levels next year.

Nationalities Amass Exhibits for World's Fair

The fruits of patient prepara-
tion by more than 1,000 University.
foreign students are taking shape
in the Michigan Union today, in
readiness for tonight's gala open-
ing of the World's Fair.
The annual climaxing event of
International Week, with festivi-
ties scheduled 7-12 p.m. today and
1-12 p.m. tomorrow, provides the
campus's -foreign population an
opportunity to show aspects of its
various cultures.
As this evening's opening ap-
proaches, extensive exhbiits by
University nationality clubs-18 in
all-are slowly beginning to fill the
three lower floors of the Union.
The India Students Assn. ar-
ranges the supply of multi-colored
sands for the Far Eastern sand
picture they will make during the
fair. African students .tote in
primitive tom-toms for a drum-
ming demonstration.

at one and 5:30 Saturday in the'
Union Ballroom.
The story of the recent World's
Fair at Brussels, Belgium, will also
be related by motion picture.
"The availability of these out-

standing films is but one indica-
tion of the growing significance of
World's Fair," says James F.
Burns, '61E, chairman of the
Union international affairs com-
mittee which is sponsoring the

"Last year when the fair was
held only on Saturday, it drew
3,700 visitors," he explained. "But
this year with the program be-
ginning Friday evening, we expect
more than 5,000."

"Consumer income after taxes
should be no less than $335 billion
(annual rate) i nthe first three
months of 1960, and will approach
$350 billion by the final quarter,
whereas the present consumer in-
come is about $330 billion annual-
ly," the economics professor told
the Michigan Consumer Finance
Association in Detroit.
Purchasing Increase Seen
The incomes of consumers are
advancing from high levels, indi-
cating buyers can afford to in-
crease their amount of purchas-
ing. Studies of the University's
Survey Research Center "suggest
that the consumer feels more con-
fident in regard to prices and
more secure in his financial posi-
tion than at any other time since
1956," he said.
Not Slowed by Strike
Eva L. Mueller, assistant pro-
gram director in the University
Survey Research Center, said that
the steel strike has not hurt the
willingness of the American con-
sumer to buy more goods and
Miss Mueller told the seventh
annual Conference on the Econ-
omic Outlook that "the combina-
tion of increasing incomes and
growing consumer optimism prior
to the steel strike offers a basis
for further expansion of consum-
er demand, once production is
back to normal."
. Thesteel strike will not inter-'
fere with the rise in spending, but
in the long run will stretch out the
upward trend in consumer spend-
ing and sustain it over a long
period of time, she commented.

long-run stability of the value of
the dollar.
2) Rising prices were generally,
resented and led ; to infavorable
evaluations of buying conditions.
3) At several crucial. points in
the past, unfavorable attitudes
toward inflation seem to have had
a dampening influence on con-
sumer spending.
Differences Cited
Whereas most consumers dis-
like inflation, there are definite
differences among income and oc-
cupation groups, Dr. Mueller con-
tinued. Among income groups of
less than $3,000, three out of four
see inflation as entailing personal
hardship. Two out of three fami-
lies in the $7,500 and more income
bracket feel inflation "makes no
difference" to them personally.
"Upper income groups more oft-
en than those in the lower income
brackets felt that rising prices
would be matched by rising in-
comes," she explained.
"Among the middle income
groups, the inflationary threat is
not serious or salient enough to
change their preference for in-
vestments since they prefer in-
vestments which are safe, such as
bonds and savings accounts," she
Herter Hints
U.S. Extension
WASHINGTON (A')- Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter said
yesterday he would favor a brief
extension of the United States sus-
pension of nuclear weapons test-

Insist Taxes
More Vital
At Present
Referendum Try
Checked; GOP Still
Ask Nuisance Taxes
LANSING (A') - Democrats
blocked an immediate vote n con-
stitutional tax propositions yester-
day as the Republican emergency
revenue program moved a step
ahead in the legislature.
The GOP nuisance tax package
reached the Senate floor, embodied
in four bills approved by the
taxation committee.
Its size was increased 2 mil-
lion dollars to 74 millions by
changes in. beer and cigarette tax
After sparring off and on all
afternoon on the constitutional
issues, senators left the Capitol
until pext Tuesday night, although
technically a meeting is scheduled
for tomorrow morning.
Few Present
Only 24 of 109 House members
answered roll call. No business was
transacted. The House is not ex-
pected tomeet again in full force
untilnext Wednesday.
Majority Republicans tried for a
quick adoption vote on separate
resolutions to putsales tax in-
crease.and income tax propositions
on the ballot for a statewide vote
in November 1960.
However, they needed Demo-
cratic votes and when the minority
announced none would be forth-
coming the possibility of decisive
action without delay was ruled
"The tax package comes first.
We've got all next year to decide
what should go on the ballot, said
Harold M. Ryan of Detroit, Demo-
cratic floor leader, after a Demo-
.cratic caucus.
F He told newsmen that Demo-
crats mightagree to at least'the
sales tax resolution, ardently
sought by Republicans, after an
emergency tax settlement is
reached, possibly in a week or two.
At Republican insistence, ram-
bling debate and political fencing,
but no vote, ensued on the income
tax resolution.
Incomes Taxes Seen
As it came from the Judiciary
committee, carrying Republican
amendments, the resolution would
empower the legislature to impose
graduated taxes on income of both
individuals and corporations.
Sen. Philip Rahoi (D-Iron
Mountain), sponsor of the propo-
sal, asked that his name be re-
moved after the GOP amendments
weretacked on. His request was
turned down.
Rahoi had called for granting
such authority only with respect
to corporation profits.
S.Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-
Kalamazoo), judiciary chairman
and GOP tax strategist, . said
Democrats appeared to be backing

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