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November 07, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-07

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lemorials Fade into Obscurity

Trend Seen.
The trend in recent centuries
and even today is away from the
explanation of things in terms of
supernaturalism and toward an
explanation based on naturalism,
Prof. Leslie White of the anthro-
pology department said at a Stu-
dent Government Council seminar
in which he discussed his book,
"The Science of Culture."
The specific chapter of the book
to which he was referring dealt
with the expansion of the scope
of science.
All philosophy of iankind is
grouped in two major categories,"
he declared. One is the supernatu-
ralistic category in which all phe-
nomena are explained in terms of
self-projection into the external
world. That is to say that the
external world is directed by a
mind or spiritual similar to ours."
Naturalistic Philosophy
The other category is the natu-
ralistic one in which everything
is interpreted in terms of itself,
the professor continued. The sci-
ence of culture is only explainable
in these terms and things in the
world are explained as they take
place, in terms of their own in-
herent properties.
In showing the development of
the science of culture, Prof. White
explained why some sciences are
older and more mature than

Away from Supernaturalism to Naturalism

--Daily-Robert Kaplan
FUTURE OF CULTURE-Prof. Leslie White of the anthropology
department discusses his book, "The Science of Culture," at the
SGC seminar yesterday. He said that when scientific techniques

Physiology precedes psychology
in the development of science be-
cause understanding the fluids of
the body is easier than interpret-
ing the thoughts and ideas of the
Group Psychology More Recent
Prof. White said that group
psychology natures after indi-
vidual psyc'iology, because the idea
that one is merely a reflection of
society is harder to comprehend
than that one is an individual
entity. Therefore sociology takes
longer than psychology to develop.
"When the science of sociology
emerged, it was thought of as the
peak of the sciences. I, think that
they overlooked a very important
class of determinants. This de-
terminant, which lies beyond social
interaction, is culture."
Culture, the extra-somatic de-
velopment, is the factor which
explains the form and content of
social. interaction in its various
manifestations, he explained.
The course of evolution, as found
in the accumulation of tested ex-
perience, is stored up in extra-
somatic traditiaon-culture. A li-
brary is an example of such a
Away from Supernaturalism
In this course of, evolution one
can see the trend of philosophy
moving away from supernatural-
im. At one time, even. the physical
world was, explained in terms of
supernaturalistic concepts, Prof.
White noted.
"Culture explains everything
through its own inherent quali-
Technology is the motive force
behind culture, the professor
maintained. All institutions rest on
a technological basis, which is
the means of harnessing and put-
ting energy-to work, the necessity
of all human existence.
"When the techniques of science
invade culture, there will be no
place for supernaturalism; it will
cease toy exist and then we will
have a genuine. science which will
have realized its fullest potentiali-
ties," he said.

completely invade culture, it will
genuine science.
others.. His thesis is that those
sciences which mature first deal
with things which are least signi-
ficant as determinants of human

Latin-American Author
Speaks on Mayan Art

realize Its full potentialities as a
"When we are not deeply in-
volved , personally, we can see
things more objectively."
View Astronomy Objectively
"We can regard the heavenly
bodies more objectively because
they are less impor tant factors in
influencing our behavior, he re-
marked. As things become more
immediate to us, they become more
significant, but more difficult to
distinguish. The stars, moon, and
sun are not as important as is the
terrestial, and thus geology is more
closely related to us'than astron-
Biological sciences are more im-
mediate to our behavior than, are
the physical sciences, because they
are more significant determinants
of our behavior, Prof. White main-
The science' of anatomy grows
faster than that of physiology be-
cause :it is easier to distinguish the.
bones and muscles of the body
than the glands.

