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November 06, 1959 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-06

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Seventieth Year

"Somehow I Can't Concentrate with
That Guy Around"

-n Opinions Are Free
'uth Will Prevail"

'orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, NOVEMBER 6, 1959


' " _ , - *' -.-tt, *i', ,. .
1 4

'Hound Dog Man'
Becomes Morass
FABULOUS FABIAN and "that Blue Denim girl," Carol Linley. lead
a cast of hundreds-hundreds of pigs, dogs, and raccoons-in "a
motion picture aglow with first love and young adventure," to wit,
"Hound Dog Man." Yes, friends, this is a back-woodsy type flick where
men lead the simple life and go a-fishin' and a-huntin'.
And with wholesome, healthy, back-woodsy Fabian leading the
way, the film becomes a 90-minute morass of mush, cliches and


Apathetic Student "Attitude
Causes Low Council Vote

VER THE PAST two years the voting totals
in Student Government Council elections
re dropped almost 40 per cent after remain-
relatively static for a period of almost three
rs. Of course, the easy way to explain such
rop is to merely comment "student apathy"
d let it go at that. Unfortunately, such a
m explains nothing.
t is true that when only 3,500 out of almost
300 students vote, there must be some ele-!
,t of apathy involved. Whether the low vote
ms from a.lack of interest in SGC and its
grams or is merely indicative of the student
ithy on campus cannot be known for sure.
?articipation in programs such as the bike
,tion, book exchange, Reading and Discus-
a certainly show students are interested in
areas in which SGC works. Unfortunately
the promotion of SGC, most of these pro-
Ims are administrated by either a single
incil member or by committee men. Be-
se of this, the relationship between SGC
I the program is usually never known or
n forgotten.
.here is no reason for a student who is only
erested in participating in discussions on
rwinism to bdther to cast a vote for people
o he feels serve no concrete purpose and
y like to play "make-believe" campus leaders.
[SO LEADING to the apathy in the recent
election was the complete lack of any large
ae to draw the students out to vote. Discus-
n about parking, academic freedom, con-
ng and so forth may be interesting but are
d y the sort of issues that will have stu-
its vote by the thousands. These are issues
,t make no lastiig impression. Only issues
ectly against what students believe or of
at magnitude 'will be lasting enough to
mpt them to take the trouble to vote. No

issues such as these were evident in the elec-
Even more than these factors, the biggest
one for the small vote is the general student
apathy, not only toward SGC but toward ev-
erything non-academic in general. Even the
various student political organizations on cam-
pus have trouble keeping their membership
high enough to have a full slate of candidates.
And these organizations are not involved with
things such as calendaring, and parking but
with non-campus issues.
IT SEEMS that after living under the threat
of atmoic holocaust for over 15 years, we can
be indifferent to Just about anything. Now,
students seem to have lost interest in every-
thing but going to classes, studying and going
out on weekends. And in this existence they
move day to day and month to month until
graduation. Something such as SGC does not
have a chance to break into this rigid pattern
of day to day existence.
As it appears today SGC should continue in
offering its services to the campus and pos-
sibly expanding in areas of criticism and rec-
ommendation. The interest in the various pro-
grams that are set up by SGC combined with
the momentary interest caused by the elec-
tions will probably be sufficient to keep th'e
vote above 3,000.
The chance of raising student interest sefms
to be fairly slight. Just because students are
interested in some of the programs of SGC is
no reason to expect that they will vote,. SGC
can do just as good a job with only three or
four thousand voting as with 24,000. Until SGC
realizes this, the emphasis on higher numbers
of voters can only bring disappointment.

o o
'i'ce r~w ... . "w _° ' '" ;. ,y



cOPIF~It, 1910 hePtrntevPubobtugCo.
St, touis Post-Dlsatcb

Herblock is away due to illness

cNde' Offers Worldly Fun

T00 Much Domestic Politics

JCCESS IN our foreign policy and diplomacy
in the next year will be of critical import-
ce to every American, particularly now that
re actually etists a possibility of relaxing
st-West tension. President Eisenhower's trip
Russia and the planned summit conference
Kt spring may have a profound effect upon
entire cold'war.
Yet, chief Republican party leaders look at
h events not as to their impact upon the
ieral welfare of the nation, but merely as a
ans of gaining further support for the GOP
1960. What was' the point of delaying the
sident's visit to Russia until spring when
campaign begins for the Republicans? It
uld appear more logical for his visit to
ectly follow Khrushchev's. Was the real
son for Nixon's preliminary visit primarily
itical? Although these considerations prove
hing, there is a definite implication that the
publicans are planning their campaign early.
$EN, WHAT IS one left to think when the
Republican National Party Chairman,,
ruston Morton openly commented. recently.
>ut the coming visit: "If it comes off well,
nay be a political asset to the Republicans.
b if it comes off poorly, it might go the other
Y." Morton expressed little interest in the
ults of Khrushchev's trip here because, it
n't become a partisan issue."

