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November 07, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-07

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Second Front Page
NOVEMBER 7, 1959 Page 3
Soviet Union Celebrates
Anniversary of Revolt

N -,

LINES SHUT DOWN-Tarpaulins covered the nation's auto assembly lines as production dwindled to
a measly 67,514 units this week, reflecting a 33 ,er cent drop from last week's 101,598 total. Booming
sales of both the regular and compact models will be ultimately curtailed as General Motors plants
canre to a near standstill while Chrysler and Ford effected short work weeks.
Negotiations at 'Standstill
ionStleelStrike EdUseen

MOSCOW (-) - The Soviet Un-
ion yesterday began a three-day
celebration of the 42nd anniver-
sary of the 1917 Communist revo-
lution with emphasis on scientific
progress, better living and peace.
The observances started off
with a keynote rally in the Lenin
Stadium Sports Palace and a real
holiday spirit throughout the city.
Completely lacking were the at-
tacks on imperialism and the
martial spirit of the past year.
Biggest Show
The biggest show of enthusiasm
at the rally came when speakers
mentioned Soviet space accom-
plishments and Premier Nikita
Khrushchev's visit to the United
All references to the United
States were favorable and all were
received favorably by the audi-
A parade today is expected to
bring thousands trudging through
slush before the greats of the
Party and government atop the
Lenin-Stalin Mausoleum in Red
Keynote Talk
The keynote talk this year was,
given to Averky B. Aristov, a
member of the Party Presidium
since June 1957. Deputy Premier
Anastas I. Mikoyan was the
speaker at last November's kickoff
The sports palace, which seats
14,000 persons, was jammed by
the party faithful. They got off
early in the afternoon to begin a
holiday that will last through to-

Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
and Mikoyan joined in applause
for the bespectacled Aristov when
he assailed those who, he said,
slander the Soviet Union.
No Slander
"In the old days persons who
uttered slanders had to lick hot
cake pans," Aristov' said with
homely phrasing. "We ought to
have a punishment like that now
for such slanderers.
Leaders of the party and gov-
ernment sat at a long table on the
stage at one end of the huge hall
where American showmen pre-
sented an ice spectacle and the
Harlem Globe Trotters basketball
matches in the last year .
Khrushchev sat next to Presi-
dent Klementi Y. Voroshilov.
The ceremonies were broadcast
by radio and TV.
Show Films
After the meeting ended, tele-
vision viewers saw films of the life
of Lenin which have become a
ritual of the festival. One scene
showed Lenin in his home,
fondling a gray cat while he
talked to members of his family.
Aristov recited Soviet achieve-
ments and some shortcomings aft-
er 42 years of Communist rule.
After listing advances in agricul-
ture and noting the amount of
building under way, he said more
consumer goods still are needed.
He told his a u d i e n c e that
drought last summer had affected
agricultural production.

TEAR GAS-Canal Zone police sprayed tear gas against anti-American demonstrators who stormed
into the Canal Zone protesting United States control of the canal earlier this week. The police, who
were assisted by United States troops, used tear gas and fire hoses on the crowd. Panama newspapers
said the violence stemmed from resentment over American interpretation and application of treaties
between the two countries.
Canal Zone Border Quiete

. _ _ _

WASHINGTON (P)- The steel
strike yesterday entered its 115th
day with peace talks at a stand-
still, and not a sign from any
direction that a settlement might
be near.

Steel Firnm,
Union Reach
ST. LOUIS (A) - The Laclede
Steel Co., which employs about
3,500 production workers in near-
by Alton and Madison, Ill.,
reached a tentative agreement
yesterday with the United Steel-
workers Union on a new contract.
Members of local 3643 at Alton
and 1785, at Madison were to vote
on ratification Thursday.
No details were' available on the
The company and the union
said they reached partial agree-
ment covering "many substantial
areas" prior to Aug. 31, when the
old contract expired. The com-
pany had continued in operation
despite the national steel strike,
now in its 115th day.
"The remaining items were left
open awaiting settlement of the
big steel negotiations," local 3643
President Buddy Davils said in a
"However, in view of the long
delay in concluding a contract be-
tween the major steel companies
and the United Steelworkers and
the prospect of further indefinite
delay, Laclede Steel Co. and the
United Steelworkers have deter-
mined it would, be undesirable to
further delay completion of their
A spokesman for Laclede said
the firm accounts for about one-
half of one per cent of the total
national steel output.
Ie Appoints

