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November 12, 1959 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-12

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19 lO9


Freshman Team To Battle in Intersquad Game


Blues To Face Whites
In Second Annual Game

Michigan Depth at Ends
Stronger in Mid-Season


What are Miphigan's football
prospects for the future?
The answer to this oft-repeated
question may be answered in part
this afternoon when Don Dufek's
freshman team, divided into two.
squads,' squares off in the second
annual freshman game at Michi-
gan Stadium.
The intersquad battle is sched-
uled to begin at 3:45 p.m. The
game is open to the public and
those wishing to attend will be
admitted free. Rosters and a list
of the players' numbers will be
passed out to all fans in attend-.
ance. Rebuilding Year
This has been a rebuilding year
for Coach Bump Elliott and the
Michigan varsity and the progress
made thus far as been encourag-
With over 30 lettermen set to
return next fall the prospects for
1960 are promising, but the Wol-
verines will need help from the
freshmen to fill key positions
which will be vacated by graduat-
ing seniors. Most important of
these spots are quarterback and
both guard positions.
This afternoon's battle will give
Wolverine coaches and fans their
first chance to see whether or not
any of this year's freshmen will be
able to fill these spots.
Special Attention
Certain to draw special atten-
tion fromr the Wolverine coaches
will be quarterback Dave Glinka,
who is a 6', 190-pounder from To-
ledo. He is expected to be a real
challenger for the starting job on
the varsity next September.
Glinka will be leading the Blue
team coached by John Herrnstein
and.Gene Evans in this afternoon's
battle. Dufek will watch the game
from the. stands as the White
team will be handled by his other
aides, Gary Wiren and Stu May.
.Joining Glinka in the Blue
backfield will be halfbacks Dave
Ramey and Mike Agee. Gus Lead-
er ;will be at fullback..
Potential Standouts
The Whites also have a poten-
tial varsity standout in fullback
Joe O'Donnel. The 6'2", 215-pound
runner from nearby Milan, has
lived up to his high school repu-
tation thus far in freshman drills.
The White backfield will have Bob
Chandler at quarterback and
halfbacks Jack Stroebel and Ed
Hood flanking O'Donnell.
The Blue line will have a weight
advantage principally as a result
of the presence of 6'3", 235-pound
center John Houtmann, 225-pound
tackle Jack Lehr and 235-pound
Ron Lauterbach at the other
tackle. The Blue line will be filled
out by Chuck' Collins, and John
Atchison at the guards and Ed
Doran and Don Kocan at the
In the starting line for the
White team will be ends Bob Fil-

lar and Bill Freehan, tackles Gary
Brice and Bill Noles, Dick Asel and
Dick Syzmanski at the guards,
and center Bill Kerr.
Last Year's Battle
In last year's inaugural the
Blue defeated the White 18-12 in
a rain-soaked, but exciting battle.
The roster of the victorious Blue
included such names as John
Schopf, Jim Korowin, Bennie Mc-
Rae, Bil Tunnicliff, Wilbert Frank-
lin, Jim Zubkus, Todd Grant and
others who have made large con-
tributions to this year's varsity.
Today's game, although mis-
leading because the merits of this
freshman squad compared with
those of the other Big Ten teams
is unknown, and as a result of the
maturity of the individfual players
between the freshman and sopho-I
more year, may give the Wolver-
ine fans a preview of Michigan's
future football fortunes.

Michigan's Wolverines have a
wealth of ends at present as op-
posed to the beginning of the
year, when, according to End
Coach Jack Nelson, it appeared
that the Maize and Blue would be
weak on the flanks.
"We have a strong group of
eight ends," said Nelson, "and the
most encouraging thing to us is
that all of them will be back next
The switching around of per-
sonnel to include the three pla-
toons which Michigan now em-
ploys gives these eight boys a
chance to prove themselves, as it
does for the rest of the team.
All Have Improved
"They have all improved im-
mensely since the season started,"
Nelson said, "and we only hope
that they continue to do so, es-
pecially for next year. (This was