Besides demonstrating a basically narrow.
minded attitude, Morton's statement seems
contradictory to any philosophy of bi-partisan
foreign policy, so necessary for any real advance
in the conduct of international relations. When
domestic political parties become so wrapped
up in themselves that they think only of how
a diplomatic move may effect their own political
fortunes, rather than how it will promote the
general welfare of the nation, they have lost
sight of their real purpose.
PARTIES HAVE BECOME huge organizations
bent mainly upon enhancing their own
power. In this, they often forget their national
ideals and goals by constantly concentrating
their efforts on building up a man who can win
elections for them, without much greater pur-
pose in mind.
Republicans are pleased that Mr. Nixon's trip
"came off well." Are they pleased because of
the progress, if any, he made in Soviet-Ameri-
can relations, or primarily because he has now
become' a bigger threat at the polls? Is this
also why many Democrats ;doubt the merit of
the trip?
Will this inane and potentially damaging
domestic party rivalry in foreign affairs ever
cease? Let's hope it does before the summit

NOEL COWARD'S spoof of the
art world, "Nude With Violin,"
takes on special interest because
it deals with a man who has de-
ceived the entire world of modern
art for years, by having other
people pain the pictures that made
him famous.
Paul Sorodin had three periods
of creative activity during which
he opened up whole new vistas for
the painting avante-guarde. He
was currently embarking on a new
period, "neo-infantialism" when
he died.
His family, consisting of his
wife, whom he left in 1928, his
daughter and son and daughter-
in-law, both clods, make the jour-,
ney from England to Paris to at-
tend the funeral, at which they
shed the required number of tears.
Actually, they have come to find
out if there was a will. Instead of
that, Sorodin left a letter in which
he admitted the hoax he had been
pulling. The problem is then to
find the artist who really painted
the 'Masterpieces in order to pre-
vent a scandal.

IT FINALLY develops that there
was an artist for each period -
a tempestuous Russian princess
given to biting thighs', a tart who
wants to set up her latest gigolo
as a chicken farmer, and a re-
ligious fanatic from Jamaica: Each
artist is given the proper amount
of money, and Sorodin's reputa-
tion remains unsullied.
Coward undoubtedly wrote the
principle role, the late artist's
faithful valet, for himself. Sebas-
tien is a one man United Nations,
has been absolutely every)where,
and has done everything worth
doing. Following such a master as
Coward in this role is an extreme-
ly difficult assignment which Rob-
ert Green carries off remarkably
Without actually imitating the
marvelous Coward presence and
d e l i v e r y, Mr. Green expertly
handles the engagingly weary so-
phistication that is Coward's
AS THE RUSSIAN princess,
Adelaide Suits is a comic delight.

She just exudes the worldliness
that her costume -- a little black
dress with scarlet gloves and
shoes, denote.
His 1934-39 companion, Cherry-
May Waterton, who was respon-
sible for his second artistic period,
is vividly portrayed by Eve Haynes.
Cherry-May's ability to be delight-
fully vulgar and to murder the
French language seems', child's
play in the hands of Miss Haynes.'
Tom Lillard as Cherry-May's
protege and Murray Barasch as
the press photographer are minia-
ture masterpieces of comedy at its
highest level.
* * *
SORODIN'S dull family is un-
fortunately dull. The artist's wife
and children seem to lack the con-
viction that makes the other per-
formances so enjoyable.-
Director William Taylor's pro-
duction builds slowly into a riot-
ously funny final scene. Mr. Tay-
lor's direction keeps his chairacters
moving fast, but not quite fast
enough to make the show, a tri-
--Patrick Chester