The nation-and the deadlocked
industry and union negotiators-
still awaited the Supreme Court's
decision whether to sustain or
knock down a Taft-Hartley Law
injunction ordering the 500,000
striking steel workers back to their
jobs for 80 days.
Whether the ruling would come
today or later remained the court's
own secret. The government ob-
tained the injunction in federal
court in Pittsburgh more than two
weeks ago, but it has been held
in abeyance pending the outcome
of appeal.
Menace to Health.
In obtaining the back-to-work
order, the government argued that
the strike menaced the public
health and safety-a contention
the striking United Steelworkers
Union fought vigorously, all the
way up through the Supreme
Court's hearing on the appeal
On Capitol Hill Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore.) announced he will
ask Congress next year to give the
President potent new powers to
halt strikes threatening to create
national emergencies.
He said he will introduce a bill
to provide alternative procedures.
Under one approach in the
Morse Plan, the president would
be empowered to appoint an emer-
gency board with authority to issue
an order settling a dispute after
holding hearings and announcing
Allow Seizure

closed plants, subject to congres-
sional veto of his action within
10 days.
. "We can no longer afford the
luxury of prolonged disputes such
as that now confronting the steel
industry," Morse said in a state-
ment announcing his plan.
Strike-halting injunctions under
the Taft-Hartley law may be is-
sued for not more than 80 days,
and the courts have no authority
to extend or- renew then if the
"cooling off" period fails to bring
a settlement.
The Supreme Court held its
usual Friday closed-door confer-
ence yesterday, presumably giving
major attention to the steel case
although there was no word of
what went on.
No Indication.
There was still no indication
when the Court might announce
its decision on whether the 500,-
000 striking steel workers must re-
turn to the mills under Court or-
der. An 80-day injunction against
the strike was issued Oct. 21 but
enforcement was held up pending
the appeal to the high Court.
On its regular conference day
the Court goes over pending cases
and petitions for review of lower,
court decisions.
Ordinarily, there is no an-
nouncement of actions until the
court's regular session starting at
noon Monday.
Many persons familiar with
Court proceedings, however, have
speculated that the Court might
announce its action in the steel
case without waiting until Mon-

PANAMA (A') - The Panama
Canal Zone border was quiet yes-
terday and Panama's newspapers
came up with a unanimous ex-
planation of the anti-American
violence that occurred there this
The papers said it stemmed
from Panamanian resentment over
American interpretation and ap-
plication of treaties between the
two countries.
N a t i o n a l i s t demonstrators
clashed with United States troops
Tuesday, Panama's 56th anniver-
sary of independence from Co-
lombia. The United States embas-
sy was stoned and its flag was
torn down. Protests were ex-
changed between the two coun-


, United States troops guarding
the Canal Zone boundary with
Panama City were withdrawn Fri-
day and control was returned to
police. Barbed wire barricades
were removed from intersections
and traffic restrictions were lifted.
American troops remained on duty
at the border between the Zone
and Colon at the Atlantic end of
the Canal.
Panamanian complaints over
the question of sovereignty in the
Canal Zone date back almost to
the signing of the 1903 treaty
granting the United States a strip
of territory for the Canal in per-
Panama consistently contended
that the Canal Zone was ceded for

specific purposes and, althoug
under United States jurisdictio
the territory is Panamanian.
The dispute over sovereign
has been intensified by rece.
Panamanian, accusations that ti
visions of the 1955 treaty givir
United States Is not fulfilling pra
Panamanians equal t r e a t m e n
and equal employment opporti
nities in the Canal Zone. Panar
contends lower wage scales sti
prevail for Panamanians workir
for the Canal administration.
Another recurrent Panamania
complaint is that the Canal ac
ministration discriminates again.
Panamanian businessmen in i



Women Expected To Carry

Major Burden of Soviet Agriculture


The alternative procedure wouldI

let the President seize and operate

McElroy Plans Consolidating
Military Requests, for Budget

WASHINGTON (M - President
Eisenhower has picked career dip-
lomat Walter C. Dowling to be
new United States Ambassador to
Western Germany, informed
sources reported yesterday.
The Georgia-born Dowling is a
54-year-old foreign service officer
with 29 years diplomatic experi-
ence. He served from 1953 to 1956
as deputy United States high com-
missioner for Germany and later
as Minister Counsel at the Amer-
ican Embassy in Bonn.
Noel Coward's

WASHINGTON (F') - Secretary
of Defense Neil McElroy begins
today the job of compressing
money requests of the military
services into a single package for
submission as the 1961 military
McElroy has scheduled 'an all-
day meeting with Deputy Defense
Secretary Thomas Gates, former
Defense Comptroller W. J. Mc-
Neil, Deputy Assistant Secretary
John Sprague ,Research Director
Herbert F. York and Gen. Nathan
Twining, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
The session today is to be held
aboard the Navy yacht Sequoia on
the Potomac River.
Next year's budget is expected
to be about the same as the cur-
rent year program - a 41 billion
dollar expenditure, with requests
for new funds totaling approxi-
mately 40 billions.

