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November 08, 1959 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-08

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Wisconsin .. 24 Michigan State 15 j Indiana . . . . 0 Iowa . . . . . . 33 f Tennessee . . . 14 Texas . .
Northwestern . 19 Purdue. . . . . 0 j Ohio State . . . 0 Minnesota . . . 0 LSU. . . . . . . 13 Baylor .

« * S S
* . " .


See Page 4

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Seventieth -Year of Editorial Freedom

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VOL. LXIX, No. 42





Back to -Work












Steelworkers Union
Must Return to Mills

Record 116-Day Walkout Stopped
By 80-Day 'Cooling-Off Period'
WASHINGTON.(P)-By a vote of 8-1, the Supreme Court yester-
day upheld the back-to-work injunction in the 116-day-old steel strike.
As a result, the 500,000 steelworkers who quit work on July 15
must return to the mills for 80 days under emergency provisions of the
Taft-Hartley act.
"The Supreme Court has spoken," said David J. McDonald, presi-
dent of the steelworkers union. "As law abiding citizens the steel-
workers union, of course, will comply with the court's judgment."
McDonald dispatched. telegrams instructing the strikers to return
to work immediately. -
At the end of the 80-day cooling off period in late January, the
union may call another strike. But before that can be done, workers
employed by each of the major
steel companies will vote by secret
W ould A dont ballot on whether to accept or re-
ject management's latest offer.
Eisenhower Comments
Labor Court President Dwight D. Eisenhower
was informed promptly of the
court's ruling. He expressed hope
WASHINGTON (R)- A power- the steel mills will get started up
ful new court to settle nationwide again as soon as possible.
labor disputes before they can Although the court's order is
lead Io costly strikes like the steel effective immediately, there was
walkout was proposed yesterday by no prospect of an early outpouring
Sen. George Smathers (D-Fla.). 'of steel. And it may be two weeks
Smathers suggested five mem- or so before new collective bar-
bers for this court, which he would gaining sessions get under way.
designate the 'United States Court Joseph F. Finnegan, director of'
of Labor-Management Relations, the Federal Mediation and Con-
Such a court, he said in a'state- ciliation Service, said he hopes to
ment, would have jurisdiction over know by Monday when contract
all national industries and would negotiations will be resumed. They
be used wilen collective bargain- have been suspended pending out-
ing reached an impasse, come of the Supreme Court appeal.
"It would be in the nature of a Steel officials estimated it will
supreme court on labor-manage- take up to six weeks to get produc-
ment relations, whose findings and Lion back to 90 per cent of capac-
judgments would be final and ity.

3 '.,. '
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l k

-Associated PreMs Wirephoto
CAUGHT-Michigan speedster Bennie McRae (48) Is brought down by Illinois defensive back Dejustice Coleman (45), after making a
first-period gain. In the background are "Go Team" fullback Bill Tunnicliff (36) and Illinois end Gary eIembrough (86). The Wolverines
scored two touchdowns on Stan Noskin passes and another on a Darrell Harper plunge to upset the favored Illini, 20-15, to add a
spoiler to Illini coach Ray Eliot's retirement plans in a battle of Elliott vs. Eliot.
Union To Present .InternatioDnalia

binding on both parties -- a court
of last resort in this field so to Arthu
speak," he said. the un
Members of the court would bej against
selected in the same way as other court sa
judicial appointmenta are made, a rehea
Nominations would be made by "The
the President, subject to aporoval en," G
by the Senate. Cases would be ex- strongly
elusively labor-management. ' judgmer
What is needed, S m a t he r s' "Unde
statement said, is a court with case, no
powers as great as the Supreme by filing
Court's to step in and settle major A st
labor-management disputes be- related
fore a strike develops. meats
The proposed court's authority the act
should come into play, he said , heac
when it becomes obvious that a It wa
collective bargaining impasse has ever ha
been reached. section
He said either side should have act, pas,
the right to call in the court to Fiftee
end the deadlock. The five judges has ask(
then would hear the testimony to issue
and hand down a decision from section.
which there would be no appeal. been gr

;Losing Battle
.r J. Goldberg, who fought
ion's unsuccessful fight
the injunction in the high
aid he has no plans to seek
Supreme Court has spok-
oldberg said. "However
one may disagree, the
't must be obeyed.
er the circumstances of the
purpose would be served
g a petition for rehearing."
ory on page 3 deals with
events and includes com-
by industry and labor on
ion of the Supreme Court.

