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November 04, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-11-04

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} Seventieth Year

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Wl Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Ann Arbor: Possible Site
For New Professional Theatre

AGAIN THE opportunity has arisen for Ann
Arbor to be the site of a professional theatre.
Will interested residents and students dis-
play their enthusiasm for this project or will
they let some other city take advantage of this
It is not such an absurd idea that the rela-
tively small community of Ann Arbor could
support a theatre as well as a large city such
as San Francisco. Ann Arbor is extraordinary
for its size in that it can boast many the cul-
tural activities brought to town by the presence
of the University. There is definitly an existing
interest in the establishment of a theatre'here;
however, it still remains to be seen if that in-
terest is strong enough.
PAST INTEREST and initiative were shown
by the Dramatic Arts Center when they at-
tempted to form a professional theatre and cul-

tural center in Ann Arbor several years ago, but
failed because of lack. of financial support. It
was the inquiry of this group that brought
theatrical producer, Oliver Rea to town Satur-
The DAC may have attempted to establish
a professional theatre here, but never has a
theatre of this size and importance of the one
now planned been considered.
This theatre could bring added culture and
national prestige and esteem to this active
community. Michigan would become the first
university to have a professional theatre oper-
ating on its campus.
If a success, the theatre and the com-
munity would become a unique and valuable
training ground for American actors and thea-
tre people.

'Womens Week' and Its Goals

N EXPERIMENT in "Weeks" has begun;
and it is for the benefit of you and me as
niversity women. Mothers, sociologists, and
uture husbands are only a few sorts of indi-
iduals who are becoming increasingly confused
bout what women are doing - and why.
During "Women's Week," President Hatcher,
ir Dean of Women, other administrators and
aculty, plus international women are join-
ig us in evaluating our role as women in
Why bother at all?
FE SUBTITLE for the week is "A Looking
Glass of Conflicting Goals." What your
oals are, and how you feel about them, de-
ends on you. In fact, it is the wide variety
f women's viewpoints about what they want
it of life that makes their situation so con-
using. Because of this, the following para-
raphs reflect only one of many viewpoints.
Why are some women faced with conflicting
oals? The problem begins with the fact that
variety of goals are open to us. One goal -
arriage - is what most persons expect wo-
en to aim at, and so women tend to follow
heir expectations. This is a part of what is
)metimes called "socialization."
While we attend college, if not before, some
us become duly impressed with the aims of
igher education. For approximately four stim-
lating years we are students, both officially
nd in fact. The University encourages us to
e good students, to see education for its own
ike, and to develop our individual interests
ad abilities. Many of us believe in and con-
antly direct ourselves toward these ends.
So far there is no conflict, unless we be-
>me very interested in a particular field or
areer. Then, because our beliefs, interests and

abilities do not disappear on Commencement
Day, they sometimes collide with our expected
future role as a Wife.
WE. CAN EITHER strike a balance or side-
step the situation by giving up the home
or the career. Obvious as these alternatives ap-
pear, yet they often result in disappointment.
The career girl wishes she were married; the
"housewife" no longer feels intellectually stim-
ulated. There are as many variations between
these extremes as there are women.
Each individual is in a unique situation; and
it is up to her to be aware of it, so that she can
come to the most satisfactory conclusions pos-
sible to fulfill her own particular needs. Cer-
tainly we can't easily resolve these difficult
conflicts in our own minds, but I would like
to offer one approach.
CAN THINK of nothing which is more cre-
ative or challenging than raising a child or
contributing to the home in which we and our
husbands and children will live. The develop-
ment of a home requires the development of
ourselves; and this involves all phases of our-
selves and our interests-cultural and intel-
lectual, as well as in homemaking.
I do not mean to imply that the home is
the only place in - which a woman can derive
creative satisfaction or be of value.
But perhaps we have a tendency to overem-
phasize the kind of routine existence which is
associated with the word "housewife." It is up
to us to develop and take responsibility for the
creative, constructive potential of homemaking.
President, Women's League
Guest Writer ,