downright woof. Fabian, for those
of you who are not music lovers,
is a teen-age Elvis sans palsy. He
needless to say, can't sing either.
The, film has no plot-merely
episodes like The Big Raccoon
Hunt, and The Fight and Boy
Meets Dog. You all will be happy
to know that Miss Linley has
learned from experience and now
has adopted the motto."Marriage
or Nothing." While she is warding
off friend Blacky (Stuart Whit-
man) Fabian's little heart pitter-
pats for Dodie "Pink Shoe Laces"
Stevens. Love finds a way and
everyone runs off to a taffy pull
or something.
* * S
acting in such a moronic motion
picture but it is safe to say no
Oscars are in store, unless they
initiate an award for unintentional
comedy. Like Carol Linley's daddy
who goes out in his long Johns
every morning to play the violin
as the sun rises because he sees
"the hand of God!" Or the pig
keeper's wife, Suzabelle, who comes
from the city ("Oh, she's a brazen
one") and ' runs around vamping
people. Luring them to destruction
If you feel like going to a show
to boo, hiss, scream, holler and
stamp,this is for you. If you've
just flunked a blue book and need
to feel superior, this is for you.
If you want to laugh until you
drop, look no further; this is it.
In all, this film is 'so bad its
-Thomas Kabaker
Situat ion
Assoelated Press News Analyst
C UBA'S Fidel Castro is in deep,
deep trouble.
There is even reason to wonder
whether he will last out his first
full year of triumph, power and ,
The violence of the young revo-
lutionary leader's attacks on the
United States bespeaks despera-
tion, the need for a scapegoat to
share his troubles and shulder
the burden of his blame.
MUCH OF Castro's trouble is
economic, but plenty of it is poli-
tical, too. If he does weather the
storm and survive, he will likely
be at the mercy of the extreme left
in Cuba. An ideal situation can
develop for the island's Commun-
Castro has so deeply embittered
and isolated Cuba's sturdy middle
class that he has nowhere to turn
for support except to excesses by
unthinking masses and the dubious
favors of the left extremists. They
will be his only rutch, and in
effect they, the Communists
among them, will be running the
island's affairs behind the scenes.
The Communists themselves have
no real' intention of trying to
strike for outward power in Cuba.
WHEN THIS correspondent was
in Cuba this summer there was
frequent talk among middle class
elements that somehow a way
must be found to get rid of Castro
and his United States - hating
younger brother Raul, who now
has full control of the armed
They would whisper that if one
brother went, the other would have
to go, too, since Castro last Janu-
ary, at the height of his popularity
as the vanquisher of the Batista.
dictatorship, announced Raul "is
capable of substituting for me if
I should have to die." To Castro

opponents, Raul is far more fright-
ening than Fidel.
Castro's enemies now include
farmers, cattlement,- big and little
businessmen and not a few in the
ranks of labor who have been
abused and shunted aside in favor
of known Communists. Also among
his enemies are the relatives and
friends of the hundreds he sent to
the firing squads, and possibly the
hundreds more who will suffer the'
same fate. Among them, too, are
the disillusioned ones who be-
lieved in the revolution and now
see nothing but chaos and confu-
* * *
ECONOM CALLY Castro is in
deep difficulties. Cuba's earnings
from sugar, her main crop and
main pillar of the economy, are
off probably a good deal more than
100 million dollars. She even has
been selling sugar below the world
market price to the Russians.
Tf i t. ird'notfrThiele Sam.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication, Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 40
General Notices
Students who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 '(Korea G. Bill) or
Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must
sign ;Monthly Certification, VA Form
VB7-6553; in the Office of Veterans Af-
fairs, 142 Admin. Bldg. before 3:30 p.m,.
Fri., Nov. . Office hours during the
monthly certification period are: 8:30-
11:15 am., 1:15-3:30 p.m.
New University of Miclgan Graduate
Screening Examinations in French and
'iGerman. All graduate students desir-
ing to fulfill their foreign language re-
quirement by passing the written exam-
ination given by Prof. Lewis (formerly
given by Prof. Hootkins) must first pass
an objective screening examination.
The objective examinations will be giv-
en four times each semester (i.e., Sept.,
Oct., Nov., December, Feb., March, Ap-
ril, and May) andi once during the
Summer lession, in July. Students who
fail the objective 'examination may re-
peat it but not at consecutive admin-
istrations of the test (e.g., Sept. and
Oct.) except when the rtwo adminis-
trations are separated by more than
35 days (e.g., Dec. and Feb.),
The next administration of the ob-
jective examinations in French' and
German will be on wed., Nov. 18 in
Aud. C, Angell Hall at 7:00 to :00 p.m.
Within 24.hours after the examinations
the names of students who have passed
will be posted on the Bulletin Board
outside the office of Prof. Lewis, the
Examiner in Foreign 'Languages, Rm.
3028 Rackhamn Bldg.
Students desiring to fulfill the Grad-
uate School's requirement in French
and German are alerted to an alternate
path. A grade of B or better in French
12 and German 12 wil satisfy the tor-
eign language requirement. A grade of
B or better in French 11 and German 11
Is the equivalent of having passed the
objective screening examination,
Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Night. Fn.
Nov. 6, 8:00 p.m., Em. 2003kAngell Hall.
Dr. Alan Barrett will speak on "Radio
Astronomy." After the lecture the Stu-
dent Observatory on the fifth floor 'of
Angell Hall will be open for'inspection
and for telescopic observations of the
Moon and Double Star. Children ,wel-
comed, but must be accompanied by
The Stearns Collection of Musical In-
struments will be open on Tuesdays
and Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. Enter at
East Circle Drive (across from the
Choral Union Members are reminded
that courtesy passes to the Richard
Tucker concert tonight are to be piof0
up today at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Tower, dur-
ing the hours 9:00 to 11:30, and 1:00 to
4:30. After 4:30 no tickets will be issued
The following student-sponsoed so-
cfal events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock
noon on Tuesday prior to the event.
Nov. 6: Angell Hae., Delta Gamma,
Gomberg Hse., Hinsdale Hse., Lloyd
Hse~. Phi Delta Phi, Prescott Hse., Sigma
Kappa, Martha Cook.
Nov. 7: Cooley Hse., Delta Sigma Phi,
Delta Tau Delta, Greene Hse., Kelsey
Hse. LambdaChi Alpha, Michigan RHe.,
Phi Chii, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Psi,
Reeves Hse., Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta
Chi, Zeta Beta Tau, Theta Delta Chi,
Chi Phi.
Nov. 8: Adelia Cheever Hse., Martha
Cook, Phi Delta Phi, Victor Vaughan.
Concert. Richard Tucker, leading
tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany will be heard in the fourth con-
cert in the Choral Union Series Fri.,
Nov.. 6, at 8:30 in Hill And. Accom-
panied by Alexander Alexay, Mr. Tucker
will present a program of operatic arias
from Mehul's "Joseph;" Mascagni's