versatile left end

in reference to the fact that Mich-
igan has only two games left this
season.) The amazing thing about
these boys is that there is spirit
among them, with each one help-
ing the other, although they are
fighting for the same position.
In fact, this is true of the whole
team," he added.
Who are the eight boys Nelson
is referring to? Holding the job
on the first, or "Go" team, are ex-
perienced lettermen John Hal-
stead and Bob Johnson. They
were called a "little sharper" by
Nelson in relation to the other six.
"Halstead has exceptional tim-
ing while Johnson relies mainly
on speed and quickness," said Nel-
son. This is evidenced by the for-
mer's recovering of five fumbles
the first five games in addition to
blocking a punt against Missouri
and the latter's pass receiving
ability which has placed him in
the Big Ten's top 10.
Johnson is the only senior (Hal-
stead is a junior), among the
eight "first liners" but has anoth-
er season of eligibility coming, as
he played only six minutes as a
sophomore because of an injury.
Cowan, Mans on "Raiders"
Keith Cowan and George Mans
operate on the wings for the de-
fensive unit, "The Raiders," be-
cause they have exhibited a defi-
nite skill along that line. Cowan, a
junior, "has come along real well,"
Nelson said, and Mans, only a
sophomore, "has really surprised
us with his rapid progress."
Flanking the "Rompers" or sec-
ond offensive team, are Scott
Maentz and Gary Kane, a sopho-
more and junior respectively.
"Maentz has improved a great
deal," said Nelson, "although he
didn't, play as a freshman or in
spring practice." Maentz is known

...versatile right end

Philadelphia Pastes Pistons, 119-105

Associate Sports Editor
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-"Everytime I looked
at him he seemed to get bigger,"
lamented Ephraim (Red) Rocha,
the 69" coach of the ill-fated De-
troit Pistons.
And so did Wilt Chamberlain's
point total. At the finish of his
NBA debut in the Motor City last
night, the Stilt had connected for
41 points (just five above his sea-
son's average) ashis Philadelphia
Warriors pasted the Pistons, 119-
An overflow throng of 9,100
mobbed the University of Detroit
Memorial Building, not as intent
on a hometeanm victory as much
as a typical performance by the
rookie being boomed as the Babe
Ruth of professional basketball.
That's what it got.
The sometimes-absent TO" Wal-
ter (Waldo) Dukes, just an inch
shorter than his opponent, pro-
vided surprisingly stubborn re-
sistance at the outset.
But Wilt nonchalantly brushed
him aside the second half as the
Warriors showed why they have
won six of their first seven league
Philadelphia is one-half game
behind Boston in the eastern divi-
sion while the loss settled Detroit:
(3-7) into a last-place western
division tie with Minneapolis.
The Pistons hung onto a narrow
margin all through the first half
as Dukes kept Chamberlain fairly
well in check, while Gene Shue
was providing the scoring punch
with 16 points. Detroit led at the
intermission, 51-48.
But that was the last lead it was
to own. Paul Arizin, helping to
take the pressure off his towering

mate, began to click from all
points on the court and wound up
with 22 markers.
After Arizin tied the count with
a field goal and free throw with
just a second gone in the third
quarter, Chamberlain put the War-
riors permanently in front with
one of his specialties, a fadeaway
The Pistons managed- a tie twice
but then hit a seven-minute cold
streak in which Philadelphia
zoomed to an 80-63 lead. From
there it was nolo contendre.
Guy Rodgers and Tom Gola, 19
and 16 points respectively, pro-.
BOSTON (JP)-Tobacco-Chew-
ing Nellie Fox, the Chicago
White Sox' gritty little second
baseman, today was named the
American League's most valu-
able player for 1959.
Fox edged ,teammate Luis
Aparicio, the shortstop half of
Chicago's brilliant double-play
combination, in balloting for a
24-man committee of the Base-,
ball Writers Assn. of America.,
Fox polled 295 points in the
voting, while Aparicio had 255.
Early Wynn, Chicago's burly
right hander, drew 123 points
as the White Sox swept the first
three places in the poll.
Other principal American
League vote-getters were Cleve-
land's Rocky Colavito and Tito
Francona, Al Kaline of Detroit,
Jim Landis of Chicago and Har-
vey Kuenn of the Tigers.

