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November 08, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-08

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Hoaxes U.S.
On Program
WASHINGTON tom)-The Senate
Internal Security Committee said
yesterday the Kremlin's leaders
are promoting Soviet-American
cultural' exchanges as part of a
poisonous propaganda offensive.
."Soviet hoaxsters are playing us,
Individually and nationally, for
suckers," the subcommittee said in
a report on its 1958 investigations.
The report, although not pub-
lished until now, was written prior
to Soviest Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev's recent visit to this
In a section on Soviet-American
cultural exchanges, the report said
that, from ballet dancers to scien-
tists, every Russian is thoroughly
screened by Soviet authorities for
political reliability before being
allowed to come to the country.
It also said that every member
of a Soviet cultural mission is an
observer for Soviet military intelli-.
gence and is duty bound to use
every contact with the American
public to acquire information use-
ffl to the Soviet government.
"The profusion of Soviet dele-
gations to this country, the lavish
propaganda for cultural exchanges,
and . co-existence, is primarily a
phase of Soviet psychological war-
fare," the committee said.

USW, Industry Set To Start Work!

By' The Asse.iated Pre
Trickles of maintenance workers
headed back to long-idle steel
plants yesterday under pressure to
get the mills into production as
speedily as possible.
They faced a slow and exacting
Pickets who stood guard at mill
gates throughout the 116-day steel
strike vanished quickly after the
United States Supreme Court up-
held an 80-day Taft-Hartley in-
Big steel producers recalled the
first work crews within hours after
the Supreme Court decision was
handed down. But. it will be weeks
before any appreciable amounts of
new steel will be ready for cus-
* * .,
dent David J. McDonalddispatched
telegrams to every district director
and local union president telling
them to comply with the injunc-
tion and "resume work forthwith."
Later at a new conference, Mc-
Donald expanded on his state-
He said the 171-member ,USW
Wage Policy Committee will be
convened in the next few days to
chart the union's future adminis-
trative and negotiations policy.
Asked if the strike would resume
at the end of the 80-day cooling-
off period in the absence of a


To Be Held
Next Month
WASHINGTON W) - President'
Dwight D. Eisenhower has set aside
three days, beginning Dec. 19, for
Western summit talks in Paris on
strategy for negotiations with So-
viet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev.
The White House announced to-
day that Eisenhower will reach
Paris on the night of Dec. 18-19,
following a three-day Mediterran-
ean cruise on his way back from a
tour into the Middle East and
Southern Asia.
The President's task at the
Western summit session at Paris
will be primarily to try to find
common ground for bringing to-
gether divergent policy lines. Ade-
nauer stands at one extreme and
British Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan at the other. French
President Charles de Gaulle and
Adenauer generally favor a very
tough line in dealing with Khrush-'
Macmillan is known to be con-
vinced that the major issue for
settlement when Eisenhower, de
Gaulle and he meet Khrushchev in
Geneva next year is therissue of
the future of West Berlin. He
believes this is a negotiable issue
with Khrushchev.
At the other extreme Adenauer
has said he thinks the Western
powers should negotiate for a dis-
armament agreement in the sum-
mit meeting. In other words he
does not favor negotiations on
West Berlin.
Eisenhower has laid. down a
nrequirement that anything the.
West agrees on with Khrushchev
must be acceptable to the people
of West Berlin.

Major Problem m Medicine:
Expand, but Retain Quality
(Continued from Page 1)

q u alit y - not modern medi-
But applicants in general aret
becoming scarcer, the group re-
ported, citing close to a 40 per
cent decrease over the last ten
years in the numbers who apply
to medical schools, which are
concurrently trying to expand
their student capacities.
The people now applying and
graduating, were born during the
depression, when the nation's
birth rate hit an all-time low, he
pointed out. and this, coupled
with the increasing attraction of
other fields of science, has defi-
nitely cut down the number seek-
ing careers in medicine.
Dropouts Increasing
While schools have been keep-
ing their entering classes fairly
full, the dropout rate has gradual-
ly increased, suggesting that ad-
missions standards have been
lowered, he noted. As Dr. Hubbard
expresed it, "a so-so doctor is a
frightening thought."
With this in mind, the consult-
ant group recommends more
schools that offer only the first
two years of study (academic as
opposed to the final two of clini-
cal instruction) as a way to in-
crease the size of graduating
classes, Graduates of these in-
stitutions, the dean (an alumnus
of one himself) pointed out, could
act as feeders to the four-year
A plan of this type could be im-
plemented with comparative ease
in many of the nation's universi-
ties, such as Princeton, he' said,
that could support a two-year