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar-
ticle is excerpted from David Boroff's
"On Wisconsin!" in the October is-
sue of Harper's.)
THE UNIVERSITY of Wisconsin,
encompassing hill and wood
and plain and fronting the waters
of Lake Mendota, is a merging of
dizzying polarities. It is a state in-
stitution with relaxed admission
standards. ("Any high - school
graduate in the state who really
wants to can shoulder his way in,"
an official admitted.) Nevertheless,
it is one of America's great uni-
versities;-in many ways the arche-
type of the Big Ten-with a Ph.D.
production rate up among the
Amiably schizophrenic, it is at
once an intellectual center and a
playground for adolescents. Beer
cascades endlessly, as one might
expect in Wisconsin. Yet the Stu-
dent Union sells five times as
much milk as beer.
U1W is a seat of liberalism, and
its academic freedom statement
of 1894 still reverberates; but the
supervision of student life is re-
pressively mid-Victorian.
* * *
THE UNIQUE flavor of the
school - the way citizen-student
and administrator stand nose to
nose-was reflected in a recent
meeting of the Contemporary
Trends class at which President
Conrad Elvehem was a speaker.
A sports-shirted student got up
and asked bluntly if friction be-
tween the President and Dr.
Joshua Lederberg was responsible
for the departure of the Nobel
Prize winner to the promised land
of Stanford University. This stuck
Dr. Elvehem as an entirely rea-
sonable question, and he explained
Lederberg's departure in terms of
shifting' research interests.
SOCIAL cartographers abound
at UW, and they are quick to di-
vide the students into Langdon
Street (fraternity row), the dorm
crowd, and the Independents.
Langdon Street is identified with
fun, anti-intellectual vigilantism,
and consumption of beer little less
than heroic. The dorm students-
most of them at the far end of
campus-are reputed to be small-
town or rural, ingenuous, and in-
tellectually unformed. The Inde-
pendents spill out of rooming
houses and apartments to oppose
Langdon Street Philitia
* * *
CARNAL anarchy prevails no
more at UW than at other univer-
sities. Certainly, the administra-
tion exercises a steely-eyed vigi-
lance. Nevertheless, in warm
weather there are beaches and
cars. In the winter, according to a
dorm supervisor, "sex is more
This generation of students is
much given to trappings of virtue.
A member of a big "social" fra-
ternity said: "Oh, the boys talk
about sexy girls. They like to take
them out once or twice but don't
want to go steady with them." And
the women students, for the most
part, are girdled in propriety.
However, one girl, a free-wheeling
Independent, observed tartly:
"The vividness with which so
many nice girls describe what hap-
pens to other girls would suggest
that they're not as pure as they
Last Spring, a mass-circulation
magazine featured a provocative
article entitled: "Are We Making
a Playground Out of College?" In
it, UW was severely castigated as a
high capital of frivolity. The Daily
Cardinal, UW's newspaper, said:
"We've made Wisconsin a play-

ground; it's up to us to reconvert
it into an institution of higher
. * * *
HOW MUCH fun is enough?
Has the University attained a bal-
ance between the life of ideas and
extracurricular activity, or is the
very notion of a great university
sponsoring the elaborate apparatus
of fun an absurdity?
This much is clear: the pursuit
of fun is ubiquitous. There is lit-
tle surcease from the relentless se-

quence of Homecoming (floats and
parades), Humorology (skits),
Campus Carnival, Haresfoot ("All
our girls are men, and everyone's
a lady"), weekends on lakes (for
which the fraternities charter
buses), dances, and parties, par-
ties, parties. One of these was a
"Pink and Blue Party" where; in
an unwitting parody of themselves,
the boys came in blue, the girls
in pink, "and they were all sup-
posed to look like children."
THE ROYAL road to matrimony
was outlined to me: lavaliered in
the sophomore year; pinned in the
junior year; engaged in the sen-
ior year. To be sure, there are
anxieties. A sorority girl con-
tfessed that if she is dateless on
Saturday night she hesitates to be
seen on Langdon Street.
"I think it's a freshman's
ischool," a sophomore girl said.
'"Freshman year is a big blast.
;You're a new face and it's all
snow and beer and fraternities.
iThen when you're a sophomore
tyou see the boys on the street,
and it's just 'Hi. In the mean-
time, they're looking over the new
THE BULLETIN boards proclaim
the teeming diversity of campus,
life. Under the sign for the An-
nual Military Ball (ROTC formal)
is the announcement of the third
annual anti-Military Ball (infor-

mal, with recorded music) whose
theme is "The Street Where You
Lived, or Dig You Later, Atom
Wisconsin, of course, has Big
Fotball. Even the morehserious
students respond. to the zip and
sparkle of a football weekend. One
student described football as the
only communal activity at the Uni-
versity, and he spoke with genu-
ine affection of the march to the
stadium ("Nobody would think of
But football players have be-
come seriously devalued in recent
years. They are Saturday's chil-
dren, neglected the rest of the
WHAT ABOUT intellectual life
at UW? Estimates vary. A recent.
study reveals that the University,
despite its open-house philosophy,
is getting. higher-ranking students
from high schools than do the
country's colleges as a whole.
But the flaccidity of intellectual
life grieves the faculty. "It's dif-
ficult to get them to talk," a dis-
tinguished teacher of literature
observed. "They're so accustomed
to a passive role."
A girl made a bold assertion
about mass education in one of
her courses. Her instructor chal-
lenged her thesis. "I take it back,"
she said meekly.
There is, to be sure, a free com-
merce of ideas on campus. It is
UW's proud boast that it was