"The underlying purpose of my
lecture is to make the listeners
aware of the basic American cul-
tures and to learn to know each
other better," Samuel Marti, Mexi-
cdn author .and conposer, said..
Marti discussed "The Art and
Music of the Mayas" yesterday.
"Americans should be aware of
the culture that existed before
Columbus came to this country
and started the influx of European
culture and which still exists to-*
day," continued. Marti.
He illustrated his point with
color slides of Mexico and the
Mayan people along with original
recordings of Mayan music played
on original instruments.
Marti is presently working on
the reconstruction of the pre-
Columbian dances and has written
a book on pre-Cortian music in-
In his lectures throughout the
'U' Alumnae
To Sponsor
Sale of Books
The Ann Arbor branch of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Women will hold their annual
used book sale from 9 a.m. to 9
p.m. today at the International
The annual sale offers a great
variety of used books at reduced
prices, including paperbacks, text-
books, fiction and national naga-
Profits from the sale will be used
for international study grants and
fellowship awards. Between 45 and
50 women, usually with careers al-
ready launched, are brought to the
United States annually by AAUW
for a year of professional training.
Afterwards they return to re-
sponsible posts in their own coun-
tries where they share their ex-
periences in the United States with
co-workers, students, and profes-
sional groups with whom they
The A AUW pays travel expenses,
tuition, re m and board for the
year, unless the grantholder has
already received Fulbright Travel
Johnny Harberd Men of Note
Dick Tilkin Bob Elliott
Andy Anderson Al Blaser
Vic Vroom Earle Pearson
The Kingsmen Dale Seeback
plus many others

country, he hopes to encourage
young men and women to go South
to Mexico, "where everything is to
be done," Marti added..
"There Is less technicality and
more humanity .in Mexico," the
author-composer commented-
Marti emphasized his pride in'
the artistry and spirit of the
natives of his country, and in the!
style and quality both in architec-
ture and education of the new
University of Mexico.J

Show Gets Sets

. ,

NEW STYLE-This picture of last year's MUSKET play was the last in the old style of sets. This
year, in the group's production of "Carousel," the sets will be experimental, using color and set
progression in a manner new to MUSKET production.

The Daily official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 41
General Notices
Summary of action taken by Student
Government Council at its meeting
Nov. 5, 1959.
Approved minutes previous meeting.
Approved activities as follows:
Nov. 6: India Students Assoc., din-
ner and program, 6:30 p.m., Union Ball-
room (interim action).
Nov. 10: Student Government Coun-
cil, John C. Metcalfe, keynote speaker,
International Week, 7:30 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall..(Interim Action).
Dec. 4, 5: Galens Medical Society,
Fund Drive. Ann Arbor and campus.
Approved inclusion in Regulations
Booklet of statement, "In reviewing
the petition for recognition, Student
Government Council will consider the.

degree of duplication with existing. or-
ganizations which might arise from
such recognition."
Accepted report of Elections Director
on results of campus elections held
Nov. 3, 4. Seated the following newly
elected members, upon certification by
the Credentials and Rules Committee:
For full terms: Robert Alan 'Haber,j
Nancy Adams,'Ronald Bassey, Lynn
Bartlett, William Warnock.
For half terms: Jeff Jenks, Babs Mil-
ler, M. A. Hyder Shah.
Approved mailing a egpy.of the Coun-
cil minutes to each housing unit, with
appropriation to cover costs.
Composers Forum. Compositions by
student composers, Donald Matthews,
Roger Reynolds, Robert James, Alex-
ander Pollatsek, Melvin Kangas and
Edwin Coleman will be performed by
soloists. and ensembles in Aud. A, An-
gell Hall, on Mon., Nov. 9, at 8:30 p.m.
Open to the general public.
Opera Tickets: Mail orders for tickets
to "Don Pasquale", the operatic Jewel
by Donizetti, are now being acceptedl.
The opera will be presented Thurs,
through; Sat., Nov. 19-21, in the True-
blood Aud.,, Frieze Bldg. Tickets are
$1.00, general admission unreserved
seating: Checks payable to Play Pro-

duction. Mail" orders to: Playbill, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor.
Thomas M. Cooley lecture on "Drift
and Direction of Law and Processes of
SocialChange in United, States History"
by Prof. James Willard Hurst, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, on Mon., Nov. 9 at
(Continued from Page 2)
4:15 p.m. in Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall,
Law Quad. d
(Continued on Page 4)

1103 S. Univ.

NO 2-6362

comning Nov314
tickets- on sole ,now
Bob Marshall's

DIAL NO 2-6264
11 P.M.
. ? i .. RMATS e ,u.


DIAL 5-6290


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