By PETER STUART tional performers represented on
The Michigan Union will be the campus.
transformed into a virtual show- The fai' will open its gates 7-12
place of the folklore of far-off p.m. Friday and 1-12 p.m. Satur-
lands Friday and Saturday. day. The talent show will be staged

As site of the annual World's
Fair, three floors will be crowded
with displays representing 18 na-
tions of the world, manned by
University students who are citi-
zens of those countries.
The exhibits, painstakingly pre-
pared by campus nationality clubs,
will offer attractions which run
the gamut from Latin American
jazz and Turkish coffee to travel
slides of India and one-the-spot
making of crude Japanese paper.
Highlighting the two-day event
climaxing International Week will
be three presentations of an en-

at 9 Friday evening and at both 8
and 10 Saturday. evening in the
Union ballroom.
Visitors to "Crossroads of Cul-
ture," the theme of this year's
Official Lauds
Post Offce
"I'd say there are no better

World's Fair, are in store for a
number of novel treats. The Chi-
nese Student Club as part of its
display has made arrangements-to
have an elegantly sculptured copy.
of a lion's head, believed to be 200
to 300 years old.
The wonderland of foreign folk-
lore also will include: demonstra-
tions of primitive African drum
beating, Arab palm reading, Thai
folk dancing, intricate hand-made
models of,,ai Turkish mosque and
minaret and Venezuelan music in-
The talent show boasts a pro-
gram of music and dancing by per-
formers hailing from all parts of
the globe. Heading the list of fas-
cinating national dances are an
Indonesian umbrella dance, a
Ukranian folk dance, an Arabian
ballet, a Philippine bamboo stick
dance and an African ritual.
Proceeds from the World's Fair

will be apportioned among the 18
participating nationality clubs 'on
campus, the International Student
Assn., the International Student
Emergency Load Fund and funds
for the Foreign Student Handbook.
Hurst To Give
Law Series
This Week
Prof. James W. Hurst of the
University of Wisconsin Law
School will discuss "Law and Pro-
cesses of Social Change in United
States History," in the Law
School's Cooley lecture series, Nov.
The series, open to the public,
will be presented daily at 4:15
P.m. in Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall.

s the first
d ruled on
208 of th
sed in 1947.
n times t]
ed a federa
an injunc
Each time

time the court
the validity of
e Taft-Hartley

. chantingly unusual talent show, postal facilities for a community
he government which will be, in effect, a survey of this size in the nation," Ann
Li district court of entertainment the world over. Arbor Postmaster Oswald Koch
tion under this Aptly designated "World Festival said, glancing around the spacious
the request has of Talent," the show will gather main floor area of the new post
together the cream of interna- office building at 2075 W. Stadium
Built by a private corporation
! and leased to the government on a
20-year basis, the new building has
T' 'N s Q0n1A -u-u U----f.fl,.. .,,

Medical Schools Face Problem

A E Phi Wins


Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority took
first place in the annual Hillel-
zapoppin last night.
Their skit titled "Chaos in Cos-
metics was a take-off on the
strike in the steel industry.
In second place was Delta Phi
Epsilon soroity's skit, "A Friend
Is Someone Who Likes You." In'
this act a girl has no friends and
wishes to find out how she can find
The independents walked off
with an honorable mention with

62,219 square feet of1floor space .L s %/'%.W W vW VW w u 1- - -
compared with 19,970 at its former
Facilities include attractive, mod- By KATHLEEN MOORE
ern offices, stock and supply rooms, The basic problem facing the nation's medical schools is how to
a huge sorting space and a loading "increase our educational resources in medicine without diluting
dock area with its own lubritorium Equality.
andservice trucksto Ann Arbor "There is no room for mass production and there are no short
cuts," Dr. Williali Hubbard, dean of the medical school, insisted yes-
The sorting space incorporates terday.
many innovations and improve-
ments over the old quarters. Must Increase Rate
One-way lookout stations over- According to last week's report from the United States Surgeon
looking the sorting area make close General's medical education consultant group, the nation's schools
surveillance of the sorting process must turn out an additional 3,600 graduates per year by 1975 to
possible. merely maintain the present ratio of physicians to population.
It is estimated that of the 900-
1350 pounds of mail handled in a Dr. Hubbard disagreed somewhat with the group's assumption
typical working day at the post that this ratio is "a minimum essential to protect the health of the
office, 60 per cent is accounted for people" because "this bit of mathematics dodges the basic question of

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