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-Daily-David Cornwell
the last college campus to main-
tain a chapter of the Labor Youth
League, an allegedly Communist-
front group.
The small group finally died of
inanition, and the shriveling-up
process was no doubt accelerated
by the Student Handbook, which
let people know that the LYL was
on the Attorney General's list.
At one time, membership rosters
of organizations had to be sub-
mitted to the administration, but,
the students successfully fought
that regulation. The students have
also officially opposed loyalty
oaths in connection with the Na-
tional Defense Education Act.
* * *
THE FACULTY at UW is con-
sidered strong and no more fac-
tious than most. Salaries are good
but not good enough. The average
for a full professor is $10,052; as-
sociate professor, $7,572; assista-
ant professor, $6,166; instructor,
The campus, which has been
described as "sublime" by at least
one visiting Englishman, is sup-,
posed to be worth $1,000 a year,
but assent to this quaint notion by'
faculty is not, easily obtained.
Careerism rockets along at UW,
and relief is in sight only when
one is a full professor with ten-
ure. There is also fierce intercol-
legiate rivalry for academic tal-
ent, and a former president used
to keep a scoreboard of faculty
people who went to the University
of Michigan-the big rival-and

AND NEXT YEAR the 1960
Clause, which outlaws discrimina-
tion in fraternities and sororities,
goes into effect after a long and
bitter debate.
But the most acrimonious dia-
logue has to do with apartment
regulations and the supervision of
student life.
"Apartment living is new and
will increase," an official pointed
out, "but the rules are old and
outmoded." In truth, they smack
unpleasantly of 'a police state. A
male student living in a building
into which an unmarried woman
moves is required to move out. A
forty-five-year-old New Zealander
lived in the same building as a
seventy-one-year-old woman. Hal-
ed before the Student Conduct
Committee, he protested, "Really,
I had no designs on her."
THE UNIVERSITY views itself
bitiously extended that the new
shibboleth on campus is balance-
between teaching and research, be-
tween undergraduate and graduate
work, between the liberal arts and
professional education, between
service to the state and to the
Maintaining quality in a school
determined to give everyone a
chance is also a headache. The
fact that eight state schools have
changed over from normal schools
to four-year colleges may, in the
Future, drain off weaker students.
The University now gives ad-
vanced standing to particularly
able high school graduates, and it
is instituting an honors program
-but with a peculiarly egalitarian
twist. "Our hope is to help gifted
students without tagging them,"
the President said. "Our bright
people will learn by rubbing shoul-
iers with average ones."
A great tradition is a burden as
well as a joy. Has Wisconsin al-
ready had its great day? "There
is little doubt that it lost some of
its fire between the war:," Vice
President Harrington said. "There
was a deflation of idealism, and
other states began to originate
things." At present there is a re-
surgence, but to attain distinction
in a highly competitive period is
another matter. UW people cast a
troubled look at the West, where
the University of California-the
General Motors of higher educa-
tion-has been raiding faculties
remorselessly. "Our problem," Har-
rington said, "is to see if we can
keep the two dozen or so innovat-
ors on campus."
(Copyright 1959 by Harper & Broth-
ers. Reprinted from Harper's Magazine
by special permission.)

Liberals Face New Conditions, Concepts

The Big Anything Goes

NEW DELHI-Thus far I have seen nothing
in the Indian press on the American quiz
show scandals. Partly, I suppose, it is because
of the absence of TV here. I have therefore had
to catch up with the quiz confessions and in-
vestigations through the American press. I
write this just before the Van Doren testimony,
but, with benefit of the press saturation up to
that point.
Three sets of people are involved, and each
has a different-Measure and type of responsi-
bility for what happened. In the shows that
were rigged by their producers, the guilt of the
producers was direct, inescapable, overwhelm-
ing. They were the prime movers that set the
whole sequence in train.
The guilt of the contestants, whether they
were actively involved or passively by their
silence, was that of succombing to a tempting
bait-in short, of being had. The guilt of the
networks was that of blindness and acquies-
cence in a set-up where they made profits and
absolved themselves of responsibility for what
occurred on the premises.
pOR A CLOSER LOOK I start with the con-
testants. I am not very Impressed with the
people who are now discovering that they were
corrupted by accepting coaching, and are com-
ing forward to bear witness. After all, they
didn't have to get corrupted, and didn't have
to take the coaching. At any moment they could
have bowed out, and simply walked off the
condemned playground.
One gets the impression of the confessors as
a group from °every walk of life whose com-
mon thread was a fascination with the Big
Prizes. In the Never-never land in which every-
thing was possible, they were overfocused on
the impossible target that had become possible.
They were True Believers in the religion of the
big money, who were still unbelieving that any-
one should be willing to pay them so much. So
unbelieving were they, that the question of
how it was to be done seemed almost irrelevant.
Anyway it was aowhnllv new , et-un and thev