"Cavalleria Rusticana;" Bizet's "Pearl
Fishers;" and songs by Schubert,
rahms, Carpenter, Weaver, Lippe, Fal-
vo, and Nutile.
A limited number of tickets are stil
available at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton Tower
during office hours; -and will be on
sale at the Hill Aud. Box office on the
night of the concert after 7 o'clock.
Samuel Marti, guest lecturer, will
speak on the subject "Art and the Mu-
sic of the Mayas" on Fri., Nov. 6 at 4:15
p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hall. His lec-
ture will be illustrated with slides aid
recordings and will be open to'the gen-
eral public.
Bachmann Memorial Lecture: Prof,
'R. B. Woodward of Harvard University
will speak on "lRecent Advances in the
Chemistry of Natural. Products," on
Mon., Nov. 9, at 4:10 p.m. in Natural
Science Aud.
Academic Notices
Symposium with audience participa-

Writer Attacks Gen. Marshall''


Associated Press News Analyst
)RESIDENT Eisenhower's forthcoming good-
will trip to nine foreign countries will tran-
end anything of this nature ever attempted
y a President.
It also emphasizes the changing face of big-
ower small-power relation which has occurred
i recent years.
For many years the big powers used to send
aval contingents around the world, "showing
le flag" to remind less powerful countries, and
metimes each other, how they were expected
Now, instead of showing'the face of power,
Editorial Staff
litorial Director City Editor
HARLES KOZOLL...............Personnel Director
)AN KAATZ. .............. Magazine Editor
ARTON HUTHWAITE ............. Feature§ Editor
M BENAGH.....................Sports Editor
ELMA SAWATA ......Associate Personnel Director
kMES BOW ...,..... ... Associate City Editor
JSAN HOLTZEit.......Associate Editorial Director
ETER DAWSON ............ Contributing Editor
AVE LYON.,...........Associate Sports Editor,


Trip Unique
the,, United States emphasizes the face of
friendship and cooperation in the development
of countries which once were little more than
pawns in big power diplomacy.
THE PICTURE of the President of the United
States packing his bags and striking out for
places like Ankara, Karachi, Kabul, New Delhi,
Athens, Teheran and Rabat, trying to sell them
on American policy, is an amazing one.
For many months, now, American efforts
have been directed toward maintaining the
status quo in Germany and Europe. Since the
war, a great deal more mutual aid money has
gone to Europe and to Asia.
The Soviet Union, on the other hand, has
sent numerous goodwill missions into Asia,
ranging from Khrushchev 'on down, and has
nmade progress in her program of economic
Kabul, in Afganistan, is especially a place
where American postwar economic efforts have.
been largely supplanted by Soviet activity.
There has been worry about it in the Western
BUT WHOEVER thought that the President
of the United States himself would attempt
to show the flag of friendship there and get
things back into balance?
The President has chosen a time which not
nn1v~ fits his dA erminratin n, k P-a ~h fra he