Of this, the Air Force may ask
for between 18 and 20 billion in
new money, the Navy about 11 bil-
lion, and the Army about 9% bil-
lion. The Defense Department's
share, which includes money for
such items as research and devel-
opment, probably will run about
1% billion.
Defense officials hope to have
their requests assembled and
ready for submission to budget
bureau officials by the middle of
this month.
Further changes will come as
the National Security Council and
the Budget Bureau submit their
views on the militray budget. The
deadline for sending the over-all
federal budget to the printers pre-
liminary to submission to Cbn-
gress usually is about mid-Decem-

Associated Press Farm Writer
WASHINGTON-Soviet Russia Is
pinning its agricultural fture
largely on the backs of sturdy{
young peasant women..
This is a big load because agri-
culture is the weak link in theI
Soviet economic system
The part assigned the young
farm women has been noted inf
reports from the Soviet Union. But#
the full significance of this can
be appreciated only by a tour of
the Russian farm areas.
Scenes of women doing most of
the hard, hand work on farms
were deeply impressed on the
group of agriculture department
officials and newsmen (Editor's
Note: Martin was one of them)
who accompanied Secretary of Ag-
riculture Ezra Taft Benson on his
recent good will and trade tour of
Russia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Fin-
land, Sweden, Norway and West
Women Do Most
Soviet agriculture ministry offi-
cials who went along with the
Americans on visits to state and
collective farms near Moscow and
in the rich Ukraine, more than
500 miles to the south, freely re-
ported that women are doing at
least 60 per cent of the farm work.
The visitors found women milk-
ing cows, cleaning out livestock
stalls, laying new bedding for ani-
mals, doing the feeding, as well
as doing the bulk of the hand work
in fields that cannot be done by
Most of these women-in the
late teens, twenties and early thir-

ties-showed little of the feminin-
ity of American women.
Yet, they showed every indica-
tion of being satisfied with their'
lot. Benson questioned a number
of them and they seemed to show
pride in telling of their work.
Few Men
The Americans found relatively
few men on the big, factory-like
farms. It was explained that many

of the men living on the farms
worked in factories in nearby
towns and cities or drove trucks.
The farm women wore coarse,
heavy clothing, no makeup. None
had an opportunity to attend
school or to find other opportuni-
The ambition of most of them
was to become milk maids. They
draw the highest wages
Most of the farm people watched

the visitors from behind the
fences. Few came out to join with
the visitors, whether through or-
ders or timidity was uncertain.
In discussing the hard role as-
signed the young peasant women,
Benson speculated that their work
would have, in time, a disastrous
influence on marriage and rearing
of children. It appears to him
that these young women will have
little chance or incentive to marry
and make homes, harnessed as
they are to hard work assigned in
other countries largely to men.
The Benson party did not dis-
count, however, the farm produc-
tive potential of Soviet agriculture.
It traveled through areas rich in
productive black soil. It saw in
Moscow a display of Russian farm
machinery, including tractors big


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and small, combines, harveste
multiple plows-all of which cot
pared favorably with machine
available to American farmers.
Not in Operation
Yet, in their travels into t
country the Americans did not s
too much of this machinery
operation. More time doubtless w
be needed to supply all the far
fully with machinery.
The Soviet farm goal is to eqi
United States production on a I
capita basis by 1965. Production
wheat, rye, potatoes and wool E
ready exceed this United Stat
average. But the Soviets lag
most other products, particula:
livestock products, although th
claim to have exceeded the Ames
can production-on a total pom
age basise-of milk.

TO CARRY FUTURE-The future of Soviet agriculture, the weak
link in the Russian economic system, is being carried by its young
peasant women, who are doing at least 60 per cent of the farm
work including hand work which cannot be done by machinery.
Few men are found on the factory-like farms.

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