AS FOR THE masters of the set-up, the pro-
ducers of the shows, the air around them
was heady with the smell of success, and they
were so frantic with the fear of falling behind
that they finally came to bow down to the idol
of their tribe, the Big Anything-Goes.
The show-let's call it Twenty-One, to be
specific - was piling up sponsor enthusiasm,
audience interest, rating, publicity, piling them
up higher and higher. It finally rode you, in-
stead of your riding it. You couldn't let down
the sponsor, agency, network, audience. You
couldn't let down your contestants and your-,
So you did anything to push your show. You
took no chances at anything going wrong. You
did not leave to human nature and brains what
could be improved by art and the deliberate
fix. After all, everything in show-business is
supposed to be contrived beforehand. It was
impossible for these men who had been trained
in the discipline of show-business and press-
agentry to imagine values other than the tinsel
ones of their world. It was a world in which,
anything goes.
THERE REMAINS the network role. I am,
afraid that it was anything but a noble
one. The network executives now say that they
didn't know what was going on, which is hard
to believe. Many of them doubtless knew, but
they didn't dare rock the ratings.
How indeed could it be otherwise in an in-
dustry built on the principle ,not (as in other
areas of business) of selling a product to the
audience, but of selling the audience to a spon-
sor? CBS President Frank Stanton has dra-
matically announced that his network is peni-
tent and will run no other big quiz shows. This
is fine, but what it does is to put the burden
and blame on a particular kind of show rather
than on the principle which, in almost all
shows, leaves the, format and content of the
show to the sponsor and agency who are being
Far worse as an approach is the report that
the NBC executives are trying to sell the idea

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily pre-
sents here the last in a series of
articles on possible future develop-
ments in the liberal wing of the
Democratic party. The articles ori-
ginally appeared in The Economist,
an English journal devoted to world
politics and business.)
A MOVEMENT of this kind will
differ from the New Deal in
several respects. In the first place,
it is rapidly becoming a badge of
liberals to insist that the federal
government is responsible for de-
ciding the pace at which the na-
tional economy ought to expand.
Most of them agree with Mr. Leon
Keyserling, the former economic
adviser of President Truman, that
the government must, and can,
ensure an annual increase of four
to five per cent a year in the gross
national product.
This is an issue which simply
never confronted the New Deal"
because all its energies were bent
on hauling the economy back
from death's door. The liberals'
ideas about the way in which a
five per cent increase can be
achieved are still distinctly hazy;
but the challenge of Russian com-
petition is a spur to action just

as unemployment was in the nine-
IN THE SECOND place, many
liberals have begun to question
certain allegiances which went
unchallenged, a generation ago.
The last 'two sessions of Congress
have provided striking illustra-
tions of thechange.
When Congress has debated re-
cent farm bills, large numbers of
Democrats from the cities have
refused to vote for higher price
supports for agricultural commod;
ities. The middle-of-the-road la-
bour reform measure which was
defeated in the House of, Repre-
sentatives and. replaced by a
stricter one was hammered out in
committee by a number of Demo-
crats - such as Representatives
Thompson of New Jersey and
Udall of Arizona - who are cer-
tainly entitled to call themselves
In drafting what they felt to be
a reasonable. bill, they contended
with, and. overcame, some muscu-
lar opposition from individual
trade unions as well as the disap-
proval of the American Federation
of Labour and Congress of Indus-
trial Organisations. The Demo-
cratic party of the New Deal has
often been accused of having been
a coalition of special -interests,
though no doubt worthy ones, but
nqw the farmers and the trade
unions can no longer count on
the party leaping to their support
whenever they whistle.
*i * *
THE THIRD difference between
the nineteen-thirties and the,
nineteen-sixties is likelyto be the
most important one. Today's
shopping list for liberals concen-
trates chiefly on such things as
federal aid for housing and edu-
cation, health insurance for old
people and a better system of pub-
lic transport..
Mr. Schlesinger's recipe for
"qualitative" liberalism is based
on the belief that most of these
reforms are designed to improve
the "quality" of American life,
and are different from the "quan-
titative" rescue operations con-
ducted by the New Deal. The dis-
tinction is partly semantic; the
hacsin nrehlnmws __a++iAn avano h