To The Editor:
A SHORT time ago this nation
mourned the loss of a soldier.
This is only natural; for when a
man devotes his life in the ser-
vice of his country, it is fitting for
that nation to pay its tribute.
However, there are certain indi-
viduals who are'not worthy of the
praise heaped upon them, and one
of these is the late George C. Mar-
shall. Ex-President Truman has
declared, "To him, as much as to
any individual, the U.S. owes its
After a careful examination of
Marshall's career, I am forced to
agree With Mr. Truman. The di-
rection of Marshall's contribution
is a different story entirely. His-
tory reveals that man: of the
blunders committed during the
War, and in the post-war period,
can be attributed to George Mar-
* * *
MARSHALL has often been
hailed as a great military figure,
but the facts tell a different story.
His service in World War I con-
sisted of staff duties, and later
he became aide to General Per-
shing. During the years of peace
that followed, Pershing attempted
to get his protege promoted. Gen-
eral MacArthur, who was then
Chief of Staff, noted that Mar-
shall had never commanded
troops, and proceeded to correct
this situation.
In 1932, MacArthur gave Colo-
nel Marshall the command of the
8th Infantry, which was one of
the finest regiments in the Army.
This assignment also carried the
secondary duty of overseeing sev-
CCC camps in the area, and Mar-
.<knI1 hprn, r nrri.jj oRnwnyith

and in 1939, President Roosevelt
jumped him over the heads of
thirty-four senior generals to be-
come Chief of Staff. Such was the
heroic rise of George Marshall.
* * *
MARSHALL'S next opportunity
to distinguish himself came on
December 7, 1941. Our intelligence
experts had broken the Japanese
Purple Code as early as Septem-
ber, 1941, and had accumulated a
file of thirteen intercepted mes-
sages. We knew that Japan was
interested in the activity of our
Pacific fleet, and we also aware
that she was plotting our defens-
ive positions at Pearl Harbor.
Marshall was advised that a
very important dispatch from
Tokyo to the Japanese Embassy
was expected to arrive in Wash-
ington on Sunday, Dec. 7. The
message arrived as predicted, and
tipped us off to the oncoming at-'
tack. Marshall could not be lo-
cated when the dispatch was de-
coded, and it was impossible to-
send the warning to Hawaii. Lat-
er that eventful morning the Chief
of Staff was found, and came to
his office.
The commanders at Pearl Har-
bor were notified of the danger
two hours before the attack, how-
ever, the message was sent via
commercial code. It arrived sev-
eral hours after nearly 3,000
Americans- had died. In later in-
vestigations, Marshall could not
explain why he failed to use the
priority military channel in trans-
mittal of the warning. This was
the contribution of George Mar-
shall on the "Day of Infamy."

Thanks to Marshall's astute un-
derstanding of the China prob-
lem, the U.S. lost the ally of Free
China. Marshall demanded that
Chiang Kai-Shek unify his coun-
try by taking the Communists in-
to his government. Actually Mar-
shall didn't consider Mao and his
followers to be Communists; they
were simply "agrarian reformers."
When Chiang refused to comply,
Marshall cut off all military aid.
He later declared, that he, Mar-
shall, "had disarmed Chiang's
government with the stroke of a
Apparently Marshall had for-
gotten that one of our major war
aims had been to defeat Japan,
restore order to China. The aid
which was vital to the Nationalist
cause, had been voted by Con-
gress-usually interpreted as voic-
ing the general will of the peo-
ple. Meanwhile, Russia continued
'to supply the Reds, and shortly,
thereafter, -the free world lost
some 600 million former members.
* * *
THUS ONE may see the various
contributions that George Mar-
shall made on behalf of his coun-
try. Today, after a complete mili-
tary victory, America is in a rath-
er unenviable position. Why. is
this? One reason is because our
leaders failed to understand the.
political implications of the war.
There was some mention of ideals,
but unlike our allies, our leaders
had no tangible objectives. Rus-
sia wanted control of Central Eu-
rope, and got it; Britain needed
her Empire, and kept it; America
wanted nothing, and received no-


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