vided a strong supporting cast.
The Pistons were headed by Dukes'
23, Shue's 20 and Shellie McMil-'
lion's 11.
* * * e
It was the Piston's second meet-
ing with Wilt and the Warriors
and just as frustrating as the first
one when Chamberlain scored 36
en route to a 120-112 victory.
Dukes, who had relegated him-
self to the doghouse by rfusing to
accept General Manager Nick Ker-
bawy's contract terms, escaped
merely by showing up and play-
ing his first game this year for the
"Waldo did a heck of a job for
us, especially in the first half,"
said Rocha.
Actually, Wilt and Waldo are
no strangers to each other, even
though this was their first league.
"I played against Wilt this sum-
mer in some exhibition games out
east," related the easy-going Wal-
Having had plenty of shots
blocked by both Wilt and Boston's
Bill Russell, Waldo is well-quali-
fied to give his views on what has
already shaped up as one of sports'
hottest controversies.
"At this stage, I'd have to say
Russell's the better player because
he can manipulate better, even
though Wilt is probably stronger
off the boards," says Dukes.
"Russell also gets my vote be-
cause of his greater aggressiveness.
And yet Wilt has the better scor-
ing touch. I guess it just depends
on what you're looking for.
"But Boston will probably win
the championship and that's what
finally counts."

mainly as a punter and has
boomed the Wolverines out of
trouble many times this year
when his unit was forced to punt.
Kane, a well-coordinated and
powerful player, along with sopho-
more Jim Korowin, another mem-
ber of "the eight," has shown
equal ability both offensively and
defensively. "Both Korowin and
Kane can play on any one of the
three teams," Nelson said.
The final member of the Wol-
verine stock of ends is Jim Zub-
kus, a 22-year-old Navy returnee
and only a sophomore. He can,
and has filled in on both the
"Raiders" and "Rompers" this
year for Mans and Kane; adding
to Michigan's depth.
Nelson indicated that this flexi-
bility among his -ends has con-
tributed greatly to the team's suc-
cess and said, "I wouldn't trade
them for anything."


Smith Named as Candidate
For Lineman of the Week


E- _ _

By The Associated Press
Tennessee upset the Tigers of
Louisiana State last Saturday and
very much in the thick of things
for the Vols was Joe Schaffer, a
"tough lineman who gets the job
For his part in helping to get
the job done Schaffer, a 210-
pounder who is captain of the
Tennessee team, today was named
the lineman of the week in the
Associated Press poll.
Schaffer, who hails from Cin-
cinnati, plays tackle offensively
and shifts to guard on defense.
Louisiana State got very little up
the middle when the Tigers tried
to advance through his territory.
Schaffer forced them to go out-
Gerry Smith, Michigan lineback-

er, drew praise for his fine defen-
sive work as the Wolverines upset
Illinois. Smith, who stands 5'10"
and weighs 190 pounds and wears
contact lenses on the field, made
three vital interceptions.
Other nominees included Sam
Bowlby, Dartmouth tackle; Vin
Promuto, Holy Cross guard; Buddy
Kelly, Tulsa end; Frank Korbini,
Penn State guard; Fred Mautino,
Syracuse end, and Larry Wagner,
Vanderbilt tackle.
Smith, who last year was a fill-
in at the halfback position, was
the first Wolverine to be nomi-
nated for such honors this year.
It is interesting to note that
Smith, though only a small man,
has turned himself into'a deter-
mined hard-working lineman.



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M-. Louis

Philadelphia 119, Detroit 105
Boston 151; Cincinnati 118
NHL Standings

ew Yc

W L Pet.
8 1 .889
iphia 6 1 .848
e 3 4 .429
ork 2 4 .333


INBA Standings

4 2 .667
3 6 .333
3 7 .300
3 7 .300

Hillel Fdn., classes, Basic Judaism,
4:15, Midrasha, Kosher Dinner Co-op,
5:30, Nov. 12, 1429 Hill.
* * *
Kappa Phi, pledge meeting at 7 p.m.,
cabinet meeting at 7:15 p.m., Nov. 12,
First Meth. Church.
* ~ **
Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia. pledge meet-
ing, Nov. 12, 9:30 p.m., 3532 SAB.
* * *
Univ. Coed Horseback Riding Club,
meeting, Nov. 12, 6:50 p.m., wAn. For
information, call NO 3-7778.
Christian Science Organization, regu-
lar testimony meeting, Nov. 12, 7:30
p.m, at the Fireside Rm. of Lane Hall.
* * *
Bahai Student Group, public meet-
ing, Nov. 12 at Ann Arbor Public Meet-
ing. 8 p.m. Speaker: Mrs. Zmeskel of
Toledo, Ohio "The Mission of Baha'ci'l-
ish 11

rew York

92 4
8 6 1
73 3
6 3 5
3 9 3
1 1 2


50 33
56 52
35 28
33 28
42 56
25 44

New York 6, Boston 3

t yy y ' ti
fi t.
. r
Y t


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