the economic chaos which preced-
ed it; the liberals who then came
into power had virtually carte,
blanche, at least in the firstrfew
years, to take what measures they
thought fit.
TODAY'S liberals have to per-
suade an electorate, the majority
of which is reclining comfortably
on the cushions 'of', prosperity,. to
accept expensive reforms in the
name of the.national interest and
the welfare of the less fortunate
minority.'It has yet to be proved
that a liberal programme, is realis-.
able in such circumstances. That
is why "practical" liberals, with a
cautious eye cocked on the voters
in the comfortable suburbs, are
looking for a formula which can'.
rally the middle class.
The new Democratic radicalism
-if it ever emerges from the
realms of theory-will have a

novel appearance. It cannot rely
with assurance on what Marxists
would call the alliance between
intellectuals, workers and peas-
ants, which was roughly the four-
dation on which- the New Deal
was built. Instead it has to recruit
a substantial part of the new
middle class into which so many
of the "workers and peasants"
have been transformed. At the
moment, these feel no more than
a vague uneasiness about the way
their country is being run.
The liberals have the enormous
task of persuading them to con-
vert some of the goods which
they can see in front of their eyes
-the television sets, cars and
heaped supermarkets - into less
obvious benefits like better,schools,
stronger national defence and as-
sistance to poor people at home
and abroad.
-The Economist


More Good Stories.
From Mysterious Pens

DEVOTEES of the crime fiction
cult have a new Ellery Queen.
anthology to browse through, one
which has both good, very good
and less-than-good stories, as
The 14th Mystery Annual, like
many of the others, contains
stories old and new, by authors
with well-established names in
both the detective story and
"straight" fiction fields and com-
parative new-comers to the writ-
ing field. Also included is the bo-
nus of a short story which won
the "Best 'First Story' of the
Year" award in the contest held
annually by Ellery Queen's Mys-
tery Magazine.
'* **

mess of limp rags, bits of velvet
and silk . . . origin unknown," who
slowly takes over a dressmaker's
shop in London, this story builds
to an unexpected and almost-
funny climax..
Bradbury's orientation in this
story, as in his other works, is
* * *
"THE LONG Black Shadow,"
which brought authoress Rose-
mary Gibbons a first prize in EQ's
short story contest, was written
for a creative writing course
known as English 341 at the Uni-
versity of Texas. Written in the
first person, it is an incident in
the life of two little boys, one Ne-
grn a n nh white- vt is aolmnthe

The Daily' official Bulletin lisan
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 pm. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 38
General Notwes
The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship
amounting to $134.87 (interest on the
endowment fund) is available to single
undergraduate women, who are wholly
or partially self-supporting, and who
do not live in University Residence
Halls or sorority houses. Girls.with
better than average scholarship and
need will be considered. Application
blanks are available from the Alumnae
Secretary, Alumni Memorial Hall and
should be fliled by Nov. 30, 1959. Award
will be granted for use during the
second semester of the current aca-
demic year, 1959-60 and will be an-
nounced by the end of this semester.
Law School: "Mastery of the Law," a
film depicting legal education at the
University of Michigan, will be shown
at 2:30 p.m. and at 3:30 p.m. Wed.,

Public Law 550 (Korea ..I. Bill) or
Public -Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must
sign Monthly Certification, VA Form
VB7-6553, in the Office of veterans Af-
fairs, 142 Admin. Bldg. before 3:30 p.m,.
Fri., Nov. 6. Office hours during, the
monthly certification period are: 8:30-
11:15 a.m., 1:15-3:30 p.m.
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
cil, Nov. 5:, 5 p.m., Council Room.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer reports: President -- Letters;
Vice-President (Exec.);dVice-President
(Admin.); Treasurer -- Appropriation,
minutes mailings, Financial authoriza-
Old Business: Regulations Booklet re-
Committee reports: Student Activities
Committee - Activities.
New Business: Minutes mailings;
Book Exchange, Seating of candidates.
Members and constituents time.
Mail orders are now being accepted
for tickets to Donizetti's opera, "Don
Pasquale," to be presented Thurs.-Sat.,
Nov. 19-21, with the School of Music.
General admission unreserved seating
only- $1.00. Mail orders should be ad-
dressed to: Play Production, Box Office,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Checks
payableto PlayProduction. Single
tickets also available for remaining
productions, including "Epitaph for

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