program but do not have the clin-
ical facilities to offer the full four
The feeder system would prob-
ably result in about 800 more
graduates per year by 1975 and
with the average graduating class
now between 90 and 100, "you
would have the equivalent of six.
or seven new medical schools."
Expansion of existing schools, if
funds are forthcoming, could pro-
vide facilities for an additional
1,200 students per year by then.
The University, "a school in tran-
sition," has already increased its
enrollment considerably, now has
a potential graduating class of
200, and has long-range plans for
"a program to take care of this
very large student body," Dr;
Hubbard said.
After possibilities for expansion
and two-year programs are con-
sidered, a "hard core" of roughly
1,800 more students are left "that
have to be provided for," he not-
Need Quality
Dr. Hubbard estimates that es-
tablishment of 10 large medical
schools, the size of the University's
would round out the facilities
needed to handle an annual grad-
uaitng class of 11,000, but reiter-
ated the need to fill the places
with students of quality.
"The acute problem of recruit-
ment of excellent students," Dr.
Hubbard insisted, may remain
crucial after the expected boom in
college enrollments. Solving it will
,'"probably require' the kind of
graduate fellowships that are of-
fered in all other disciplines,"
particularly those from- state and
federal sources now lacking in
medicine, he suggested.

SET TO SMOKE-Stacks of the big furnaces and air heaters at most of the nation's steelmills
have been smokeless for over three months during the nation's longest steel strike. With the Supreme
Court decision, sending the men back to the mills, the stacks will again spew their accustomed iron red
and black smog into the air, and the fiery sparks to light up the night.

Second Front Page
NOVEMBER 8, 1959 Page 3

negotiated settlement, McDonald
said that decision would be made
by the Wage Policy Committee.
The union president was angered
by a newsman's question as to
whether union members would be
likely to engage in work slow-
He said the steelworkers are
"loyal citizens."
McDonald said no new negotia-
tions have been scheduled with the
steel industry.
* *
Finnegan, director of the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Serv-
ice, said he will get in touch with
union and management negotia-
tors to arrange for resumption of
collective bargaining.
"{i4'y tfdfh':4%aErt??Sf



. ,
t ;


7Pa U-LAR,
Bravo for the coats! More character,
more design, more value than ever before.
Consider our smashing new entries:
the greotcoat, the ottoman,
the chesterfield. . . many lavished
with fur. Priceless?
You're in for a surprise.
Ann Arbor's Most Fashionable Address

z ti:

No meetings were scheduled. Other comments were mixed:
* * * "What good will it do to go
GIANT United States Steel back for 80 days and walk back1
Corp., the world's largest steel pro- out in the middle of Winter?,.. .
ducer, began the costly and com- I'm tired of loafing . . . . Nobody,
plicated process of putting its likes to be ordered back to work
plants back into operation this way . . . . This should give us
A spokesman said workers will a lift for the holidays."
be recalled as needed. "How would Pres. Eisenhower3
The big question facing produ- like it if they told him he couldn'tY
cers, customers and workers was: play golf for 80 days," a Buffalo
how much steel can be produced striker said.,
during the 80-day operating period In Cleveland, Williard Taubee,
specified by the Taft-Hartley in- 52-year-old Republic Steel Corp.
junction? No one could be found employee, remarked:
to even make a guess. "I'm as tired of loafing as any-
Steel firms expect it will take "I'mbus tre is ong.Ity-
up to six weeks to get mills, back one but the order is wrong. It
should have been settled once and
That would be about 2,600,000 t for all
of ingot steel a week or about 90 Melvin Hampton, employed at
per cent of the nation's steel pro- Republic for 14 years and the
duction capacity. father of seven children, said:
It will take fully as long for all "The companies seem to be
of the 500,000 striking workers to going all out to break the union
be recalled. but the union is no weaker for the
S* . strike. Nobody likes to be ordered
REACTION on the picket lines to back to work this way."
the decision was that the 80-day At Homestead, Pa., Joe Dudas,
cooling off period would not con- employed at the United States
tribute to settlement of the strike. Steel Corp. Homestead Works, was
shopping with his wife, Veronica,
and their 7-year-old son, Larry.
Pick Dowling "What good will it do to go back
for 80 days?" he asked.
As Am bassadorj"Well at least the children will
have something for Thanksgiving
and Christmas," interjected his
To Germany wife.
At Buffalo, N. Y., several strikers
WASHINGTON (') - Georgia- wore black armbands as a symbol
born Walter C. Dowling, a career of mourning. A man wearing a
diplomat with nearly three decadesblcar ansid
of experience, is returning to West "'They've done something to us
Germany as United States am- the companies could never do."
bassador, "We don't want to go back," said
The White House yesterday con- another, "but what are we going
firmed Dowling's appointment to to do? They'll hold us With con-
succeed David K. E. Bruce, who is tempt."
resigning from the Bonn post ef-
fective Nov. 1. The shift was re-
ported unofficially yesterday.
The 54-year-old Dowling, who
has served in a number of world
capitals since he entered the for-
eign service back in 1931, will be
on familiar ground in his new as-
Diplomatic sources reported
West German Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer had sent word that he%
was delighted with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's decision
to send Dowling back as ambassa-




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The white dress shirt takes its opulence
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